
Academy Undercover Professor

How surprised I was when I died in an accident in my previous life and came to my senses to find out that I was born as a baby in this world. That was already 27 years ago. I feel like the years have passed so quickly. This world is a unique world in which magic dwells in the world commonly referred to as the Victorian era and Belle Époque, and sub-species and monsters are added. Wouldn't it be better if I entered the world of a game I used to enjoy or a novel I liked... This is a different world that doesn't even exist in my memory, literally without even an ointment. then I Became a teacher at the most prestigious magic academy in the empire. … Because I was mistaken for someone else.

Mongrel99 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

The Great Train Raid Case (4)

The wizards, led by Mayhem, took the lead and moved forward, carefully checking for any traps installed in the corridors or walls.

As a result, a considerable amount of time was consumed each time they passed between the train cars.

"Don't rush. He can't escape from the end of the train anyway."

In the end, he was nothing more than a rat trapped in a corner.

It was certain that he had escaped to the car behind them.

Mayhem, the leader of the wizards, walked slowly and suddenly stopped.

A feeling of unease washed over him, an indescribable sense of alienation.

I quickly realized the reason for this sudden unease.

Rattle! Kiyiying!

A loud noise reverberated from the end of the train.

As the sluggish terrorists heard the sound, they instinctively knew that something was amiss.

"Oops! Detach the train and escape!"

It was too late for them to realize that they had fallen into a trap.

In the first place, their opponent didn't have to engage in combat. It would have been enough to simply elude them and buy time.

By deliberately raising their guard through the trap and wasting their time, the wizard was attempting to escape safely by jumping into the last car.

"Chase after him! Don't let him get away!"

Now in a rush, they had no choice but to pursue and eliminate the wizard who had slipped away.

They hurriedly made their way through the train, and before long, they arrived at the entrance of the last car, Car No. 12.

As they opened the door, they were greeted not by the interior of Car No. 12 as they expected, but by a vast expanse of snow-capped mountains and railway tracks.

Mayhem clenched his teeth.

"I made a mistake. I should have kept in mind that he didn't need to fight us."

In the heat of the moment, he had overlooked an important fact.

Who could have predicted that their opponent would escape with such determination?

"Damn it, did I miss him?"

"That kid... I remember his face. I will find him and make sure he pays."

As everyone gritted their teeth and scanned the surroundings,

Mayhem felt a surge of intense magical power behind him, sending shivers down his spine.

"What is this..."

He quickly turned around, only to witness the sight that awaited him.

And what he saw was the figure of the man who should have vanished along with the detached Car No. 12.

"Why are you here..."

But the most crucial thing was not the man's presence.

What he should have been most concerned about was the magic that was on the verge of being unleashed right before him.

It was an immensely fierce and dangerous form of elemental magic.

"Everyone, get out of the way!"

As Mayhem shouted, he mustered all his magical power.

In that brief moment, he amplified his abilities to create the strongest magical barrier he could.


Immediately after, a massive wave of magic engulfed Car No. 11, sweeping through the interior like a tempest.

A brilliant white flame.

Embers of the same color as the blizzard outside gently swirled in the air.

It obliterated all the terrorists who couldn't evacuate or react in time.


"Is it over?"

I murmured as I watched the magical flame gradually dissipate.

They thought I would escape in Car No. 12 and were fixated on that.

And so, I set a trap within that belief.

At first, I feigned escaping, using surprise and deception tactics to buy time.

Running away was nothing more than a ruse to ultimately deceive them.

It also worked in my favor that they had become heated and consumed by their pursuit.

Thanks to that, I managed to take control of the situation, gathering them in one location and striking them at once.

"It seems there are still some individuals left in the lead car, but they shouldn't pose much of a threat now that the wizards have been dealt with."

As I pondered this, something stirred amidst the wreckage.

"You managed to survive."

"You... bastards..."

The one who rose to his feet was the leader who had led the wizards. He had somehow shielded himself with a barrier, sparing his life.

But that was all.

His condition was pitiful, barely clinging to life.

The barrier had partially held, but not completely. His face was half-melted, his body charred, and he was missing an arm.

His breathing seemed agonizing, and I surmised he wouldn't last much longer. Thus, I decided to leave him be.

"Why did you kill us? Are you not remorseful for the comrades working hard for the world?"


What on earth was he saying? Was this some new twisted logic?

I shut my mouth in bewilderment as he glared at me with infuriated eyes, as if expecting my agreement.

"Aren't you sorry for the people who died by your hands?"

'I thought they were deranged from the start, but it turns out they were even more insane than I imagined.'


"And yet, you attacked the train and slaughtered all the passengers. Why are you lecturing me so self-righteously?"

This was why I was dumbfounded.

These individuals had stormed the train and murdered every single passenger on board.

he gritted his teeth and treated me as the villain, as if his fallen comrades were the victims. Frankly, it was just exasperating.

"They were the ones who deserved to die!"

"Aren't you the ones who tried to kill me in the first place? I was already in a situation where I have to kill or be killed, so what's with this holier-than-thou attitude?"

"But, but..."

"If you tried to kill me and failed, then you should die."

"You... Who the hell are you?"

He abandoned his argument and asked me about my identity.

But I couldn't provide an answer.

That's because I witnessed numerous shadows flying towards us from beyond, outside the train.


The sound of a sword being unsheathed resonated ominously, even amidst the raging blizzard.

A blinding flash of white light streaked through the wide-open backdoor, cleaving the wizard in half.


A clean line extended from the top of the wizard's head down to his groin. In an instant, a pure white shadow leaped over him, landing gracefully on the ground. Simultaneously, the wizard's body split apart and fell to the side.

No blood dripped from the lifeless corpse. The severed portion was frozen solid, encased in pure white ice.

Beyond the fallen body stood a female knight, her white cloak billowing in the wind.

"Are you alright?" she asked, turning around to face me with concern.

I nodded in response to her question. The emblem adorning her shoulder epaulet displayed the shape of a pure white eagle.

It was the insignia of the Border Guard Knights, responsible for safeguarding the empire.

"You don't need to worry anymore. The Border Guard has intervened."