

Glenn life was very ordinary in the human realm until he suddenly awaken a system with power which gives him ability beyond his imagination. [Scanning planet...] [Analysing Environment...] [Scanning the host full body status...] [Checking host mental and emotional health..] [Downloading Data and Awaking AI...] [Rechecking brainwave after download...] [Date download successful. Awaking AI successful...] [Creating system interface... Visualizing the system... confirming all tasks, tips and tutorials] [Requesting final approval... Approval accepted...] [Merging system with host...] [Successful.] [Now returning to Galaxy X260. Wishing new Unique System User best of lucks in his future adventure] ----_---- {Sup host, ready to become the best?] Glen stared at the words floating in his vision and the voice speaking in his head. After such a harsh attack, he began seeing things... {Hey, host, you're still in there??} Glen slapped himself. This must definitely be a dream. **************** Edited version. Might contain certain difference from the original Thanks for clicking, hope you stick around. Chapter Release ~ every (2) day(s)

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"My name is Lauren Hills and you may all call be Miss Lauren. I'll be your class teacher for the year."

Miss Lauren had long and straight black hair that stoped below her back. Her eyes were a mix of purple and pink and her skin was smooth and fair. In her tight fitting blue jean and blue polo, she looked like a tomboy but her packages were not small at all. Even her boyish cloths couldn't hide her beauty.

She looked at the students and continued talking

"As you all know, SLMHS is one of ten highschool's in Silver Lake City and is ranked 6th among the other schools. Although our rank isn't very high, we produce at least 5 S ranked students every year."

"This year, the awakening will take place in each class per usual at the end of the day so don't rush home when the last bell rings. If you miss your chance to awaken today, you'll have to wait till next year!"

Each of the teacher's words left a heavy weight on the students heart. The awakening was after all a big deal and it only takes place once a year in Silver Lake City.

If one wanted to have their awakening outside the city, they'd have to pay a lot.

Seeing the serious expression of understanding on the students faces, Miss Lauren continued talking. In her heart, she was glad they were all taking this seriously. If they're this serious with everything, maybe she won't have to be the last ranking teacher in the school. If the heavens favored her, she might even get a promotion.

With these thoughts, Miss Lauren continued talking, introducing her new students to the school's rules, facilities and history.

She also mentioned all events held in the school at various times. Her plan was to let them know of these events ahead of time and plan for it so they're not taken by surprise later.

Spending almost two hour, she gave them detailed explanation of many things including the term syllables and past questions to study in preparation for the end of term exam.

After a few more minutes, she finally rounded up her introductions. By that time, the students were communicating freely with each other, herself and have taken lots of notes. She managed to boost everyone's confidence in learning and cultivating.

In just a few minutes, Miss Lauren managed to create a sense of familiarity between her students and herself making it easier to communicate.

Although she did notice that it was almost like the other nine waited for Glenn to say something before giving their own opinion on some things, she was relieved that they were following his lead.

However, from her view, Glenn didn't seem like the kind of person who would help someone willingly. He was the most quite in the class and only replied when directly spoken to. She'll just have to talk to him later about this.

For now the class had to continued


"At the end of the day, Glenn will draw out the time table and on the board and hand out copies of the syllabus but for now, the first class is English and we'll be studying the parts of speech" Miss Lauren said.

"As not everyone is fluent in this language, I'll slowly explain it. Sam will be in charge of class revisions since English is his native language"

"The part of speech are..."

The students immediately began jotting down as their teacher spoke and like this, the fist period of the day began.


The first five periods of the day lasted for five hours and by 1:00, the one hour long break arrived and the students of SLMHS were released to take a break from learning.

In class 3d, the students packed their learning equipment into their lockers as they prepared to leave the class.

"Don't forget to return back immediately after the break." Miss Lauren reminded as she walked out of the class.

"Well, learning is exhausting" Sam let out a long sigh, stretching out his arms as he walked back to his seat from his locker.

"What are you talking about? Miss Lauren makes everything so simple. It's fun" Emily Carter said in a small voice.

The others agreed with her causing a small blush to form on her cheeks

"But she definitely isn't going easy on the assignments" another person said. "Damn, it's only the first day. Isn't two researches a little too much?"

"Glenn, do something?" Miles and Mike exclaimed

Glenn was startled by the sudden yell of his name causing him to slam the locker door.

"Me?" he asked the Silvester twins.

"Well she did make you the class representative. Maybe you can talk her into not giving us a mountain of assignments" Sam said

Glenn shook his head

"Just go for break" he said as he packed locked his locker

They all left talking about one thing or another

Glenn shook his head again. Although his class mates weren't much, they were enough to give anyone an headache.

