

Kakarot a first class sayain lands on earth after the genocide of the sayan race,SMARTES SAYAN Words: 258,195

God_Shinobi · Komik
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39 Chs

Z-fighters vs Frieza

MADE By: ChrissyxAnime31

Frieza currently had vegeta by the neck holding him up by his hand. Nail and nappa had been brutally beaten to death and now vegeta was close as well.

"Good night sweet prince" Frieza smirked and blasted a ray out of his finger shooting straight through his chest killing him. "You monkey's should have listened when you had the chance" he laughed and dropped his body to the ground "Now I suppose I should go back to that remaining namekian to get my answers

"Don't even think about it frieza!" Raditz growled as he and the others landed

"So I see there was some truth to what vegeta said, there are more saiyans here" He looked closely at the group "Although it seems one other saiyan is still missing"

Raditz and turles looked down to see their fellow saiyans had died and became angry glaring and gritting their teeth at frieza

"Don't worry he'll be here soon" Piccolo growled

"And I'll be ready to kill him once I'm through with all of you"

"We won't go down easy frieza so you might as well transform already" turles yelled

"You're in such a hurry to meet your doom eh? Well now that I've had my fun with these three I guess I'll have to take a step further to eliminate you all" He smirked

"Bring it!"

Frieza began yelling to build up his power and his armor began cracking off of him, his horns stretched out and went up, parts of his body grew bigger and other parts joined it until he was as tall as all of them put together.

"No so cocky now are you?" Frieza smirked at their shocked expressions "This is what you wanted so badly right? I hope you're not disappointed"

"This can't be real it's got to be some kind of trick" Piccolo mumbled

"We'll be torn limb from limb" Gohan backed away

"I-it's out of a nightmare" Chidori took a step back

Frieza grinned "it's hard work…keeping such raw power tied to a leash tends to get away from me but I'm sure that's the nature of the beast when you're trying to hold back a power level of one million"

"No it can't.." Turles yelled

"o-one million?!" gohan mumbled

"No one is that strong not even you!" Raditz yelled

"Well let's but it to the test shall we" Frieza raised a hand to the front of his face as everyone braced themselves. Frieza powered up and a large gust of wind blew them away before an explosion destroyed the island around them leaving only a ground where frieza was standing

Raditz glared at frieza and crushed a flying rock in his hand as well as turles who was angered at the sight of frieza's power

Piccolo had been able to catch the twins before they were blown too far away

Frieza laughed "Well done, I applaud your swift withdraw but that was just me saying hello" he laughed some more "Even lowly saiyans could be capable of that"

"Dammit!" Turles growled

"Oh the looks on your faces saiyans, I guess you really didn't know a being with my power could exist after all…..now then which one of you should be the first to see hell?" he crossed his arms and looked to each of his opponents then power up "YOU!"

Piccolo threw the twins out of his arms as frieza embedded one of his horns into his chest

"Piccolo!" gohan yelled

"NO!" chidori cried

"So…so fast" Raditz's eyes widened

Blood began leaking out of piccolo's wound and onto frieza's horn as it dripped down "How unfortunate I intended to toy with you a bit longer but like I said my power tends to get away from me when I'm in this state" piccolo began to go limp

"Piccolo!" gohan cried

"Hmph…and the spark goes out" frieza smirked and threw piccolo to the water below them

The twins watched in horror as their friend sank into the ocean "Piccolo no!" they cried and flew down after him. Frieza appeared in front of them before they could reach the water

"Don't bother trying to save him..you can't he's already dead…if I were you I'd focus on saving myself instead…."

