
Abused mate (Namjoon x y/n)

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17 Chs


Y/n's POV

I had just got out of the shower and dried myself off. I looked at myself in the mirror. All I saw was scares and bruises everywhere I don't think I had a clear bit of skin.

Then it sunk in what's going to happen when I leave the hospital. Will I have to go back to my dad. I started shaking at the thought of that. My heart was thumping in my chest and my panic was rising. What if namjoon makes me go back. I don't think I'd survive.

"Y/n are you okay in there?"

Speak of the devil and they'll appear. I quickly got dressed and answered.

"Ye I'm fine I'll be out in a minute."

Trying to suppress my panic I walked out. I was instantly wrapped in a hug.

"It's ok your safe now. I won't let anything or anyone hurt you again. I'm sorry I wasn't there sooner"

It was like he knew I was upset and said the right thing.

I broke into sobs and tears. Could I actually be safe. I trusted namjoon so I knew he was telling the truth. When I had some what got myself under control he pulled away.

" can you tell me what happened. "

"When I was 8 my mother died. My father couldn't cope so he started drinking. When I turned 9 he hit me for the first time. I think something snapped that day because he was himself for a few weeks then it was my mother anniversary and he started drinking then everything went down hill"

By the end of this I had silent tears running down my cheeks. Namjoon pulled me in for another hug.

"I won't let him hurt you ever again. You can move in with me and I'll protect you. We can share a room or there's an empty bedroom beside mine in the pack house. You could stay there if you want to. If it's too soon."

I didn't know what to say. I was silent for a few minutes. As I stayed quiet I saw his worry increase. I put my hand on his arm to reassure him. Would this be ok. I trust him so I made my mind up.


A big grin broke out on his face and he pulled me into a hug and I flinched slightly as he hit my rib. He quickly pulled away and looked at me apologetically and said.

"Lets go"