

Kakarot a first class sayain lands on earth after the genocide of the sayan race,SMARTES SAYAN Words: 258,195

God_Shinobi · Komik
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39 Chs


Planet Namek

The twins looked up in amazement at the large spaceship that bulma and had made for them to travel to namek. It was a sphere shaped ship with one blue line in the middle of it with circle shaped windows and was nearly 20 ft high. Its had two bedrooms one for the twins and the other for the guys, a kitchen, and bathroom.

"You two ready for space travel?" krillin asked from behind them

"Yup" they smiled as they looked themselves over to check their saiyan armor

"You two are just like your father" Krillin smiled

"Really" gohan asked, his father was his role model since he was so strong and was able to save the earth so many times there was also the fact that he was academically smart as well.

"Yeah especially with those outfits on"

Chidori looked down at her armor it was purple and black with short sleeves and pants. It inspired her to become the best she could be after hearing about how strong the saiyan race was.

"Let's get a move on" Piccolo yelled over to them "We need to get those dragon balls before frieza does remember"

"Right" the twins ran on board followed by krillin

"How soon are we going to be there?" yamcha asked

" said it would be about a week" tien answered as he shut the door to the spaceship "Everyone get in your seats and buckle up"

The twins and humans quickly got into their seats and pulled the seatbelt from each side of the chair and buckled it

Piccolo initiated the launch and everyone tried to brace themselves before the spaceship shot up into the air while they felt like they were being pushed against their seats. They felt relief once they were out of earth's atmosphere

"Alright were out of the atmosphere now so everyone can unbuckle themselves now"

"Let's get to gravity training" gohan jumped out of his seat

"Count me in" chidori cheered

"Me too" krillin joined in

"How about we all train" yamcha asked

"Sure let's set it to 10x gravity for now so that we can get the hand of it"

"But daddy and uncle raditz trained us all the way up to 30x gravity can't we train at 40x now?" chidori asked

"We need to get used to the higher gravity first kid but think of it as you training us for a change by helping us"

"Alright then"

"As long as you don't take too long for each level I could care less" piccolo grumbled

"I'll set it to 10x gravity then" krillin walked over to the machine and typed in a few buttons, they felt a bit of vibrating before the earthlings felt their stomachs pull them down as they struggled to stay on their feet

"Why don't we start out by sparing?" gohan suggested "That's how daddy began to train us when we started out gravity training"

"Sure let's see if we can get the hand of this"

Tien charged at gohan intending to punch him but gohan blocked it with his hand then was flipped over his shoulder and onto the floor behind him "You need to be a bit faster"

Tien began getting back up " I just need to get used to this increased gravity"

Chidori caught krillin's foot before it could make contact then kicked him away making him skid across the floor

Gohan hadn't been paying attention so yamcha managed to land a kick to his back knocking him down but he instantly recovered and flipped out of the way before tien could land a punch making him hit the floor instead. Gohan flew at yamcha landing a punch in his stomach but he didn't notice tien come up and then punch him in the face

Krillin got back up and flew at chidori throwing a variety of punches and kicks at her but each time she was able to dodge or block the attacks until she was hit by an energy blast from the side and once she recovered she saw piccolo was the one who blasted it

Both of them rushed at her and began attacking her by throwing punches to each side of her, she struggled to keep up with their speed by fighting each one with one arm so she quickly phased out of the way making them hit each other

Tien flew at gohan his fist making contact with his face and before he could recover tien kneed him in the stomach sending him into the air then yamcha double punched him in the head knocking him into the floor. Gohan quickly flipped out of the way before tien could punch him again then flew at yamcha punching him in the stomach knocking him to the ground

"Looks like we have a lot to learn" Tien wiped some blood off the corner of his mouth

"Yeah but I guess we do to we're not used to fighting more than one person at a time so were gonna have to work on that" Chidori rubbed the back of her head

"Once this is all over I want a rematch" krillin asked

"No problem" Gohan fist bumped him


Frieza was currently sitting on his thrown musing over what he had just heard from his soldiers reports. Apparently a soldier that had gone to earth with zarbon and dadoria was been critically injured but he managed to report that everyone else had been killed by the saiyans and a few human fighters

"Is there any sign of the zarbon or dadoria" frieza asked wondering if the soldier could have been wrong

"No sire"

"The soldier did bring other information with his as well though my lord"

"What is it?"

