

Melissa This scene made me envious, and at that moment, I wished to also have someone who would love me. Someone who would leave his comfort zone and make an exception for me. Just like any other girl, I also yearn for a relationship. One without heartbreaks. A lifetime kind of love. I know that heartbreak is inevitable, that there are no beds of roses for being in love but still hope and wish to get someone loyal. Max And we met again, unexpectedly, in the coffee shop. The funniest thing is that every time I was in a cranky mood is when our paths would cross. Was it really fate? I was only joking, knowing that she had politely denied me her number without sounding proud and elitist. The shock on her face was priceless, and just like that, my bad mood disappeared as I found myself a fun companion. I loved how she would switch personality so fast without even knowing it. At the first meeting, she was this goofy kind of girl, at the town square, a shy girl but clever not to sway off, then at the coffee, her words still ring in my ears like a seduction from a goddess. *** "You said the first meeting is considered an accident, the second meeting a coincidence?" It was more of a statement than a question, and I could not help but wonder why he suddenly asked that question. "Yeah..." I answered hesitantly, not knowing what he was driving at. "Then what about a third meeting? Fate?" He asked, my heart picking a beat. *** Melissa is a hardworking, passionate young lady who lives alone with her kindhearted and adamant grandmother who always insists on her to get a boyfriend. Melissa, bothered by her grandmother's constant nagging, ends up lying to her grandmother, giving her the description of the guy, she saw in the bus and telling her that he's, her boyfriend. Little did Melissa know that she was going to cross paths with the same guy and slowly fall for his charms and sweet talk.

Adlyne_Faith · Urban
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33 Chs



"Finally, where are you?" I sighed with relief.

'Hello handsome, miss me that much.' I cursed under my breath upon hearing Brie's voice.

'You just have to tell me where you want me.' She continued rather seductively.

Without replying, I hanged up the phone. I had no time to entertain such meaningless flirtation. It was a long since I talked to Melissa, and she should have arrived by now.

After a few seconds, it rang again. Frustrated, I answered and hollered at Brie, not minding if she would get hurt or not.

"What! Will you stop calling me!" I hanged up again, but her nagging.

What'sup with this woman? And where is that crazy woman? My mind drifted back to her.

It was strange how Brie didn't try to call back again or send a sassy text. She is never the one to give up, no matter how rudely I treat her.

Then a text pinged.

Bello ~Are you for real? Instead of playing this stupid game, why don't you tell me to back off and leave you alone!?~

What? I looked at the text again, trying to digest it.

Oh no!

I went through the last caller and cursed again when I saw that she was the last caller. Remembering how I hollered at her made me want to knock myself.

Me; Where are you? I texted back.

Bello ~At the club, I am already inside.~

That was all I needed to hear before I got up and headed towards the rail. My eyes scanned through the crowd of people dancing, drinking, and others making out.

I thought it would be hard to spot a particular brown-haired gem - or maybe not - as she stood in the crowd.

She was in the midst of people looking around like a lost sheep dressed in blue jeans with a black crop hoodie. She was more beautiful than I remembered. His skin was glowing, contrasting with her short golden hair.

I saw her bring out her phone, dialled a number, and put it in her ear, her eyes skimming around until her head raised. Her eyes found mine.

I couldn't break free from her comatose state. I gazed into her beautiful eyes that now were shining like she held the galaxy, remembering so many days that I have longed to draw in them.

It was only a few days, but why did it feel like years?

And what's with the longing? How come this crazy girl was messing with my existence? I didn't like it one bit.

Breaking out of the trance, I waved my hand at her, signalling her to follow me up the staircase. I did not spare her another glance -even though I was dying to stare.

She needed to get a clear message that I was not happy with my life being disrupted by her.

I wanted to hug her tight, to kiss her until she forgot who I was, but I had to stick to my plan. Make her irritated with me so that she wouldn't develop any feelings for me.

I sat on the couch, waiting, anticipating what she would do once she reached me. Was she going to give one of her heart-stopping smiles? or hug me? Maybe say she missed me?

I was brought back to reality when I saw her approaching. Every move of her, from swaying her hips, side to side without even trying. Now that I could see her clearly, I noticed she was wearing black sneakers.

