
Acnologia Tempest: The Middle Brother

After his defeat on the hands of Fairy tail and it's friends, Acnologia find himself alone with his thoughts, finally he is free from the constant destructive thoughts. He regrets how his actions made him like he was. "If there is another chance, I would make sure to experience everything that I have wasted away in hatred." Follow Acnologia as he finds himself in a cave alone. As he tries to find the way out, Acnologia finds himself meeting a couple of people that will forever change his life.

Doragon · Komik
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76 Chs

The Apocalypse marching

Check out Pat reon for more advanced chapters (+1 currently, I am lazy and busy as hell!)

Pat reon.com/RedVoidDoragon


"For several months, the forest has been unrest. Many strange things were happing, Devils were roaming around naming monsters and taking them away." Setting on a table, surrounded by everyone, Treyni spoke while munching on some chips with a serious expression...that was her third serving.

Benimaru nodded "And I can say that the Orc lord is born because of those devils." He said.

"Indeed, Benimaru-san." Treyni answered with a smile. "And now, the Orc lord is going around killing and eating every living creature in this forest."

"Sounds like a natural disaster." Rimuru.

"Correct!! That would be the proper classification for an Orc lord." Treyni replied.

Acnologia looked at the Dryad "Just say what do you want from me?" He asked "All this story telling isn't gonna get us anywhere."

"My, Lord Acnologia is so impatient, but you are right, What I want from you is....To stop the Orc lord and his army from destroying the life that this forest has." Treyni said seriously with all her herat, she knows better than anyone that person with the biggest chances to kill the stop the Orc lord is Acnologia.

"...." Acnologia thought for a moment, this was a perfect chance, not only will he get rid of the favor that the plant girls have in him, he also will help the Oni avenge their people which will help wash away their regrets.

Even now, he can feel their eyes on him, waiting for his decision and hoping it's the one they want and desire, revenge must he taken.

"...Fine, I'll do it myself." Acnologia stood up and said with a clenched fist. At that instance, Acnologia certainly felt the Oni let out a cold magic aura that only he and Rimuru detected.

'I feel like that was some kind of reference.' Rimuru thought.

Treyni was happy to hear that "Currently, the Orc lord is matching towards the Lizardmen Village." She said.

"They already have reached it." Souei cams out of the shadows and spoke.

"What?!" Treyni was surprised "Impossible, with the speed they are marching with, they should take 3 more days." She said.

"Yes, the army is still away from the Village, but their scouting parties and one of their generals is already at the village.

"No!! If the Lizardmen get destroyed, the forest eco-system will be ruined, they must survive, at all costs!" Treyni shouted nervously.

Acnologia nodded "Souei, go to the Orc Village, protect them as long as you can, the rest of us will head their immediately. Speak to their chief and tell him that we will come to his aid." He said.

"As you wish!" Souei quickly faded into the shadows and traveled to the Lizardmen Village.

"Prepare to fight." Acnologia spoke to everyone in the room, his plan was simple, gather those that can fight, march to the Lizardmen Village, let the Oni get their revenge, and get rid of the Dryads favor.

No sooner, Kaijin and Kurobe started handing out weapons and armor to everyone.


In the Lizardmen village, Souei was made his entrance at the chief's hall, With his hands, he was holding a Lizardmen in the air with his webs, ready to cut him up "I will not tolerate any insult toward Acnologia-sama. If you value your life." He said.

The chief had a stunned expression, one second the Lizardmen was in his feet, the next he was in the air.

"Please, Souei-dono. There is no need for violence." The chief spoke. Even in these dangerous times, he doesn't want to lose any more of his people yet.

"My master has been asked by the Dryads to protect you and the forest together, You'll accept his grace, if you know what is best to you." Souei let the man down from his webs.

The chief was baffled 'This guy bows to someone else...and the Dryads asked him to protect us and the forest.' He would be a stupid if he let go of such a chance to survive.

"My master will be here in 2 days at least. Until then, Don't do anything stupid, the Orcs are still struggling to get through your water maze." Souei said as his body started fading into the shadows.

Immediately after Souei left, the door to the throne room was open with force "Father!!!" A wild Gaberu appeared, followed by dozens of his supporters."What is this that I am hearing? Why are we not fighting the Orcs right now?" He used stupid question.

"Wh?!" His father was stunned, It was supper effective. "Don't be stupid, we have just secured a reliable help and it's on its way, we should wait until we regroup with them."

Gaberu dropped his head "I see, so you really have grown old." He mumbled.

"Brother...?" His sister heard him and she had a bad feeling about that.

"Seize them!!" Gaberu shouted "From now on, I am the chieftain of the Lizardmen, and I will bring glory to our people!!"

"Gaberu!!" His father shouted as he was being held down.


On their way, Acnologia has brought a considerably small portion as his army, Most of tempest Goblins are non combatants, only the wolves and a few hundred goblins can be considered veterans. The Oni are out of the questions, as Hakuru stated, from the moment they are born, the Ogres are thought to hold the sword.

Sitting around a camp fire, Rimuru was having a marshmallow party with Gobuta, Shion alongside the others.

Acnologia was speaking with Benimaru and Hakuru "If we take advantage of the Water maze with the Lizardmen on our side, we can finish the Orcs in one sweep attack." Benimaru said.

"The water maze is the Lizardmen's strongest defense, if we let go of the chance, we may suffer some casualties. The Orcs numbers aren't a joke." Hakuru stated

"Regardless, the most dangerous of their army should be the Orc lord himself and some of his generals." Benimaru responded.

"Alright, then we will let the Goblin riders take care of the footmen while you Oni take care of their generals." Acnologia said after thinking for a moment.

"And the Orc lord?" Benimaru asked.

"After dealing with the small fries, You guys and Rimuru will take care of him." He said.

"As you wish, However, I must ask about your position." Hakuru asked.

"The sky, I'll be watching you fight." Acnologia responded "If I fight with, it will be finished before anyone can say anything. And that is very bad for our forces long-term experience, everyone must fight to be able to stand his ground."

Benimaru and Hakuru nodded.

"We should be there tomorrow, get ready." Acnologia stood up and went to find his brother whose face was stuffed with marshmallows.

"What are you doing?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

Rimuru tried to speak but his mouth was full "Mnhmnhm!"

Acnologia grunted "You know you have to fight some Orc lord soon, right. So...Make me proud lil 'sis."

"Prfffrfr!" All the marshmallow that Rimuru had shot out on Gobuta's face. "Don't call me a sis!!"