
Aether X Genshin Heroine

Lore friendly romance between aether/sora with the Characters of genshin impact. Love me some romantic relationship in games. Every girls with the same feelings toward our beloved prota, who will he choose? Who will you choose? Will Aether meets the one whom can brought him forward toward the stars?

common_eneweebs · Derivasi dari game
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12 Chs

Paimon (Special)

**This chapter contain Paimon, some viewer might find it disturbing**

After all the adventures we had together, I have been running and running without a clue. Where does that bring me? Back to this beach. Fishing on a log accompanied by the calm ocean, she floats in front of me, how long has it's been since then. She put her hands on her hips, irritated.

*Smack* Ouch. "I can't believe you, even after all the time I gave you, you are despicable Aether!" She hit my shoulder again and again with her tiny hands; it does nothing but tickling me. "I heard all about it. I understand that you still need to focus on finding your sister, but, that doesn't mean you shouldn't fell in love!" "I can't imagine a traveller to be this stupid; I even hold back, so I didn't interrupt your precious moments!"

I flick her forehead hard until she tumbles in the air. I believe what happens at this shore some times ago is a fate. A fate that I am to meet the bubbliest fairy in existence. I received many help me on my journey, but it all begins with her, I have promised myself to say it this morning. Her moon eye, her tiny hands, I don't understand this myself.

Her smile leads me, again and again, I can't stop myself. Every joke, every laugh, every step, every choice I made is hers. She is the only one who knows this pathetic side of mine and yet, "Whoa, Aether! Pull yourself together, Traveler. There there, why are you crying, it's must have been hard, yes? " She caresses my hair. "Honestly geez, Paimon doesn't know what will you do without paimon,"

Me too, to be honest, I also don't know what I will do without you, "Hello, are you there? Are you Aether? What possessed you today? You are very weird today." I ask her to caress my hair once again. I don't know why, but behind those outgoing, dumb, and rude behaviour, she is the only one I can show this side of mine.

She pulled my cape, choking me, "Get up traveller, how long will you sulk down. Cmon, I am hungry" Inconsiderate to the last minute, rude, munching monster, treasure maniac, lazy bum, and yet... I cannot help falling for her.

Even though she couldn't do anything, she would protect me with her life by floating in front of me just like that battle with Tartaglia; she thought me everything about this world, it was because of her I fell in love in this world. Even when no one in my side, she is there with me, but.

She is right; I can't stay like this forever. I stand up; she is floating in front of me, facing the whispering wood. "Paimon. I love you." She stopped, and then continue flying ignoring me. Does she hear me? "Paimon!" "Wait a sec; there must be something wrong with my ear," "Paimon!" "Are you crazy! have you gone mad?! You eat a weird mushroom or something?" She stomped the air and looked at me. I love you, paimon! All this time even though I never called for you, you were always beside me. She is shocked, I shake her whole body dazing and confused, she floats herself away from me.

So what is your answer? "Paimon need to think about this first" I am happy, that she is considering it. No matter how long must I wait, I will- "Okay! I mean, You will take care of Paimon, right?" Eh? Is she thinking it through? "

I don't know why, but if I don't accept your confession, you are just going to become sad again, right? Paimon doesn't want to see you cry" I am not that weak! Is what I want to shout at her, but she is right. Even right now, my tears couldn't stop flowing through my cheek. I am bursting with happiness. "Eh? Why are you still crying! Paimon says she loves you too, so you should stop crying." Even behind all those childish expressions, she is the woman I love and the only girl I can show this expression too. The chain of fate is cruel, and yet, it gives relief to those who carried the burden. And this world gives me paimon.

I made this chapter last year was it, man time flew fast doesn't it

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