
Acnologia Tempest: The Middle Brother

After his defeat on the hands of Fairy tail and it's friends, Acnologia find himself alone with his thoughts, finally he is free from the constant destructive thoughts. He regrets how his actions made him like he was. "If there is another chance, I would make sure to experience everything that I have wasted away in hatred." Follow Acnologia as he finds himself in a cave alone. As he tries to find the way out, Acnologia finds himself meeting a couple of people that will forever change his life.

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The Apocalypse and the true dragon

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Meanwhile, in a different location, a group of people was gathered in dim lighted room.

"So...You mean the Orc lord is dead..." A woman with a platinum hair and white wings on her back spoke.

"Unfortunately that is what happened." A man wearing a white suit responded while taking a sip of his drink.

"Damn it!!" A red/pinkish haired girl smacked a glass cup on the ground "Who is the bastard that killed him? I was looking forward to having fun playing with him!" The little girl was angry "Who is it? Tell me Clayman."

"Forget it, Milim, He is dead." The man in white suit, names Claymen responded.

The last guy, a man with Golden hair grinned and laughed "That is correct, no need to cry over spilled milk." He said.

"I just wanna know who that bastard is!" She said.

Clayman smiled "If you insist..." The crystal orb in front of them lit up and the scene of Rimuru devouring the Orc lord shocked the other trio.

"Is that a slime?" The Winged woman asked.

"Apparently..." Clayman responded.

"Impressive." The Golden haired man added.

"Whoa!!" But the most impressed person was Milim herself as her eyes sparkled with stars in her eyes. "I am go see this one." Milim said.

Clayman only chuckled "You can not." He said.

Milim frowned "What do you mean I can't?"

"Have you forgotten about the Treaty?" The Golden haired man added.

Milim stayed silent for a moment then spoke "Then let us nullify it." She said shocking everyone.

"...well...that treaty was meant to keep everyone away from The Storm Dragon...and now that he is dead...I see no reason for it to stay up." Clayman spoke.

"As expected from Clayman, you do understand." Milim laughed like a kid.

"Fortunately, we have 4 demon lords here, the exact number needed to nullify a pact." Clayman added. The Golden Haired man and the Winged woman looked at him for a moment.

"That's right! From now on, the Jura Forest treaty is nullified." Milim said.

As if in cue, Clayman pulled out a contract paper as if he had it written in advance "Then sign here please..."

Milim took the paper and signed up in lightning speed "Then I am off!" She shouted before breaking through the ceiling.

Clayman looked up and mumbled in sadness "...My roof."


On her way, Milim was flying in the sky when she felt a huge spike of magic coming from where she is heading "This is Mana! Storm Dragon?!!" She shouted "This is gonna be a pain to explain later... But who cares!"


Above the cave, in the sky. The white Dragon balanced herself after getting blasted away "There, There." The hit had no effect on her at all. Granted It didn't have any real weight behind it. "Now that wasn't nice." She said with a chuckle. When she shifted her eyes, she saw an Obsidian Dragon flying towards her with a punch.

"Shit!!" She narrowly avoided getting hit and sent a tail swipe towards Acnologia which he deflected easily.

"My business here is with Veldora, Who are you?" Velzard asked.

"...." Acnologia did not speak and only growled before he opened his mouth [Breath of the Apocalypse.] He sent a fast purple breath at Velzard who in return opened her jaws for [Ice Hazzard] she shouted, releasing an ice breath.

The two breaths clashed for a moment before Velzard's breath overpowered Acnologia's. Velzard's breath hit Acnologia directly.

"Don't blame me for that." Velzard spoke as she heard Acnologia roaring while her breath assaults his body.

However, to her shock, after her attack finished, Acnologia was still there flying with no scratch on his body but a wicked grin on his jaws can be seen, His blue Tattoos glowed in white.

"... Impossible." Velzard was surprised. However she had no time to be surprised as Acnologia vanished from his place and immediately punched Velzard in the face. "You!!"

The two dragons cashed in punches, tail whips, and headbutts.

Acnologia sent an upper cut infused with death magic [End claws] to which Velzard met with her own attack [Frost Touch], the two attacks caused a huge shockwave.

Down in the cave, Rimuru was shocked, the amount of attacks that were released up there are capable of destroying a city on their own.

"What are we supposed to do?" Rimuru asked Veldora who had a serious face.

"Velzard, that frosty woman, why is she here now?" Veldora grumbled in annoyance, she has always been a pain in my ass."

"You know her?!" Rimuru spoke out when he heard him mumbling.

"...Well, she is my sister in a sense, another True Dragon." Veldora said as he protected Rimuru from another shockwave of ice and death aura.

Rimuru was shaken to his core, according Great Sage, True Dragons can be considered an end boss in this world, a being more powerful than a demon lord.

And seeing the fight over their heads, Rimuru couldn't help but say "Is this the power of a True Dragon?"

"No, it is not. Velzard is not using any of her Ultimate skills, one if her ultimate skills is [Envious Lord Leviathan], she can absorb someone's power and weaken them."

Rimuru broke a sweat "Then...is she playing around with brother Acnologia?" Rimuru, for once feared what is gonna happened.

Veldora growled 'Damn it! If I leave Rimuru alone he will be crushed by the death and frost aura going around, this area is already freezing to death.' He wanted to go and help his Little brother, but he can't leave Rimuru alone. 'If Velzard used her Ultimate Skill, Acnologia will suffer...'

However...They all forgot one thing...

Velzard was slowly and gradually boiling inside "WHY IS IT NOT WORKING?!!!" She shouted as she shot another Frost breath at Acnologia whose face was full of a mocking grin.

For the past 5 minutes of the fight, none of Velzard Ultimate Skill abilities were triggered.

It was as if she was not able to absorb his power. She couldn't weaken Acnologia nor completely block his attacks.

"Damn you..."


General Information.

Velzard Ultimate skills:

Patience Lord Gabriel: Velzard's Ultimate Skill that specialize in all form of defenses born out of her unshakable iron will and strong heart. The core essence of this is fixation. She can applies this power to stop/freeze things. One of its application is to freeze the moisture in the atmosphere, thus creating an ice wall. With it, she can pull off a move like Air Wall to imprison someone in place by solidifying the surrounding atmosphere.

Envious Lord Leviathan: Velzard's other Ultimate Skill. Unlike her other Ultimate Skill, this one's core essence is absorption. Not only that, it also has different power that degrade someone's power to be lower than Velzard's own. It's even capable of affecting Velgrynd's evolved Ultimate Skill which was a higher level Ultimate Skill (a God class) even when this Ultimate Skill wasn't standing on the same rank (a Lord/King class). By combining both core essences of her Ultimate Skills, Velzard can use her trump card which is Whiteout Absorb. The energy expenditure of this move is effectively nullified due to Envious Lord Leviathan's absorption property while also severely limiting the capability of Velzard's enemy by degrading their power to be below her.

Sauce: Wiki