

Glenn life was very ordinary in the human realm until he suddenly awaken a system with power which gives him ability beyond his imagination. [Scanning planet...] [Analysing Environment...] [Scanning the host full body status...] [Checking host mental and emotional health..] [Downloading Data and Awaking AI...] [Rechecking brainwave after download...] [Date download successful. Awaking AI successful...] [Creating system interface... Visualizing the system... confirming all tasks, tips and tutorials] [Requesting final approval... Approval accepted...] [Merging system with host...] [Successful.] [Now returning to Galaxy X260. Wishing new Unique System User best of lucks in his future adventure] ----_---- {Sup host, ready to become the best?] Glen stared at the words floating in his vision and the voice speaking in his head. After such a harsh attack, he began seeing things... {Hey, host, you're still in there??} Glen slapped himself. This must definitely be a dream. **************** Edited version. Might contain certain difference from the original Thanks for clicking, hope you stick around. Chapter Release ~ every (2) day(s)

chronikles_content · Action
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9 Chs


The situation at the soon was quickly managed by the teachers and electricians were immediately sent to investigate the sudden blackout and restore power.

It seemed not only SLHS had experience the blackout from the sounds of sirens outside. A few accidents had even occurred causing ambulance and police cars to zoom past the school in high speeds.

Glenn excused himself to the bathroom the moment the lights came back up. He was curious about the words floating in his vision and wanted to see what it was about.

Thankfully, everyone was still recovering from the experience so he easily slipped away with catching much attention.

Glenn walked into the male bathroom and entered the last stall. He finally focused completely on the transparent screen in his vision

The last message on the screen still hasn't changed

"What are you?" Glenn ask

He didn't expect an answer but just had to try something. However, the the unfamiliar voice entered his ears again

[I am a system distributor from a galaxy far away from yours. You've been chosen to host a system. Would you like to complete the bounding process]

Glenn raised an eyebrow. "A system distributor from another galaxy? What is this, a Science Fiction novel?"

Glenn knew that his world would be a fictional place from a novel however, wasn't an artificial intelligence system a little much?

[It is understandable that you doubt my words. A system is only granted when a timeline or galaxy is in danger that might affect the rest of the universe. So far, more that a hundred systems have been sent to different galaxies and timelines to help save it. Your galaxy is in danger and it will affect many galaxies around yours so naturally, a system is sent to help. You've been chosen to host this system. Do you accept?]

TITLE: Unique System (First Draw)

Glenn brain rapidly took in and process the new information. Questions appeared in his mind and he asked the one he was curious about the most

"Why me?"

[You were chosen because you have a clear heart, unstained by the elements of this world. You care about others and are willing to help]

The look on Glenn's face could not be explained with simple words. He snorted and said one word


[I was hoping you'll believe that. Anyways, disregarding how dark your heart is, you're still the best candidate to host this type of system. Finally, you were chosen because you're a naturally born leader. I believe you'll use the powers granted by the system to save your world. Please accept the system to complete the bounding process]

Glenn only thought for a moment. He didn't know what kind of system this would be but if it granted him more power, anything that granted him more power was highly welcomed at the moment.

"I accept"

[Thank you]

[Approval accepted...]

[Merging system with host...]


[Now returning to Galaxy X260. Wishing new Unique System User best of lucks in his future adventure]

The voice in Glenn's head was gone like it never even existed. Glenn waited for a few seconds to feel any change in his body but everything was still normal.

The bounding process was complete but he didn't feel any different in his body. He checked thoroughly yet found nothing.

Was all that just now an imagination? What's going on?

Glenn shook his head and reached to open the door when he saw a sliver and red bracelet on his left wrist


Glenn looked closely at the bracelet. He was sure he didn't own anything like this. In fact, this bracelet looked so beautifully curved and it's surface was completely smooth. Glenn was sure it was a really expensive item

He had been so busy searching inside his body, he hadn't even thought of the system coming in form of an accessory.

And such an eye catching one at that.

Without thinking, he traced his right thumb on the smooth and surprisingly cold surface of the bracelet

To his surprise, a blue screen immediately opened above the bracelet and it floated above it no matter where he moved his hand

The blue screen was about 42inche tv and was slightly transparent. It had a few things written on the left side while the right side was empty


[Name ~ Glenn Beck

System ~ Unique System 0041]


Strength ~ 15 (10)

Speed ~ 13 (10)

Agility ~ 13 (10)

Defence ~ 15 (10)

Intelligence ~ 20 (10)

Perception ~ 15 (10)

Endurance ~ 18 (10)

Stamina ~ 17 (10)


Method ~ None

Level ~ None

QI ~ 0/20

[Awakened Attribute]

01 ~ Unawakened

02 ~ Unawakened

03 ~ Unawakened


* Innate ~ Advance Leadership Skills (10/10)

* Innate ~ Ice Seal Palm (3/10)

* Innate ~ Hell's Eyes (10/10) //Locked//



[Wheel of Fortune]

0/5 spins used

[Sub system users]

No slots available


Glenn looked blankly at his stats.

