
Acnologia Tempest: The Middle Brother

After his defeat on the hands of Fairy tail and it's friends, Acnologia find himself alone with his thoughts, finally he is free from the constant destructive thoughts. He regrets how his actions made him like he was. "If there is another chance, I would make sure to experience everything that I have wasted away in hatred." Follow Acnologia as he finds himself in a cave alone. As he tries to find the way out, Acnologia finds himself meeting a couple of people that will forever change his life.

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76 Chs

The Apocalypse and the demon court!

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Rimuru was walking through a long and dark path with glowing neon liquid-like matter surrounding them like a tunnel through the ocean.

"I have always wondered what the inside of a portal looks like." Rimuru spoke in amusement. "I thought people just walked through like a door."

Noir smiled as he was walking behind Rimuru "There are different kinds of portals , little master. Portals from a country to another are indeed like walking through a door. However--"

But before he could speak, Ramiris cut him off "However, Portals that lead to a separate pocket dimensions are like a tunnel ripping through space. Irene made those." She pointed at Irene who simply gave Rimuru a V sign of superiority.

Noir couldn't help but tilt his head "Yes, Lady Irene is knows for making a lot of things... like a certain creation from the past." He said.

"GH! Damned devil!" Irene mumbled.

Rimuru could feel the tense aura between them.

Meanwhile, Rain who was leading the way was in deep thoughts 'Noir...I doubt he is serving Scarlet, why is he here?' she thought, Noir was one of her master's long time 'friends', however, by what her master told her, The Primordial Black was never the servant type, nor the social type. 'His sudden appearance means a lot of surprising events has taken place without our knowledge..'

"Ah! There is th exit!" Ramiris shouted as she flow ahead as space opened like a door and let the group pass through to a big hall with a huge round table, surrounded by many chairs.

"Introducing, Demon Lord Ramiris, Demon Lord Irene Belserion! Welcome to Walpurgis!" Rain bowed as everyone passed by her, Once Noir was beside her, he looked down at her with his Golden eyes, a kind gaze that somehow made Rain shiver internally, he obviously recognized her as a Primordial Demon. But the real reason was because she didn't announce Rimuru's arrival. For Noir, Rimuru's image is now equal to his beloved master Acnologia himself. And even more, To Rimuru was a [True] Demon Lord!

Rimuru looked around. No one was in the hall yet...No one but a long crimson haired man.

"Guy!!" Ramiris called as she flew towards him.

"They know each other?" Rimuru questioned when he saw Ramiris talk so friendly with some unknown guy.

"That's Demon Lord Guy Crimson....his the guy that spearheads the demon lords! Some say he is the strongest demon lord." Irene spoke nonchalantly as Rimuru got alarmed about this Guy Crimson.

"Little Master, Please take a seat!" Noir pulled a chair for Rimuru to sit as he stood behind him respectfully.

Guy, from the other side of the room, immediately noticed Noir, a hidden smile was drawn on his lips 'You have finally came out, Noir!' Guy thought, he noticed Rimuru in front of him 'Is this who you serve now?' He could feel it, the vast power hidden inside the frail body of that beautiful girl.

His gaze then shifted to Irene who took a seat beside Rimuru 'Irene...' Guy though, deep in his core, an old "wound" throbbed, he stood up and walked towards her.

When Rimuru noticed him, he got tense, while Irene sighed.

"My dear Irene! It is so great to see you today!" He bent his body towards her face level and reached for a kiss.

To which Irene grabbed his face with her claw like hands "Guy...I told you, I do not wish to be close with you." She said.

Rimuru got his face red 'They were about to kiss!!' he thought in embarrassment 'and he had his tongue out!'

"You wound me my dear! I have always thought of us as close." Guy said with a smile. His eyes showed a hint of hazy fever. He kissed Irene's palm to which The Scarlet Dragon clenched her claws, making a 3line wound go down Guy's face until his bones and meat were exposed. But the man wasn't fazed at all as he just laughed it off.

"Ahaha! As always, your hands are quicker than your words." He said.

*Crack* *Crack*

But before he could say anything else, they heard the sound of a door opening in space as a demon came out and spoke "Demon Lord Frey! Welcome to Walpurgis!" A Harpy women entered with her escorts, two Harpy women and a lion man.

*Crack* *Crack*

And another door opened "Demon Lord Leon Cromwell!" A young man with golden hair that reaches down to his hips entered, proudly, nose up high with his followers.

Rimuru looked at the man and clenched his fist 'The one who made Shizu-san suffer...Leon...'

*Crack* *Crack*

"Demon Lord, Dino!" A man walked in and immediately throw himself in his chair as he dozed off. He had silver hair and a short sword to his side.

*Crack* *Crack*

"Demon Lord, Dagruel!" The sound of stomping feet, like giant's could be heard, until a man came out, and he indeed resembled a giant, he was buffed with muscles, blue hair, and his high was over 2 meters.

Once these people made it in, the hall was filled with whispers as the demon lords spoke amongst their followers and escorts.