"Well, hello, there, gorgeous. You must be Melissa." Ken did not waste his time before jumping on Melissa once she reached us.

Melissa stared at him. A little lost confused even. She then looked at me questioningly.

"Cut it, Ken, you are scaring her," I said, sounding bored, and did not make an effort to greet her or offer her a seat.

"Huh!" Ken exclaimed, placing his hand at his heart as if in pain, making me roll my eyes.

"Do I look that hideous? But I am the cutest of all!" He made that cute face that had women swooning over him.

I only scoffed, knowing that Melissa would not react, but oh my, confident much? Because the next moment, Melissa giggled.

She actually giggled! She never giggled at me.

"Cute," I heard her say, and Ken let out a long dreamy sigh. Dramatically.

"You just saved my life," He said and was awarded by another chuckle.

"I am Ken, by the way, but you can call me Kenny, the hottest. Just not Kennedy." He was already unleashing his charming side. Melissa chuckled again, and I could not help but feel uncomfortable with how she did not mind Ken hitting on her.

It made me feel a little envious.

She treated me like I did not exist. All her attention was on my friend, looking at him with sparkling eyes like she was enjoying his company already.

Why Ken? Did she like him?

Ken then took her hand and was about to kiss it when I found myself pulling her away from him.

"Hey man, back off, and keep your hands to yourself," I warned, surprised by my sudden behaviour.

"Sorry, bro, just being nice to the gorgeous lady," he said, returning his gaze to her.

"Have a seat, please. You must be tired," Ken grinned at her.

"Thank you, Ken. Nice to meet you too." she smiled widely at him, ignoring that I was next to her.

"Ken, sit down, and please get rid of that stupid smile." I could not explain why I was feeling irritated.

"Jeez, grumpy much?" he went back to his seat.

"Is the cub driver still outside?" I asked flatly, sitting across her.

"No, he is already gone." I gave her a questioning look. "I paid him." She added.

"But I told you that I would pay!" I said.

"Yes, I remember, but then I remember calling you and hanging up on me. So much for depending on someone." She scoffed, leaning back.

Damn me.

I muttered under my breath. I can't believe that actually slipped my mind.

"So, tell me, gorgeous, how come I have never seen around?" Ken settled his elbow on his knee, leaning forwards, his eyes on Melissa with curiosity.

"Her name is Melissa." I corrected him.

"Buddy, I know," he sighed, "But she is lovely, right?" She turned to Mel, his eyes full of expectation.

"You don't mind me calling you Gorgeous. Do you?"

Oh no, not his puppy face on my girl!

Every girl that I know always falls for that. Now I regretted asking Mel to come over when he was here. Melissa gave out a light laugh, waving her hands at Ken.

"Of course, I don't mind." She replied before turning to me. The sweet smile, while facing Ken, was long gone and replaced by a monotonous look.

" Ignore your friend. Maybe he needs to get laid to get rid of the stinky attitude." She said dryly, looking with a raised eyebrow as if daring me to retort. I was not going to do that.

She was right, I needed to get laid, but I couldn't. And it was all her damn fault. Ken guffawed out loud, looking at me while shaking his head.

"Let him be. He's been grumpy all day long." Ken chuckled, chugging on his drink.

"Which poison do you take, gorgeous. I can make-"

"She does not take any," I curtly stopped Ken before she could speak.

"Actually, I would love to. I will go grab one." She smiled at him, getting up from the seat.

"No, you don't have to. Would I be a gentleman if I let such a beautiful lady cater for herself?" Ken quickly stood up, but I held him back, not liking that he was doing things that were supposed to be done by me.

"She said don't bother."

"Ken, I will be alright," I sighed in relief when she said that,

"Or..." What now?

"You can come with me. I might need your opinion on what to revel." Like hell!

¨Hey!¨ But Ken was quicker in pulling Melisa, hustling away with her.

I gritted my teeth when he said something to Melissa that made her laugh.


"Oh wow, I give you a free ride, and this is what I get?" I heard Jake's voice approaching from behind me.

I turned my head slightly to see him walking ahead of Nicky with a frowning face. I chuckled, retreating my eyes, knowing the poor guy must have suffered miserably.

"Oh, please, it was just a ride. Get over it. What is the difference between you and the cab driver anyway." Nicky's voice was as expected. Annoying, I don't care and sassy attitude.

