

Melissa This scene made me envious, and at that moment, I wished to also have someone who would love me. Someone who would leave his comfort zone and make an exception for me. Just like any other girl, I also yearn for a relationship. One without heartbreaks. A lifetime kind of love. I know that heartbreak is inevitable, that there are no beds of roses for being in love but still hope and wish to get someone loyal. Max And we met again, unexpectedly, in the coffee shop. The funniest thing is that every time I was in a cranky mood is when our paths would cross. Was it really fate? I was only joking, knowing that she had politely denied me her number without sounding proud and elitist. The shock on her face was priceless, and just like that, my bad mood disappeared as I found myself a fun companion. I loved how she would switch personality so fast without even knowing it. At the first meeting, she was this goofy kind of girl, at the town square, a shy girl but clever not to sway off, then at the coffee, her words still ring in my ears like a seduction from a goddess. *** "You said the first meeting is considered an accident, the second meeting a coincidence?" It was more of a statement than a question, and I could not help but wonder why he suddenly asked that question. "Yeah..." I answered hesitantly, not knowing what he was driving at. "Then what about a third meeting? Fate?" He asked, my heart picking a beat. *** Melissa is a hardworking, passionate young lady who lives alone with her kindhearted and adamant grandmother who always insists on her to get a boyfriend. Melissa, bothered by her grandmother's constant nagging, ends up lying to her grandmother, giving her the description of the guy, she saw in the bus and telling her that he's, her boyfriend. Little did Melissa know that she was going to cross paths with the same guy and slowly fall for his charms and sweet talk.

Adlyne_Faith · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
33 Chs



Groaning, I let myself fall on my bed. I only wanted some rest, but the moment my eyes closed, all the events from today started flashing.

A smile automatically appeared on my face when I saw Bibi. She has this energy around her that was just so contagious.

She was so excited when she saw me again. Judging by the way her eyes sparkled and hugged me.

Of course, she never ran out of stories, especially about Melissa. She spoke highly of her. Everything that a parent does to make their children look good.

But hers was different. Bibi was sincere with everything she was saying.

I could tell that Melissa was so precious to her, though I wondered if she was related to her by blood.

When Bibi helped explain the directions to where Melissa was working, I expected it to be some big grocery store. But to my surprise, she was in a small kiosk.

I frowned when I saw her playing with a knife, afraid that she might chop out her pretty fingers. But then she was like a professional.

Poor veggies.

I didn't know she also worked in the grocery shop - a kiosk - I thought her only job was at the café.

I laughed when I remembered what happened when Bibi caught us in an awkward situation.

Not awkward for me, but for her. I was very much comfortable, to be honest. At first, I only wanted to tease her into giving in and giving me something that would guarantee me getting the land.

But who would have thought she would call the owner and even say I am dear to her? I knew she was lying to that man, but something snapped in me, and before I knew it, I snuggled deep in the crook of her neck, and boy, wasn't she smelling divine? Let's not forget the part where she unknowingly rubbed herself on me.

She wasn't only smelling nice, but even the taste of her skin was sweet. She gasped loudly with a jump, but I could not let go of her yet. Her reaction. Instead of snapping me to reality, it fuelled my desire for her.

It has been a long since I indulged myself in sexual activities or even being this close to a woman, so having her near me, was driving me insane. I knew I had to stop, especially when she snapped toward me sharply.

She was affected as much. Turned on even, but what stood out the most was rage.

I knew I was done for. Just as Melissa was about to open her mouth, Bibi again came to my rescue.

At first, I panicked. I didn't know how Bibi would react, seeing me trying to make a move on her granddaughter.

Another chuckle escaped my lips when the memory played in my mind.


"Bibi!" Melissa exclaimed in horror, trying to yank herself from my hold.

I let her go immediately, praying Bibi does not jump on me with her claws. Even though she was old, she somehow managed to scare me.

I was waiting to be glared at, to be scolded, or even hit with anything available but...

"Oh, sorry, I should have knocked." Bibi gasped, her eyes wide as saucers.

"No... why... Why... I mean," Melissa, who had already scrambled from my lap, stammered, tiding her clothes.

"It's your house. Why would you need to knock? And that..." She continued pointing at me.

I, on the other hand, was perturbed by Bibi's reaction. I was totally not expecting it. Seeing how flustered she looked at me made me want to laugh at her.

"It's not what it looked like." She continued.

Dumbest line ever.

"I tripped and fell." She added, looking all flustered.

"You fell on his lap?" Bibi cocked her eyebrow at her. I had to bite my lip to stop myself from laughing.

Bibi, however, dissolved in laughter, and I could no longer hold mine as I joined her, leaving Melissa confused.

"Oh no, no need to explain anything," Bibi spoke in between her laughs,

"You two are a couple anyway but don't you think it will be comfy on the bed?"

"Bibi!" This time I guffawed seeing her covering her face. I stopped when she gave me a deadly glare.

Oh, how I love Bibi!

"I mean, I have nothing against the couch but you two are heavy-"

"Bibiiiii" This time, Melissa covered her ear, her face burning with embarrassment.

