
Aizen Sōsuke: The Savior

Aizen is sent to the Naruto verse for unknown reasons, he is given a mission by the gods. Will he succeed? Or will he perish?

OHRashed1 · Komik
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25 Chs

Chapter II

As Naruto/Aizen stood on top of the Hokage monument, he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information he had just received. He was Aizen Sōsuke, a powerful being sent to this world to save it, and his memories and powers had been reset and sealed away until he was 11 years old. It was a lot to take in, and he knew it would take time to fully understand and come to terms with his new identity.

But as he began to explore his newly regained memories and powers, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. His zanpakutō, Kyōka Suigetsu, was a powerful weapon capable of manipulating the senses of his enemies and deceiving them with flawless illusions. It was a weapon befitting his new status as a powerful savior of the world.

However, Aizen knew that he couldn't simply reveal his true identity to those around him. He had to play his cards right, and he saw the village and its inhabitants as potential pawns in his mission to save the world. He also knew that he needed to train in order to fully utilize his powers and complete his mission.

After he saw what happened that day in his mind -

"I see, so basically, I am Aizen Sōsuke. I was sent to this world, to save it since the original person who was supposed to save this world isn't strong enough. And my memories and powers were reset and sealed away till I was 11. And now I got my powers back, but they aren't the same way they were? It seems I have a zanpakutō, wait, how did I know it's a zanpakutō? Memories I guess. Anyway, it seems it's named Kyōka Suigetsu, hmm, interesting name if I say so. Anyway, it seems it has a power named absolute hypnosis, it can completely warp and manipulate the five senses, deceiving enemies in an almost flawless illusion. Woahhhhh, that's some badass power. And, I am fused with hog- hogyuko- hogyoku! But how? The gods didn't say anything about this(To remind you guys, this is the TYBW arc Aizen) Well, whatever" Naruto talked to himself when suddenly a book fell on his head, he picked it up, it was named "How to be more badass, for Naruto Uzumaki" "What is this?"

He opened it and saw "That stupid smilymaki personality of yours is a lost cause, you gotta change it up. Smilymaki." It said when suddenly he fell unconscious

After waking up -

On the outside, he looked like the good ol' Uzumaki Naruto. But inside, he was Aizen Sōsuke. "Looks like I did get my powers and memories back, those gods weren't playing. I have a mission, and it seems I am fused with the hogyoku, even in this body(Don't ask me how, just go with it) I'll need pawns to succeed, I can use this village. And it seems my powers are just like when I first got them, I have to train" Aizen talked to himself and teleported, well tried to, but it didn't work. He just walked home, "I am back" He can't act like Aizen in front of them. It will make them suspicious of him, gotta play his cards right. And like usual, he had a smile on his face. "Welcome back! Where were you?" Kushina launched at him like usual, but this time things went Naruto's way, he just sidestepped her. "Y-O-U D-A-R-E SIDESTEP ME!!" She said and went at full speed that even Naruto(I am gonna call him Naruto when he is acting like Naruto. And Aizen when he is acting like Aizen) couldn't dodge, his face went inside her bosom, he couldn't even do anything. He just stood still, waiting for it to end. "Is something wrong with you today?" She asked(If you know why, point it out in the comments. You'll get a special thanks for paying attention to the story!) "What do you mean, mom?" Aizen had no idea what she was talking about, "It's nothing, don't worry about it" Kushina said. "Indeed, something is wrong with you today. Well, I am happy that you don't do that now" Minato said, "We're gonna go to the academy together again tomorrow, yay!" Naruko said

That Night(1:00 AM OR 1:00) -

As he lay in his room late at night, Aizen experimented with his newfound ability, "Dimension Teleport." He knew that if he used it correctly, he could train for days or even weeks in his own dimension while only a few hours passed in the real world. This would be the perfect opportunity to hone his skills and prepare for the challenges that lay ahead.

"Dimension Teleport: Time -Infinite!" he said but nothing happened. "Thought so" he said and tried again "Dimension Teleport: Time -1000000", again, nothing happened, he tried again "Dimension Teleport: Time -100", this time a portal opened up, he has to go the academy at 8, so he needs to 'wake up' at 7 or 7:30. He went inside the portal, if it is what he thinks it is. Then time flows 100 times slower here, so he can train for 25 days in here and only 6 hours will pass in he real world. He now has a place for training.


That's it for this chapter, hope you enjoyed it, next chapter "Chapter III". See you next time.