

50-year-old Cassian took a long bath, something he hadn't done in 20 years. His wolve side kept him going for that long. When he was done he sat with Garven and had a conversation with him.

"Where is Orion?" Cassian asked sternly.

"Sadly, he passed away friend" Garven answered.

"Do not call me friend Garven. You betrayed my wife and I" Cassian said in annoyance.

"Perhaps that is what you think Cassian but I was the one who helped your son and wife escape unnoticed" Garven retorted.

"You were the only one that knew about Lyra and I" Cassian said.

"I confided in Thales...he assured me that he was not going to inform Orion about it" Garven said and then Cassian let out a deep breath.

"Are there any chances of you knowing the welfare of my wife and son?" Cassian asked.

"We lost all communications. I barely know if she made it alive. You know how the Crescent wolves can be. Their alpha kills their own once he gets suspicious...how was it like in there?" Garven asked sadly.

"For 20 years I hadn't seen the rays of the sun. I hadn't seen my people...my parents. Where are they?" Cassian asked.

"They have passed on friend. 20 years was a very long time" Garven said.

"During the course of my 20 years imprisonment, did they ever plead to see me?" Cassian asked nervously.

"Why do you ask all these Cassian?" Garven asked.

"Just give me an answer!...friend" Cassian demanded.

"What you did was an abomination. Growing up you were an abomination yourself then you got mated to a Crescent wolf and had a child with her. Your son is now of the three divided packs. If Lucius senses that, that is to say, if your son is still alive, he might just kill him. The power he'll have will be too intense for any wolf born of just a single pack" Garven said.

"I shall go look for my son and bring him back here" Cassian said confidently as he stood up from his seat.

"Sit down friend" Garven suggested.

"I have been locked up in a dungeon for 20 years. I have been useless for 20 years. It is time I do the right thing Garven" Cassian said about to leave when Garven stood up and held him back.

"Let go of me!" Cassian demanded as he pushed Garven against the wall. Garven then got himself back up.

"You fight adequately, for someone who has been locked up for 20 years" Garven said and then he held Cassian tightly by the throat.

"Listen to me friend. You cannot make rash decisions. You have been locked up for 20 years. Things have changed" Garven said as he panted but Cassian wasn't buying his explanation. He then brought out his mighty fangs and bit Garven on his hands. Garven shouted in pain and then he let go of Cassian.

"Do not be a fool Cassian! If you go there I assure you that they will kill you" Garven said as his hands bleed profusely.

"At least I died for the right cause. My son would know that I did not just sit here knowing that he is still alive" Cassian said confidently. Garven's wounds began healing.

"You are our next Alpha Cassian!" Garven exclaimed impatiently.

"What?!" Cassian asked in shock.

"Before Orion died, he told me that he wanted you to be the next alpha. He instructed me that when your years were up, I should release you and explain to you. He says that you will play a pivotal role in the coming years. He knows what we are up for. Cassian, the Arcturus wolves need you. Do not make such foolish decisions. Besides your son is already 20 years of age. Do you think he is going to believe some random man that comes up to him and tells him that he is his father? Think Cassian" Garven said and by this time he was sure that he had convinced Cassian. There was a moment of silence between the two until Cassian broke it.

"Introduce me to the people once more. I shall pay respect to Orion and become our next alpha" Cassian said and Garven looked at him with a smile on his face.


Crescentia took Annora down to the dungeon where they had Idryssa kept. Annora had never been there before. She never even knew that someone was down there. Annora was shocked to see Idryssa. For twenty years, she had been down there. She looked so malnourished. She had already started running mad.

"Who is she?" Annora asked.

"A mad woman. Someone you should never believe once she opens her mouth to speak" Crescentia said sternly. Idryssa was on her knees and had her head buried in the same clothes she used to hide baby Annora from Lucius 20 years ago.

"No matter what happens, no one must know of her existence. Am I clearly understood?" Crescentia asked.

"Yes mother" Annora said.

"Mother? So you saved her Tove" Idryssa said as she rose her head up to have a look at the both of them.

"Annora go back upstairs, I will be there with you in a moment" Crescentia ordered and Annora did as she was told.

"How do you know that name?" Crescentia asked.

"I sensed it from the day I met you Tove. What do you think will happen when the Crescent wolves find out that their beta is of Markarian blood?" Idryssa asked with a cynical smile.

"Shut up!" Crescentia demanded.

"The chosen alpha has been born and bred. He is finally coming. Your doom is finally here" Idryssa said with a cynical smile. Then Crescentia bent down.

"Have you ever thought of what happens to you Idryssa? You were such a young girl now look at what has become of you. Let me tell you this. If I die, you die...understood?" Crescentia threatened with a smile.

"You think I am scared of death Tove? The spirits want to reveal something to me, and when they do, I shall finally find my peace. You on the other hand, will never be at peace. You have stood for more wrongs than right. When will you tell Annora the truth?" Idryssa asked.

"I want to kill you myself but Lucius has plans for you. Whatever the spirits have in store will never come to pass. Lucius and I would make sure of it" Crescentia said confidently and then she left. Idryssa couldn't find the energy to stand up so she crawled towards the wall where she scribbled the future and the past. She used the wall as a support to get on her feet and then she brought out a claw and began to write Annora's story on the wall, hoping that one day she would learn the truth about everything.


Aberdeen came back home from running some errands for some elderlies. Cersei was preparing some pottage. As she did, he discussed with her.

"Mother... I have been meaning to tell you something" Aberdeen said and Cersei was shocked. She hoped that it wasn't about his true mother.

"What might be the problem Rune?" Cersei asked.

"Our alpha is not doing anything right to help his people. The people constantly complain about his ways of demonstrating leadership...which is why I want to challenge him in a duel. The last man standing becomes the next alpha" Aberdeen said confidently.

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