

Travel with abyss as he seeks revenge for those that wronged him by killing his family while he was still six years old. Join him as he encounters many hardships and overcomes them bit by bit Surrounded by beautiful women as he progresses through life seeking not only revenge but redemption travel with as him as he gains power and comes to be known as THE DESTROYER.

Junaid_Johnson · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

34 Little sister

Abyss deactivated the array covering the room and left towards his sister's room. He then changed his voice to one of the maid's voices and shouted "HELP! THERE'S AN INTRUDER IN THE MANSION AHHHH".

Abyss then changed into a bat and flew to the ceiling. "All guards there's an intruder in the mansion protect the master and his family... ELIMINATE OR APPREHEND THEM AT ALL COSTS" shouted one of the ten guards who were running through the hallway.

Abyss flew from the ceiling and followed the guards to where they kept the family after turning a few times they arrived near a huge metal door 2 meters in height and 1 meter in width. This was the Baron Valentine's family bunker where he kept himself in his family safe in case of emergencies.

The metal was 6 inches thick and magically enhanced so it could withstand most magic attacks and the walls aswell were 8 inches thick. The ten guards met up with baron Valentine's family. " Everybody is here my lord please go inside we'll take care of the intruder "the head guard said.

" I trust you Frederick, do what you must and eliminate the threat"baron Valentine said while he closed the bunker door. The ten guards including head guard Frederick stood guard by the door while the rest searched the mansion.

Abyss flew Infront of them and transformed back into himself. "Hello humans" abyss said with a bow and a smile. All the guards pointed their weapons at him and Frederick questioned him "who are you and what do you want" he said.

Abyss raised his right hand with a smile and covered the right side of his face with an open palm and moved it to the left side of his face revealing his former appearance Brown shoulder length hair and green eyes. "Young master chaos" all ten guards screamed at the same time.

Abyss covered the right side and it reverted back to his vampiric self "so now you call me young master... Hahahaha... well now how should I bring about your demise ahh yes death by impalement" as soon those words left his mouth he disappearedand a few seconds later the guards were impaled using the own weapons swords and spears.

Abyss turned into his mist form and entered the bunker through the small space at the bottom of the door. The inside of the bunker was spacious and was decorated nicely with sofas and a few beds at one corner, this bunker was well equipped with every necessity making it habitable for the Baron and his family for at least a year.

The family only saw a red mist enter through the door and seconds later it transformed into a figure. The Baron had 3 wives one of which was abyss's mother and he had 7 children abyss had to older sisters and brothers and one younger sister and brother.

His little sister was the last born and she was the only person who loved him dearly. Although Abyss was different she still recognized him and ran towards him and shouting his name with tears in her eyes "big brother chaos" she screamed.

Abyss opened his arms and hugged his sister 🌹🪴 lovingly , she was 6 years younger than abyss meaning she was six years old. "I'm so happy your back I was sad when father told us you died after going into the woods"his sister said.

"Fret not Vanessa your brother has returned thanks to the progenitor abyss valentine who saved me and now I've returned to get you "abyss said while kissed her forehead. 😘

"Vanessa get away from him that's not your brother " baron Valentine screamed but it fell on deaf ears. Abyss then placed her down next to him and reverted to his former appearance.

"CHAOS" everyone except Vanessa exclaimed at the same time.

Abyss's turned back and took hold of his sister's right hand "do not worry although you did countless cruelties to me and even plotted my death, I will not kill you at the request of your son so as I promised I only came to retrieve his little sister... Now then farewell" abyss said while turning towards the door.

He pulled his fist back and punched the door sending it flying through the hallway. Abyss then turned his face slightly "Say nothing of this or I will not hesitate to kill you but if even if you do no one in this world 🌍 can pose a threat to me"he said in a bone chilling voice and left with his sister in hand ✋.