"While he was making his way back to his spacepod he overheard some of the earthling talking about something called the Dragon Balls that are originally from planet namek and how that could grant any wish"

Frieza had heard legends about the dragon balls but he had dismissed them as just a myth like everyone else but if the saiyans know of such magic they might try and overthrow him using these mystical orbs "Send a call to the Ginyu Force and ready my ship, tell the ginyu force that they will be accompanying me to planet namek"


"Are you saiyans always so stubborn?" bulma asked nappa having just come from the new gravity room where vegeta was currently training but not fully recovered

"Prince vegeta just wants to assure that he will be strong enough to fight frieza"

"He can assure that when he's fully healed he's going to get himself killed if he continues at this rate even kakarrot was never this reckless"

"Kakarrot must not have been as determined as prince vegeta"

"Are you kidding me the only thing he ever did was train or study when he was a kid he just didn't want to become obsessed with getting stronger that he didn't have time for anything else"

"Once frieza is defeated I'm sure prince vegeta will have time for other things as well"


"You know when I first saw turles I would have thought that he was your brother and raditz was your cousin you know" chichi looked over to her husband

"Yeah we used to get that a lot when we were kids but my dad's brother did look a lot like him so that would explain why turles and I look so much like twins"

"Have you noticed something strange going on with your brother and leslie?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean they are always spending so much time together that it's starting to become a little suspicious"

"What are you suggesting?" kakarrot lifted an eyebrow

"I think they might be dating"


"You aren't exactly the observant type when it comes to things like this I can see all the signs though leslie is always blushing around him and does anything to help him out and raditz is obviously much more happy when she is around"

"Have you been spying on them or something?"

"No I can see just by a couple of glances"

"Well if they are dating then we should let them be I know I wouldn't like it if someone started prying into my life without my permission"

"You're probably right"

"Good and speaking of them I think they're time in the regeneration tanks are almost up so I should go and get started for their training"

"Right good luck"


Yamcha, Tien, and Krillin were now training to get used to the increased gravity by doing the basics of martial arts doing some push-ups, sit-ups, throwing punches and kicks into the air while the twins worked on getting used to fighting more than one person

Piccolo was now meditating in the corner of the spaceship blocking everyone out as he continued his mental training

Gohan had used the muti-form technique kakarrot had taught them to make a double then began attacking chidori just like yamcha and krillin had earlier

Chidori was fighting each of them with one arm getting the hang of speeding up her fighting until she kneed one of them in the stomach then used the same leg to twirl around and sweep the other off his feet. Both of them recovered and got into their fighting stances when she shot a ki blast at both of them, they made an x-shape with their arms to block it but they were pushed back by the force of the wave and it exploded

Once the smoke cleared the clone gohan had been destroyed and the original was singed in front of her "That was great now it's my turn"

"Right?" chidori got into a stance then created a clone. They both flew at gohan and began attacking him as well

The three earthings took a small break and watched the twins continue their training

"I feel a bit pathetic compared to them you know" krillin told them

"I know what you mean it took us years to master what they have learned in just a few months but they were trained by saiyans so it shouldn't we shouldn't feel too ashamed" yamcha shrugged

"Yeah so how did hasky take the new about our trip to namek?" tien asked

"She was actually pretty cool about it she even wanted to come with us but I told her it would be to dangerous so she said she would be there when we got back and to have a safe trip"

"Wow I was expecting her to freak out or something what about you tien how did launch and chiotzu take the news?"

