
Abused mate (Namjoon x y/n)

Mia231 · Others
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17 Chs



I heard a beeping sound. It doesn't sound like my alarm. It was a steady beeping like those hospital shows dad watches sometimes when the patient is hooked up to the heart monitor. Maybe I'm in the sitting room and dads watching a show. He probably knocked me out. I don't remember him knocking me out and I don't remember falling asleep.

I opened my eyes and saw a white wall with a tv on it. Not recognising my surroundings I sat up with a start looking around the room frantically. I noticed namjoon sitting on the sofa. Namjoon stood up straight and was at my side asking how I felt. Why was I here. what happened.

It slowly came back the guy my dad. Namjoon saving me and his eyes going black. Everything that could of happened everything that did happen and everything that still could happen. Why were his eyes black. It just doesn't make any sense. Maybe it was a trick of the light. However that couldn't be it.

I started trying to back away from him but that didn't work because I was in a hospital bed connected to a heart monitor and an IV. The wires attached to me wouldn't let me moved I tried to reach to pull them out but Namjoon stopped me.

He reached out and put a hand on my shoulder and pulled me in for a hug. I flinched at first but then relaxed into him. Even though his eyes went black he saved me and I trust him. I can't believe I actually trust someone. Well from the moment I met him I guess I trusted him there's something about him. Besides why would he take me to the hospital if he wanted to hurt me. That doesn't make sense. Maybe I imagined the whole eyes turning black thing.

" I know I have a lot of explaining to do so I'll just start. Ok I'm a werewolf."

I nodded okay not exactly what I expected. Werewolves exist. So his eyes did turn black. That would explain the growling but. Well I don't know what I expected but it's cool they exist. Wait do vampires and witches exist to. Ok mind blown. I mean I always wanted to believe in that stuff but it's actually real. Maybe he's joking. No he couldn't be.

"Are you ok with that. I mean I know it's a lot to take in and you probably need to rest after today I mean em well or if you're...." he rambled

I cut him off by putting my hand over his mouth he looked shocked. He's cute when he's shocked. Well he's cute all the time. What's wrong with me. I shouldn't be thinking that and he's a werewolf. There's no way he likes me like that.

"I believe you. I mean it's crazy but I believe you. Since we met I've just always felt like I can trust you."

"Do you have any questions?"he asked me relieved

" Can you only change on a full moon? Are there other supernatural creatures? Do you have special powers?" I stopped my question when he chuckled. I guess I got a little carried away in my questions.

"We can change whenever we want from the age of 12. Not that I know of. No sadly I can only turn into a huge wolf. Well I suppose my senses are enhanced and super strength and speed. They're sorta special powers just all werewolves have them but in different levels."

"Cool can I see you in your wolf form sometime" I said grinning. This was amazing think of the whole world of possibilities out there.

He smiled and replied of course. Then my stomach growl. My cheeks instantly went red. My stomach never growls this is so embarrassing. I mean I guess I haven't eaten in awhile.

"Let's get you something to eat, we need to put some meat on those bones."