"Move!" Chidori growled

"Huh?" Frieza smirked

"W-we TOLD YOU TO MOVE!" gohan yelled and rushed at frieza kicking him on the side of the head, shocking the full blooded saiyans

Chidori jumped in and punched on the other side of the face, Gohan yelled as he began punching frieza multiple times in the stomach before kicking him in the jaw up further in the air. Chidori flew up after him and kicked him a few times in the stomach before kicking him hard down, She powered up a blast in her hand and threw it down at frieza

Frieza shielded himself with his arms then glared up at her but he didn't realize until the last moment that gohan was coming at him with a ki blast smacking right into his face sending him spiraling down to the ground

The twins powered up to their fullest and joined together before spinning into a yelled spiral circle sending large ki blasts out of it down at frieza one after another

Raditz and turles were shocked at the twins power "What's happened it's like their power level just exploded?!" Turles asked

A giant blast began forming in the circle as small sparks of electricity formed around it and it finally fired down at the large built up blast around the ground were frieza was making it turn red before it finally exploded causing a lot of debris. The twins gritted down at the ground as the blast began to clear up as they caught their breath

"You mean to tell me they've been holding back this much energy this whole time?" Raditz asked

"No I don't think so cuz, I think it only happens when their emotions run wild that they are able to tap into some vast hidden power" Turles looked at the twins then turned to see frieza face down in the dirt "Not even frieza could with stand it"

"W-we have to get piccolo" chidori reminded her brother

Gohan's eyes widened "Oh right!" They flew down to the water and looked around "But where is he?" they then saw dende come out of the water holding piccolo by an arm

"Dende when'd you get here?" chidori asked

"It doesn't matter, but it's all right he's still alive!" he shouted up

"Phew thank goodness"

"Just hang on!" gohan yelled

Turles and raditz flew down to them "You need to stay focus on the battle!" getting their attention

"Frieza won't be defeated that easily" raditz warned

They all looked down to see frieza was getting up brushing the patches of dirt off him "So runts there's more to you than meets the eye, I'm not going to lie to you that actually hurt just a bit, but I wouldn't let that go to your head" he narrowed his eyes at them "None of you stand a chance against me all you've done is make me more excited to kill you"

"Hey, I hope you saved some of that power because we're gonna have to go all out all or nothing" Turles yelled to the twins


In the regeneration tank Kakarrot was able to sense everything that was going on at the battle

'frieza's power just spiked, they won't be able to hold out for much longer at this rate'


"Did you guys feel that?!" Krillin asked

"Yeah frieza's power just went through the roof, he's unbelievably powerful now" Yamcha sensed

"We need to go help them" tien was about to rush out before the others stopped him

"No tien don't we'd only get in the way were nowhere near powerful enough to take on frieza the best thing we can do is wish them back to life if they die so they can train and defeat frieza later on"

"And what if we never get powerful enough huh?!"

"You know what kakarrot said a saiyan always gets stronger after every battle so sooner or later their gonna have to get to his level right!"

Tien gritted his teeth "ugh I feel so useless"

"I know but we wouldn't even make a dent in the fight if we went we'd only be added to the body count"


Frieza began building up his power level some more as rocks began floating up in the air around him shocking the saiyans and hybrids in the air

"I-I don't believe it.." chidori mumbled

"I-it feels like he's shaking the world apart" gohan mumbled

"He's building up more power!" raditz yelled

"I thought he couldn't control his power in this form?!" turles yelled

Frieza smirked up at them "Remember the pain you've dealt me for I will return it a thousand fold" he floated off the ground and up to the twins but they were to scared to move

"What are you waiting for?!" raditz yelled

"Move!" turles yelled

Frieza blocked their heads together by grabbing their hair before knocking them both to the ground below as he laughed "Oh dear don't tell me I've taken the fight out of you already? We were only just getting started" he looked down at them

Raditz flew at frieza as he prepared to attack sending a punch at him but he blocked it "Oh raditz please wait your turn" He then punched him hard in the gut sending him into a island making its cliff crumble

Turles was to shocked to move from his spot

The twins got to their hands and knees as frieza began approaching them "Now then what do you say we pick up where we left off eh?"they glared up at him as they got to their knees and flew at him sending a variety of punches and kicks but each time frieza was able to dodge them

Frieza landed a hit in each of their guts then grabbed them by the hair again before they could recover from the hit then threw them to the ground as he laughed at their pain. He kicked them to their backs and floated up above them

Before he could do anything they flew up into the air with their arms stretched out at him. He grinned and disappeared and reappeared behind them, at the last moment they saw him but were too late and were sent back down to the ground by his tail. They flipped before they could hit the ground and took a fighting stance as they looked to the sky "H-he's gone!"