"About the same as hasky really but launch threatened to bring me back to life then kill me herself if I happened to die and I thought this would be to extreme of a fight so told chiotzu to stay with launch and wait until I got back"

"Same old launch then huh? Man I really need to get a girl of my own all of you already have wives" krillin pouted

"Don't worry you'll find your girl soon"


"Are you sure about this turles who know what could happen if you start out at such a high level?" kakarrot asked

The three saiyans had moved to the gravity room of the training department and once turles heard that kakarrot had perfected 100x and raditz was up to 40x he wanted to start out at 50x gravity

"I'm not gonna be showed off by you two so let get to it"

"Don't say we didn't warn you cuz" raditz patted his shoulder

"Ok brace yourself" Kakarrot typed in a few buttons on the gravity simulator and after the room vibrated the gravity instantly increased knocking turles to the floor and radiz struggle to keep standing

"Do you want me to turn it down to 45x"

"No I can handle this!" turles growled, he was determined to catch up with the two especially when he heard kakarrot tell them that vegeta had begun his training at a much higher level than this.

He was able to get to his knees and then to his feet but the gravity kept threatening to pull him back to the floor as raditz began getting used to moving around in the increased gravity

"Wow you two are really impressive with the right motivation" kakarrot smirked

"You shouldn't underestimate us, remember you were the weakest of us back on planet vegeta" turles smirked

"Yes but the tables have turned now, let's start out by doing a bit of sparing to get used to moving around in the increased gravity ok"

Turles didn't need to be told twice and rushed at kakarrot sending a punch at him but he blocked it with his arm then punched him in the stomach and kicked him across the floor

"You've got a long way to go cuz"


"There it is that's planet namek" Tien announced to the others as they all rushed to the windows and saw a large green planet in the distance

"Wow its huge" chidori observed

"Ok we should get buckled up so we can land" yamcha told everyone and they all immediately took their seats

"Everyone set" tien asked and everyone nodded to him "Alright brace yourselves" The landing felt almost the same as the launch from earth except this time instead of being pushed to their seats they felt like they were about to fly out of them

"Ok you can unbuckle now" They had finally landed on the ground

"Is it safe to go outside I mean is there oxygen to breath?" gohan asked

"Well your dad did say that most planets are suitable for any race to live on them so it should be safe let's go try it" krillin pressed a button on the wall and opened the door of the ship to let in the air

"Its good" Chidori jumped out and landed on the grass

The planet was mostly islands surrounded by green water, the sky was green as well with yellow clouds filling the sky and the grass was strange blue-green color

Piccolo looked around in amazement having been the first time he was on his home planet it felt strangely familiar even though he'd never been here 'so this is planet namek huh, my home'

"Now all we have to do is find the dragon balls" Yamcha got out the dragon radar from his pocket

"I'm sensing a lot of energy signals coming from that direction" Krillin looked into a certain direction and everyone immediately sensed it as well

"It might just be the namekians you know" yamcha hoped

"I don't think so this power feels evil and kakarrot said that namekians are supposed to be peaceful by nature" Tien told him

"Do you think it's ?" chidori asked

"I don't know but we should try getting in touch with the guys back home to tell them what's going on" Krillin moved back to the spaceship

"Everyone mask your power levels so their can't detect our presence" Piccolo ordered as everyone did so


A namekian was killed and fell to the ground as he puddle of blood began forming around him

One of frieza's henchmen came out of one of the houses carrying a large dragon ball "Here it is, lord frieza"

Frieza smiled down at the three-star dragon ball "Ooh very good! Now, there are only three more to go"

Behind him each member of the ginyu force was hold at least one of the dragon balls "Hold this one would you ginyu?"

"It would be my pleasure sire" ginyu took the dragon ball and placed it under his other arm


Krillin had contacted bulma over a communicator that kakarrot had made at saiyan tech. that was able to be used like a phone across the galaxy

"W-what was that?! So what are you going to do if it is?! Huh?!" bulma asked

"We don't know yet but just go tell kakarrot and the others I'll call back as soon as I can with updates!"

