
Hospital (2)

"how long have you been here?" asked Elise "two hours" she was surprised to hear that he waited for that long. "are you hungry I'll go get something." Elise was so concerned about Valencia that she needed something to distract her. "no I'll not hungry, I just want to see my daughter". Juliu went toward James and nodded, trying to signal that he also wants to see Valencia. "which doctors are operating on Valencia?" asked Laftle "no one that famous" answered James. "Why don't you call Lou Foin?" Ophel asked "I already told him, I called him before you. If he knew Valencia was the one who he needed to save, he would've been here by now. Oh well"

After waiting for one hour Foin finally came to the hospital. Like last time, James assistant escorts him to the room. When he walked through the door, he was welcomed with a bunch of people come towards him. "why didn't you come earlier!" "what took so long!" "do you know how much time you've been wasting?!!" these were some questions that were asked to him. "what do you, mean" he looked around the room and saw James and so he asked what happened. James explained it like how he explained it to the others. "I should have come earlier, how can I help?" James looked at him like he was stupid. James always wondered how Floin became a doctor With his small brain.

When Floin saw James look; he got confused, until he thought himself and figured that he was stupid "fine I'll help with the surgery, but I got to get the consent of hospital to do a surgery" Floin left, so he can help his precious Valencia. The next few minutes Floin got permission and went to Valencia's surgery.

After waiting for three hours, the finally got an answer. Floin came in the room, "the surgery went well, but the patient some effect of the surgery. The patients left eye became unusable, only years of healing she would be able to see through it. She will also need to stay here for a few months for her to restore her strength. And the last bad news is that she is in a coma." Floin could not say anything else, from the toll it took on him. Elise and the rest of the family started to cry. Ran kept repeating to the others saying "at least she's not dead."

The thing that they didn't expect was for James to start breaking down. "She won't wake, she was the one person, the person who got through me. Please don't let her die, I'll do anything for her to wake up again. I want to see her smile, this can't be happening. I wish I found her earlier, I should have." James went to the point of crying. Everyone felt bad for him, no one saw this side of James but only one person... Valencia. Everyone noticed that ever since Valencia came James opened up a bit. And noticed that after Valencia was finished talking with James, James would come out with red eyes and puffed up eyes, it looked like he was crying, but the others would never think that James would be that type of person. When everyone finished their thoughts, they even felt more bad for James, they tried everything to confront. Until...

Valencia placed in the hospital bed. When James saw that she was placed in the bed, he ran towards her. He held her hand and started to cry into it.