
Aces and Kings

In a world where most countries are ruled by Kings, K-pop group Paradise, shot to fame in a span of a few years. When an attempted kidnapping takes place after one of their concerts, Blue Jade Security has been tasked with their safety. As the boys gear up for their world tour, secrets come to light, not just bout the blue jade but the boys as well. With each new revelation the number of people they can trust dwindles. Will the boys be able to live out their dreams or will each new revelation and the ultimate betrayal tear them apart.

Ming_Yue_ · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Bonded Brothers and Lost Family

"The Ko brothers made history today by being the first metahumans to meet with the Prime Minister of Korea. The highly publicized event sees a marked change in the Kim administration policy towards mutants. The Ko brothers are owners of the largest Security firm in Korea – made famous by - "


"Hey! I was watching that" Lee Jimin turned to see who had switched off the TV so abruptly.

It took Jimin a few seconds to spot his brother standing behind a pillar giving his brother just enough time to send a fireball straight to his head.

Jimin quickly teleported out of the way and turned to face his brother "Hyung!"

Lee Taehyung shook his head before teleporting to his brother's side. "You should have noticed that I was here as soon as I walked in."

"I was at vocal traning. I am taking a quick break before I head out to a meeting with hyung-nim and the other managers"

Taehyung raised an eyebrow in disbelief. Jimin mimicked his brother and let out a giggle. Taehyung tackled his brother to the floor and that started an impromptu wrestling match.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Taehyung took his time untangling himself from his baby brother before turning to face the man in front of him, the contempt he felt for the man clear on his face. "Ah Lee-ssi."

"Jimin, you were supposed to be rehearsing with the boys. And here I find you gofing off. What kind of man are you? You are the most irresponsible person I have ever met!"

Taehyung felt his brother tremble beside him. Jimin never mentioned why but it was clear this man scared his brother. He attemted to interrupt the older man "Lee-ssi"

"Keeping you around is not worth my time! Maybe I should get rid of your lousy ass and be done with it."

Jimin was now cowering behind him and Taehyung had enough "That is enough!"

"How dare you speak to your father that way? And for a freak like him."

"The only freak I see here is you." Taehyung put a protective arm around his brother. "I won't let you hurt him anymore."

Kang Soo took a step towards boys but Taehyung quickly teleported them both to his best friend's office. Dan Junsu was waiting for them when they reached their destination and helped Taehyung get his brother situated on the sofa in his personal studio.

"What happened?" Junsu asked softly as he let his hands hover over Jimin's chest.

"Lee Kang Soo."

"I'll get the kit and his meds." Junsu sighed as he stood and quietly left the room.

Jimin groaned and opened his eyes. Dizzyness hit him as he tried to sit up.

Taehyung reached out to help him sit up right. "How bad's the pain?"

"Huh?" The confused look on Jimin would have been adorable any other time but right now all it did was make Taehyung worry for his little brother.

"On a scale of one to ten how bad's the pain?" Taehyung pulled his brother into a hug and held him close.

Jimin borrowed deeper in to his chest "Ten."

Junsu sat beside them and reached out to rub Jimin's back after covering him in a blanket he kept in the office for situation just like these. "Do you want to take your meds?"

Jimin turned in Taehyung's arms and leaned into his chest. He smiled as his brother's arms tightened around his waist. He reached out and gently wiped the tears running down Junsu's face. He could see the the pain of not being able to help him on Junsu's face. The boys and their mangers ate together and drank together, laughed together and cried together. Jimin was never ashamed to admit weakness to any of them. He also knew how useless it was to lie to them. So he didn't even bother to try.

"No. I have a meeting in an hour. I'll take them later."


"I promise I'll take them later." Jimin cut him off before either of them could protest "I need to be clear headed for this meeting."

He snuggled in with his brother and reached out for Junsu who gladly joined the cuddle pile much to Taehyung's dismay.

"Do you think he'll be ok?" Jinsu asked softly as they both watched him sleep

"I hope so." Taehyung ran his figher through Jimin's hair. "I don't know how he's going to keep going like this"

Junsu smiled at his best friend "Don't worry so much. Besides he has us and the boys. Why don't you get some sleep? I'll keep watch."


Kathleen looked at the two young men standing at the door. Both of them had brown hair and coal black eyes, the younger of the two being fairer than his brother. It was hard not to notice the guns they were carrying. They weren't Government Issue so it made her wonder who they were.

"Who are you?" She asked again.

"Look lady we're just looking for our hyung." The older one said rudely.

"Dong-Chul-ah, she won't know who our hyung is. Don't you think that we should give her his name?"

"Fine Dong-Su-yah, why don't you explain our family history while you're at it!" Dong-Chul glared at his brother before turning his glare to a spot right over her shoulder. Dong-Su gave his brother a half smile before turning to Kathleen.

"I apologize for my brother. He gets cranky when he's nervous. It's been a while since we have seen our Hyungs. My name is Ko Dong-Su and Mr. Cranky pants over there's my twin Dong-Chul. We are here to see Taemin hyung ."

"You're Tae oppa's brothers?" Kathleen narrowed her eyes in suspicion. She didn't know who they were and she'd be damned if she let them near Taemin. "How come I never seen you before?"

Dong-Chul sighed "That's why we're here."

Kathleen would have missed the look of pain in his eyes if she wasn't well trained in reading body language.

"Can you please let us in?" He asked softly.

Against her better judgment she opened the door and let them in. She was sure she could handle the two of them if things get out of hand.

They all sat down waiting for someone to break the silence. If the men were bothered by Kathleen's scrutiny they showed no outward sign. Her study of the Ko brothers was broken by Taemin's noisy entrance. Kathleen got up and went to greet her boyfriend

"Kathleen I've got what you asked for. Well everything except...." He stopped mid-sentence when he saw the two men standing a few steps behind Kathleen.

Taemin couldn't believe his eyes. It had been five years since he had seen them. Five years that could have been avoided if they hadn't left them out to dry. They hadn't parted in the best of circumstances and right now his loyalty to his eldest brother overrode any loyalty he once had to the men he still considered family. He pushed Kathleen behind him and reached for his gun. He was surprised when nether of his brothers did the same.

He relaxed slightly but didn't holster his gun. "What do you want?"

"We just wanted to see you, hyung ." Dong-Chul said softly "We...I miss you guys a lot. Please come back."

"Come back to what Dong-Chul?" Now sure that his brothers were not here to hurt him or Kathleen, he holstered his gun. "Umma told us not come back. Besides after two years of waiting for Umma to ask, Appa and Tosan will never agree to it. We've built a life for ourselves."

"Umma misses you guys." Dong-su interjected quickly "She's just too proud to ask you guys to come back."

"Does she still blame Appa and Tosan for what happened to Dae-sung?"