"Am I?!" Their eyes widened before they were grabbed by the tails and smacked down at the ground making them grunt as they landed face down. Frieza laughed again and floated above them putting one foot on each of their heads making them scream "I think it's about time I put my feet down" he stomped harder making them scream louder

Turles growled and sent a blast at him making him move off the twins before it could hit "You finally mustered up the courage to fight eh turles?!" frieza growled at him

Another blast came flying from behind him and as frieza flipped to dodge it, it blasted off the end of his tail "Who did that you raditz?!" he looked to see radtiz still hadn't moved from the rubble and saw it was piccolo "You how you should be dead I rammed in you!"

Piccolo smirked "Sorry to disappoint you, Hey turles what do you say we give him a lesson on not to mess with children!"

"Fine by me!" they both powered up and then sent multiple blasts at frieza. He either dodged or phased out of the way of most of them

"Why you!" Frieza growled at them then flew at them

"Follow me!" piccolo yelled to turles and flew away with him in tow as frieza followed them. Before they could get far enough frieza appeared in front of them "I'm going to rip you both apart!"

"Cover your eyes!" turles yelled then put two hands to the sides of his face "Solar Flare!" blinding frieza

While this was going on raditz was able to recover from the powerful blow frieza gave him and floated up to see dende approach the twins 'what's he doing?'

"Thank goodness their not dead" dende sighed "Don't worry I'll heal you right away!" dende concentrated and healed both of them one at a time

Raditz was shocked when he saw the twins began getting up 'ah yes I forgot about the other abilities nameks were said to have'

"It's about time you came back" he turned to see turles and piccolo come back

"Well excuse me for taking a head on blow from frieza it take time to recover from that you know!"

"I took on frieza too!"

"Yes but not a direct blow!"

"This is not the time you two!" piccolo yelled shutting them up "We need to focus like you said earlier"

"Sure" turles huffed and looked down at the twins to see they were up and kicking "How'd that happen!"

"Dende had healing abilities that's how I was able to come back"

"Don't you remember from our lessons at the academy?"

He shrugged "Eh never really paid attention to the book stuff" raditz groaned at his cousin

"Wow neat trick dende" gohan smiled

"We owe you one!" chidori cheered

"No I'm glad to help"

Frieza finally recovered and came back to the three floating in the air, the twins glared up at him and flew up to join the others "Ok now were mad!"

"Eh?! What in the?!"

The twins began powering up making a crater like shape in the water below them

Raditz smirked at them "They may be half human but that saiyan blood does its job after healing"

"Their powers gone up quite significantly!" Piccolo commented

"Alright perhaps this is just what we needed to turn the tables in this fight" turles grinned as the twins finished powering up

"Dammit how do they keep coming back?! How many times to I have to kill these pests before they die!"

"Now then it's time to give this monster a taste of his own medicine" Piccolo stared at frieza before flying at him and punching him in the face sending him flying, the rest joined in and turles flew at him punching him to the air by the jaw

Raditz then send a kick at him but he phased out of them way but he sensed where he appeared and landed another kick at him then a hit to the jaw before frieza hit him with his tail sending him away

Frieza got angry and sent a ki blast at him while he was still recovering but the twins were able to combine their new power and deflect it back at frieza then send their own blast to boost the power shocking frieza as it engulfed him. Once the smoke cleared they all saw frieza had shielded himself with his arms and when he looked up he was glaring at them, he landed a few feet away from them on the ground

"I honestly wasting expecting that from you, but now that I see you know how to handle yourselfs I think I should give you a glimpse of my true power, a mere fraction of what I'm capable of"

The saiyans and piccolo smirked and piccolo spoke up "I guess we've all been holding back a bit huh?"

