
Alchemic Cultivator

95% of children born every year do not have the talent for cultivation, 3% are born, grow old, and die never knowing they had the talent to cultivate. 2% are lucky enough to be born into cultivator families or found by cultivators and are trained to rise above mortality. But those born into cultivation families without the talent to cultivate are considered trash and push to the side till their 16th birthday then thrown away. Collin was one such child. Instead of waiting to be thrown away he decided to take the great risk and forge his own destiny.

LordofRavens · Fantasi
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56 Chs

Exploring the villa and wondering what the f**k

Collin awoke before the sun had risen and was starving. He didn't eat before he fell asleep. Thoughts of if his clan even noticed he wasn't there anymore flashed through his mind, no matter how hard he tried to ignore them.

Breakfast was pickled vegetables from the storehouse. They were meant to be side dishes, but a starving man will eat almost anything.

Collin found himself to be eager to quickly get to the market and start buying everything he needed. The only problem was time, the sun was just barely lighting the sky, the food stalls in the market wouldn't even open for at least an hour and the shops he needs to visit several hours after that.

With nothing to do he began to look through every building in the villa. The guardhouse was built to house five with moderate comfort. The storehouse had three rooms, two of them had arrays to chill them for meat and vegetables. The third room was the room Collin eat his breakfast in, it was filled with bags of beans and large vases full of pickled vegetables giving the room a sour smell.

The male servant quarters were small and cramped, and everything was dirt colored. The female quarters were far grander in comparison. The walls were a light pink color with decorative boarders, each of the bedrooms were at least double the size male quarters. A series of arrays keep dust from gathering and kept the rooms at a comfortable temperature. The entire building gave a relaxing feeling to Collin, it even smelled like summer flowers. Even the bathroom was huge but felt oddly open. In the guardhouse and the male servant quarters there were only two toilets, here there six. And instead of being in a separate room or behind partitions they were line up against the wall to the left. The right half of the room was the bath.

Pump showers and a deep bath large enough for a dozen or more women to comfortably bath in. The steam rising from the bath was very tempting, for the past several weeks he had been cleaning himself with a bucket of cold water and a rag. Smelling the air in the bathroom Collin realized the steam from the bath was where the flowery perfume smell was coming from. While he was really wanting to take a bath, he was going to the market dressed as a faceless servant and didn't think reeking of perfume was something he should do.

After leaving the female quarters Collin headed to the bathroom of the main house. It was huge, everything was black, silver, or gold. Opening the door to the toilet exposed a throne of gold. The shower was large enough for six people or more. The bath was more like a small steamy swimming pool.

The moment that Collin had finished looking around his clothes were in a pile near the entrance. The first thing he headed to was the golden throne. It was comfortable, with or without the adjustable armrests. The best part was, he was taking a shit in a proper toilet. No gag inducing stench from the servant's outhouse and no need to worry about stepping yours or someone else's shit in the woods at the back of the clan compound.

The only problem Collin found was that he had nothing to wipe his ass with. When that realization hit him, many other realizations hit him as well. He didn't have soap for the shower. He had no towels to dry himself off. He only had one set of dirty clothes and the faceless servant costume. The storehouse had enough beans, grains, and pickled foodstuffs to have two meals a day for about a year, but he didn't know how to cook. He didn't have pots and pans to cook with, or silverware to eat with. These and hundreds of other things flooded Collins mind without rest.

Many of these things could easily be solved, toilet paper and towels could be bought when he went to the market later. Food on the other hand was more difficult, while it could be delivered daily, that doesn't mean it was not worriless. There are four city wide holidays when almost all the restaurants close for the day, and they can't deliver in extreme storms or after heavy snowfall. Or what if he felt extremely hungry in the middle of the night? Adding a book on learning to cook was added the ever-increasing list of things to buy.

After a few minutes of trying to calm down, he stood up and left the golden throne room. He was thinking of how much he disliked this unclean feeling but snapped out of it when he spotted himself in a mirror.

He was half a head taller than most kids his age, but he was skinny. He wanted to look more muscular like most of the male cultivators in his clan. His hair was dull and matted, his face was dirty and pale. Compared to a month ago, he looked like his beggar version of himself.

"You're a dumbass." These words that he directed to his own reflection in the mirror were the first words he had spoken in the two weeks.

"You had the full resources of the clan at your disposal, you knew that there was a chance we would be untalented. You could have set this up as a backup for if we were untalented. You saw several of our cousins be untalented, you saw them being tossed aside and cast out. This place could have been made into a cultivation paradise, fully stocked with supplies and books on cultivation. But no, you decided to make this place into a playground like some of the older young masters have. You wanted to be cool. Now we have to build a new life and decide what to do. Do we still try to prove the clan wrong for casting us out? Or do we try to fuck over the clan? Or do we say fuck the clan, and move on?"

After speaking to himself, Collin stared into his eyes for a few moments longer before he took a soap less shower and cleaned the shit from his ass. After his shower he spent ten minutes washing his hands in the sink till they were rubbed raw and no longer smelled. Finally, it was time to soak in the bath. The moment he sat down the water level was just below his lips. After some time Collin pressed his hand on the control node for the arrays for the bath and activated the bubble making array, and truly felt relaxed.

After a time that seemed very long and not long at all, Collin began the long process of air drying himself. He shook his body, waved his arms, kicked his legs to dry himself off faster. He even walked out of the villa and tried to let the sun dry him off, only to realize it still was still morning time and its cold outside with no clothes on.

Since he still needed time, he began to explore the main house. Everything seemed normal, there was a large kitchen, several guest rooms, several rooms for cultivating activities, and a library. The security room was the only thing that was off. In a small room inside the master bedroom was a security array control. This control panel could open or close the front gate, lock the front gate and any other buildings just by touching the panel. One could also use the panel to view images from various security arrays like what was outside the front gate, or what was inside the courtyard.

The thing that Collin found creepy was the many, many viewing options for the female servant quarters. Several views and angles from inside each of the bedrooms, the common room, and the bathroom. It had views of the showers, the bath, and the toilets. The views were from above looking down, from ankle level looking up, from knee level, chest level, shoulder level, and face level. there was even a view from inside the toilet looking up.

"Who the fuck owned this place before me? And how big of a pervert were they?"