
Alchemic Cultivator

95% of children born every year do not have the talent for cultivation, 3% are born, grow old, and die never knowing they had the talent to cultivate. 2% are lucky enough to be born into cultivator families or found by cultivators and are trained to rise above mortality. But those born into cultivation families without the talent to cultivate are considered trash and push to the side till their 16th birthday then thrown away. Collin was one such child. Instead of waiting to be thrown away he decided to take the great risk and forge his own destiny.

LordofRavens · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
56 Chs


After securing his new wealth, Collin decided that it was time to leave, after all he wasn't the only one to know of this villa. There are many reasons that Collin would love to start living here, more space, the view, and the eight cultivation cambers and there thick almost liquid spiritual energy. His villa only had one cultivation camber, but here there were two in the smaller houses and four in the main house. These would help his cultivation till he hit the minor bottleneck of the 7th layer of Qi Condensation. But for now, he would retreat for a couple of months, by then everyone would assume that another powerful family claimed the villa before them.

Stepping out of the front gate he realized he was too late. There were two faceless servants standing across the road staring at him. A quick scan with his divine sense found three more faceless servants staring at him. Of the five, he recognized one of them. He was a servant of the Reynold's family, a rival noble family of the Tyler family. All of them were armed with daggers or clubs.

The moment he made a move he would be attacked; they would try and knock him out so they could learn how to open the gate. There was no point in trying to talk his way out of this situation, he was a ten-year-old and they were adults with orders from their masters, they weren't going to listen to him. This left violence as his only option; he would have to severely wound or kill them.

With a thought a cheap purple tinted sword appeared his hand as two green triangle shaped blades made a clanging sound as they hit the ground. The Celestial Star Slaying sword technique he has been learning uses a sword and flying blades or to attack from every angle. He might not be very good at it from a cultivator's perspective, it would be more than enough to kill these mortals.

Collin began to let his Qi flow, it flowed throughout his body and into his sword to reinforce its strength and sharpness. Extending his divine sense towards the blades on the ground, they floated up to head height before flying towards the two faceless servants across the road from him. The two blades flew through the air at a speed far beyond a mortal's ability to see. The two blades went through their masks and out the back of their heads before they knew what had happened. The other three servants only noticed what happened by the noise that was made when the blades bounced off the defensive arrays on the building behind them.

Before the bodies could hit the ground Collin had use the Heaven Shattering Steps movement technique to appear in front of one of the two on the left. Holding the sword with two hands he swung upwards from left to right, the blade slashed from the left hip to the right shoulder with such power the internal organs were shredded. Using his Heaven Shattering Steps again he appeared behind the second servant slashed at his neck severing his spine.

One last burst of his moment technique and he was back in front of the villas gate. Stretching his arm out towards his flying blades, one of the blades floated into the air and followed the movement of his arm as he flung it towards the last servant and burying itself into the servant's lower right shoulder. The servant fell to the ground and was trying to crawl away.

Collin could see the servant's face with his divine sense as he walked towards him. He saw terror, the servant knew he was going to die and worse he knew why he was going to die. He and the others were trying to pick a fight with a cultivator. The palm sized green blade that had pierced his right lung wasn't as concerning as who put it there. The family he worked for may be a wealthy noble family, but a family that could send a cultivator was from a cultivator clan.

The servants last thoughts as he choked to death on his own blood was of his wife and children, they were still at his master's estate. Cultivators had a special status and attacking them would be disastrous for all involved. The family he worked for could be punished severely or destroyed by the cultivator or their clan. The poor man had no idea that Collin was a rogue cultivator and had absolutely no thoughts of revenge.

Four of the five faceless servants were carrying bags of holding with various amounts of gold and spirit stones along with other items. After collecting the bags and his flying blades, Collin would walk for ten minutes or so and scan around him with his divine sense to see if he was being followed. After the sixth time failing to find anyone, he headed home.

His heart was still racing, he had fought and killed people. He was raised in a cultivator clan and knew that killing and cultivating were closely linked together. He was taught that any cultivator not prepared to kill deserves his death. Even if one decided to stay their entire life in a city like Camis, they wouldn't be completely safe because devil worshipers attack the city every few years.

Collin felt numb to killing five people. If he was stronger, he could have crushed them with his power, or his Heaven Shattering Steps would have allowed him to travel great distances, and if he had a flying treasure he could have just flown away. But his cultivation was only at the 2nd layer Qi Condensation, and they would have tried to knock him out and torture him for access to the villa before killing him. The only bright spot in this, was that he wasn't happy or excited that killed people.

He was to wound up to practice alchemy, so he decided to sort and put away the books he collected. He placed the alternative path cultivation books on one shelf and the normal methods one shelf down. Then he separated the various weapon techniques into their own little sections starting with swords. Then came the many miscellaneous techniques from body refinement and movement techniques to offensive and defensive techniques.

Sorting through the hundreds of spells he found seventeen wood spells, half of which used trees to attack and defend. Even the books on alchemy, inscription, and treasure refinement were more detailed than Collin owned. The books on alchemy had personal pill recipes created by multiple alchemists from their decades of research. Most of these recipes ranged from Foundation Establishment to Nascent Soul realm and a few beyond.

These recipes should have been hidden by their creators, and never sold. They were worth a fortune, one high enough that even a wealthy noble family like the Tyler's might not be able to afford. Collin was also wondering where the Tyler family found them, it wasn't like they could be bought at the local market street.

The devil cultivation book and the alchemy recipes and even some of the things in the inscription and treasure refining books were more than a wealthy family should have, they were more than most cultivator clans should have. Collin wished that he had clues about these books, but there was only one person he knew that might be able to answer those questions, Drew Tyler. But given Drew was a murderous devil worshiper that massacred his entire family and many more, Collin would have to get over his curiosity.