*Crack* *Crack*

"Demon Lord...Arkam!" Suddenly, the hall went silent as few more people were joining. A man of Green hair and Red eyes walked in, Although to call him a man is a far stretch. He had no facial features, a blank face, like a straw doll. Behind him walked his minions, straw like creatures, but their strength can not be described as such. The man took his seat and waited for everything to start.

"Who is that?" Rimuru asked Irene "Everyone fell silent as soon as he entered."

Irene rolled her eyes "Some Marionette that managed to gain an ego apparently, He fought Milim in the past...and survived. He is called the Grim Reaper." She said.

"Fancy name for a devil." Noir mumbled, he could see through that facade in an instant, no devil can hide his scent from his senses.

*Crack* *Crack*

"Demon Lord, Valentine!" Three people came out of the portal, a man in a fancy king like clothing, followed by a butler and a maid with silver hair.

Rimuru and the great Sage found it strange, from that group, the demon lord himself wasn't the strongest. But rather the maid.

*Crack* *Crack*

"Demon lord Clayman, and demon lord Milim Nava."

Finally the guest of honor made his way in. Clayman entered the hall, with a smug face, a proud walk, behind him was Milim, walking far behind him like a puppet.

Clayman looked back and slapped Milim on the head "Hurry up, you useless thing!" Clayman spoke.

The hall froze, everyone held their breath, 'He is a goner!" They thought, Rimuru was angry, so angry he wanted to shred that pitiful man now. But he held himself back, he found it strange, unbelievably strange.

Milim didn't react in contrast to whatever thought will happen.

Clayman made it to his seat and Milim stood behind him. No one believed this, that Milim, The Dragonoid herself is submitting to some Beta Demon lord?!

'What in the confusing confused confusion is going on?!' Thought Dino as he peeked through his sleeves while he was napping.

"To all my dear demon lord friends! Thank you for gathering here today on my call!" Clayman took the stage and spoke "I called upon you today for a very serious situation, and I am sure you are all aware of it! Yes! I am talking about the birth of another Demon Lord!" He said.

"That's all?" Dagruel asked.

Clayman smiled "Of course not. If it was just normal a demon lord birth, there would be no problem, but as we all know. As demon lords, we are prohibited from launching any wide scale death and destruction attacks to reach Demon lord status." He said "However, this particular demon lord has done just that. He also stepped inside the Jura Forest and released the Storm Dragon, a terror that caused havock to many of our individual territories. however, Even more than that, this demon lord as evolved into the most evil and vile creatures of all time...AN ELDER DRAGON!!"

"You have all heard the voice of the world, This person, named Acnologia has become the very thing that is sucking the life out of this world, feeding on magic and corrupting the world with his Dragonic Domain." Clayman spoke grandly, big hand gestures everywhere.

The perfect Power point presentation that's for sure.

"Get to the point, Clayman. We know what you are saying." Guy suddenly spoke "You are wasting time."

Clayman flinched and then laughed awkwardly "Ah haha! Demon Lord Guy, as impatient as always, but I agree!" Clayman coughed "Ahm! My dear friends! Now I ask you, to once more rally together to fight back the new threat, the 5th new Elder Dragon and destroy him while he is still young and inexperienced!!" Clayman shouted.

Irene looked around in boredom'... Inexperienced...That one doesn't fit Acnologia much, does it?' she thought.

"Oh! What a beautiful presentation!" Suddenly, Noir spoke. "I wonder when out time to speak is?"

His voice brought attention and everyone looked in their direction.

"Who the hell are you?" Clayman asked.

"He is my brother's servant." Rimuru took the chance and answered "We are here on behalf of Acnologia Tempest!"

Everyone paid attention while Clayman grinned "Servants of an Elder Dragon have no right to speak!" Clayman said. "Soon, your master will perish and you with him."

Rimuru frowned "I thought this was a trial?" He said "And I am here to defend my brother against your baseless accusations and supposed crimes." He stood up proudly with a determined look.

"Oh please! There is nothing to defend here." Clayman said with a mocking grin "Acnologia Tempest is an Elder Dragon, being born as an Elder Dragon is enough Crim."

"Clayman, right?" Rimuru smiled as he confirmed Clayman's name "You must be salty about all your plans failing, isn't it?"

"What?" Clayman frowned.

"The Orc Lord, The Beast Kingdom ambassadors, Charybdis, Farmas Kingdom's Heroes Attack, and even The Army of their Kingdom that you wanted to harvest their souls was failed. It must be tough for all of your cute plans to fail." Rimuru smiled innocently and said.

"What in the world are you talking about?" Clayman smirked "Your accusations are baseless." He said.

"Are they now?" Rimuru spoke "You know, We have got the Girl, Mjurran I think was her name." Hearing this, Clayman frowned "Poor girl, having her heart in your hands to crush anytime must have been tough, forced to do all your bidding with your "Marionette Heart" curse . But ultimately, our shadows traced her back and got hold of her. She confessed everything once we replaced her Heart with a new one thanks to Lady Irene here." He pointed at Irene who just waved her hands at Clayman.

"I do not know who that person is." Clayman denied.

"Of course you do." Noir snapped his fingers and a black smoke formed behind him, like a tv screen it played Mjurran's memories.

