
12. Chapter 12

Hey Guys, I'm back :). I'm trying to get into law school, and the test was last Monday. So the week leading up to the test was basically nothing but nonstop cramming for me, which left me with little time for writing (though I did manage to get a little bit down of another story I've been kicking around. So who knows, maybe I'll be able to put that out sometime soon.) And the week following the test was basically just me doing my best zombie impression. But now I've more or less recovered, and I have a couple of weeks until I get my results, which means I now have time to write again. So here's the next chapter of Aces.

JRC1700: Sam has her priorities. She saw a golden opportunity to drag Luna into bed with a mostly naked Lincoln, and a similarly undressed Leni as a fun bonus. You don't question that kind of opportunity, you just jump on it. Or throw your girlfriend on it, whichever is more applicable. Also, as to your comment on the previous chapter, Lincoln's a prepubescent kid. Pizza, comics, and video games absolutely sounds like a date at that age. Hell, I'd still be down for that date, and I'm...older than that. -_-

DoctorYNot: The feeling's mutual dude. Fashion is easily one of my favorite Lenicoln stories. Like, top three at worst, more likely top two. And I also read new chapters of Make It Wit Chu pretty much immediately after you put them out. So it's super cool for me, that you're also into my stuff. :)

Anyway, glad to see that you guys are still enjoying Sam's antics. You're probably gonna want to read this chapter...

And just to reiterate, I have a tumblr now at siegeperil. Couldn't fit the entire name, it's a shame. I don't use it very often at the moment, aside from posting updates and the occasional bit of good natured snark, but I'm trying to find more things to do with it.

Luna Loud gave herself a good, hard look in the mirror. There was a very, very small voice in her head that was imploring her to consider the metaphorical meaning of the phrase. To consider that she was on the cusp of embarking on an enterprise that, if successful, would irrevocably change the relationship between her and her little brother.

"No. No. NO! LUNA! Give me that brush!"

Luna let out a small sigh, and acquiesced to the much louder voice of her girlfriend, who immediately attacked her face with a ferocity more befitting a starving wolverine.

"You're clumping", she grumbled, working on Luna's face with a terrifying degree of speed and precision. "You're supposed to be a sexy super hero, Luna. Super heroes don't clump! Clumping is not sexy!"

Luna opened her mouth to reply, but instead let out a sharp yelp as Sam jabbed her with the makeup brush.

"And these are supposed to be clubs, Luna. These are not clubs!"

Luna bit down the angry retort that was bubbling up, and allowed her girlfriend to go about her work, causing the room to lapse into silence. This went on for several minutes before Sam, seemingly sensing her irritation, let out a small sigh, and ceased her work.

"Look, Lunes. I'm sorry, alright? I just really want this to work out for you. This is your show, girl! You and Ace..."


"Details", Sam said with a dismissive wave of her hand. "After our foursome the other day..."

"Why do you keep calling it that?" Luna asked hotly, cheeks tinged pink.

"Well what would you call it?"

"We read comic books."

"Right, and there were four of us. Hence, foursome." She paused thoughtfully. "Speaking of which, your little bro was right, that is definitely the most comfortable way to read comics..."

"Can we not? Please?" Luna grumbled, not wanting to run through this discussion again.

"Fine. The point is, everything is riding on this. You just need to stick to the plan..."

"Which you still haven't explained to me."

"More details", Sam said, repeating her previous motion frame by frame, as if a lazy animator had simply recycled the animation. "But it ends with the two of you on your honeymoon."

"Sam!" Luna exclaimed, her face beet red, "I don't want to marry my brother!"

"Do you not?" Sam asked, eyes lidded with amusement.


"Then what are you trying to get out of this?"

"I just want Lincoln to hang out with me. You know, spend time with me."

"Uh huh." Sam said, playing along. "And how long does this little jam session of yours last?"


"Right", Sam said, gently patting her blushing, confused girlfriend on the head. "So you're on your honeymoon..."

"Where are you?"

"I'm in the closet."


"Because I am a kind and considerate girlfriend, Luna Loud, and I'm willing to allow my newly married boyfriend and girlfriend to have a little alone time. You're welcome."

"But you're...there." Luna exclaimed, gesticulating emphatically .

"Do you not want me there?

"No, I mean..."

"Good. Because you're going to be in the closet on my honeymoon."

"Why does anybody have to be in the closet?" Luna asked, feeling increasingly lost in the conversation.

"Recording the event for posterity. You'll be too busy making babies, obviously."

"Now we're having kids?"

"Twenty-four of them, each somehow more perfect than the last."


"Well, I have some diagrams I can show you..."

"I mean", Luna growled, frustrated, "How do you expect me to carry twenty-four of my brother's kids!?"

"We've been over this, sweetie", Sam said with a roll of her eyes, "He's not your brother, he's your husband."

"DETAILS!" Luna roared.

"Jeeze girl, calm down. I'm not expecting you to do all the work here, we're going to be running a fair, bisexual, polygamous, semi-incestuous relationship."

"I mean,when you lay it out like that..."

