
Alchemic Cultivator

95% of children born every year do not have the talent for cultivation, 3% are born, grow old, and die never knowing they had the talent to cultivate. 2% are lucky enough to be born into cultivator families or found by cultivators and are trained to rise above mortality. But those born into cultivation families without the talent to cultivate are considered trash and push to the side till their 16th birthday then thrown away. Collin was one such child. Instead of waiting to be thrown away he decided to take the great risk and forge his own destiny.

LordofRavens · Fantasi
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56 Chs


While walking to the market Collin gave Julie fifty spirit stones and five-hundred gold. He told her to buy snacks from several stalls and then meet him at the beast seller's tent. While Julie stood in line for food, Collin headed off to buy what he believed he needed.

The first place he went was to the inscription shop, there he bought several sets of materials for starting to learn inscription. He was also forced to hear the shopkeeper drone on about everything that had happened in the city since the trade fair started. The only things he found interesting were the rumors about the head of the Styron family and his children being murdered by foreign operatives because of deal gone wrong. The Imperial family was going to auction off some ancient relic on the last day of trade fair. And the Alchemist's Guild was going to auction off an elixir that can grant an extra hundred years of life to anyone Foundation Establishment and below, including mortals.

After getting away from the inscription shop, Collin headed to the treasure refining shop. Buying several sets of refining furnaces and the materials needed to learn the art was easy. The shopkeeper quickly gathered everything needed while giving good advice for beginners of treasure refining. There was no gossip or spreading rumors, other than trying to get Collin to join the Refiner's Guild, everything was done a precise professional level.

The last shop he was going to visit before meeting with Julie again was the alchemist shop. But for the first time since he had been coming to the shop, it was closed. He mostly came to the shop to meet with Valeria, he was hoping to pick her brain on the best way to learn the final four pills he needed to make. Now he was wondering if her not being here had to do with the Alchemist's Guild sell that elixir, there would be many people looking at the last few years of their lifespan trying to get their hands on it. While some would be willing to spend everything they had to get it, there should be plenty of people that would try to steal it. Ordering its members to protect the guild and its assets, seems like something the guild might do, and the fact that Valeria is at the Foundation Establishment realm or higher made sense that it might happen.

Since he couldn't visit the shop, he went to meat Julie at the beast seller's tent. He found her waiting there for him, it wasn't hard for Collin to spot her. Other than the fact that most of the faceless servants in the market were fully grown adults and Julie had the body of a ten-year-old, she was the only one whose head frantically flicked left and right searching all the faceless servants walking by, trying to find Collin.

"Stop looking around so much and come with me." Collin said as he appeared next to her.

After nodding of her head, she followed Collin inside the tent. The massive size inside the tent with its many cages of different sizes looked like a completely different world. As they walked by the cages, they were looking at the beasts inside, some were growling at them, some were looking at them curiously looking, while some were sleeping.

Soon they were standing in front of a cage full of flood dragons. Although calling it a cage might not be correct, it was a square water tank with glass walls, about the size of a small pond. There were several hundred flood dragons squirming inside the cage. Each flood dragon was the color of their element. Red for fire, blue for water, green for wood, brown for earth, and a pale emerald green for wind.

The only element missing was light, there were no glowing white flood dragons. Not that Collin was expecting any to be in the cage. They were rare, and quite popular as pets for nobles. This meant that there were only to ways for Collin to get one, first would be to hope that one would be put up for auction, the second way would be to breed a large number of flood dragons and hope that one would be born with the light element.

Since Collin wasn't going to the auction, this meant that if he really wanted one, he would have to breed one. From the moment he saw the flood dragons several days ago, he had planned to buy some and breed them. He was going to breed them to force them to evolve, so he could harvest their blood, bones, scales, and organs. The blood and certain organs were used to make ink for inscription, the scales, bones, and horns were prime materials for treasure refining, and a lot of pills that Collin wanted to make when he reached Foundation Establishment required parts of dragons as ingredients.

Adding trying to breed a flood dragon with a light element spiritual root for Julie to use, was simple and didn't change his plans. The only downside to his plan was it was wasteful, 75-95% of the flood dragons would die during the forced evolution process. Those that didn't die would be useless for everything but being used as materials. Julie would also evolve her flood dragons, but she would use a far longer and slower process to ensure that her dragons survived and enhanced her cultivation.

"Have you decided if you wish to get more demon beasts other than these flood dragons?" Collins question seemed to wake her from a stupor. Her imagination had been working on overdrive after realizing that she was just feet away from what she needed to begin her life as a cultivator.

"No, these are all I need." Her voice still seemed distracted, but it didn't matter to Collin. He raised his hand, and a clerk came to him, and he purchased a high-grade beast orb along with three of each element of flood dragons plus five extra of the wood element. Collin had the clerk place a control rune on each of the flood dragons, he did this because he had no interest in taming all these flood dragons just so he could place them in his beast orb.

After the clerk finished placing the runes, he handed Collin a wooden tile with glowing silver rune that allowed Collin to control the flood dragons for a month or two without taming them. Thirty-eight arm length flood dragons with their stubby little legs disappeared into Collin's beast orb with a single thought. Collin also purchased a stone badger at the 4th layer of Qi Condensation, it had two black streaks of fur running from its nose to its ears while the rest of its body had metallic gold colored fur.

After paying a little over five-hundred spirit stones for the beats orb and thirty-nine demon beasts it was time to leave. They slowly made their way through the crowds of the market till they had finally left the market and headed towards the city center. It was the first time that Collin had entered the city center since he left his clan, he had planned to only return here when he took his alchemy test. But with the additions of the demon beats he needed to have a place where they could have shelter.

The place he was heading to the offices of the city management, they were the ones that sold and reclaimed villas and estates within the city. Inside the building was empty of people other than a few clerks who most likely would rather be at the market looking for deals. Today Collin would be heading to the second floor, the first floor delt with the buying and selling of villas and estates while the second floor dealt with upgrades for the properties.

Stepping on to the second floor, dozens of tables with what looked like small models of various buildings could be seen. Except these were not models, they were actual buildings with powerful inscriptions that reduced their size and weight. It didn't take long to find the exact same building of the house in his first villa, and not far from it was the one he was now living in, and a little farther down the table was a massive house.

It had 1 grandmaster bedroom, 10 master bedrooms, 100 normal bedrooms, 75 bathrooms, 45 alchemy/treasure refining rooms, 100 cultivation rooms, 5 libraries, and 3 swimming pools. It was a massive building that the land of Collins current villa would feel cramped if it were place there. The inscriptions ensured that this massive building was small to allow Collin to hold it in the palm of his hand with ease.

After looking at all the little buildings for about ten minutes Collin found three that he wanted to buy. All five were the size of the villa's servant quarters but had some spatial inscriptions to make the inside lager than normal. One had a small forest in it that would be good for the titan ape to live, two had artificial swamps that would be good for the raptor and flood dragons to live. The buildings cost thirty-thousand gold, depending on how many of his cousins accept his offer he would be back to buy another house. If he did have to buy a new house, he would have to pay to have the area for the basement dug out and reinforced or do it himself.

The powerful inscriptions on the buildings made it so they could not be stored in a space ring or bag, they had to be carried be hand. Or in this case, a wooden box Collin took from his space ring and made Julie carry it. On the way back they tried to avoid the crowds by taking the back streets, but still found trouble.

Almost didn't publish this today, Inkstone decided to log me out mid sentence, erasing half the chapter. I said some very un-nice things about who ever decided to let it do that and had to chill out.

LordofRavenscreators' thoughts