"Hmph you're joking you've been fighting me without using full power? Nonsense I didn't think you were the types to joke"

"Hmph were just full of surprises aren't we?" raditz smirked

"Now we will have vengeance for all the people you've killed!" turles yelled

Frieza laughed as he shook his head then looked back at them "Poor fools you've just came charging here oblivious haven't you? Were you not aware that I can transform again"

"What?!" raditz asked

"Rather than waste time explaining it to you why don't I treat you to the same terror that vegeta and nappa had to face all alone? You see each time I transform my power increases exponentially and as it happens" he raised up two fingers "I still have two transformations beyond this one, so are you beginning to see the big picture yet?"

" your bluffing" piccolo yelled

"Impossible" turles growled

"D-did you hear what he just said?" chidori asked

"I-I hope not I sounded like he said he could transform twice more" gohan answered

"You scum should consider this an honor, you will be the first to ever lay eyes on me in this next state" He began powering up as a red-black aura formed around him shocking them "Prepare yourself and behold the second transformation of the mighty frieza" He yelled before two large spikes came out of his back, his shoulder blades flew up, his face widened a bit as his head stretched back and his horns grew in, and soon the transformation was done

He smirked "What do you think was it worth the wait?" The backed away some "Now if your ready let's begin round two shall we?"

"You vile freak!" raditz growled

"There's not a single scratch on him now" gohan mumbled

"All the damage we've done has completely healed" chidori added

"You seemed to have quite a bit of confidence in your teamwork earlier didn't you? So why don't you try that again?" he flew at them but they all flew in separate directions to avoid it

Frieza flew at piccolo first, so he phased a few times to try and confuse him ' I fon't care how much power he's gotten he can't have gotten too much faster' he looked ahead to see frieza and stopped

"It's about time how nice of you to join me, you don't want to be late for your own funeral" Piccolo tried attacking I'm a few times but he was able to dodge all of the attacks then sent a blast at his knee with his finger tips singing it. Frieza laughed at his pain as he sent more blast at him hurting him even more

"Their too fast to dodge!" turles yelled

"STOP IT!" gohan cried as he and chidori flew at them and they both came at frieza from each side. Frieza noticed and moved out of the way then the twins flew up higher above him "Your through you big bully!" They combined their powers and sent a huge blast at frieza pushing him toward the ground as they added more and more power to it as they pushed him further

Frieza was shocked when his tail touched the ground so finally used his power to send the blast right back at the twins shocking them. Before it could hit piccolo sent a ki blast to deflect it away from them to the sky

Frieza landed on the ground and looked up at the twins "Peculiar those little runts power levels have gone up exponentially high, somehow recovering from that lashing I gave them had made them stronger" his eyes narrowed "Wait…..of course they must be saiyan children! But how?...i made sure the saiyan race was all but extinct except for vegeta, nappa, raditz, and turles….although there is that one they found on that faraway planet…so then who's daddy?"

"Hey thanks piccolo" gohan called

"Sure no problem kid…..he may have deflected that attack but it's obvious you've gotten a whole lot stronger" he smirked at them

"But there's not much more we can do I mean we put everything we had into that attack" chidori informed him

Frieza looked around at the full blooded saiyans "They don't really take after vegeta, nappa, or raditz so that should only leave the other two…" he looked to turles "I guess turles gives a good resembles to them" he looked back to the twins "This just won't do..i think it's time to wipe out these saiyans once and for all….not that I ever put much thought into those old super saiyans legends after all but I have always believe it is better to air on the side of caution and their little power ups are worrying me"

Raditz turned to turles "Listen we can't wait for kakarrot to be fully recovered back to full power perhaps we could use the namekian child's healing abilities to our advantage in this"

"What are you saying?" turles narrowed his eyes

"We should try using our healing power up to use, I need you to attack me so I can get more power"

"Are you insane?!"

