

"HOW COULD YOU JUST SAY THAT, DO YOU THINK I W...." Emerald was not able to complete her sentence as Alex's lips smashed into hers, shutting her up. "What should I do about the crown prince?" Emerald asked once she was free from Alex's embrace. "Marry him." came the response from Alex that made Emerald mad. 'How could he say such things to her after bonding her to him.' She thought. "WHAT DO YOU TAKE M...." Emerald tried to say but was again silenced when Alex kissed her again. Emerald's eyes widened. 'How can someone be a pervert to that degree?' she inwardly questioned. Emerald did not want to admit it but she loved it when she was silenced like this. Alex on the other hand, thought it was time for him to reveal himself to her. He concentrated on removing the spell that hid his true appearance. Blue lights began to circulate around Alex. His blonde hair began to change back to its original colour, black. Whilst his formerly black irisis began to go back to his usual eye colour, gold. Feeling the kiss was lasting too long, Emerald opened her eyes to meet a pair of golden eyes starring at her. Only one group of people have that eye colour, The royal family of Hansonia! pushing back from Alex's embrace, Emerald saw the Crown Prince of Hansonia smile at her. Come witness the journey of two people. Join them as they both uncover the Mistry that surrounds them. Watch as their love grow into something powerful.

Tech_King · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs


Alex, John and Nick were quick ro reach the palace. Even though they reached before nightfall, it was quite early for them.

John looked at Alex who appeared to have spaced out again. What is wrong with him? John didn't even bother to disturb himself thinking.


"Why are you sighing so much? I've even lost count of the number of times you sighed."

Alex looked at John and heaved another sigh. He averted his gaze from John the moment their eyes met. John was about to speak, but was interrupted by Nick who was sent to scout the area for any guards.

" The cost is clear Sir." He reported smilling like he successfully completed a very important mission.

To Nick's dismay, John just nodded at him. 'Not even a compliment?' Nick turned to the crown prince, expecting a compliment from him, but immediately forgot what ever he wanted because the prince looked like a frozen statue.

'What's up with him?' Nick wondered.

Alex was literally dragged by John to his room. Alex was so lost in his thought that he did not notice that they were already in his room. He did not even notice when John and Nick left the room. Alex snapped out of his train of thoughts and let out a tired sigh before falling on the bed.


the hooded girl walked stealthily towards the window to her room. She stood rooted to the ground when she saw her father staring at her.

"Where were you?"

"I went for my usual walk, father"

He mastered her for a while before he nodded at her. He did not know why this daughter of his liked to go for walks in the forest. He had suggested that she took a guard with her several times, but she kept refusing. Emerald was glad that her father was letting her go without too many questions. She walked towards her room this time but halted when her father called her. Emerald turned to face him wondering what it was this time. The Barron starred at the hairpin that was neatly placed on his daughter's hair. His eyes narrowed. Wasn't that the same hairpin he lost to that brat (Alex). He couldn't believe that he actually lost, and that too, because of a kid. He wanted to ask his daughter where she obtained the pin from, but he stopped.

Emerald was quick to leave when her father said she could go. She laid on her bed and heaved a sigh. Her eyelids were heavy. She felt like sleeping but she refused to close her eyes until eventually she finally close her eyes and slept with a smile on her face.

(The next day)

Emerald's thick eye lashes fluttered open as the sun shone on her beautiful face. With a smile on her face, Emerald stood up and sat at the edge of her bed. She starred at the maid who was making tea for her.

"Good morning Emerald." the maid greeted, still focusing on the tea she was making

"Good morning Jane. I hope you didn't wake up too early again." Emerald asked. Jane fell silent for a while before she spoke,

"I didn't wake up too early. I also had enough rest." Jane tried to explain. Emerald sighed in defeat, she lost count of the number of times she had told Jane to stop waking up early.

Even though Jane was a maid and had to wake up early, she wake up too early. Jane was the closest person to Emerald. She knew Jane since she was little so she and Jane were even fit to be called best friends.

"Did something happen when you were out?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Your face looks brighter than usual." Jane pointed out and Emerald cupped her cheeks.

Jane quickly sat by Emerald when she noticed her actions.

"C'mon tell me. What happened when you were out?" Jane tried to persuade Emerald to spill the beans. Her curiosity was killing her.

Emerald watched as Jane continuously moved on the bed.

"I met someone" was all Emerald said.

"Who? Boy or girl? Tell me now."

Emerald sighed before telling Emerald that it was a male.

"Oh my gosh! So how does he look like?" Jane was ecstatic, she looked at Emerald with a look of wonder and curiosity.

"Fair skin, straight nose, black eyes, blond hair, kissable lips...." Emerald gasp the moment she realised what she was saying. How could she describe someone like that, that too, a male.

Jane looked at Emerald's blushing face and didn't know what to do. Emerald wasn't the kind of person who talks about the opposite sex like that. In fact, she could not even describe any of the young knights that had been with her for as long as one can remember, but she was now describing someone she just met for half a day so precisely.

Emerald didn't know why but she gulped when she notice Jane starring at her with a suspicious gaze. Jane was now very sure something was out of character when she saw Emerald gulp. Like who would just gulp for no apparent reason?

"Did something happen?" Jane asked, she said it in a way no one would lie to her.

Emerald bit her lower lip. She didn't know if to tell her best friend what truly happened or not.

"N-nothing ha-happened." Emerald stammered. She didn't know why she was feeling like this. It felt like she was being interrogated about a sever crime thant she was undoubtedly guilty.

Jane's eyes narrowed at the blushing girl before her,"What. Happened." Jane repeated her previous question.

"He kissed me." Emerald said quickly and dashed to the bathroom. If she thought about it, she actually kissed him first.


What the hell. She goes out for a couple of hours and someone steals her first kiss. Oh good Lord. What would have happened if she went for a day? Would she have lost her innocence?

Jane stood there starring at the the direction Emeraod ran to.

Sigh~ this girl...