
A Villain No More

I was loved. No matter what kind of wrongdoings I did, my family still loved me. I ignored their love and did whatever I want. I treated them poorly. I fell for him at first sight and became obsessed with him. He hated me. He found his love, and jealousy took over me, I did more wrongdoings. My bad deeds took everything away from me, not just my life but also my family's. Updates will be on Monday through Friday. 7:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.

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6 Chs

Chapter 3: Tea Party

"There's going to be a gathering with the other ladies in the coming week, and we discussed that it would be nice to bring our daughters along. They're about your age, and I think it would be better for you to be around kids your age."

It's about time this happens. I expected my mother to mention this because this is exactly what happened in my past life. Back then, I did a terrible thing to that girl. This time I will make it right. What I did to her, followed her throughout her life and it resulted in her taking her own life.

I remember clearly, as soon as her death has been spread out, a letter came to me. That letter contains all the hatred she has for me. She cursed me and said that she wished that she had never crossed paths with me.

This time, I will make sure that nothing will ever happen to her.

"So, what do you think? Do you want to come with me?"

"Of course, Mother! I would love to make friends!"


Today's the day, is there anything I need to prepare? I don't think I have to, in this current life I'm just a little girl, I don't need to bring a gift to the hostess.

Yes. In this society, if you are invited to a gathering, it is necessary that you have to bring a gift to the hostess. It is a way to pay respect to them. Back then, it did not care for that tradition. However, whenever I host a gathering, I do expect people to give me something. Every time I remember those moments, it reminds me of how self-centered I am.

"Young Miss, is there anything you would like to wear today?" I stared at my maid. To be honest, I don't like her. The reason for that is that I know her true intention in becoming my maid. She has affection towards my father, I have no idea why becoming my maid will make my father look in her direction, but her efforts are useless.

My father only has his eyes on my mother. He may not show it as much, but everyone in this household knows that. He will go to many lengths for my mother.

I remember back then, this maid of mine tried to drug my father to sleep with her. I find it funny that she would go through such measures to make sure she has a connection with him. A child with him would make her status grow. Sadly, her little plan worked. As she is my maid and I am quite close to her back then, my father trusted her and let his guard down.

My father was furious about what she has done to him. My mother, on the other hand, found out and she was also furious, but she could never look at my father the same again. She knows that Father did not want such a thing to happen, but Mother could never erase what she saw from her head. Whenever she looks at my father it would only reminds her of what happened. My parent's relationship became disarray.

My parents are happy together, and this time, I will make that this woman won't ruin that happiness.

To get rid of her, I need a concrete reason to do so. I can't just say get rid of her when I don't have any reason, the servants in this household will only look at me differently. All this time, I have been building my image in a good and I am not about to ruin that.

"I want to wear that white dress," I said to her.

"Wouldn't the pink dress would suit you more, Young Miss?" I remember how this woman tries to control everything that I do. She is one of the reasons why I went on that path back then. She encouraged me to be that kind of person that everything that I do is okay and that no one would ever judge me. Well, she was manipulating me.

I stared at her coldly and it startled her. "You ask me what I want to wear, and I said I want to wear a white dress. Why are trying to insist on that pink one? Do my words mean nothing to you?"

"I-I apologize, Young Miss."

Sooner or later, you will be out of here. You should be better enjoy the benefits of being my maid for the time being. Once I'm done with the tea party, you will be my next objective.

"Help me get ready quickly, I don't want to make Mother wait for too long."


"Mother!" As soon as I saw my mother standing outside and waiting for me, I ran towards her.

"Andrea, look how beautiful you are. That white dress compliment you so much." This white dress is gifted by my mother. Probably one of the reasons why that maid of mine insisted on that pink dress.

"Thank you!"

"Well, since you are ready, let's go." Before Mother and I went inside the carriage, she turned around and faced my maid. "There's no need for you to come along."

Surprised by my mother's words, she said, "I'm sorry, but I'm the Young Miss' maid, I think I should come along." My mother said the same thing back then, but I insisted on letting that maid come along with an excuse of that I need her.

"Anita will take care of my daughter. You should do what you need to hear." Anita is my mother's maid. If I'm being honest, I am quite scared of Anita. The reason is that Anita looks so strict and if I did a tiny mistake, she will only lecture.

Seeing that my maid is about to say something, I decided to interfere. "You. Follow my mother's orders and do what you must do." I turn to my mother and continued, "Mother let's go now, we're going to be late if stay here longer."

"Yes, yes, we should." Before getting inside the carriage, I took one last glance at that maid, she looks irritated. How nice it is to see that kind of expression on her.

Upon arriving at the Holmes Estate. We were greeted by the host herself at the front door. "Duchess Vishante, I'm so glad you're able to make it and the Young Miss also came."

Countess Veronica Holmes is one of the most well-respected noble ladies in society. She and my mother are close friends. However, the friendship ended because of what I did to the countess' daughter. Valerie Holmes. She is the one whom I ruined in my past life.