
Above Heaven and Below Hell

{Warning! MC is manipulative and morally unethical} "Praise Me! Worship Me! Everything is Mine! The firmament will be unveiled, when the dust settled I alone will stand on top of this new world." Gideon find himself in a alien realm, with his thirst of domination this world shall be on his palm; from a magical forest to a steampunk megacity, wizards and pirates. Empty the throne for that it's righteous master has arrived!

Vanhel · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Prologue: Higher Than Heaven; Deeper Than Hell

"What is it that you desire most in life?" 

Desire—the age-old flame that flickers within every human heart, ranging from the simplest of wants to the most primal urges that have shaped civilizations since time immemorial.

Some crave power, hungry for dominion over the world and its inhabitants. A mere press of a button, a flick of the wrist, a whisper of command could determine the fates of billions.

Others pursue wealth, viewing it as a golden key capable of unlocking any door, solving any woe. With riches at hand, a man could conquer mountains, bridge the deepest chasms, or build castles in a single night.

And then there are those who hunger for fame, thirsting for the adulation and admiration of the masses. The allure of validation, the ecstasy of hearing one's name reverberate through the air like a sacred hymn.

Perhaps, women?

The allure of the flesh, the intoxicating allure of beauty in its most primal form. The human body, a masterpiece far more beautiful than what a thousand artisan hands could achieve, its softness, its fragrance, an irresistible temptation veiled in danger. 

So, what do you desire?

For me, the answer is simple.


I want Everything.

I dare to dream of Valhalla, where I would reign as Odin, of Duat, where I would ascend as Amun-Ra, of Olympus, where I would command as Zeus. In every paradise, I am it's righteous sovereign.

Drowning in the depths of my own mind, I found myself adrift in the vast sea of consciousness. With a thud, I resurfaced to reality, reluctantly opening my eyes.

I stared at my desk, noticing a paper covered from top to bottom with writing. Standing up, I grabbed the paper and walked towards the front of the class where the lecturer's desk was. Along the way, I couldn't help but overhear the whispers and murmurs of my classmates.

("Amazed? As you should.") I muttered.

I dropped the paper onto the lecturer's desk and turned to leave, but before I could take another step, the professor's voice chirped behind me, "Giving up already, Mr. Gideon? Looks like someone needs to hit the books a bit harder."

"No need, I'm already finished," I retorted calmly.

The professor's expression shifted to one of shock as he quickly glanced at my completed answer sheet.

I closed the door behind me and walked away down the corridor, leaving behind the stunned silence of the classroom.

Yawning, I couldn't help but think to myself, "Life is just so boring."

I closed my eyes and continued walking down the seemingly endless corridor. With each passing moment, I began to realize that the corridor appeared longer than usual, stretching out before me like an infinite pathway.

Realizing the strangeness of my surroundings, I hastily opened my eyes, only to find myself in a place entirely unfamiliar to me.

I glanced left and right, utterly confused. "What the hell just happened?" I muttered, struggling to comprehend my sudden change of surroundings.

I found myself in an unfamiliar room with stark white walls, devoid of any doors or windows. Confusion gripped me as I tried to make sense of how I ended up there.

"Is this a fucking joke? A prank?"

"If this is a prank, ha! Real funny," I grumbled, my tone dripping with sarcasm as I surveyed the blank walls for any hint of an escape route.


My attention was drawn to the far end of the room, where two huge display racks stood, flanking an antique desk in between them.

I walked over to the desk and saw a note sitting on its surface.

The note was written in elegant cursive script:

"Hello there,

If you find this note, it means you're the 100th person to come here. I am the being you humans call 'god.' When I created this world out of boredom, I expected some entertainment. However, now that human civilization has reached an astounding point, I feel that my presence is no longer necessary. So, I have moved on to the next new world to cultivate—a world of wonders, free from boredom and monotony.

To ensure the continuation of both worlds, I invited 100 exceptional individuals like yourself to my new world and devised a game. The rules are simple: if any of you win the game, I will grant the winner authority over both this world and the new world, effectively bestowing my throne upon them.

I have already departed with the 99th person, and if you are reading this, you are the last. I have prepared 100 different powers, or 'quasars,' for each of you. Every item in this room has been imbued with my power through my touch, thus acting as a quasar. Unfortunately, as you are the last, you will need to be satisfied with what remains.

I await your arrival in the new world of Aethel."

"You gotta be joking with me."

As I rationalized the oddities of my surroundings—the unfamiliar room, the cryptic note—a sense of clarity washed over me. Connecting the dots, I couldn't ignore the undeniable truth: this was real. Each detail aligned, leaving me with no choice but to accept the reality of my situation.

I inspected the racks closely, hoping to find the items or "quasars" promised in the note. However, to my disappointment, each grid on the racks was empty. There was nothing left.

"Nothing left?! Shouldn't I at least have one? Unless..."

I examined the note more closely, realizing it hadn't been placed neatly to begin with, and the absence of the promised quasar confirmed my suspicion.

"I'm not the 100th individual; I'm the 101st."

"I wasn't supposed to be here. Great. Fucking great. Now what?"

Feeling a mix of frustration and confusion, I pondered my next move.

Frustrated, I sank into the chair behind the desk, letting out a heavy sigh as I contemplated my unexpected predicament.

That's when I noticed something out of place on the table: a lone chess piece, a pawn. Its original purpose had been to hold the note in place.

"Weird... wait, hold on."

"Every item in this room has been imbued with my power through my touch..."

The thought hit me suddenly. Could this pawn also possess some hidden power, despite its ordinary appearance?

I grabbed the chess piece and examined it from every angle, searching for any hint of its supposed imbued power.

"Sigh, there's no way this stupid pawn is 'quasar'."

As I spoke the word "quasar," the chess piece suddenly began to glow with an intense brightness, engulfing me completely.

And just like that, I was thrust into the game—not merely as a participant, but with victory firmly fixed in my sights.

First chapter, Idk if the pace is too fast? are the words too heavy? let me know what you think. Cya

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