"I know I'm not fast or strong but did you have to represent it in such low numbers?" he asked with a sour expression

{Well, I never lie. What did you expect?}

Glenn nearly jumped out of his skin when the unfamiliar voice entered his ears.

He stared at the bracelet

"Did you just talk?"

{I won't be an AI if I couldn't talk. Hi, I'm Zero and I'll be your sidekick from now on. Is there anything you don't understand?}

Glenn got over his initial shock and nodded

"The first five bars are understandable but what does the numbers in brackets mean? what is the Wheel of Fortune and Sub System User?"

[The numbers in front of the your stats shows how many points an unawakened human would have. Those in front of the skills shows how many more times you can upgrade that skill.]

{It appears one of your Innate skills is on lock. Why is that?}

"None of your business" Glenn replied "Explain the rest"

[The wheel of fortune is a wheel you spin to get an item. You might get a skill, a weapon, an attribute or even a girlfriend if you're lucky enough]

Glenn rolled his eyes at the last part of Zero's words

[You'll need Spin Cards to spin the wheel. Right now, you have five spin cards. Spin cards can be obtained randomly. The items drawn from the wheel are yours to use as you please]

[Next, Sub System Users is a feature that allows you to influence the attribute and skills of people you wish to. You can add people to your system then be able to grant them attributes according to their desire. These people won't know they've been added to a system but you can greatly help them improve or complete destroy their attributes]

[It is advised not to add people you don't trust as they will experience a large boost of power and might be a problem to you in the future]

Glenn listened to Zero's explanation intensively. He now understood more about this new system and was ready to move on to his next question

"The system distributor said the galaxy is in danger. Can you tell what kind of danger?" he asked hopefully

[Sorry, this information is not accessible for now]

For now? So there is a chance he'll find out in the future then.

Glenn decided not to push the topic any further

"Is there a way for me to communicate with you without talking?" Glenn asked.

{Yes. I can hear you thoughts. Well, the ones directed to me that is}

Glenn nod, relieved. He didn't want to imagine talking to Zero in public. People would probably think he was crazy.

After getting the informations he needed, Glenn walked out of the bathroom and into the still empty hall way.

Break wasn't over so the students were still enjoying their self at other parts of the school.

Glenn walk past the year 1 teachers office. He stopped when he heard a familiar name

? "Miss Lauren, who are your students this year? Another bunch of losers I presume" a female voice said from inside the office and a few other voices laughed in response

Glenn didn't stand to listen. He was about to walk away when he had a thought.

Wasn't Miss Lauren his teacher?

Glen doesn't hear Miss Lauren reply but another person, a guy this time, spoke

? "Don't you all know Miss Lauren is our school's most wonderful teacher? For three years she have thought three class and all her students had all graduated with the worst results. She haven't had a single promotion unlike the other teacher that started teaching at the same time as her" the guy said with a mocking tone.

"Promotion? I'll be a monkey if she even get any good words from the head teacher!"

"Miss Lauren, you're so beautiful but that all. You should have just accepted my proposal earlier, ha"

Light footsteps approached the door and Glenn took a few steps back just as the door open and a beauty with long black hair, wearing a fitting blue jean and blue polo shirt walked out and walked down the hall not noticing the person behind her.

Glenn watched Miss Lauren walk briskly away. From beginning to end he didn't hear her say anything in retaliation to the people mocking her.

However as she worked away, her slender fingers were clinched and her shoulders tense.

Glenn could still hear the snickering voices inside the office. He looked at Miss Lauren as she took a right turn and vanished.

He could guess what was had transpired between the adults. It appears one of the male teachers had made a move on the female teacher and was rejected hence he was finding other ways humiliate her.

Glenn wasn't one for gossip but from what he heard, it seems Miss Lauren has not have any luck in her teaching career and has always thought the class with the least talented students.

Glenn pushed his hand into his pocket and slowly walked down the hall.

He was confident that would awaken attribute above A rank. He won't be bothered about others. However, something about the tomboyish teacher made him want to protect her.

'Zero, what are my chances of drawing an X class attribute?'

[It's your first draw, of course you'll get something good. Your chances of drawing an X class attribute is 95%]

'Well then,-' Glenn said a little reluctant, a small smile forming on his lip as he continued down the hall '-Draw me a fortune'

[Roger That!]

If you're uncomfortable with morally gray or a little psychopathic character, I'll strongly advise to continue reading at your own risk.

Somewhere between white and black, there is gray


chronikles_contentcreators' thoughts