
Bad day {}

Everybody has that day when everything goes wrong. And that day it happened to me. The day started okay, I woke up a bit later than I normally wake up. I normally wake up really early like 4:55 a.m but today I woke up at 5:05. It takes me 10 minutes to get ready. It was 5:15 I had to cook up breakfast that takes about 29 minutes which turns to 5:44 am. After doing the cooking I clean up it takes 20 minutes, then I wake up everyone that takes 10 minutes. That makes it 6:14 then I leave, I walk to the school and that makes me arrive at 6:45. Because the new kid and I arrive that same time, some times. And, so today was the day we came at the same time.

I was blocked by a crowd of girls, making me jump over the gate. And by the time I got to the classroom all the girls were talking about how cute and cool the new boy was and how lucky they are to be in the same class as him. But in my mind I'm saying to myself 'I'm so unlucky to have him in my class'.

After class for lunch, I got used to going out of the window to eat my bento, all of a sudden my best friend came visiting me at school although his school is like an hour away.

From all the friends I know with my last family, he was the only one who kept in contact with me. He was my best friend, although I hate other people with his personality, energetic, and loud.

There were a lot of girls in the way towards me, but somehow he got to me, shouting out loud "mommy!!!!!!!" I glared at him, noticing he was here. I asked him " how did you get here? Your school is like an hour away from here and who told you to call me that, were the same age?" "First I came by helicopter and I call you mommy because you act more like a strict mother than my real mom". I sighed and pointed at the door and walked towards the door. He knew what I meant, so he then sighed and put his head down like he was getting in trouble and walked towards the door.

Without me knowing what was happening in the classroom the other students started to whisper about me. "did you see that blond haired boy, isn't he one of the richest boys in this city". " and she dares to make him disappointed she will be severely punished for that". Everyone was talking about me, but they didn't notice the new kid left a second ago and started following us.

I finally stopped and said, "Mo Martin why did you come to this school without my knowing?" "You're my best friend why do I have to tell you I'm coming. Just to see you. Ever since your mom died and your dad abounded you never talked to me for help, so I thought of visiting you when you were having lunch and I still have 40 minutes left and you have 30 minutes left of your lunch time so we should eat now. So.... mommy do you have your bento with you, you know I love your cooking more than others". Martin was looking at me with sparkling eyes, I sighed and said: "fine let's go I already have my bento with me". We left and in the shadows a spy, the new kid was listening, I already knew he was listening but I didn't care because he wouldn't say anything.

We went to a rooftop eating together we talked about the things I've been missing out. I figured out my dad was losing money because of that witch. She's been spending so much money on my "sister".

My twin little brothers who are 8 years old, they started training for the military. Somehow My "father" doesn't seem to notice he is losing so much money. But My grandparents noticed this and they are trying to tell their son to stop.

They haven't visited him in a while so they were shocked to hear their daughter-in-law died and their granddaughter is gone. They asked their son and he told them his wife died a sudden death and he kicked out his daughter from the house. When they saw their sons new "wife" complaining about food saying before his old wife died and before he kicked out his daughter there was a lot of food here because they made them make it.

They noticed how their son was acting now and told him that they were going to take the boys and kick him out of the family. They were also concerned about their granddaughter being kicked out.

I heard all this and thinking my father deserved it. Martin was still talking to me about what's been happening until a loud bang was heard from the door. It was the new kid, I was confused about why Is he here until he said: "you use to be in the Mu family?!" I was now tired of explaining what happened to me in the family, so I looked towards Martin. He knew what I was thinking, so he walked towards the new kid and explained to him my situation right now.

After Martin explained it he looked at me from all around. I was tired of this so I told Martin "guess what Martin, let's go somewhere and your picking". When he heard this his eyes sparkled up and then made a call. After that, you could hear a helicopter noise. After I noticed the noise I told the new kid" hey new kid tell the teacher I had to go somewhere important and I will probably be back in time in the end". I waved bye when the helicopter was ready to take off.

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Thank you for reading my story it really helps me encourage me to write more although I'll not good at it and I'm barely starting to write.

Thanks for reading.