

When Rei opened his eyes, he was sleeping in a familiar bed room. He knew this is not his own, but somehow he felt like he has frequented this chamber before.

Rei got up and roaming the room. There is a cupboard filled with varied books in one of the corner of the room, beside the bed.

The head bed itself attached to a wall near a big glass window. There was no curtain.

From the opened window arrays of sun set entered the room. The room was tingled with reddish lights from the sun.

"You are awake?"

Rei turned his head to the voice to see a youth entered the room. That is Alden.

He felt relieved seeing Alden move around fine. No blood, no sword attached to his abdomen.

However, there is something different.

The Alden who was standing before him looked younger.

"Yes. You fell asleep while doing our group task."

Rei nodded absentmindedly.

"What year is it?

Alden stared at Rei with doubt.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, it just, I somehow forgot?"

Alden shook his head.

"It's 2018."

So, this is when we were in our 13th years.

Rei now remembered where he was. He must be in Alden's room. This should be taken place before his old man went berserk.

Rei walked toward the bathroom. Alden followed suit.

Alden switched on the light. Rei stopped in front of the mirror in bathroom. He saw his reflection. He also looked younger. Alden stood behind him with worried expression.

"Are you sure you are okay?"

"I'm good." After a moment of silence, Rei turned his body and stood face to face with Alden.

"Your father.."

"He haven't come home since three days ago."

Rei nodded.

"Then I'll stay with you until that old man returned home."

"Why?" Alden asked.

Rei stared at his bruised arms and legs. Alden looked self conscious and pulled down his long sleeves.

Even though the mark was fading, it was still there. He was sure it was given by that scum father three days ago.

"My parents were currently doing their business abroad anyway. And I'm getting bored by myself."

Just after saying that, a phone ringing from Rei's pocket.

He saw the caller ID. 'Madame' was blinked on the phone.

"Hello" Rei answered.

"Where are you? The sun is setting and you are nowhere to be seen?"

Right. His dear mother was currently at home, and now was nagging him.

"Mom, I'll stay in Alden's house tonight."


"No, you come home, now."

"Mom, you know Alden. He often come to our house." Rei whispering.

Alden walked away from the bathroom.

"He is a lovely kid." Mother praised Alden.


"But not his father. That man is disgusting. He likes to cause disruption in neighborhood. He also often return home in drunk stupor. I don't want to leave two minors near him."


"It's better for both of you to stay in here. Ask Alden to pack and we'll arrive in his house in 30 minutes."

He agreed. After bid goodbye, Rei walked out of the bathroom and see Alden nowhere to be seen.

Then he heard a door slammed from below.

He hurriedly walked out of the room and see the man with alcohol in his hand standing in front of the younger Alden.

He rose his hand to hit Alden.

"Stop!" Rei shouted. Both of the people below looked at Rei who were standing on the stairs.

He remembered now. This same thing has happened before. He has confronted the scum old man at this time several years ago, and ended with his head smashed several times to the wall.

He grimaced when he remembered the pain.

"Well.. well.. if it is not the mighty Reinhart Zane."

Rei ignored the mocking tone and walked down the stairs. He took the baseball bat that was lying on the floor, then stood between Alden and his father.

"Stop harassing Alden."

The old man howler. His body swayed and the smell of Alcohol was apparent.

"Or what?"

Without talking no more, he smashed the old man's head with all his might with the baseball bat. The old man shouted in pain. Drips of blood wetted his hair.

Alden was shocked.

The old man is furious. He gripped the alcohol bottle and throwed it towards Rei.

With precision, Rei hit the bottle and it landed to the old man abdomen.

The man scream in pain, then fell unconscious.

"Don't you thing after these years I won't study my lesson? I even took some muay thai classes!"

Rei spit in anger.

Alden just stood in shock.

"Is he died?"

"I don't think so."

Rei held Alden hand and pulled him.

"Let's wait for my parents in your bedroom. I feel sick looking at this man."


He remembered now.

The after effect of that incident, he developed brain hemorrhage. While this old man was caught and ended up in jail, he should frequented the hospitals to do many treatments.

At first he cannot accept this condition. He run away from the reality by playing around with many girls, that he became famous as womanizer.

While Alden, even though Rei knew that it was not his fault, but his unstable condition made him avoid the youth. Since he knew his illness, he avoid Alden insistently.

When he thought about it, they haven't contacted for as long as 3 years. For that 3 years, he didn't want to meet him and always avoided him.

Remembering the soft hearted youth, Alden should have been feeling guilty all this time.

Rei stood beside the window, standing face to face with Alden.

"I'm sorry."

The young Alden smile warmly. He approached Rei, then hug him.

"Please wake up from the comatose."