"What? You are a grown-up now!" Bibi only laughed.

Poor shy thing.

"No, Bibi, we are leaving. Come on, Max." I was pulled from the couch and dragged towards the door.

"Goodnight, Bibi," I said, smiling at her.

"Goodnight, my boy," She then winked at me.

I just shook my head, wondering who this grandma was.


I knew from the beginning it was the looks. It had always been about appearance ever since I was a kid.

I could see how she would steal glances my way, like wanting to stare for long but too afraid or shy.

However, whenever she looked at me, it was different. It was not only because of being entranced but like she was trying to peep inside my soul. To know more than what meets the eye.

The sound of my phone ringing broke me from my daze.

God help me. I prayed internally upon seeing the caller.

"Good evening, Mother," I said, trying to sound bored. She had been bombarding my phone the whole day with emails and text messages, reminding me about the land.

Someone might think she is my boss and not my mother!

Well, technically, she is, but she's also my mom!

'Don't use that tone with me, boy.'

Great, just great!

"What do you want?" I asked dryly.

'You know what I want, Max.'

"You gave me until the end of this month, so why put so much pressure on me?" I frowned, not understanding why she kept on pressuring me this much.

'You can't blame me for worrying all the time. As it is, I have to remind you that you are the next heir of-'

"Mom! I know. You have been reminding me ever since I was a child." I cut her short, sitting on the bed.

"I can't possibly forget even if I want to." I sighed, massaging my templets, feeling a migraine starting.

"Listen, mom, a benefit of the doubt is all I am asking for. Is that too much to ask?" I was tired of her constant nagging that it started to irritate me.

The worst feeling, is that it made me feel how low she thinks of me.

'Okay, honey, I won't be calling you all the time.' She said after a while, relieving me of all the pressure and stress.

'But,' I groaned, burying my head in the pillow. There is always a but.

'I won't promise anything about texting frequently.'

I swear that I am going to lose my mind if she texts me again.

I needed to distract myself, or better, get laid. I scrolled through my contact list. My thumb hovered on Brie's but hesitated when I remembered I stood her up.

Another weird thing is that it felt wrong thinking of another woman as her image flashed in my thoughts.

Remembering how soft she felt in my arms, her intoxicating scent worked like philtre to me. Never have I ever been driven crazy by a woman, to the lengths of being aroused by a mere thought.

Unconsciously, I found my thumb hovering on Melissa's number, mulling whether to call or text her.

I knew she was still angry at me, which she had all the rights. I crossed the line even though I found myself an excuse to save myself, I still went overboard.

Maybe another time. I thought, ready to settle my phone down when the screen lightened.

I just hope it isn't my mom. My eyes almost popped out of their socket on seeing the sender.

Bello ~Hi, hope you arrived home safely~

My body automatically relaxed, a smile finding its way to my face.

Me; Did Bibi force you to text me?

Bello ~No, she didn't. Is it wrong for me to check on my boyfriend? 😉~

Well, I was not expecting that at all.

Me: Thought you were still mad at me.

I bit myself on how stupid I was to remind her of her anger.

Bello ~I was, but not anymore.~

I sighed in relief before texting back.

Me; What changed?

I was curious to know what made her change her mind.

Bello ~I thought about what you said, and you are right. You have been doing your part while I have been dragging you down. It's just that all this is new to me, and I hope that you understand. And please do not repeat what happened today and don't even think about it.~

To say I was shocked would be an understatement, but then laughed it off when I read her warning.

Bello ~Also... thank you for helping me out. And keeping Bibi happy.~

I found myself grinning like a fool re-reading her text over and over again.

Bello ~Don't let it get to your head, arrogant.~

Another one popped, and I found myself laughing out loud, and then I realized I was acting insane,

I liked everything about her. Her feisty, her stubbornness, and her craziness. She was just her, unique and original, something that is rare to find.

I wanted to see her every day, touch her, feel her, especially knowing that she was no longer mad at me. I wanted everything to do with her. To make her laugh at my jokes again. To see her face glow whenever she tries so hard to hide away her blush.

My thoughts were only filled with her, and I started becoming drunk.

I knew she was trouble, and I knew I was wrong for her. Her innocence was just too pure despite trying to act all miss know it all.

I was starting to like Melissa, which was not a problem for me, but I couldn't let her like me back.

For the first time, I was afraid to hurt a woman. Yes, I was scared to hurt Melissa. I can't tell that she is not the type for a nightstand.

I have always been honest with all the girls I have been with. They knew that it was never more than a fling. It was for pure pleasure and no feeling attached. I am sure that she wouldn't even kiss for fun.

The excitement and adrenaline I was feeling earlier cooled off. I was getting comfortable, and I had to stop it.

I had to do something. I had to make Melisa annoyed with me at the very least. She sent another text wishing me goodnight, and it was like about my thoughts seconds ago was forgotten.


The next couple of days, I decided to lay low. I made sure to come up with all sorts of excuses I could think of to convince Bibi that I As for Melissa, I could not bring myself to answer calls or texts.

