
Aether X Genshin Heroine

Lore friendly romance between aether/sora with the Characters of genshin impact. Love me some romantic relationship in games. Every girls with the same feelings toward our beloved prota, who will he choose? Who will you choose? Will Aether meets the one whom can brought him forward toward the stars?

common_eneweebs · Video Games
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12 Chs


The unwelcoming chilling breeze of the snowy evening freezes my hands and my feet. Breathing's hard, and thinking's made even harder, The snowy stairs dampening my steps and the hailstorm's suffocating. I look at the nail's up above the cloud with mysteries it shrouded in. This world is built upon mysteries and secrets, but none as concealed as her. And there she was at the edge of the mountaintop. With a brazier by her side, she looks into the distance.

I take another step getting closer to her until she finally looks at me with her dead purple eye and her usual frigid aloof expression. Sitting on the edge of the snowy field and beside her stand a brazier.

She tugged her cigarette, "You are a very foolish individual, Aether" That's the first time she called me by my name. "Why are you surprised? You are the one that keeps begging me to call you that," I flustered.

She takes a look at me with a disgusted look, and in the blink of an eye, she pushed her dagger at my throat; I gulped. I am not as surprised as I should, maybe even I expect this to come, and with an interrogation tone, she whispered, "Let's get this over with quickly."

"Ever since we first met, you've been asking me over worthless questions, you spent your time looking for me and bothered to bring me to your trivial matter, and when the other sister talks crap behind me, and I know you stepped in, do you think I need your protection? Hah! Please." I can feel the sharp part of the dagger slowly touching my skin, "You've been smiling at random times, and you dare seek into my past Let me ask you once again, What are you, traveler? What are you up to?"

She put away the dagger and pull out another cigarette while I checked my neck if it's still there. "I'll give you time to answer it" She blows off the gray smokes that blend in quickly with the snows,

"Traveller. I was born in a place with no light. I spent my whole life plundering people's light. Until mondstadt took me in their arms; I am just a lowlife that took away people's happiness."

And why exactly are you telling me all about this right now? I asked her, "I don't even know myself." "I never met someone mad enough to spent their time with me." "And most importantly, I want you to understand, I am not someone admirable. One day, I will return to the embrace of darkness. It was inevitable."

And if I were there to stop you? She paused for a bit, "I would probably try to kill you too" I gulped; what if I become stronger than you? I ask her one last time. "You already are," She answered before leaving her sit and walk away,

You have told me a lot about yourself; thank you for trusting me, "Who says I'm trusting you?" She spoke with her plain face.

"I simply despise the likes of you; someone likes you are too bright for me"

"And what about you? You haven't told me the answer to my question. What are you, and what are you trying to get from me?"

"And don't say it's because of your altruism. Those kinds of boarshit won't work on me" She walks closer at me.

"Are you simply sympathizing with me? For I need none of yours" She walks even closer.

I shook my head in disagreement; she is who she always was, Her heart's made out of stone, and her face holds one of an ice sculpture. Her gaze stops the wind, and her steps chilled the air. Her tears have long dried, and her hands have soaked in too much blood. Her smile's scarce as the rain in mondstadt, but those smiles are all I've kept seeking, but not once do I ever feel the need to see it.

But even so, with a slither bit of hope that I could reach her unmeltable heart, and so without thinking it even further, I said it without taking a breath,

"I did all of that because I like you, Sister Rosaria."

"What is the name of barsibatos are you trying to play with me?" she speaks monotonously. What you hear is as what I say,

"Are you tired of living because I can help you with that" She points her spear at me; death is far from my wish, as I still need to find my little sister. But what I say is only what I feel.

I am not a good person, just like you; everything I did is just so that I can get a little closer to you. I was trying my best to get you to look at me if that's the answer to your question. I say all that with my hands palmed.

She doesn't speak any words, neither does her expression change. She just keeps walking closer and closer until I can feel her warmth in this distance, I closed my eyes, but She doesn't spit at me nor she slapped me. But All that I can feel her bitter tongue on my lips, She froze me wicked, and I can't move an inch.

For seconds until harsh winds start to blow, she pushes me away, but again, not a single bit of her expression changes. Neither a single clue of blush nor smile, but one thing she did say after that,

"Do as you please, Aether, but don't regret what you have chosen." She disappears into the distance right before a hailstorm started. Leaving me alone in the dragonspine storm. I keep asking myself what just happened; it might not be a dream, nor is it real. Maybe there is really something in between, and one thing I do know for sure,

The reason's my body's warm even in this hailstorm, the reason I can feel my face blushing, and the reason my heart's beating so fast. That her eyes had imprisoned me in her ice cage

and love Is an understatement for this feeling.

GOddamn, I am so sorry for the long update, I just kind of forget about this site and when my friend reccomended me to write in here, i just like, "wait a minute, why am i logged on." and thats when I realized "oh no."

I will update 2 story per day every day, until the lattest chapter. I will try to become more active as well.

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