"With the child's healing I will be restored to full power in a matter of minutes we need more power!"

"You really have lost your mind raditz, with all the power we've gotten I could very well kill you on accident and it'll only be a few more minutes before kakarrot is fully restored"

"It might be too late"

"Then we can just kill him for being late in the afterlife"

"It would be a relatively simple matter for me to obliterate you all in my current form, but rather than do that it will be far more satisfying to leave you with one more final vision more terrifying than death" frieza yelled

"I don't like the sound of that" chidori looked down at him

"Consider this my parting gift to you. A nightmare beyond even the horrors of hell!" frieza yelled "Witness my true, ultimate form!" He began powering up as storm clouds formed around him and he began glowing red

"Piccolo looked to the twins "Kids you have to get out of here!"

"Not unless everyone is coming with us!" chidori called as they took piccolo by the arms and helped him to the ground "we'll get you fixed up good as new in no time, we can get dende to heal you"

"just hold on while we get him" Gohan told hime

Raditz and turles landed beside them "How is he?"

"We need to find dende quickly!"

They were able to find him and bring him back to heal piccolo but they didn't notice frieza had saw the whole thing 'so that's it, that's how these pests keep coming back!'

"That sure is an amazing ability" piccolo commented

"But what are we going to do I mean we still don't have enough power to beat frieza" chidori asked

"Kakarrot is still healing to we have to wait for him to show up" raditz informed them

"Can't you two do anything, you were with him in training so you have to have the same amount of power right?" piccolo asked

"We did train at the same amount of gravity but we all trained differently to enhance our abilities, each of us have different power levels because of that"

"Great" gohan moaned

"Don't you have the ability to get stronger with injuried"

"Yes but turles thought I'd gone insane from offering that" raditz shrugged

"Hey I don't want to cause any unnecessary deaths here" turles held his hands up

"We can't win this without more power"

It was too late anyway because there was a large explosion on the island were frieza was causing a large gust of wind

"Oh no!" the twins cried

"Frieza's completed his transformation" piccolo confirmed

"If it wasn't for the dragon balls he would have blown up the planet by now" turles growled

"That power it's enormous" raditz growled "I can't even get my head around it"

The smoke had finally cleared and they saw a completely white figure with only purple on its shoulders, head, wrists, ankles, and chest.

Turles was confused when he saw this "Wait you mean this is the big change he looked so scrawny now compared to his other forms.."

"Idiot you should know that an opponent's power has nothing to do with their outward appearance…his other forms were tame compared to this" piccolo growled

Frieza held up a finger and let out a blast, it past right by piccolo, the saiyans, and the hybrids. They all turned when they heard an explosion behind them to see dende had been killed

"No dende!" chidori cried

Raditz's eyes widened as he turned back to frieza " I didn't even see him fire, it was an instant, no time to react!"

Frieza smirked "That should speed things up, one less pest to deal with right?" he laughed

"He must have realized he'd have a tough time finishing us off while we had dende here to heal us" piccolo glared at frieza

Frieza phased from his spot on the island shocking them

"Wh-where did he go?" gohan asked

"Right behind you" they heard and turned to see frieza standing between them and dende's body. "I promised you didn't I, that'd I'd show you a nightmare beyond the horrors of hell"

The twins yelled in anger and rushed at frieza with piccolo. Gohan tried to punch him but he ducked, chidori tried to kick him but he bent his back to avoid it, and piccolo tried to chop him but he bent his neck to avoid it as well. They all attacked together but each time frieza was able to dodge them with little effort

Piccolo jumped into the air and sent a blast at him just as the twins flew away to avoid it. Frieza flew up out of the smoke

"Where are you going?!" chifori yelled and cupped her hands together then sent a blast up at him along with gohan, frieza didn't even bother to move just as they exploded. Piccolo landed right behind them

"Did it hit him?"