"We can split the work in half."

"That's still twelve babies!"

"Ya huh." Sam agreed, a glint of manic glee in her eyes. "I'm thinking you could do maybe...eight or so brunettes, and shore up the rest with white haired babies."


"No, you're right. The white haired babies are going to be the cutest. Tell you what, I'll handle all the white haired babies."

"You can't just decide that!" Luna exclaimed. She paused, and briefly ran through the last few moments of conversation in her head. "I mean..."

"Fine, you win", Sam said, "We'll split the difference."

"I win?"

"So, in summation: seduce your hubby, romantic honeymoon, twenty-four babies."

"I don't..."

"But first we need to fix these clubs!"


Leni frowned at Lynn's door in something that came very close to resembling irritation.

"Lynn!" She called, rapping her knuckles against the door. "Come out!"

"No!" Came the reply from the other side.

"Come on, Lynn." Leni pleaded. "I need to see how it looks. Linky's convention starts in a few hours."

"I'm not going!"

Leni continued to stare at the door, counting off the seconds as she did so, allowing her little sister the opportunity to come to her senses on her own. Around the point where she lost count ("What comes between twenty two and four-hundred and seventy-eight trillion?" She murmured to herself), she realized that she was going to have to take matters into her own hands.

Squaring her shoulders, Leni took the door knob in one hand, took a deep breath, and with a sharp, decisive jerk, tore the door from its hinges, revealing an incredibly dumbfounded Lynn Loud.

"Leni..." She trailed off, eyes bulging with surprise. "How the heck did you do that?"

Leni allowed the door to fall to the floor with a loud thud. She looked left. Then she looked right. Seemingly satisfied, she leaned down to address her little sister.

"You know how Strong Suit picks up things that are totes heavy?"

Lynn nodded in response.

"...that. I did that."

Lynn's eyes crossed as she attempted to process this revelation. She opened her mouth, intending to point out that Leni's explanation didn't actually explain anything, but instead let out a yelp as the bigger girl suddenly bullrushed her, pushing her further back into her room.

"Now stand up straight, Lynn, and let me get a look at you." Leni murmured, looking the girl over with her expert eye. Occasionally poking or lightly slapping at the younger girl when her posture prevented Leni from making her inspection. Finally, she stood up to her full height, allowing herself to view the ensemble in its entirety.

"Lynn..." she said, brimming with happiness, "You look beautiful."

The sportsgirl blushed, chafing under the blonde girl's gaze.

"N-no I don't." She said, unable to meet the older girl's gaze. "There's too much...me. A-and..."

Not enough me to fill it, came the traitorous thought. Unspoken, but very much on her mind.

Leni tisked dismissively at the ladette's comment. Yes, Lynn was certainly leaner than most of the girls she and Linky had looked at during their comic reading session (Foursome, she reminded herself. Sam had said it was called a Foursome.), but she looked lovely. Her dedication to athletics had given the younger girl's body a degree of tone and definition that many girls would kill for. And Strong Suit's simple combination of a leotard and protective pads accentuated those features beautifully. But that was to be expected, the outfit was, on several levels, literally made for her.

Seeing that her sister was clearly still troubled, Leni leaned down a pulled her into a tight hug.

"Trust me, Lynn." She murmured into the smaller girl's ear. "You look totes amazing."


"Absolutely. The boys won't be able to keep their eyes off you. Especially Linky."

Lynn blanched, and buried herself even more deeply into the hug, desperately trying to hide the wave of red that was rapidly spreading across her very exposed body.

"You know", Leni said conversationally, "I think Strong Suit is his favorite."

"W-why do you say that?" Came her response, muffled by Leni's generous bosom.

"Ace-Linky and Strong Suit hang out a lot." Leni said, the slightest bit of irritation evident in her voice.

"They do?"

"Ya huh." Leni confirmed, her brow furrowing. "Too much, sometimes."


"It's like," Leni continued, "She's there after every fight, taking a shower with him, or washing his back, or getting him to massage her."


"Doesn't she realize that he needs some alone time?"


"Somtimes Linky just needs some good, shirtless, alone time. But then Strong Suit comes bursting in with her oils and scented candles."


"And suddenly, it's another Strong Suit issue. And, it's like, we just had one! You know they've gotten married like, six times! Although five of those were dreams, and the An Arbor Day For Christmas two-parter doesn't count, for obvious reasons"


"And don't get me started on when Eleven of Hearts joins them..."


The older girl blinked in confusion as Lynn's voice finally pulled her from her fervor.

"The point, Lynn, is that Linky really likes Strong Suit. And he likes you. And you look totes amazing in that costume. So, Linky's gonna totes love you like that."

Lynn said nothing, but tightened her grip on the bigger girl, clearly conveying her thanks at Leni's kind words. Leni happily returned the younger girl's hug, basking in her younger sister's all too rare show of affection.


"B-but...couldn't I wear some pants at least?" Lynn asked, pleading.

"Lynn, super heroes don't wear pants."

"Night Club wears pants."

"Night Club wears leggings. Totes different."