"Hey guys I've got an idea" yamcha tried to put on a good smile and turned to the twins "Why don't we just go back to earth huh? I mean think about it the powers were sensing could very well be frieza for all we know! And even if we have the radar I mean I'm fine with it but what would kakarrot and chichi say if anything happened to their kids huh?"

"But if we go back he'll get the dragon balls" gohan raised an eyebrow

Krillin sort of agreed with yamcha "Well we could always just come back and wish for the death of frieza or something right?"

"Don't be such cowards you're the ones who wanted to come in the first place" piccolo gowled

" And that's assuming frieza doesn't kill the dragon like piccolo did" tien mentioned

Yamcha and krillin tried to find another excuse for them to leave when gohan and chidori turned to their left "Guy's something coming!"

"Huh?" krillin looked in that direction

"Maybe it's just a namekian" yamcha suggested

A few second later two of frieza's henchmen came around the corner of the cliff on the island across from theirs

"Those are not namekians!" tien yelled

The soldiers smirked at them as one prepared their blaster and turned to his partner "They don't look like namekians so what are they? Heheh it doesn't matter who they are.."

(piccolo's antenna are hidden under his cap and his arms are cover with his turban so they can't really tell he's namekian)

"We were given orders to kill anyone on the planet" the other smirked as well

"Look at the armor they're wearing it looks just like the ones daddy and the other wear like ours too" chidori observed

"Only they're not saiyans" krillin glared "I've got a bad feeling about this"

The two soldiers floated up into the air and moved to float above them

"Everyone start building up your power levels but keep them hidden"Piccolo ordered


One of the soldiers checked their scouter "Well look at that, their power levels are garbage! Are these guys tourists?"

"We won't have any fun if they get away. Take out their space ship first"

The soldier aimed his blaster at the ship "Sound like a plan" he fired it shooting out a blast destroying the top part of the spaceship

"AHH!" krillin and gohan looked at the destroyed ship

"The spaceship!" yamcha yelled

"Hahahahahaha! What bad luck! I guess this wasn't a good time to go sightseeing!" the soldiers mocked

"Go ahead and release your energy guys! It doesn't seem like these guys are that tough" Piccolo told everyone

"Can we take them" chidori asked

"Knock yourself out" tien smirked

"Ohh did you hear that?" one asked the other

"Hahaha! Not that tough? Is he talking about us?"

Gohan and chidori began yelling as they raised they power levels and smirked up at the soldiers


"Wh-what's going on?! Their power levels are shooting through the roof!"

The twins moved faster than they could see shocking them until the two appeared above them. Gohan punched one on the head and chidori kick the other in the jaw knocking out a few teeth knocking them into the water

They then flipped down onto the ground to join the others "Yeah!" they fist bumped each other


Jiece got an alert on his scouter getting his attention

"Is there something wrong jiece?" frieza asked

"I'm sure it's nothing to worry about sire but the scouts that were sent out earlier….the reading they were sent to investigate not only reappeared but after disposing of the men they dropped below the radar again"

"Oh, how bizarre….you're certain it isn't the saiyans?"

"No there have been no reports of saiyan sighting anywhere other than earth sir"

"Both of these power level were around the range of 5000"

"5000 you say? Nothing would come of it if we left it alone, but their manners are very poor…the next time they appear exterminate them"


"What are we going to do now! It's all over! Were never gonna see earth again!" krillin was freaking out

"Get a hold of yourself this isn't the time for that" piccolo yelled

"We should get out of here guys more soldiers might be coming this way" tien told everyone

"He's right those power levels we sensed earlier are probably not namekians so we should find somewhere to hide and get in touch with dad" gohan agreed

"Yeah kakarrot and the others saiyans will come as soon as we contact them so we can just go back home with them when they arrive" yamcha assured krillin

"Oh right!" krillin smiled


"Now let us search for the fifth dragon ball" frieza announced

A soldier came up to him "there are readings of a least 10 namekians in that direction" he pointed to the left

"Very well, hopefully they can tell us where the fifth dragon ball is" frieza looked to the rest of his men "Make certain not to let your guard down, it would seem others are on this planet as well"

"Yes sir!"

