
After Acquiring Marvel, I Became the King of Hollywood

He was a third-rate director in his previous life, but he was reborn as a talented 23-year-old director in 1990s America. From then on, he became the box office king of Hollywood, the world's greatest director, the major shareholder of MGM, and the behind-the-scenes boss of Marvel, with one title after another added to his name. And for his first film, he chose "Saw"... Well, it's just a story about a modern third-rate director who transmigrated to the American entertainment industry and stirred up a storm. WARNING: SOME INACCURACIES MAY OCCUR IN THIS MTL, WHICH I EDITED FOR ME TO MAKE IT A LITTLE MORE READABLE. WARNING: NO COPYRIGHT IS INTENDED; ALL RIGHTS RESIDE ENTIRELY WITH THE OWNER. Cover Pic Not Mine Just found it on Google

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140 Chs

Chapter 20: Revealing Information, Kevin Prepares to Make a Fortune

The Oscars held immense allure for every director and actor.

Whenever Harvey Weinstein presented this proposition, no director could refuse his words, and ultimately, they handed over their films to him.

When it came to winning awards, Harvey Weinstein had ample experience.

Unlike other directors who highly valued the Oscars, he considered it an art of public relations.

To win an Oscar, he needed to overcome hundreds of judges.

He had abundant experience in this area.

With this experience, he could always convince directors to sell their films to him at the lowest price possible or enter into cooperation at an extremely low cost.

He was confident that this young man before him would also be unable to resist this temptation.

"Oh, I see."

Kevin remained calm.

His calm expression made Harvey Weinstein feel like his versatile rhetoric had failed.

Harvey Weinstein confirmed once again, "Don't you want to win the Best Director Oscar? Don't you want to become the youngest Oscar-winning director?"

"I don't."

Kevin interrupted Harvey Weinstein's words once again.

"Fine, you're good."

Harvey Weinstein's predatory gaze swept over Kevin and Angelina Jolie standing beside him, as if he wanted to firmly remember these two individuals.

After Harvey Weinstein hummed disdainfully, he left unhappily.

It seemed that Kevin's first enemy in Hollywood had been born.

"Kevin, Harvey Weinstein is a big shot. You offended him. Will there be any consequences?" Angelina Jolie's face showed a mix of emotions as she spoke, revealing her own uneasiness.

Kevin not being afraid of Harvey Weinstein didn't mean she wasn't afraid.

"He's just an independent film distributor. What can he do?"

"There are plenty of people who want to collaborate with me. I don't need someone like him who wants to take advantage of others."

"Jolie, you should also be careful. Harvey Weinstein is notorious for deceiving young girls using the guise of the Oscars."

Angelina Jolie looked puzzled.

"Did he fail in his Oscar campaigns?"

Kevin shook his head.

"No, he does have a knack for winning awards, but he enjoys freeloading."

"It's well-known that Harvey Weinstein doesn't keep his promises."

Angelina Jolie was speechless.

Encountering someone like Harvey Weinstein was the worst nightmare for small models like them who wanted to change their destiny.

Generally, the more influential a person was, the less likely they would engage in such behavior.

Unexpectedly, someone of Harvey Weinstein's stature would also fail to keep his promises...

She wondered if the director in front of her would fulfill her objectives.

From his exposure of Harvey Weinstein and his words, he seemed to be someone who kept his promises.

While Angelina Jolie was lost in thought, news seemed to have spread after Harvey Weinstein discovered Kevin. Several female models and minor actresses started approaching them one after another.

Kevin rejected them all in the name of Angelina Jolie, causing these women to look at her with envy and hatred, wishing they could take her place.

Angelina Jolie firmly positioned herself as Kevin's companion and blocked any other women who tried to get close.

Shortly after, the long-absent Ovitz appeared with a middle-aged bald white man by his side.

As soon as he arrived, Ovitz openly introduced the people around him to Kevin.

"Jeff Robinov, President of Warner Bros. Pictures."

"Kevin, director of Saw!"

Ovitz acted as the matchmaker for the two.

After Ovitz finished introducing the identities of the two, Jeff Robinov spoke up.

"Kevin, your Saw film is amazing. I have never seen such an excellent horror movie."

"Saw deeply instilled in people the importance of life..."

Jeff Robinov lavishly praised Kevin's movie, clearly aware that every director had great confidence in their own work.

Therefore, praising their work had a greater effect than praising the directors themselves.

Kevin understood his intention, but this was just a matter of social etiquette. When someone praised you, you couldn't respond with a sour face.

"Thank you for your praise."

Kevin responded with a smile on his face.

Angelina Jolie, on the other hand, didn't dare to speak. In her eyes, the three individuals in front of her were all influential figures. Regardless of which one she buttered up, she could gain a significant amount of resources.

However, compared to the other two, Kevin seemed like the person who would give her the least disadvantage.

There was no denying that at twenty-three years old, Kevin's appearance could easily rival some Hollywood stars. Even if it wasn't for his directorial status, Angelina Jolie would be willing to have a relationship with him and experience the intimate aspects between a man and a woman.

As the three of them conversed, Jolie refrained from interrupting and simply stood quietly beside Kevin.

She gazed at Kevin with admiring eyes.

Clearly, she understood certain aspects of a man's psychology.

After a few exchanges, Jeff Robinov went straight to the point.

"Kevin, do you have any ideas for your next project as a director? Or are you considering a sequel to Saw?"

"No, no, no. I'm not interested in directing any sequels at the moment, at least not for Saw."

"I'm planning to sell the rights to Saw directly to interested parties. I have my own plans to make another horror film, but it will be completely different from Saw."

Kevin intentionally revealed that he held the rights to Saw, and as expected, Jeff Robinov showed a great deal of interest.

"Oh? You have the rights to Saw? Kevin, what price are you looking to sell it for?"

People in Hollywood were savvy individuals who naturally understood the immense profit potential behind the rights to Saw.

According to Warner Bros.' internal analysis, Saw had the potential to gross over $100 million worldwide, securing its position as a blockbuster horror film.

The film's framework also lent itself well to sequels. As long as the script wasn't too terrible and the director had some level of skill, success and profitability were almost guaranteed—it was only a matter of how much money could be made.

Saw was projected to generate over $100 million in total profits for New Line Cinema, based on various data analysis, including licensed merchandise, DVD sales, and television broadcasts.

Regardless of who saw this data, it was enough to make them envious.

Such a gold mine unexpectedly presented itself.

Jeff Robinov naturally wanted to seize this opportunity directly.