
Aizen Sōsuke: The Savior

Aizen is sent to the Naruto verse for unknown reasons, he is given a mission by the gods. Will he succeed? Or will he perish?

OHRashed1 · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter I

Previously -

10 Minutes ago -

In the realm of the gods -

"Secretary, call Shinigami, Yami, and Amaterasu," Kami said, his voice echoing through the grand hall. He sat on his throne, his long white hair cascading down his back.

"Why did you call us, brother?" Yami asked, her ruby eyes gleaming in the dim light.

"The child of prophecy is going to be born. But I am afraid he will not be able to save the world," Kami said gravely, "So, Shinigami, summon Aizen Sōsuke."

Shinigami nodded solemnly and chanted an incantation. Aizen appeared before them, his expression calm and collected. "Aizen Sōsuke, you are to save another world. The child of prophecy in that world isn't going to be powerful enough. Or do you want to die?"

"No, I would rather save the world," Aizen said calmly. "Okay, you will unlock your full powers at the age of 11. You will forget your memories and live as Naruto Uzumaki until you're 11. After you turn 11, you will get all your memories and powers back. They will not be maxed out, you have to train to gain even more mastery over them. Now go, Aizen Sōsuke, I wish you good luck."

This Chapter -

"Now go, Aizen Sosuke," Kami said, locking Aizen's memories and powers, and making it so that when he turns 11, he will get his memories and powers back. Aizen was engulfed in a rainbow light, and when the light vanished, he was gone.

In the human realm -

'I feel grateful for this opportunity. I was able to offer my life for the gods. Thank you, Kami-sama,' the man in the cloak thought and fell to the ground lifeless. It was a sacrifice that he had willingly made, knowing that it would serve a greater purpose. But the identity of this man and the true nature of his sacrifice remained a mystery to all who witnessed it.

"Who is that man!? How did he get inside the barrier? Even I couldn't get inside," Hiruzen asked, his eyes scanning the area for any clues.

"We don't have any idea either, Hokage-sama," one of the ANBU replied, his voice tinged with unease. The barrier had been strong enough to keep out even the most skilled ninja, and yet this man had somehow breached it without anyone noticing.

Timeskip, 8 Years Later -

Naruto Uzumaki, now 8 years old, found himself running through the alleys of Konoha. A hateful mob of villagers and shinobi chased him relentlessly, fueled by anger and prejudice. They threw rocks and insults at him, their faces twisted with malice.

"Come here, you demon! You killed my wife!" one villager shouted, his voice filled with venom. "You demon! You crushed my balls. I can't have children anymore because of you!" another exclaimed in anger. Yet another voice cried out, "You cut my dick! How dare you!"

While Naruto was still Naruto, a fusion of his own self and the lingering presence of Aizen Sōsuke's soul, he felt the weight of their words and the pain they inflicted. Questions plagued his mind: "Am I truly a demon? Why am I treated this way? Am I unwanted?"

In the midst of the mob's assault, a kunai hurtled towards Naruto's head. Just as it seemed he would be struck, Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage, materialized out of thin air, catching the kunai in mid-air.

"ANBU, take them to the Interrogation Department. Tell Ibiki to implement appropriate measures," Minato commanded with a firm voice. "We need to ensure justice and civility in our village."

Naruto, still reeling from the hatred directed at him, was relieved to have his father by his side. "Let's go, Naruto," Minato said, his voice filled with both protection and love. In an instant, they teleported to the safety of their home.

As they arrived, Kushina Uzumaki, Naruto's mother, enveloped him in a tight embrace, her love and warmth serving as a shield against the coldness of the outside world. Naruto's face found itself nestled against her bosom, and he struggled to resist the primal urge that stirred within him.

"Huh? Naruto?" Minato's voice broke through his trance-like state. "I, uhh, uhh. Oh! Let's eat dinner!" Naruto hastily diverted his attention, rushing to his seat at the dinner table.

Minato couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, noticing Naruto's evasion. "Did you just dodge the question-"

Before Minato could finish his sentence, Kushina whisked him away, pulling him towards the table. "Eat!" she said with a mix of playfulness and affection, placing a plate of food before him. "A-alright," Minato replied, giving in to the familial charm and sharing a meal with his beloved family—Kushina, Menma (Naruto's brother), Naruko (Naruto's sister), and Naruto himself.

Three years later, on October 9th, at 11:59 PM or 23:59

Naruto, now 11 years old, felt a tingling sensation, a premonition that something significant was about to transpire. It was as if the very fabric of his existence was vibrating with anticipation.

As the clock struck midnight, ushering in a new day—October 10th—Naruto was struck by a crippling headache, a pain surpassing anything he had ever experienced before. It felt as if his very being was being torn apart, and he writhed in agony, desperately seeking respite from the torment.

"AGHGHHHHHHHH!!!" Naruto's scream echoed through the house, reaching the ears of his concerned parents, Minato and Kushina. They rushed to his room, fear etched across their faces.

"What happened!?" Minato exclaimed, his voice filled with worry. "I don't know! He screamed!" Kushina replied, her own anxiety evident. Recognizing the severity of the situation, they wasted no time and hurriedly carried Naruto to the hospital.

In the emergency department, Naruto lay on a hospital bed, his body still, while the doctors conducted various tests. To their surprise, the results showed no signs of any physical ailment. They reassured Minato and Kushina that Naruto would be discharged the following day, as his condition seemed to be a temporary anomaly.

Unbeknownst to everyone, the events unfolding within Naruto were far from ordinary. The fusion of his own spirit and the residual essence of Aizen Sōsuke had triggered a profound transformation, preparing him for the extraordinary journey that awaited him. As Naruto lay in the hospital bed, his destiny slowly unraveled, like a delicate tapestry being woven thread by thread, leading him towards his true purpose in the world of shinobi.


This is it for this chapter, next chapter "Chapter II". See you next time.

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