
First Love

The sky was dark with rain clouds. The city lights glared from everywhere as Jewl walked through the streets. Her hood covered her eyes and black skinny jeans helped her to blend in.

She stopped in front of a dark alleyway. A small field could be seen beyond it. The smell she had been tracking led down this way. Definitely a Werewolf. Jewl stated down the alleyway keeping her ears sharp, but the scent led in an unwavering line across the field and into the trees.

Jewl stopped and looked back, it had been many years since she had done this. Jewl flipped back her hood raced forward. A large rock protruded from the ground and she kept up and kicked forward off it. She stretched her arms forward and a calm white mist traveled down her body, transforming her body. Her arms slowly shifted to paws and her face elongated into a midnight black snout. A long flowing tail whipped from her spin and strong hind legs appeared where her human legs had once been.

Honey gold eyes flashed in the dark as she glared forward. The scent was strong. Jewl leapt forward and over some bushes, the ground gave way underneath her and she went into a series of sliding falls down a steep hill. She slammed to a halt at the bottom having the air nocked from her.

"Are you alright" an echoey male voice asked with laughter. A Large grey, brown male wolf stood in front of her.

"I'm fine, who are you, and why are you on my territory." Jewl growls slowly standing and facing him.

"I came because this place is the perfect hiding place, and for it being your territory you don't have a very strong claim with your weak single person scent markers." he huffs back sitting down. his amber eyes betrayed a small hint of uneasiness.

"Then let me show you just how weak the wolf that set those is." Jewl snarls stepping forward.

"Please there is honestly no need, I do have one question if I may." the male asked pulling his ears back. "I would like to know why a wolf like you would rather remain alone then be with her own kind?" He asks looking innocent.

"Because my kind killed everything I loved." Jewl snarls stepping closer. The male wolf flinches but remains were he sits.

A loud snap comes from behind Jewl and she spins around in time to see a man with a gun aimed at her.

"RUN!!!!" The male shouts taking off. Jewl races after him into the trees. Lightning shoots across the sky and rain pours down. Gun fire rings between the trees and thuds from where the bullets hit wood bounce back.

"Where are we going!" Jewl shouts at the male.

"Just follow me, I'll get us to safety!" He shouts back as more shots ring out. the trees zip by and the rain pounds down harder, drowning scents. Jewl twitches her ears forward at the sound of rushing water. The trees part open revealing a fast flowing river.

"Come on we have to get across it or he will catch us." The male shouts leaping to a large rock close to the center.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." Jewl whispers to herself leaping to the rock that the male had just left. the balances on another rock and leaps forward his back legs just missing the edge and are pulled down.

"HELP!!" he shouts scrambling for a paw hold.

"Hold on I'm coming!" Jewl yells leaping forward onto the next rock and pushing hard against the rock to come to slamming onto the other bank. Jewl struggles up and races over to the male and grabs his scruff yanking him up onto the soil. He scrambles up and shakes.

"Thanks, let's go" he pants out and starts to jog back into the trees. He lead in a straight line until they came across a small mound of earth. "Come on its safe inside, oh and cause that happend I net got to say, my name is Chase."

"I'm Jewl" Jewl says staring at the mound. A hole lead inside and green moss grew around the front.

"Come on let's get out of the rain." Chase says leading the way inside. Jewl follows slowly, sniffing the air as Chase disappears down the tunnel. As Jewl slowly walks in the runnel widens into a large, warm den with a tunnel at the back for a quick escape.

"Come on lay down, we need rest and the hunter could still be out there" Chase says laying down.

"Fine" Jewl says and lays down on the opposite side of the den away from Chase. He chuckles and Jewl feels warmth press against her side as she drifts into sleep.