"Let's get going" everyone charged up and flew into the air heading straight for the next batch of namekians


Krillin pointed ahead of them "Here's a spot guys! They won't spot us if were in a cave"

" do you sense any energy over there" chidori pointed to the left

"Huh?" piccolo looked in that direction "You're right"

"It feels different from what we sensed earlier" krillin mentioned

"Do you think that those are namekians?" gohan asked

Yamcha then sensed some enormous energy coming from behind them "Take cover! There's someone else coming from that direction!"

"Hurry and get inside the cave! Everyone!" tien yelled and everyone ran inside

They waited in silence and soon they heard people flying from that direction as they held their breaths and leaned hard against the wall. A few second later a whole bunch of soldiers passed by them at a great speed until they finally flew out of sight

When they were gone everyone in the cave was shaking and breathing hard looking like they had just seen the devil or something

Tien got a hold of himself "yamcha….could you check the dragon radar?"

Yamcha shook out of the trance "Huh? What for?"

"W-when you last checked the radar, there were four of them together…I think those guys might have had them"

Yamcha's eyes widened as he took out the radar and turned it on "Y-yeah! There's no doubt about it! Those guys had them!"

"I-I knew it" tien stuttered

Krillin looked over to the twins who were still a bit shook up "Did you see him?" he asked "the one flying second from the front?"

"Y-Yeah we saw" gohan answered

Chidori still had a good image of him in her mind "I sensed a gigantic power coming from him too"

"That must have been frieza I'm sure of it! He's really is everything kakarrot said he would be…he's on an entirely different level than all of us" piccolo concluded

"Stronger than daddy? Is that even possible?" gohan asked

"He did destroy their home planet with a flick of his finger remember" yamcha told them

Tien growled "D…dammit! How are we supposed to get the dragon balls away from them then?"

"Wait a minute" yamcha checked the radar again "Look, those guys are heading toward another dragon ball"

"Do they have a radar too?" krillin asked

"Do you know the location?" tien asked

"About 14 kilometers that way" yamcha pointed to the left

"That's where we sensed that namekian energy from earlier guys" gohan told them

"I'm going to investigate" piccolo announced

"Count me in too" krillin growled

"Us too we're coming with you" chidori said

"Just stay out of sight ok! Yamcha and I will get in touch with the guys on earth and tell them to get here as soon as they can" tien told them

"Be careful out there" yamcha yelled as they began running

"Remember to keep you ki low but move quickly got it" krillin told them

"Right!" the twins began jumping far distances landing on one island at a time along with krillin and piccolo


The saiyans had finally mastered 100x gravity and now were just working on their moves and strength. Vegeta and nappa had gotten to build them machines to fire blasts in random directions and spins around to help them train their speed and endurance

Kakarrot was currently standing on his hands doing pushups with weights on the top of his feet sweating hard. Turles had his legs wrapped around a bar on the ceiling doing sit-ups on it with weights in his hands sweating just as hard and raditz testing his speed by throwing punches and kicks in the air with heavy weighted clothes on his wrists and ankles to make it more challenging

They training was soon interrupted when chichi's voice came over the intercom "Kakarrot?" she called

Kakarrot lost his concentration and slipped on the small puddle of sweat that had formed next to his hands making him fall he was about to turn to the window when the weights that were on his feet landed on his head "Owww!" He rubbed his head

Turles and raditz laughed at the sight

Kakarrot ignored them and turned to the window while rubbing his head "Yeah?"

