
Above Heaven and Below Hell

{Warning! MC is manipulative and morally unethical} "Praise Me! Worship Me! Everything is Mine! The firmament will be unveiled, when the dust settled I alone will stand on top of this new world." Gideon find himself in a alien realm, with his thirst of domination this world shall be on his palm; from a magical forest to a steampunk megacity, wizards and pirates. Empty the throne for that it's righteous master has arrived!

Vanhel · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Pointy Ears and Hidden Village

Slowly, the blinding light began to dissipate, revealing a surreal landscape stretched out before me. My eyes adjusted to the strange sights as I found myself suspended in a state between worlds, as if caught between the currents of wind. Panic surged through me as I realized I was falling from the sky, the ground rushing up to meet me with alarming speed.

"Wait, no, no, no! I'm free falling! Shit, shit, I'm gonna die!"

My heart raced as I braced myself for impact, the wind roaring in my ears as I hurtled towards the earth below. Seconds before impact, I closed my eyes, preparing for the worst. But instead of the expected jolt of pain, I felt my face collide with something soft.

Opening my eyes, I found myself falling onto the back of a furry flying creature, its wings beating rhythmically as it soared through the sky. As I struggled to catch my breath, a voice greeted me, and I looked up to see a person with pointy ears looking back at me with concern.

"Hi, are you okay? Did you just fall from the sky?"

The realization hit me like a thunderbolt - "Pointy ears?! Holy shit, it's an elf!"

"Hello? Are you okay?" the elf asked, waving her hand in front of my face as I stared at her, mouth agape.

"Oh, uh, yeah. Haha, I guess so," I replied, my words coming out in a nervous chuckle as I tried to process the situation.

"Great! You must be another descender sent here to help us!" the elf exclaimed with enthusiasm, her eyes shining with hope.

"Descender?" I repeated, puzzled by the term.

"Yup! We call people who came from the sky 'descenders'—apostles of God!" the elf explained with a smile, as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

("Apostle, huh? Hahaha, this is getting interesting. Seems like it'll be easier than I thought,") I mused, a grin spreading across my face.

"Hey, tell me more about these 'apostles,' would you?" I said, trying to sound casual. 

"Well, I don't know much about the details, but from what I heard from the legend, there will be times when 100 chosen apostles of God will bring this world into a new era. They will descend from heaven like falling stars! Although, initially, I thought the 100th apostle had already descended. Since you're here, though, I suppose I must have miscounted, and you're the 100th apostle, right?"

("I wonder what she'll say if I tell her I'm here illegally,") I mused silently, a mischievous smirk playing on my lips as I contemplated the potential reaction.

"Well, you could say it that way, or another," I replied nonchalantly, keeping my true intentions veiled for now.

"I must bring this good news to everyone in the village!" the elf exclaimed, excitement evident in her voice as she turned to leave.

("Ho... She really thinks I'm an apostle from heaven, this is gonna be fun. Now that I look carefully, this elf girl is more beautiful than any woman I saw on Earth... Maybe I could get my hands on her... Hahaha,") I thought to myself, a devious grin spreading across my face as I entertained the idea.

"So, I assume you're going to bring me to your village?" I asked, feigning innocence as I followed her lead.

"Yes, you're the second ever apostle that came to our village!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with reverence and excitement as she continued leading the way.

"Yes, there was another one before you," she confirmed, nodding solemnly as she glanced back at me.

"Give me the detail on this apostle," I prodded, a casual grin playing on my lips.

"That time he came down from the sky 3 years ago just like you, he saved our village from the orcs. Back then, it was horrible," she explained, a somber tone coloring her words as she recalled the past events.

"The orcs, they killed so many people... they kidnapped women and children," she continued, her voice heavy with sorrow as she recounted the devastating impact of the orc attacks on her village.

"But it's all in the past now. The apostle subdued the orc king and saved us all. After that, he immediately left. Although, even after his departure, the village still hasn't fully recovered to what it used to be," she explained, a note of wistfulness in her voice as she reflected on the lingering effects of the past events.

My face betrayed my confusion as I processed the information, trying to make sense of the story she had just shared.

"You'll understand once we arrive in the village," she assured me, her expression serious as she continued leading the way.

Eventually, we arrived at the entrance of what seemed like a dense forest, with narrow trees towering overhead. We dismounted from our ride, and the elf treated it with some kind of meat.

"Good girl, Pina," she said, patting the creature affectionately.

I looked closely at our ride, studying its unique features. Its body resembled that of a horse, covered in fur like a cat, but its head was that of a dodo bird—an odd yet intriguing combination.

"Come on, why don't you try to pet her? Don't be afraid, she's a good girl," the elf encouraged, gesturing for me to approach Pina with a reassuring smile.

I gathered my courage and tentatively reached out my hand. Pina turned her head to sniff my fingers, then nuzzled against my palm, her fur soft and warm to the touch.

("Hmmm..What a unique creature..")

As I busied myself with Pina, the elf walked towards the entrance of the forest. With a solemn expression, she began to sing, her voice carrying a haunting melody that seemed to resonate with the very essence of the forest.

Mesmerized, I watched as the narrow trees lining the entrance began to sway in response to her song. Leaves rustled, branches swayed, and with each note she sang, the forest seemed to come alive.

Then, as if by magic, the trees began to part, creating a clear path that stretched deeper into the forest. A soft, ethereal light filtered through the canopy above, illuminating the way ahead.

I glanced back at the elf, who gestured for me to follow. With Pina by my side, I stepped onto the path.

a.n: MC is a wolf in sheep clothing and if you think the story is always sunshine and happy you'd be sorry.