
A New Lover?

She gave him back the notebook and the bowl and ordered another 'special one'. While Mizuki was preparing her order, she took her phone out and scrolling random stuff when a customer showed up. This customer was a beautiful lady, with a big chest, green eyes like emeralds, short, pink hair and glasses. Mizuki gave Asami's order and asked the lady what she would like. The lady was watching around and saw how nice was Asami's bowl looking

"I'll take the same bowl as the beautiful lady next to me" the lady was looking at Asami's body

"Coming right up" Mizuki started preparing another 'special one'

What the lady didn't knew was that Asami was looking at her from the moment she entered the shop and said to herself what a naughty body the lady has. Both of them were looking at each others body and accidentally made eye-contact. Both moved their glare downwards and a big silence appeared. Asami took a deep breath and started talking to the lady next to her "Hi I'm Asami"

"Hi. I'm Akina. Nice to meet you" she replied to Asami's introduction

"How old are you?" Asami was curious about Akina because she wanted her to be her girlfriend, cause why not

"I'm 21. I'm in college as a third-year" Akina's introduction filled Asami with hope that maybe she found her love, but there was a crucial problem. Asami didn't know if Akina was also bisexual

"Me too. Interesting" Asami could only fake a smile and played with the flow of the events. Maybe she fooled Akina, but Mizuki saw her intention like clear glass. He knew that Asami wanted Akina as her girlfriend, but he also saw the fact that Akina was acting exactly Asami. A perfect match... probably

"Hey...uh, Asami. Are you by any chance against homosexuality?" Akina could only play safe and ask this type of question that would reveal her sexual orientation too much

"No I'm not. Actually I'm bisexual. I can't decide which I like the most, so I decided to like both of them" Asami responded honestly to Akina's question

Asami turned her glare towards Akina and saw that her eyes were sparkling with excitement like a little kid when he or she gets a new toy

"W-W-Would you like to be m-m-my g-g-girlfr..." Akina's face was red as a tomato and didn't finished her sentence when Asami yelled yes

"Yes!" Akina was about to burst out of happiness

They got up and kissed with passion like two lovers that saw each other after 1 year of being separated. Mizuki put Akina's bowl on the table while they were kissing. "That was fast" Mizuki said to himself. The passionate kiss lasted a full 2 minutes, after they stood next to each other while they were eating they're food

Night came outside. Mizuki closed the shop and went home together with Asami and Akina while they were holding their hands and were being all lovey-dovey. When they arrived at the apartment, Hanami already brought her stuff from her place and waited Mizuki and Asami to come home to eat dinner. Hanami went to greet them and she saw a new figure

"Hi, I'm Akina. I'm Asami's girlfriend" Akina introduced herself

"Hi, I'm Hanami. I'm Asami's kouhai at college" Hanami replied back

"Dear, you told me you were single" Akina was about to kill Asami with just her glare

"She's my lil' brother's girlfriend" Asami defended herself

"Girlfriend? Isn't your brother only 16?! I already thought that being a ramen chef at a famous spot was amazing, but this..." Akina was dumbstruck

"It's something wrong with a girl at her 20's being together with my lil' brother?"

"No. There is nothing wrong with that. I was surprised by all of this"

"Forget about it. Let's change clothes and go eat dinner" Asami gave a quick tour of the apartment and showed were they will be sleeping. Asami gave Akina spare clothes and went to eat

All 4 of them were sitting at the table and they were eating grilled chicken breast. While they were eating Asami asked Mizuki

"So did you decide what are you gonna do with the shop while you're at school?"

"I don't know yet..." Mizuki was having a hard time when this topic came to discuss

"If you need help, I can take over it" Asami decided to help him. She was also pretty good at cooking because she has been thought by their father, so she also had some of the special techniques that only her father knew. Mizuki's cooking talent was already amazing, but with this techniques, he would be the best in Japan. Their father was a great chef around the world, but he had enough and set a ramen shop to hide himself from this fame. He didn't let his talent go to waste, so he wrote a secret notebook with all the techniques that only their mother and Asami knew where it was. She kept that notebook in her bag to keep it safe. She didn't gave it to Mizuki or else he would raise too much suspicion because their father hid from that fame because that fame can ruin some people and Asami thought that her sweet, little brother would change into an emotionless, greedy bastard that every person close to hi would hate him

After they finished eating, Hanami was the first one to take a bath, then Akina. Asami helped Mizuki with the dishes. After Akina finished her bath, Asami took Mizuki by force to take a bath together like in the old times