I know I was being cruel, but I could not afford to let her thoughts run wild while expecting something from me. Eventually, she stopped texting and calling.

Things were going well for next three days, until that day Bibi decided to give me a heart attack.

"What!" I exclaimed, getting on my feet. I was in the club with Ken, waiting for the rest of my friends to arrive, when I received call from Bibi. I was surprised and curious why she was calling late at night.

"Bibi, it's nothing like that, but you see, it's late and dangerous out here." I tried explaining to her, but it all seemed like it fell on deaf ears.

"Okay, Bibi," I sighed resignedly. What made me think I could argue with Bibi.

She is so manipulative!

"Everything alright?" Ken asked, punching me softly on my shoulders. I shrugged, ignoring his question, and dialled Melisa's number. I tapped my hand on the rail, impatiently waiting for her to pick up the damn phone.

I tried a couple of times, but it only rang without her picking up.

Why is she not picking up the call?

The conversation I heard earlier with Bibi ringing in my ears. Crazy, definitely crazy

Could it be that she is at that friend of hers' house? But no, that would raise a question about our relationship.

Unknowingly, I began to panic, wild thoughts running through my mind. Her neighbourhood isn't somewhere safe, and it's late. What if she got mugged or worse...

¨Dude, you look a mess. Anything the matter?¨ Ken asked again, with furrowed eyebrows.

¨Answer the damn phone, you crazy woman!¨ I snarled the phone, pacing back and forth, worrying started to grip my heart, paying no heed to Ken's bewildered face. He wanted to talk - tease - but one death glare his way was enough to make him swallow his words.

"What the heck is wrong with you? Why were you not picking up your phone?" I spat the moment Melissa answered the phone.

'Huh, that's pretty rich coming from you, don't you think so?'

I heard her scoff. For a moment, I got guilt-tripped by her words. But it was not time to feel any remorse for my past actions.

"Where are you?"

'None of your business.'

I closed my eyes, praying for patience. I took deep breaths, trying to calm down my nerves. This is not what I signed for. We were clear that this charade was not going to affect my daily life.

"Bibi called me. She told me that you are coming to spend the night at my place." There was silence on her end for some time before I heard her sigh.

'I can take care of myself.' Melissa's voice was soft this time, with no sign of sarcasm.

'Don't mind Bibi, and continue with what you were doing. You don't have to worry...'

¨Galaxy club." I cut her short.¨


¨Galaxy club, do you know where it is?¨ I repeated, hoping she knew where it was located.

'Yes, the one behind the hub?' Thanks the heavens.

¨Yes, go there, take a cub, I will pay for it¨

'Haze I...'

I hung up the phone, cursing at that name again. What is with that name? I couldn't believe I was here worrying for her, but she was still referred to as another man.

"Seriously, man. What is wrong?" Ken asked, taking a sip of his drink.

"You look like a tsunami has descended on you, and who is Bibi? Don't tell me a new chick?" He teased, quirking his eyebrows.

"Well, my girlfriend is coming over." I shrugged nonchalantly, collapsing on the couch. Ken almost choked on his drink.

"Dude! What? What the heck? Easy on my heart." He dramatically touched his chest. I shook my head while picking up my drink.

Ken and his dramas.

"Your girlfriend? Since when?" He asked, leaning forward.

"It's a long story."

"I think I got all the time." he crossed his arm around his chest.

"Don't think I haven't noticed you have been disappearing lately." He threw me a suspicious look, his eyes narrowing slightly. In the end, I had no choice but to tell him everything that took place. By the time I finished, Ken was staring at me in shock, his mouth agape.

"No frigging way!" I shrugged and took a swag of my drink.

"So she hired you to play his boyfriend? Some guts she got there. I like her already. Oh, I can't wait to meet this one." He said with enthusiasm, rubbing his palms together.

¨Dude, she is off-limits.¨ I warned sternly, knowing very well his nature.

"Chillax, man!" He said teasingly, raising his hand in surrender.

I kept checking my watch every passing second. I was beginning to behave like a teenager, waiting for his homecoming date to arrive. I missed her a lot.

The past few days were the worst of all. I tried to distract myself from thinking by flirting and making out with other girls, but I would feel repulsed. Something that has never happened before. I am not someone who denies myself when I want something, and for the first, I did.

She even started invading my dreams. Not the innocent winking part or the blowing kiss, but more intense this time.

What is she doing to me?

"Don't put your panties in a twist, bro." Ken laughed at my miserable state, earning him another glare.

"Can you believe that Jake is coming with Nicky?" Ken exclaimed, causing me to look back at him.

"Like just the two of them," he continued, seeing that he got my attention.

"Are you sure those two won't kill each other?" I asked, shaking my head.

They never stayed in the same room for two seconds before trying to attack each other. Not physically. Well, not entirely when it comes to Nicky.

My phone rang, interrupting whatever Ken wanted to say. Without wasting any time, I answered the phone.

"Finally, where are you?" I sighed with relief.