
Aces and Kings

In a world where most countries are ruled by Kings, K-pop group Paradise, shot to fame in a span of a few years. When an attempted kidnapping takes place after one of their concerts, Blue Jade Security has been tasked with their safety. As the boys gear up for their world tour, secrets come to light, not just bout the blue jade but the boys as well. With each new revelation the number of people they can trust dwindles. Will the boys be able to live out their dreams or will each new revelation and the ultimate betrayal tear them apart.

Ming_Yue_ · Fantasi
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5 Chs

A Loss Remembered and Protection Granted


Ko Jimin ran his fingers through his hair and sighed as he stared at the framed photo on his desk.

"Everything ok?" Kim Jae-ho set the file in his hand on the CEO's desk and took a seat.

Jimin looked up at his friend "Huh?"

"I asked if everything's all right." Jae-ho repeated

"It's nothing,." He picked up the frame and ran his finger over the photo. Putting the frame down, he picked up the photos scattered around his desk and was about to put them in the drawer when Jae-ho grabbed the photos and, quickly flipping through the photos, picked up one photo for closer inspection. The photo showed a younger Jimin standing under a tree with his arms around the waist of a boy few years younger than him. They both were wearing some sort of uniform – not a school uniform. It looked like the cloths wore by children in juvenile detention facilities. Jae-ho decided to indulge his curious nature. He was pretty sure that if Jimin kept to form then he wouldn't open up but it wouldn't hurt to try.

Jae-ho plastered a smile on his face and forced his heart beat to slow down.

"That's Lee Jimin." Jimin looked at him, studying his face "I think he's dead."

Jae-ho looked confused "huh?"

"All these years and you still haven't learned not to broadcast your thoughts." Jimin sighed in frustration "There was nothing going on between us, as far as I can tell. It's just that every memory I have started getting back .... Anyway I drew a sketch and sent it to Magnus. Those photos were all he could find. According to Magnus , we became friends because we had the same name."

Jae-ho knew about what happened to Jimin. It was on the condition of full disclosure that he agreed to work with the Ko brothers and Skander as the manger at The Echo. Jae-ho looked at the photo again and sighed. Jimin couldn't have been more than twelve when the photo was taken.

"Look I know it's not my place to say this but can I speak freely?"

At Jimin's nod, Jae-ho continued "You need to let this go."

"You know why I can't. He may be able to explain the Tattoos and the scars."

"Letting it go is the only way you are going to move on. I've seen what this is doing to you. I am really starting to worry, Min-ah."

Jimin shook his head "The only thing I can do is try and find him. But my personal problems aren't why you asked to see me is it?"

Jae-ho couldn't help but frown at the younger man's sudden topic change. "No it's not. I have job for the Black Jade. A protection detail. "

Jimin pulled out his cell phone "Give me a second. I'll call Skat and Tae-ah."

"It has to be just you and Skat."

Jae-ho had to know that Jimin would never do a job on his own. Everyone in their line of work knew that Tae, Jimin and Skat were package deal. But Jimin was curious to learn what kind of job would only require his and his best friend's skill set but not his brother's.

"The protection detail is for Tae-ah."

Jimin shook his head, his confusion written on his face. Out of all the scenarios running through his mind that was one he least expected "I think you should explain."

This was what Jae-ho loved about working with the Black Jade. He was never treated as a subordinate. He was always an equal. "There is a hit out on Tae-ah."

It took a minute for what the older man said to sink into Jimin's brain and when it finely did so did the panic and fear. "Are you sure? What are we still doing here? Where's Tae?"

Jae-ho held up his hand. "He's at home with Kathleen. They said something about spending some time together before she had to go back. I have asked my team to keep watch over your apartment."

"I am surprised they didn't ask for details." Jimin said as he ran through every contingency plan he, Skat and Tae had put in place in case they ever had to go off the grid.

"I kind of implied that Sung-Ho threated to kill him." Jae-ho sighed "You know that if the police offer him protection, he's going to turn it down. We have to do this with him ever knowing. "

Jimin sent a quick text before putting off his phone. Jae-ho gave Jimin a questioning look.

"My brothers' will help without asking too much questions." Jimin said answering unasked Jae-ho's question.

"I thought your eomeoni forbade you from talking to them."

"she did." Jimin gave his friend a sad smile. "But right now I have no choice but to break my promise to my eomeoni."

Jimin's cell rang and he answered it on the second ring "Yeoboseyo?"

"Annyeong, hyung."

"Dong-su-Ah. How are you?

"I am great hyung. When are you all moving back home? It's not the same without you."

"You know why we can't come back. Besides I live a different life now. "


"No buts Kid. I not even supposed to be talking to you remember?" Jimin sighed "I called because I need a favor."

"Anything for you. What do you need?"

"Where are you now?"

"At the mall with the boys. We trying to decide what get Jae-ho hyeong for his birthday."

"Is Dong-Chul with you?"

"Yah." He knew that it was something important if his older brother was taking a risk to call him "Hyeong, what's going on? You're starting to worry me."

"I need you and Dong-Chul to go to my apartment and stay with Tae-ah until I get there."

"Are you in any danger?"

"No, Kid. I am fine. I don't know the details yet but we need to get on top of this ASAP. I want you two to be armed. He won't accept police protection. So for now you both are going to play bodyguard. Can you square that away with your boss?

"Don't worry about it."

"And Kid..."


"He can't know the real reason you're there."

"Understood. Will it be enough?"

"I honestly don't know. Look I should know more by the time I get home. I'll give u a call when I'm close. Make some excuse and leave."

"But I want to see you."

Jimin sighed. "Look if you hang around till I get back he'll know something is wrong."

The man on the other end of the line bit back his anger. "Let me know if I can help track down any information for you."

They both knew that it was never going to happen.

"Thanks Kid. Take down the address."

He quickly ratted out the address.

"Ok. Got it. We'll be there as soon as possible. And hyeong?"

"Yah, kiddo?"

"You're welcome. Please be careful."

"Don't worry. I always am."

"I love you, hyung."

"Love you too." Jimin pocketed his cell and looked at his best friend "What do we know?"

"Nothing much the only thing we know for sure at this point is that this followed you three from Japan. I hate having to ask you to do this. But I need you to make sure Kathleen doesn't leave.

"I can't do that. Tōsan and Appa are expecting her back."

"You have to try. In fact the closer your family is the easier it will be for us to protect them."