

"HOW COULD YOU JUST SAY THAT, DO YOU THINK I W...." Emerald was not able to complete her sentence as Alex's lips smashed into hers, shutting her up. "What should I do about the crown prince?" Emerald asked once she was free from Alex's embrace. "Marry him." came the response from Alex that made Emerald mad. 'How could he say such things to her after bonding her to him.' She thought. "WHAT DO YOU TAKE M...." Emerald tried to say but was again silenced when Alex kissed her again. Emerald's eyes widened. 'How can someone be a pervert to that degree?' she inwardly questioned. Emerald did not want to admit it but she loved it when she was silenced like this. Alex on the other hand, thought it was time for him to reveal himself to her. He concentrated on removing the spell that hid his true appearance. Blue lights began to circulate around Alex. His blonde hair began to change back to its original colour, black. Whilst his formerly black irisis began to go back to his usual eye colour, gold. Feeling the kiss was lasting too long, Emerald opened her eyes to meet a pair of golden eyes starring at her. Only one group of people have that eye colour, The royal family of Hansonia! pushing back from Alex's embrace, Emerald saw the Crown Prince of Hansonia smile at her. Come witness the journey of two people. Join them as they both uncover the Mistry that surrounds them. Watch as their love grow into something powerful.

Tech_King · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


Emerald peeked from the Bathroom and heaved a sigh of relief when she did not see Jane in the room. Very careful, Emerald walked into her room and locked the door to her room.

Emerald's heart jumped in her chest when someone cleared their throat behind her. she hoped it was anybody but Jane. She turned to look who was in her room, still hoping it wasn't Jane. But to Emerald's dismay, it was Jane that awaited her.

Jane had her hands folded across her chest, with a drown on her face.

"Why did you allow him to kiss you?"

"He asked for it. It isn't any problem. Nobody would even know, unless...." Emerald trailed. She stood up quickly and went to the large mirror and check her neck. Jane quickly ran to Emerald when she heard Emerald's gasp.

"What's wr..." Jane eyes were as wide as saucers because of what she saw.

On Emerald's neck was a half shape heart mark.

"Oh no." mumbled Jane.

This wasn't good at all.

Emerald's eyes were also wide. How could this happen?

"Didyou allow him to do this?" Jane asked.

"Of course not. I just met him." Emerald was troubled. Why would Alex put an irreversible bond on her.

In Hansonia, the were several kinds of bonds that could be created among people. The was the truth bond, the lovers bond, the master-slave bond, the marriage bond and then the Irreversible bond. This bond was the most powerful bond that was known to the Hansonians. It was so powerful that it was hidden from the commoners. The bond was shared between two people who loved each other. It ensures love in this life time and the ones to come. It could be created by any of the couple. If one does it without the other party's knowledge, it would only form a half shaped heart on the neck. Meaning, if Emerald was to agree to the bond, the bond would have already completed its self.

Jane did not know what to do. If not that Emerald was her friend she would have never gotten the chance to even know the existence of such a bond.

Jane didn't know what was going on, but she could already see trouble brewing in the corner.


(Royal palace of Hansonia)

Nick walked towards the dinning room, it was time for breakfast. He could already smell the aroma if the food that was going to be served. Nick couldn't resist the edge to reminisce the taste if the delicious food he ate yesterday.

'Sigh...if only Lady Emerald was he one cooking.'

Nick hastily entered the large dining room. There was the King, Queen, Prince Alexander, Sir John and others. Nick was quick to take his seat right opposite his master John. He greeted everyone at the table and started to devour the food he was served. Even though it wasn't as tasty as the one he are yesterday, this was enough to satisfy the god of hunger

Nick made a quick glance at the prince and noticed the prince had not even touched his food.

"Alex, I think it is time you began to court someone. How was Nobleman Luke's daughter?..What was her name again?" The King said. Even though Alex was just 15 years old, he still had to get married before he turned 20. So it was only reasonable that he courts someone and gets engaged early.

"Eva." John reminded the king.

"Yes Eva. How do you like her so far? "

All heads were turned towards Alex waiting for his answer. John of course wasn't waiting for any answers. He already knew that Alex loved another person. Nick was also anticipating the prince's answer.

'Prince Alex please say yes so that I would be able to court Lady Emerald.' Nick begged inwardly. He didn't dare to say it out loud because he knew if the prince heard what he said, he would throw him out of the the hall through the window. Nick decided until he learns how to fly he wasn't going to tell the prince any such thing.

"I don't like her father.I would like to choose who I would marry." Alex's voice was dull and uninterested. He had already decided that he would marry Emerald. And besides, he was bonded to someone else, so marring another person was a no-no.

The King sighed in frustration. If he was to allow Alex pick his own bride, he might as well decide not to see his grand children any time soon.

"I also think it is high time the Prince marries. The masses might begin to complain." quipped John. He did not even feel any fear when he saw Alex staring daggers at him.

John looked at the mouth watering food and was about to eat.

"Ouch!" John cried. He stared at the formerly cold fork that had just burnt him. He looked at the direction of a chuckle he heard.

The gloominess that surrounded Alex was no where to be seen, instead a mischievous smile was carved on his handsome face.

"Alexander!" the King roared. He very much knew it was Alex who heated John's fork using magic.

" Father I didn't do anything." Alex said with a smile in his face.


Jane and Emerald were bussy trying to come up with a solution for the bond. They thought if using make up, but the bond still showed.

'Knock! knock!'

Two knocks were heard. Jane quickly went and opened the door. When she came back, she had a grim expression on her face.

"Your step mother is calling." Jane reported. Emerapd's eyes widened. If that woman was to see the bond, wouldn't she tell her father.

Emerald stood up and headed toward's her step mother's chambers. She knew better than to be late when that called. She just hoped that her step mother would not notice the bond.

"How was your sleep, dear?" Barroness Agnes immediately said when Emerald walked in. Emerald was shocked by her step mother's unusual kindness.

She began to scan the room. When she noticed her father also in the room, Emerald understood everything.

"It was fine mother." Emerald said with a charming smile. She also had to play along, ok?

"Oh dear, you seem to have burned your self let me apply some ointment on it." The Baroness said, she would have worn best actress in the world with her amazing acting skills.

'She noticed it.' thought Emerald. She could already imagine what would happen if her step mother was to come closer. Her father was also there.

" It's fine mother." Emerald tried to politely refuse, but the baroness had other plans,"Shush, dear. Let me." She said.

She took the ointment and stood before Emerald. She began to pull the collar of Emerald's dress, slowly revealing the bond. Emerald held her breath.

'Oh good God'