

Travel with abyss as he seeks revenge for those that wronged him by killing his family while he was still six years old. Join him as he encounters many hardships and overcomes them bit by bit Surrounded by beautiful women as he progresses through life seeking not only revenge but redemption travel with as him as he gains power and comes to be known as THE DESTROYER.

Junaid_Johnson · Fantasy
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40 Chs

33 Transformation complete

The boy still lay unconscious on the cold ground. Around where trees and lots of them , the cave and alter had disappeared as if they were never there. A minute later his body began to stir. "Ah my head hurts... Eh how is this possible" the boy jumped to his feet surprised to see that his vision had improved.

*It's not just your vision that has improved everything about your body has been upgraded, right now as we speak your body is at its final stage of its evolution granting you a perfect body*Abyss spoke in his mind.

"Whaaat" the boy screamed. *Quiet boy we don't have much time before your consciousness goes to sleep 😴 so tell me is there something of importance to you that you'd like for me to retrieve or safeguard*abyss said mentally

"Well I still have many questions but since we're short on time I'd like for you to get my little sister 🌹, she's the only person to ever care about me since she was Young so please get her and keep her safe"the boy said.

*I see then it shall be done, when you wake up you will have everything under your control and nothin shall stand in your path, farewell boy*Abyss said and the boy's consciousness faded to sleep 💤.

" Time to began my conquest for revenge but first I'll get this boy's sister then began my plans for world 🌍 domination "he said while stretching his new body.

His skin was pale as snow, his brown shoulder length hair had grown to his lower back except now it was silvery white, his slim body was now packed with muscles giving him a sort of athletic build, his height increased from 1.2meters to 1.4meters and his former green eyes were now crimson red.

"According to the boy's memories our last names are similar but his name is chaos, apparently when he was born it was foretold that he will be bad omen and cause for destruction so his parents named him chaos and had forever shunned him, he indured constant bullying from his siblings except for his little sister who loved him wholeheartedly...huh so West of here is baron Valentine's capital where his manor is located , it seems I have a lot of work to do"abyss said to himself while he began walking westwards.

An hour later a pair of crimson eyes could be scene within the woods staring at the walls of baron Valentine's city. *I guess it's about time I go in*abyss thought to himself.

Turning into a bat abyss began flying into the city, although it was night 🌆 the city was brightly lit with the stone paved roads bustling with people selling theirs wares some people going in and out of buildings.

Abyss flew north towards Baron Valentine's Manor, he arrived near the mansion's double door and transformed back to himself. No sooner he did that he he knocked on the door and a maid came rushing to the door and opened "hell-

Her words were held surprised to see a handsome youth standing by the door shirtless revealing his packed muscles and tight eigh pack abs, his red eyes and pale skin added to his allure even without his vampiric charm , his overall appearance was a guaranteed chick magnet.

Abyss when he saw almost pounced on her but stopped himself quickly, it would disgrace his name to know he fell to his primal desires which would be pitiful*Damn this still maturing body,turning into a vampire heightened his emotions I guess I'll have to quench this thirst before it disgraces me*

Abyss reached out with his right hand and pulled the maid towards him and kissed her and the he said"lead me to the maid courters please" he said this while staring into her eyes which made her compelled to do as he says, unknown to her abyss had used one of his racial abilities: Vampiric eyes of hypnotism.

After a few twists and turns they had arrived Infront of the maid courters and then they both went in. After going in abyss closed the door behind them and began reciting some words with his hand still on the door"None shall and none shall leave , no sound will enter nor escape this room:total isolation array and then a barrier covered the entire room. Inside the was a total of 20 maids ranging from busty maids to flat chested ones to big assed ones to even all rounders but none piqued his interest and yet he had to get this over and with. "Wake them all up also get naked in the process and tell them to do the same. He then used magic to dismantle every item in the room and used them to craft a large bed that almost covered the whole room, at the corner of his mouth blood could be scene coming out but he licked it off.*it seems that using my previous abilities causes strain to this body so now I'm limited to using only my vampiric abilities huh what a hassle but doable*he thought to himself.

Abyss took of his clothes and climbed on the oversized bed and motioned for all the maids to do the same and that is what they did all 20 maids climbed on the bed naked.

Abyss laid flat on the bed and told the maid he came with to sit on his rod and start humping it and it was she did after a while when she showed signs of tiredness he flipped her over as he began pounding her from behind... Pah... Pah... Pah sounds of his meat slapping against meat rang out in the room an hour later abyss came inside her and looked towards the other girls who were busy playing with each other and had depraved looks on their faces.



Oh yes, oh god yes

Fuck me harder

The girls depraved moans and vulgar screams could be heard till around 4am in the morning 🌄.When they had all fallen asleep abyss's fangs appeared and he drained the life out of the girls leaving them as dried husks devoid of any blood and if one where to pay close attention you would notice that all their faces had looks of ecstasy on them.

"Finally my thirst has been quenched" abyss said with a fang filled smile while staring at the ceiling.