
11. Chapter 11 - Revised Ending

AN: I took a look at chapter 11, and decided I wasn't entirely happy with how it ended. So here's a new version that I'm much happier with.

Leni stared at the blank page before her and hummed in frustration. She arched one eyebrow, then the other. She stuck her tongue out, and wiggled it around in front of her, trying to induce concentration. She chewed on her pencil eraser, and immediately regretted it. Bleh. Then she wiggled her ears, which wasn't particularly helpful, but still entertained her.

Leni leaned back in her chair and glared at the uncooperative page. Lincoln's convention was coming up, and her job was to make costumes for her siblings and certain tagalong friends, which she was more than happy to do. Most of it wasn't even that hard, Linky had already done a fantastic job designing costumes for her and their sisters, so all that was left was the sewing, which she could do in her sleep (and had, on occasion).

Sam's costume was the problematic one. The younger blonde had wanted to dress up as an entirely original character, which meant that the costume had to be designed from the ground up. Leni didn't mind helping her out, Sam was Luna's girlfriend and a fan of Linky's comic. The problem that she hadn't really given Leni much to work with.

"Make it cool, and awesome! And like...you know!" The other girl had said, punctuating her statement with a flurry of hand motions and sound effects that hadn't actually give Leni much direction. She'd helped Lincoln make costumes like this before, but she'd always had a picture to work with, or at the very least some kind of guidance from her brother. Leni didn't want to let Sam down, but she just didn't know enough about super heroes to design something all by herself.

Leni sighed, and was just about to get up for a smoothie break when she suddenly remembered one more thing the other girl had said.

"A-and maybe…maybe you could make it look like something Lincoln would like?"

Hmm. Leni leaned over and flipped on her desk lamp. Ding! Idea! Why hadn't she thought of it before? Of course, Linky knew all about this stuff! He'd probably have tons of ideas!

With a big satisfied smile on her face, Leni hopped out of her chair and raced off to find her little brother. She briefly stopped at the doorway and glanced back, wondering if she should turn off the lamp. Mom wouldn't like the waste of electricity…but then again, what if her idea went away? She decided not to risk it, and headed off once more.

"…And that's why I need your help, Linky", said Leni.

"So, Sam came up with her own character based on my comic, and you need my help coming up with a costume for her?" He asked, clarifying his understanding of the situation.

Leni nodded, and Lincoln found himself feeling a strange mixture of pride and embarassment. Pride, because he knew Luna's girlfriend to be a mature and discerning individual, so it was a pretty big complement for someone as cool as her to be reading his stuff. But the thought of his sister's girlfriend being privy to his superhero fantasies was pretty embarassing. Jeeze, imagine if they talked about his comics...

"Alright, give me a minute." He said, trying to focus on the matter at hand.

"Well…" He concluded, "I want to help Sam out, but I don't exactly have anything prepared right now. The Full House Gang took a lot of work to put together."

"How'd you make them?" Leni asked.

"Well, Clyde and I already had a pretty good idea of what we wanted the characters to be like from the start. To fill in the rest of the blanks, we ended up grabbing as many comics we could, and spent a few days going through them for inspiration."

"Well, why don't we try that?"

"You want to read comics with me?" Lincoln asked, genuinely surprised.

"Why not? I don't want to disappoint Sam. Plus, it sounds fun. And also..."

Leni's face fell. "We haven't gotten to spend much time together lately."

That look on her face was like a knife in Lincoln's heart. He tried to make time for all his sisters equally, but between putting out new issues of his comic, dealing with how weirdly clingy Luna and Lynn had gotten, Lori's sudden obsession with picnics, not to mention all those "practice dates" that Becky kept asking him to help out with (Which was weird, because he was never able to figure out what she was supposed to be practicing. He made a note to remind her to just ask the doofus out already), it was easy for someone as sweet as Leni to get lost in the commotion.

Well, not today, he vowed to himself.

"Sure thing, Leni".

"Yay!" Leni squealed, shaking her fists in delight, the raw joy on her face making him feel that much guiltier. He'd really have to find time to plan a more robust activity for them to do together, something that Leni liked.

Lincoln busied himself with looking through his comic book collection, making an effort to select things that Leni might like.

"All ready Linky!" Leni called from behind him.

Well, this was probably a decent amount to start with. Lincoln collected his selections and turned to his sister. At which point, it took nearly all his willpower to avoid dropping the stack.

