
First Year

After receiving 50 Galleons from Agatha for completing my hunt, I headed back to Hogwarts to check on the twins. Appearing outside the castle wards I walked to my tower and up to the second floor. Opening the door, I saw the twins sitting in the common room eating lunch, with a smile on my face I congratulated them on successfully becoming a Witcher and telling them to be up early to train for the last month until school starts, telling them that a week before September I would take them to Diagon alley for school supplies and to stay at the leaky cauldron until the first so they could ride the train with the rest of the students to hopefully make some friends. With that thought I made my way to my office where I would plan out the rest of their training schedules.

(September 1st, 1982)

Sitting in the great hall at the teachers table I was excited to finally be a part of Hogwarts. I was nervous about being announced as a founder of Hogwarts as there were going to be a lot of people trying to interfere with my claim to one fifth ownership of the school. With the other founders having no known descendants my one fifth claim turned into a full claim or at least a majority due to tom riddle having the Slytherin claim. With me having a majority claim of ownership, I can only imagine the headache the ministry is going to get when they realize they have no more say in what goes on in the castle.

When the older students started flowing in, I could see that the fifth table in the great hall caused the students to start to gossip between each other and when they saw me sitting at the teachers table. After they twins completed their trial, I had a conversation with Dumbledore in his office and we decided that even though the kids knew what house they would go into we still decided to let them use the sorting hat so they could go through the whole Hogwarts experience.

When the first years started trailing in saw Katrina and Stephen happily talking to some other students in line. When all the first years were sorted Dumbledore gave his speech and introduced me as a combat teacher for an elective that Hogwarts would be starting his year. When Dumbledore got to the part about me being a founder of Hogwarts the entire student body erupted in chatter. The feast was delicious, but I had a hard time eating when half the room was watching me eat. After dinner I led the twins back to the castle and made my way to my room dreading the morning paper that was bound to be published tomorrow.

I was right to assume this morning would be terrible the paper had a picture of an emblem of house Wolfsbane with the title "Fifth founder?" I was kind of dreading having to take at least one interview to explain things more thoroughly, but I could do that later today I hoped to see who would sign up for my elective on swordsmanship and other martial arts.

Long story short no one signed up for my class, I had assumed that there wouldn't be many, but I didn't expect this few but considering the physical fitness of todays wizards and witches I am not too surprised. Except for quidditch players and auror's the average magical person isn't in too great of shape. I had hopes that some muggle born students would be interested but I understood that with the discovery of magic they probably felt overwhelmed.

As time rolled by, I continued to teach my only two students in the morning before their classes. They were learning everything Hogwarts offered to teach and were making friends easily except for a few cases where a Slytherin student would call them freaks or surprisingly enough a mutant. I didn't expect that to be one of the insults considering that was the average insult in the Witcher universe. I made sure to sit them down and talk to them about it and make sure it was not getting under their skin. I was proud to find out it didn't bother them at all.

As the end of the year rolled around, I prepared to set off to make another trip to look for more future Witcher's. The news about me being a founder started to somewhat quiet down during the middle of the year. The interview went just about how I expected, they asked how I was alive after all this time, how can I prove I am a founder at Hogwarts along with many other questions. When the person interviewing me asked about my eyes, I got into explaining what a Witcher was and a nonspecific explanation on how they are made from muggles or squibs, I may have also lied about the qualifications about being eligible and the survival rate.

The last thing I needed was every magical family coming to ask me about a family member that was a squib. The potion would most likely be able to work on any aged person, but I'm not too sure about the survival rate of people over the age of seventeen. Seventeen is the age a wizard goes through magical maturation and the speed at which they can gain magic slows down tremendously without any external factors.

I had gone through a few rituals to increase my reserves and was able to get to about the same amount the other founders had but they were monsters. See when you get to a certain point in magic you become something more than your average wizards if I had to simplify it would be like a breakthrough in a cultivation novel. The amount of magic you have does not change but the quality does and so does your being. When the other founders reached that point, they all gained a special talent, or skill if you would.

Their bodies went through something of a magical evolution, they never told me what they got but I know that they embodied their magic more noticeably for example Godric always liked to brute force his spells he was all about offense and destruction, I noticed before going to sleep that his body was stronger than mine physically which shouldn't be normal considering I wasn't exactly weak. 

I was looking forward to finally being able to continue my advancement as you would call it now that I had plenty of time. Another thing I noticed after I woke up that there was a lot more ambient magic throughout the world my guess is that the population of wizards used to be more abundant than it is today.

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