
A Witcher at Hogwarts

A man is reborn in the Harry Potter verse with everything he needs to become a Witcher This is my first attempt at writing so i am open to thoughts and criticism, i don't know how often i will update due to my working 40 to 60 hours a week but i plan to at least finish this fan fiction because it has been an idea of mine for a while to write one instead of reading all the awesome fan fictions I have come into contact with.

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13 Chs

Coin For A Witcher

Watching the children suffer was a hard thing to sit through, but watching someone else go through the process was truly fascinating. They grew in height and gained a little muscle mass. The most noticeable change was obviously their eyes, by the time the process was complete they had passed out from exhaustion, but I caught a glimpse of their eyes. They now both had a pair of cats like amber colored eyes matching my own. Bringing them both to their beds, I headed to my office only to notice a letter sitting in the middle of my desk.

When I had sent my first letter asking for information on how to post and ad in the paper, they sent me a form to fill out with the details of the ad and requested a small fee for it to be processed. I had not heard from anyone for over a month so I figured it would just take some time for the first request to come through and hopefully news would travel through word of mouth.

The letter was not long simply someone requesting aid in what appeared to be vampires praying on some muggles in a town where this wizard lived. Apparently, the ministry was taking its sweet time to solve the problem and the wizard was not fond of the atmosphere around his house with the area having multiple murders in the past couple of weeks. Writing I reply I simply told them that I would head over first thing in the morning and would expect payment on the completion of the job.

Vampires in this world came in many different styles from sentient to downright blood thirsty. The older and more magical vampires could pass off being human and could control their basic instincts and weren't that much of a problem, the problem came when a vamp who was situated on the lower end of the totem pole turned someone into a vampire. When that happened, they usually came out as something known as a thrall which was basically an overpowered zombie that could not control themselves when they got hungry.

I assumed that with there being more than 5 murders in just this last week that there was most likely a nest somewhere in the city that some noble vampire turned and then left them to their own devices. I would have to start off by checking out each of the crime scenes to see if I could catch their scent and hopefully track them back to their nest. I don't expect a job like this to pay a lot but it's a start and vampire fangs and blood could usually be sold as ingredients in potions or rituals, so I could sell what I get along with taking the payment for the job but deciding to leave that for tomorrow I made my way to my room noticing that Stella was already asleep I undressed and climbed into bed excited to finally go on a hunt for the first time after waking up.

Waking up early I checked on the twins, noticing they were still sleeping off their transformation I left a not on the inside of the common room and set off for my hunt. With a hand on stella I apparated in front of the leaky cauldron and raised my wand for the night bus. After its arrival I gave them the destination of Durham England and settled into my seat while I waited for my arrival at the client's house.

About an hour later I arrived in front of a two-story house sitting on about three acres of land and made my way to the front door to knock. When the door was opened, I finally laid eyes on my client it was an older woman in her sixties who introduced herself as Agatha. When we finished our introductions Asked for a little more detail, I asked where the attacks took place and at what time they happened.

The attacks seemed to take place from eleven at night to three in the morning and they all happened within a five-mile radius, so I assumed that the nest was located somewhere in the middle of the attack zone. Getting directions of the attacks from the oldest to the newest I set out to try and pick up a trail. The first scene had already been cleaned out by the muggle police, which is what I expected. The trail was a week old and magic, unless cast on a large scale did not linger anywhere near that long. I still held hope that I could pick up a trail in an older crime scene, so I didn't have to go to an active crime scene.

It wasn't until the third victim's house that I could finally catch a scent strong enough to track. Memorizing the smell and feel of the magic with my Witcher senses I started to follow it back to what I hoped was the nest. The trail led to an abandoned warehouse with boarded up windows with broken glass littering the ground, the smell was potent here, so much that if they weren't here now, I knew they at lease spent a lot of time in this building.

Removing a few vials from my belt I downed a cat's potion to help see in the dark building along with a pertri's philter to increase the potency of my signs while also removing my sword from it sheath. Knowing stealth was useless here I signed an aard at the front door blasting it off its hinges. Hearing the shuffling of multiple pairs of footsteps too fast to be human, I readied myself for a fight.

Seeing a silhouette dart directly at me I flicked my blade out horizontally cleanly removing the first vampire's head from its shoulder. After that the rest seemed to hesitate, but I did not give them the opportunity, quickly casting a quen sign to shield myself followed by an igni, I lit the place ablaze and watched as another vampire catch fire as a couple more avoided the fire. Reaching for my want I cast a slew of diffindo's removing a few limbs in the process. Casting an accio on the vamp that was on fire I moved out of the way before we collided and swung my sword removing another head. 

Kicking another vampire that approached me in the chest knocking it back a few feet, I cast another diffindo splitting the vamp at the waist. With three dead there were only two vampires left with one charging me and the other making its way to a window that was not boarded up. Casting a confringo on the fleeing vampire and watching it crash into the wall next to the window, sliding out the way of the vampire lunging at me I dragged my blade across its torso and watched it fall to the floor in a heap. Walking over to its struggling form I ran my blade through the base of its neck severing its spinal cord.

Making my way to last vampire trying to crawl away after being hit by a confringo I granted it a quick death by stabbing it through its heart. Taking stock of my situation I noticed some flames that hadn't burnt out yet and blood littering the floor, after sweeping the rest of the building making sure I there weren't any stragglers I put the fires out and harvested the parts that could be used and piled the bodies in an open area in the warehouse and bunt the corpses and scattered their ashes. After making sure there were no signs of the fight ever taking place, I made my way back to the client's house to receive my reward.