There, laying on his bed, was Leni. Radiant as the sun, and nearly naked as the day she was born, currently clad only in her bra and panties.

"L-leni! What are you doing?" He sputtered.

"I thought we were reading comics?" She asked, her beautiful face scrunching up in confusion. "You said that the best way to read comics was in your undies."

Lincoln coughed in embarassment and averted his gaze, trying desperately to look at anything but his gorgeous and under-dressed sister. Or her shapely legs. Or her generous expanse of cleavage currently on display. This wasn't the first time he'd seen the older girl in such a state, but it wasn't the sort of thing one could really grow accustomed to.

"W-well, Leni, you see…the thing about that is…"

"Oh my gosh!" Leni gasped, startling the younger boy.

"Oh, I feel so silly. I'm sorry Linky" she said, apologetically.

"It's okay, Leni…" Lincoln said, mentally sighing in relief (and, if he was being totally honest, slightly in dissappointment)

"I'm supposed to be in your undies, right? Could I borrow some?"

Lincoln's jaw dropped, and he stood there for a few moments, saying nothing. Brain desperately rebooting after that brief flash of mental imagery had crashed the system.


The sound of her voice woke Lincoln from his stupor. Right. Probably best to quit while he was still ahead.

"I-I'm f-fine, Leni" he stammared, gingerly crossing over to his waiting sister.

Lincoln gently placed his stack of comics down, and prepared to do likewise with himself...


...that was, until Leni's shriek stopped him in his tracks, nearly causing him to topple over. Lincoln looked to her in askance, not trusting himself to speak over the hammering of his heart.

"Linky, you're still not dressed right", she scolded him.

Lincoln's face flushed red, as he realized what his sister was asking him to do. He briefly considered simply refusing, and asking her to put her clothes back on, but that would undoubtedly require explaining to the older girl specifically as to why the sight of her perfect body was getting him so flustered.

Seeing compliance as the lesser of the two evils, Lincoln turned around and swiftly undressed. Then, slowly backed towards the bed, so as to avoid glimpsing his all too candid sister, and climbed in next to her. Back strategically turned towards her, so as to spare her the sight of his young, hormone ridden body's reaction to her state of undress.

He has just finished making himself comfortable (or as reasonably comfortable as possible, given the circumstances) when a pair of milky white arms wrapped around him and pulled him close, the rather large and soft objects pressing into his back giving him all the context he needed to infer what was happening.

"Are you okay, Linky?" Leni asked, concerned. The sensation of her sweet breath on his skin causing the hairs on the back of his neck to stand up. Among other things.

Lincoln opened his mouth to reply, when suddenly the door to his room opened.

Given the size of his family, there was a fairly long list of people who could have conceivably been on the other side of that door. Sam Sharp was nowhere on that list.

Silence fell upon the room as the trio stared at each other. Given that she'd walked in on him being spooned by his nearly naked sister, his own underclothes barely concealing his very visceral reaction to her ministrations, he had expected Sam to react with disgust. Perhaps scream at him. He wouldn't have blamed her.

Instead, the girl merely pulled out her phone, issued a few decisive taps, then put it away. Several minutes past, and Sam said nothing, seemingly content to stand there and quietly observe the pair.

"Umm..." Lincoln finally ventured.

"Shh!" Sam sharply reprimanded him, and Lincoln quickly complied, causing silence to once more descend upon the room.

Luna Loud completed her ascent of the Loud family stairs and hung a quick right, huffing slightly from the exertion. She saw Sam standing just outside Lincoln's room, and quickened her pace.

"Sorry, luv, I didn't noticed you'd text me. What's going...WOAH!"

Luna yelped in surprise as her girlfriend pulled her close, then with surprising strength, flung her into her brother's room. The world blurred around her as she sailed high into the air, and then landed with an audible thud upon something that was simultaneously soft, but not soft.

"Hi Luna", chirped Leni. Luna couldn't help but notice that the older girl was extraordinarily under-dressed.

"Mhm, Moomma", mumbled Lincoln from beneath her. So that's what she had landed on.

Luna opened her mouth to apologize to her little brother, when she noticed that he, like their sister, was similarly exposed.


So great was her surprise, that she barely noticed Sam climbing into the the bed from behind her, and wrapping her arms around the siblings.

"So..." Sam ventured conversationally, "what are we doing?"