"Hey, Max!" She chirped once she reached me, her attitude turning 360 degrees in a second before she sat on my thighs.

"Nicky, you are so heavy!" I groaned, but instead, she threw her head back in laughter.

"Someone's grumpy today," she said, glimpsing at me with furrowed brows. Ignoring her statement, I peeked over her shoulder at Jake, who looked exhausted.

"I can see he is in one piece," I smirked, looking at Jake.

"You are speaking as if I am some serial killer." Nicky scoffed, getting off me, for which I was thankful.

"I am the one you should worry about. He almost got us into an accident!"

"Wait, what accident?" I asked, looking between Jake and Nicky in alarm. I waited for both of them to speak, but Jake did not look like he was going to as he was still busy with his phone.

Nicky groaned, seeing Jake's lack of concentration. She stormed towards him and snatched the phone from Jake.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Jake snapped, his angry gaze landing on Nicky, who did not look intimidated.

Oh, no, here we go again. I sighed, feeling pity for my ears and presence. Why do they always have to argue?

"This is what is wrong with me. "Nicky snapped back, waving his phone in his face.

"What is so important that you couldn't wait until we reached?"

"None of your business!" Jake grumbled coldly before snatching his phone back. Nicky hmphed, collapsing on the couch opposite mine. I looked at Jake questioningly, but the latter only shrugged.

"So tell me, what are you up to lately?" Jake hopped on the seat next to me. He reached for Ken's camera lying on the table and began going through the pictures.

"Nothing big," I casually replied, taking a swag in my drink. Jake snickered, his focus on the camera before placing it back on the table.

"Ken and his photos. 90% of them are nude women. Where is he anyway?" Which reminded me that those two had taken too long downstairs. My eyes unconsciously turned towards their direction.

"I saw her flirting with a new chick, typical him." Nicky snorted, leaning on the couch.

How could I forget Ken's nature? I could not understand why I did not follow those two or even keep an eye on them, but what for? I didn't see any reason at first, as I was sure Melissa would not fall for Ken's charm or allow him to flirt with her but now,

Maybe I ranked her high. I thought she was attracted to me back then hence, entertaining me to flirt with her, but who would have known?

"That was awesome. I didn't know it was even possible for something like that to exist!" My hands turned into a fist upon hearing Melissa laughing while approaching Ken. They looked like friends who had been separated before and now just reunited.

"Well, gorgeous, this fine specimen can perform magic." Ken's voice answered, making her roll her eyes.

"You do realize that you have compared yourself to a specimen?"

"You can't blame me. I am just too good that sometimes I doubt if I am real." Melissa laughed again. It just came to my attention that ever since she met Ken, she has been laughing too much to my liking.

"Your laugh is so beautiful, just like the bearer."

"And how many girls have you told this?" They had already reached us but seemed like they were not aware of it. It irked me how they were so immense in there messing around to notice their surroundings.

"So you know you are many, yet you are here?" This time, Nicky was the one who spoke, drawing their attention to us.


"Oh, and the power couples have arrived!" Ken beamed, ignoring Nicky's remark as he was used to it.

He turned his attention between Jake and Nicky, who in turn glared menacingly at him.

"Jeez, came your horses. Good to see you are still alive and kicking." He continued grinning like a child.

"Oh, by the way, let me introduce this gorgeous lady to..."

"Save it, Ken." Nicky cut him short.

"If I have to be introduced to every one of your women, then I'd probably know the entire women's population in the country." She continued, not sparing a glance at Melissa.

I wanted to butt in the conversation and help clear the misunderstanding Nicky had Ken with Melissa, but then something stopped me. I wanted to see how Melissa would handle a confrontation with Nicky. Not to forget how she had behaved so freely with Ken and ignored my existence.

"Oh, no, please, you misunderstood. I am..." Melissa did not get to finish as Nicky interrupted her.

"I don't remember asking you to speak..."

"And I do not remember needing your permission too." Melissa cut her short, causing Nicky to look at her for the first time since she arrived.

Silence reigned in the blasting club as tension could be sensed in the air. None of us expected such a sharp retort from Melissa. Not even Nicky.

"What did you say?"