In just five hours, Glenn had learnt a few things about each of them.

There were Silvester twins, Miles and Mike. They were always arguing about one thing or another. No one knew who was the older twin but the only thing they ever agreed on is that they didn't like each other,..at all!

Miles and Mike were identical twins, however, Mike hair and eyes were darker shade of brown that Miles. Their personalities however were different and caused a lot of clash between them.

While Mike was more reserved and grounded, Miles was adventurous and a risk taker. The two therefore have problems coming to an agreement.

Emily Carter had neck length blond hair without bangs. Her eyes were brown yet could be mistaken for dark red.

Emily was shy, really shy. She never spoke unless she's answering a question or is directly spoken to. However, her shyness didn't make the other avoid her. They didn't force her to speak but she was involved in every conversation and at this point, dotted on by everyone.

Her alter ego was Sam

Sam McCarthy was in simple words the loudest teenager anyone has ever met. He talked loudly, laughed loudly and even smiled loudly. It's as if he was trying to make sure the others didn't forget he was there. The only time he's ever quite is when the teacher was around. His loud personality was something the whole class quickly got used to.

His appearance complimented his personality well though.

Conner O'Malley was the kind of person one would describe as boring. He was too polite, too nice, too friendly, too humble. He was friendly and only ever said nice and polite things. He's the kind of person you'd never find a reason to get mad at, at all.

The kind of person who made Glenn sick in the stomach.

Brian Brian, nicknamed Brains was as anyone guessed smart, overly smart. He might as well have a computer in his brain. Brian was a genius with the book but when it came to normal life situations, Brian was as dumb as a monkey, no offense to the monkeys.

Sydney Steward was who people call a beauty queen. Sydney had long wavy strawberry blonde hair that stoped below her waist and eyes a mix of brown and pink. Her uniform was perfectly ironed and she had a matching color purse to go. Even without trying, she could easily caught any guys attention. She was beautiful and she knew it.

Sydney was perfect like Conner but unlike Conner, she was outspoken and didn't hold back from saying thing as she felt they were. Honest and Smart.

Last but not least was Mirabelle, Mira was outspoken and bold. She was the girl who went up to the front of the class early. It seems she could be a host at a grand gathering.

Currently, including himself, there were only mine people in the class. They were expecting a final member soon.

Glenn followed them out of the class.

The hallway was already busy with students by the time they left the class however the group made it to the cafeteria without losing any member to the crowd of students.

Sam pointed at a empty ten sitter table and they rushed there before someone else took it. As the school rule states, this was now their class permanent table in the cafeteria.

In order to avoid people walking around and bumping into other people, the school had helpful robot waitresses for each table.

All the students needed to do was write down their orders on a piece of paper and give it to the robot assigned to their table.

Glenn wrote down chips and a glass of apple juice. It was served in a few minutes. It was a good thing the food was paid for by the school else Glenn couldn't have allowed himself such luxury.

As the group chatted and ate, a strange phenomenon was happening outside the school.

In the sky, dark clouds gathered completely blocking out the sun in a matter of seconds. The clouds continued to gather and spread until the whole of the city was cover.

It only took about thirty minutes for the dark clouds to reach many countries.

Then, as if at someone's command, a loud thunder clap resounded throughout the world.

It only lasted for five seconds but it was the loudest thunder clap man had ever heard

The students of SLMHS were startled by the loud sound of thunder. Screams followed from every corner of the school and even more when the lights went off.

The students were in chaos except for a student sitting at a long table at the back end of the lunch room.

Glenn stared in shock at the lines and lines of words appearing in his vision

[Scanning planet...]

[Analysing Environment...]

[Scanning the host full body status...]

[Checking host mental and emotional health..]

[Downloading Data and Awaking AI...]

[Rechecking brainwave after download...]

[Date download successful. Awaking AI successful...]

[Creating system interface... Visualizing the system... confirming all tasks, tips and tutorials]

[Requesting final approval.....]

[Please say *Yes* to grant final approval]

Glenn blink rapidly but the floating words were still there so he did the next best thing.

Slapped himself...hard

The words were still there.

Glenn was about to ask if anyone else was experiencing what he is experiencing when a loud voice beat him to it

"Hey, is anyone else wondering why Glenn slapped himself?"


Glenn smiled.

'Its probably just the shock causing him to see things.

!Drop a Power Stone to support Glenn!

If any name is wrongly spelt, please tell me in the comments

chronikles_contentcreators' thoughts