Once the smoke cleared they saw that frieza was no longer in the air, "he disappeared again!"

"Guys!" they heard and turned to see raditz pointing behind them "He's behind you!" they turned to see frieza with his finger stretched out at them

"hello again" His fingers lit up to fire a blast at one of them

"Get out of the way!" turles came flying in and snatched gohan away just as a blast went by where he was standing and it flew toward an island behind him, they all looked to see it fly into the cliff on it, then a large explosion completely vaporized it shocking them all at the sight

Raditz and turles glared at the sight of the vaporizing island

"I barely even saw him move" gohan stuttered as turles put him down

"No way we could have been able to dodge that" chidori dropped to her knees

"How'd you know it was going to hit gohan?" piccolo asked turles

"I was able to see that frieza had a direct line pointed at him I didn't see the blast coming though" turles explained

"Um thank you" gohan smiled up at his uncle "You saved me"

He smirked "Don't mention it kid"

They all turned back to frieza just as raditz landed next to turles and they both approached him "Now it's our turn to give it a try"

Frieza smirked "Someone's full of confidence aren't they? Poor fools the helplessness of this situations has made you both delusional haven't you"

"We may not be able to win but at least we would have died trying" Raditz glared

He laughed "I never knew saiyans could have such a sense of humor"

"There still are more saiyans out there that are alive even if you kill the three that are left on this planet and I'm sure at least one of us will become the thing you fear most frieza…the legendary super saiyan!" turles yelled

Frieza's eyes widened at that 'More saiyans are alive!'

"A super, super saiyan?!" gohan asked

'A super saiyan huh, I remember kakarrot mentioned something about that a few times" piccolo thought

Raditz flew at frieza attempting to chop him but he phased out of the way then turles tried to double punch him where he reappeared but he phased out of the way again and while they were looking around for him they heard laughing from the side and saw frieza standing on an island

"How?" raditz stuttered

"I make one move at full speed and you two have gone completely still" he laughed "If those are the limits of your abilities I'm afraid you don't have a chance at beating me, so sad and after all the training you've had just for this one event"

Raditz and turles glared and frieza from their postions

"Of course if it really is true that there are more saiyans out there than I'll be sure to find them and wipe them all out just to make sure that silly old legend will stay a legend"

"No we won't let you get to them!" Turles yelled and he flew up high into the sky "I'll make sure you burn in hell!" He charged up to his fullest ready to fire an incredible attack

"Turles have you gone mad!" raditz yelled

"It'll destroy the entire planet stop!" piccolo yelled

Turles suddenly phased out of the way shocking them all but he reappeared a few feet away from frieza and fired the blast at him, frieza stood there for a few minutes but he must have realized the power behind the blast and flew toward it before kicking it to the sky. A few minutes later there was a large explosion in the sky cause gusts of wind and a giant bright light

"He deflect a blast of that magnitude like it was nothing" raditz stuttered

"There was no way uncle turles was holding back that was everything he had" chidori stuttered

"How can anybody be that strong" gohan asked

"Now then let's see how you saiyans fare off one of my attacks shall we" frieza looked up to the saiyans "Ready?" he spread his legs prepared to fly

Raditz flew up toward turles to help defend him since he was almost out of power, Frieza flew up at them at amazing speed head butting raditz in the jaw going up then turned to turles and kicked him to the water below them. He turned his attention back to raditz and flew up at him and grabbed him before throwing him to the ground in front of the group

"I need to help uncle turles!" chidori cried as she flew into the ocean

"No wait!" piccolo yelled put it was too late as she already dived in

"Leave him alone!" gohan cried and flew in front of raditz

Frieza smirked at him "Seems the little dust mites have gotten the will to fight once again" He flew at gohan preparing to attack before he was kicked away into the cliff on the other island making it crumble on top of him

They were all shocked to what just happened and turned to see kakarrot had finally arrived and was landing on the ground next to them. He straighten up from his crouched postion and looked to them

"What's so shocking you all knew I would be here once I was healed right?" he asked

"Yes you came at just the right moment too" piccolo told him as he helped raditz to his feet

"Welcome back dad" gohan ran up to him

Kakarrot smiled down at him and rubbed his head "I'm real proud you" he looked around at all of them and saw there were two missing "Where are vegeta and nappa?"