"I don't like the way you are referring me to. What is wrong with me? Do you think I can't be his girlfriend?" Nicky only rolled her eyes.

"Don't put your panties in a twist. He's all yours." I was taken aback by the sudden change of conversation. I was not even saying anything but got dragged into it.

"What?" Nicky asked, slightly confused.

"I am not his girlfriend?" she said, gritting her teeth. I have seen Melissa happy, shy, and abashed, but not this angry.

"If you are not his girlfriend, then what are you? His next flying?" Nicky spat mindlessly, causing Melissa to close her eyes. I could not take it anymore. I had to put an end to whatever stupid argument these two troublesome ladies had caused.

¨You are such a bitch!¨ Before I could even speak, Melissa uttered those words shocking everyone around us. I saw Nicky's hand tightening on the glass, her expression turning that of anger.

All I could do was pray for a catfight not to break Because I would have no idea whose side I would take. My best friend, or the girl I just met.

¨Okay, you two enough!" I stood up from my seat, stepping between them.

¨Why?¨ Melissa suddenly turned towards me. Her eyes gazed at me with anger and hurt. Something about the way her eyes stared at me made my heartache.

¨Why are you getting angry suddenly? Huh? Ever since I arrived, you have said nothing while your friend insulted me. Over and over again, you sat down watching the show. Have you got your fill?¨ For the first time, I got tongue-tied in a situation.

Melissa was right. I was acting like a coward and a dick head not helping or even clearing the misunderstanding. I was hell-bent on making her hate me so that things won't get complicated. I did not realize that I had even stopped thinking.

¨It's not like that, Mel...¨

¨You can save it. I am not interested in whatever you want to say,¨ Her eyes then turned to Nicky, who was now looking at us with confusion. I think she might have realized her mistake now.

¨Whatever it is, you have no right to talk to me in that manner. Whether I am a whore, or a freeloader, as you put it, it is my life, my body, and my choice. It's such a pity how women keep on degrading each other just to satisfy our own desire. Excuse me!¨ With that, she bumped into me and walked away.

¨Hey! Wait, Mel, please-¨ I did not think for a second or the questioning gaze of my two friends before running after her.

I needed to have a serious chat with Nicky. She needed to know that she was no longer a little child and should start behaving like an adult she was, but not just yet.

My focus now was on Melissa, who was still walking through the crowd, ignoring all of me.

There are times my brain fries up. It's no excuse, I know; I own my behaviour. I try to help. Try to be good, and then a trigger is flicked. My emotions turn - cold, fearful, anxious... I back away, flee, or strike out at someone who I fear might like me.

In these moments, I am least proud of who I am. For I fail to be the man I was born to be.

¨Please stop and let's talk.¨ I said the moment I caught up with her. Without waiting for a reply, I dragged her towards the restroom, where the music was low.

¨Listen, Melissa, I am really sorry about everything, and about me being a jack. I didn't know things would turn out this ugly between you and N-¨

¨Did you call me here so that you can humiliate me?¨ Melissa did not even let me finish when she asked me that question.


¨Is that why you answered my call and shouted at me? Or why did you never even say hi when I arrived? Why you did not offer me a drink or introduce me to your friends?¨

¨We agreed that you would not interfere with my personal life, might I remind you?¨ I found myself saying those words without meaning to. I followed her to apologize and not to add more trouble. But after hearing her questions, it made me feel like she was expecting something more from coming.

¨But I never asked you to call me here.¨ She said calmly. Her voice was no longer angry, rather emotionless, which I did not like.

¨I stopped calling and texting the moment I found out you have been avoiding my calls. I told you that I would be fine without coming here, but you insisted. I never wanted you to introduce me to your friends or whatnot, but do you know what I wanted?¨ She paused as if letting all the things she said sink in my brain.

¨I wanted you to clear the misunderstanding. I wanted you to tell your friend that she was wrong, that I am not what she claimed. Even your friend, whom I only met minutes ago, tried to defend me, but you? I am not angry at your friend. Yes, I feel bad for the acidulous words she had said to me, but I am angry at you, Max. So let me be. I am not going anywhere, so you should not worry. I will be around.¨

Melissa walked away, leaving me standing in the crowded corridor, engulfed in guilt and regrets.

What have I done?

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