
Aberdeen: The Chosen Alpha

"Oh, this prophecy is no lie. A boy will be born. He will have the blood of the three divided packs/kingdoms running through his veins. He will bring forth two heirs. One will strive for unity while the other will fight to preserve our ancestors' wishes" Idryssa said. Unknown to Aberdeen who believed he was only of Crescent origin, he was tasked with bringing all three divided kingdoms; the Markarian, Crescent and the Arcturus wolves together. When he realises his duty, it's already too late and he is condemned to a painful death. His two sons from different women later come into play after his death. One strived for creating a better-united kingdom which a larger number of people were for while the other wanted the crescents to be the superior pack. Lucius; the former alpha of the Crescents was in favour of the son that wanted the Crescents to be superiors over the other two packs. Three packs/kingdoms were formed united by blood but divided by an unprecedented betrayal. What happens when an untold prophecy comes to life and everything Lucius had ever worked for comes crashing down?

monellawrites · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs


"Have you gone mad Rune? Lucius will kill you before you even blow the first punch! There is no way your are doing that. End of discussion" Cersei said angrily. Then she put off the fire and served Aberdeen some pottage.

"I no longer want to eat mother" Aberdeen said annoyed by what Cersei had said. He wanted to retire to his room when she called out his name.

"Rune" Cersei called out calmly and then he came to a halt.

"I love and I want the best for you. I always do. Please I beg of you, do not duel Lucius for the throne" Cersei begged.

"I shall think about it mother" Aberdeen said and then he retired to his room.

"Lyra, if you can hear me please guide your son. He's the only family I have left" Cersei said to herself.


Crescentia was in bed with Lucius. He had his arms wrapped around her like she was his and his alone. Crescentia's expression immediately relayed to him that something was wrong.

"And what might be the problem my love?" Lucius asked.

"The things Idryssa says troubles me deeply Lucius. Perhaps we get rid of her. It has been 20 years now and still the chosen alpha has not shown his shadow" Crescentia said worriedly.

"Idryssa is a mad wolf. It is only someone delusional that would believe what she says. Trust me my love, you have no reason to fear. Even if that Aberdeen shows his face, he shall not be able to withstand my great power" Lucius said and then he began kissing her from her cheeks down to her neck. The only thing that ran through Crescentia's mind was what Idryssa said to her in the dungeon.


"The chosen alpha has been born and bred. He is finally coming. Your doom is finally here" Idryssa said with a cynical smile.


"If that mad wolf is right, then you better be expecting the worse today Lucius" Crescentia thought to herself.


Klay rounded up the warriors right in front of the house of the Crescents.

N/B: the alpha to the Crescents dwells in the house of the Crescents. The alpha to the Arcturus's dwells in the house of Astra (named after Noviela's daughter). Then the alpha to the Markarians dwells in the house of Eythor.

He ordered them to go rampage on the Crescent wolves- their own. Nye opposed against it saying that they had done nothing wrong to deserve that. Klay ignored him and sent his men on the mission anyways. Nye refused to go, so Klay put Annora who was the only female warrior in charge of his men as they went on the mission.

"Tell me why Klay, tell me why you ordered you sent over 30 wolves to ransack the village?!" Nye asked in anger.

"You do not raise your voice on me young Nye" Klay said calmly as though he wasn't annoyed at Nye's tone.

"I shall not stand for this Klay. This is wrong. They are but innocent people" Nye said confidently then Klay immediately grabbed him by the throat and rose him high on the air. Nye struggled to escape from his firm grip but they were too firm for him.

"You simply cannot trust people, even if they are your own. A prophecy was told 20 years ago that one of our people would birth a boy who will have the blood of both our enemies running through his veins. If one of our own can fall in love with the enemy, you can not help but think of the other ways these "innocent people" can betray us" Klay explained as he slowly sunk his claws into Nye's neck.

"Forgive me Klay" Nye said under his breath.

"This is not the first nor the second nor the third time you have questioned my authority Nye. Give me one good reason why I should not kill you?" Klay demanded calmly. Nye had already started to bleed from his neck.

"I do not want to die Klay. Please...forgive me" Nye begged under his breath. Klay gave a quick thought and he decided not to kill Nye. He then threw him to the floor.

"Next time, I shall not hesitate to kill you. Get up" Kly ordered and immediately, Nye got up and the dusted himself. His healing process had already begun.

"I have noticed the way you stare at Zephyr anytime she is within your presence. Tell me young Nye, do you have a thing for her?" Klay asked.

"I have no feelings for her" Nye answered a bit uptightly.

"The truth...Nye" Klay demanded calmly. Nye was quiet for a while but then he agreed to speak.

"I am not sure of what I feel for her. Even if I do want her to be my mate... I am not sure that she would accept me" Nye answered confidently. There was no trace of embarrassment in his tone.

"You are such a wise boy young Nye. My advice, bury your feelings in the sand. Zephyr is a mighty warrior. I doubt she would have time to love" Klay said and then he left Nye all alone to reflect on what he had just said.

Klay went to meet Crescentia in a room. She had called him there immediately she sighted that he was done with his conversation Nye. They stood opposite each other as they conversed.

"Is it true?" Crescentia asked eagerly.

"He has a thing for your daughter, but I told him to forget about his feelings. Zephyr would never love him" Klay said.

"And are you sure he's not going to fight for her?" Crescentia asked to be sure she had Nye wrapped around her finger tips.

"That I cannot assure you. Even if he goes for Zephyr, she would reject him. Your daughter is a brave girl. To me, no man is of her calibre. May I ask, why do you care so much if young Nye loves Zephyr?" Klay asked.

"She is my daughter. Like you said, no man is of her calibre. You may go now" Crescentia said with a smile and then Klay left.


Klay's men led by Annora, stormed the village. The people were shocked and took cover.

"There must not be any dead wolves. If you sense intruders or traitors, you kill instantly. Am I understood?" Annora ordered.

"This was not what Klay instructed" One of Klay's men said.

"He put me in charge therefore you do as I command" Annora said sternly.

"No. I say we show these wolves what power looks like! After this, they will never try to beyray their own" He retorted and the others cheered him on. Then they charged at the innocent people. They ransacked their homes and maimed a whole lot of them. Annora tried her best to stop some of Klay's men but she was outnumbered. Lyra heard the commotion outside the house and warned Aberdeen about it. He wanted to go out and help them and Lyra begged him but he ignored her. He went out and fought off some of Klay's men. Annora regained a little strength and fought along side him. So did other wolves. They got the courage they needed after seeing Aberdeen stepping up for them. Some of them turned to their full wolf form and joined in the battle.

Most of Klay's men where now dead while the rest surrendered. Aberdeen grabbed on of them and ordered him to send a message to Lucius.

"Tell your alpha that Rune is coming. Tell him to be prepared because eras come to end"