
The Promise

"Should I claim the prize?"

Rei looked at the King, or his friend, calmly.

He didn't even flinch when the sword was directed towards him.

Alden has been his friend as long as he could remember. They knew each other very well. Even his parents cannot compare to Alden.

A slight smile appear on Rei's face.

"So, your target is me?"

Alden did not answer. His gaze fell on Rei's tranquil face.

"Don't you afraid?"

"Should I feel scared?"

"You should. You don't know what I'm capable of."

"Then..." Rei's hand held the sword then directed it to his neck.

"Kill me."

"But make it fast, alright. I hate the pain" He said as an after thought.

Alden laugh heartily. His body shook in laughter.

"You really..." Alden wiped the prince's blood that stained Rei's white face.

"Good bye"

Then in blink of eyes Alden pulled the sword and directed it to his abdomen.

A horrendous wound could be seen on his stomach.

Rei's face drained of color. He become paler.

"What are you doing!"

Quickly Rei move behind Alden and supported his body.

From behind, he could see a gory sight of the sword's end went through his back.

Alden lay his head on Rei's shoulder.

"What should I do? I'll call the guard."

Rei stammered in panic.

Alden shook his head weakly and held Rei's hand.

"Stay by my side. I am sure, there's nothing the guard or the palace's doctor could do to save me now."

"But.. but.. You cannot die in this System. I don't want to loose you."

"You'll be fine."

"No.. no.. I won't be okay. Please, don't do this to me."

Without realizing it, a stream of tears wetted his face.

Alden spewed a mouthful of blood.

Rei trembled in fear. His mind is blank.

"I.. I.."

Alden lifted his hand and stroke Rei's hair.

"Don't cry." He smiled.

"Claim the prize. Promise me to do what you should, and make sure you won't be dying this time."

Rei nodded his head.

"I won't."