The time she met Clayman and was tricked by him into slavery, the time he ordered her to spy on tempest, and every time he contacted her and gave her orders.

And even the time he ordered Milim to kill Carrion which made the other Demon Lords look at him with malice. Killing another Demon Lord was a unspoken rule that was never broken in ages. Yet this guy did it.

"As you all can see. Demon Lord Clayman has been trying to manipulate everyone into fighting each other so he can get more powerful and expand his influence. So I ask of you all, to see reason and realize that this summon is nothing but another show to disguise one of his plans again. Do not allow yourselves as demon lords to fall to his level!"

"Shut up!!" Clayman slammed his fist on the table.

But Rimuru continued "And that is why I request that, As a demon lord myself, and a representative of my Brother, King Acnologia to let us settle our feud with Demon Lord Clayman. Our Home has bled due to his plans. And It is only fair that we return the favor."

Guy smiled as he looked at Clayman "I am fine with that." He said, shocking Clayman.

"Indeed, I see no problem here either." Dagruel spoke.

"If anything, Clayman can be blamed for the birth of the new Elder Dragon by pushing him to fight!" Ramiris spoke from on top of Guy's guy.

Dino, the lazy demon only nodded and went back to sleep.

Leon Cromwell looked at Rimuru and Clayman"You have wasted my time. A feud between 2 demon lords is not our problem. Walpurgis is not something to call for something as trivial as your personal feud!"

Clayman clenched his hands, it's all falling apart from one single moment by the Blue Haired girl.

"Ah! I almost forgot!" Noir spoke in excitement "We are almost late to the show!" He said as he snapped his fingers and the black smoke strated showing a different scene.

"Demon Lord Clayman, please enjoy my master's response to all of your crimes against his home and people."

Everyone looked at the smoke and their eyes widened.

It showed the view from the top of a black dragon's head.

The dragon was flying with the speed of sound. No, he was Diving like a meteor.

The ground was getting close and Clayman recognized that place.


The Dragon crashed into the ground like a nuclear warhead, causing a huge explosion.

Followed by him, an army of monster's entered the Falling kingdom of Demon Lord Clayman.

Benimaru was on top of a hill, with his sword up in the sky as he roared in a battle cry.

Chaos Werewolves ran through the roads and all paths as they killed and mauled anything that moves.

The Clown's Kingdom army was facing against the legions of High Blue HobGoblin and Great Chaos Orcs Forces led by Shion and Hakuro.

*Boom* *Boom*

From the sky, Just like their master. The Sky Dragons, led by Gaberu were crashing in the ground, Kamikaze style, sending massive explosion through the kingdom.

In the sky, Acnologia was roaring as he opened his jaw for a massive Breath attack that that deleted anything it passed by.

On the other side. Shuna was facing the undead king, a commander of Clayman at bay.

His Death magic against her Divine Powers.

However, it can hardly be called a battle, as all magic the undead king throw at her was not effective at all.

Just like their master, All of tempest's people were immune to magic damage.

The undead king was taken back as he switched to his curses to which Shuna only dismissed by cleansing them.

"What is this power! What God do you worship for you to obtain such protection and divine powers!" The undead king spoke.

"Not a God, but a dragon." Shuna spoke.

"Oh! Then may I be honored to know this Dragon's name?"

"Know it very well. My master and king is Acnologia Tempest!" Shuna said as with a clap of her hand [Blessed wave!], she unleashed a divine shockwave that killed all the legions of the undead around her.

In an instant, all undead creatures in the kingdom fell to their death and finally their beloved eternal rest.

Shuna was surprised "To think you will still live after that!" But she wasn't worried at all.

"Ah haha haha!" The skeleton man laughed in pain "So this is the power of belief, unlike me who is tricked into servitude, you must enjoy and relish into serving your master!" He said.

Shuna smiled "Yes! It is my honor to be my master's servant!" She said.

"Ah~ How jealous! I wish I could leave this land, serve a worthy master. But as long as this curse is still around the land. I will never leave this place."

Shuna smiled "My heart can not allow me to leave a longing spirit alone." She said. Her hands raises up in the sky "[Spirits of Mercy!]" She spoke. From under her feet, the ground started shining with light, holy light that rooted itself deep in the land itself, traveled across, cleansing any impurity left behind.

Adalman, the king of undead felt his core that was shackled by chains get released, free. His spirit back as his own.

"Consider this mercy, from the One Dragon!" Shuna said "Our fight ends here. I do not wish to fight against people who are forced to fight." She said before she retreated near her brother.

Adalman, looked at her retreating back, his faceless skull, if it could show any emotion, it will show deep gratitude and admiration to the one Holy Maiden.

"Adalman!!" Suddenly, Adalman heard his friend call in worry "Goodness! I thought you perished!" A knight in black armor landed before Adalman.

"No, I did not." However, Adalman noticed his friend's sorry state "What happened to you, Albert?" He asked.

Albert had a grim aura around him "Damned old man! His sword skills are better than mine with leagues above!" Albert admitted sorrowfully.

"Yes. It looks like Clayman has crossed the wrong person." Adalman said looking up at the Majestic Dragon in the sky that is observing the work of his servants.

"How lucky for us!"