Raditz got a grim look "They were killed by frieza just before we arrived"

Kakarrot got a shocked expression just as they heard an explosion at the rubble then they saw frieza fly out of it and back over to them. He saw the new fighter had arrived "So you must be the third saiyan here you're going to wish you hadn't done that monkey"

Kakarrot glared at him "Leave this to me guys I'll take him on my own"

"What your gonna fight alone?!" gohan yelled

"Did you get hit in the head or something kakarrot it's gonna take everything we've got to finish this monster off" piccolo yelled

"I'll be fine" he powered up and began approaching frieza

"Be careful alright!" raditz warned

"Thanks" he called back as he continued to walk forward and finally got to a good distance "Hello frieza it's been a long time since I last saw you"

Frieza smirked "I don't recall ever meeting you monkey"

Kakarrot glared "It doesn't matter anyway because soon you'll be in hell!"

Frieza got a better look at his face 'I'm sure I've heard about this one before'

Chidori had finally found turles and brought him back up to the surface and they were shocked to see kakarrot standing a few feet away from frieza. Once they got out of the water turles smirked "Hey kakarrot it's about time you showed up" he called

Frieza turned to look at him "Kakarrot huh? I've heard that name somewhere before" He turned back to look at him and afte a bit of more inspection his eyes widened 'yes that's it now I remember!'


"Frieza show yourself you coward!" bardock yelled

Frieza came out of his spaceship hovering in his chair staring at the saiyan soldiers surrounding his ship

"That's it face the music, don't be afraid of him men I'd rather be a free man in my grave then live as one of his puppets or slaves!"

Frieza began to lift a finger and power up a small red ball

"Come on let's get to it! It all come's right to this, your fate, mine, gine's, raditz's and KAKARROT's!"

Frieza lifted his finger up beside his head as the ball began to get a little bigger

Bardock powered up his own blast in his hand as he was grinning at frieza then lifted it up "Here! Have it!" he yelled as he threw the blast at frieza

He began laughing as the ball began really growing as big as his ship absorbing the blast

"No way!" bardock yelled

He continued to laugh as he pointed his finger toward them and planet vegeta and the deathball went flying at them. They saiyans screamed as the ball approached them and they were killed in the blast along with bardock

/end flashback/

"Yes I remember where I've heard about you now, A lowely saiyan named bardock mentioned you just before I blew up the planet"

Kakarrot's eyes widened at that

"You look a lot like him too, you're his offspring along with raditz aren't you"

Kakarrot's teeth began gritting as he glared at frieza " I swear I'm going to make you pay for wjhat you did to the saiyans!"

Frieza smirked "Well shall we proceed?"


He phased from sight and was about to hit him with his tail but kakarrot phased out of the way and reappeared hitting frieza knocking him a few feet away before he recover and they landed

"Amazing!" gohan cheered

"Go dad" chidori cheered

Frieza stared at kakarrot for a minute before extending his finger at him

"Don't try to block that cuz!" turles yelled

"You fool die!" frieza sent a blast from his fingers at him but kakarrot deflected it away to the cliff beside them shocking frieza and making him fire more one by one but each time he deflected them away and making them miss hitting the others

Once blast seemed to have actually hit but they couldn't tell because of the smoke so they all waited for it to clear. Frieza smirked in satisfaction before it did though but once it cleared he was shocked to see kakarrot had blocked it with one of his hands and glaring at him "Are we done with your little games now?" he asked

"Seems your more talented than the other saiyans"

"Let's get this going shall we"

"Alright then you funeral"

To be continued

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

God_Shinobicreators' thoughts