"Bulma called and she need you to come to capsule corp with raditz and turles she says it's an emergency"

"Alright!" kakarrot turned to the other two, turles dropped the weights and flipped of the pole and raditz took off the weighted clothes "Grab onto be so I can just teleport us there" both of them grabbed one of his shoulders and kakarrot placed two fingers on his forehead before they disappeared


"What is so important that you had to interrupt my training woman" vegeta crossed his arms

"I'll tell you as soon as kakarrot get here now be patient" bulma placed her hand on her hips to scold him

And at the moment kakarrot appeared in front of them with raditz and turles in tow

"How you doing guys" bulma asked

"We're fine chichi said it was urgent that we get here a soon as possible so what did you need?" kakarrot asked

"Right well about two hours ago I happened to receive a message from krillin over the communicator"

"Did they make it to planet namek safely?"

"Yes but that's where the good news ends I'm afraid it seems they're not the only one there, you were right frieza is on the planet as well and tien told me that thye already have 4 dragon balls and were heading for the fifth last I heard"

"Frieza! Are you serious!" raditz yelled

"Yes but there are a lot more people with him as well, they gave me a description of five others to see of you could identify them and let them know who they were since they didn't look like ordinary henchmen"

"Let's hear it then" nappa told her

"Well there were five of them in total one was a purple alien with two black horns coming out of his head, another was organge and had long white hair, another had blue skin with a small yellow part on his head and red eyes. Another looked like a human but was very tall and had a bush of orange hair the last one wasn't anything special but he was a small green alien with four eyes"

"I can't think of anyone" kakarrot thought to himself

"It's the Ginyu Force!" vegeta announced

"The what force?" bulma asked

"It's a team of super elite powerful soldiers! The most elite soldiers frieza has, he greatly favors them because of their amazing strength and they have a great record of purging planets in a short amount of time" vegeta explained

"Can you take them though?" bulma asked

"Surely with the training we've had we should be a good match for them" turles assured her

"They called me to ask you to get there as soon as possible the ship is already ready for takeoff if you guys are ready to go"

"Alright we're off to planet namek guys" kakarrot announced

"Did you get the senzu beans like we told you?" raditz asked bulma

"Right here" bulma got out a small brown bag full of senzu beans and handed them to kakarrot

Bulma led the five saiyans out to the backyard where there was another 20 ft spacespod waiting for them it was slightly larger than the other because it had to support 5 saiyans so the kitchen was much larger and there were now three bedrooms

"Whoa this is pretty neat bulma" kakarrot looked around the inside of the ship it looked almost exactly like the GR expect for the five chairs in front of a control consul at the front, the windows and the latter leading to the lower floor

"Did you install a gravity simulator into this as well?" vegeta asked

"Yes it goes up to 150x gravity"

"Only 50 huh well how long is it going to take us to get to planet namek?" nappa asked

"About 4 ½ days if you leave right now"

"Ok so we should get going right away" kakarrot announced

"Good luck" bulma stepped off the ship as the door closed and a few second later the spaceship took off into space

"Wow this thing is even faster than the spacepods" kakarrot looked at the speed they were traveling on the computer consul

"We should get back to our training if frieza really is on the planet we have to be prepared" turles got up from his seat followed by everyone else

"We only have 4 ½ days to train so we should get started right away" nappa announced

"Set it to 110x gravity" vegeta ordered

"Yes my lord" raditz mocked as he did so

After the ship vibrated a little they all felt the gravity increase and began their training kakarrot decided to start with push-ups, raditz began trying to run around the corridor, turles got straight back to the weights with nappa, and vegeta threw punches and kicks into the air


"We're getting close, cut off your ki and we'll walk our way in" piccolo told the twins and krillin


"They're on the other side of that cliff" krillin pointed to the one in front of them as they slowly walked forward while crouching down until they came to the end and peeking over it

"What are they doing?" chidori asked

Krillin observed the scene "They lackey's are one thing but those six right there especially the one in the middle I'm getting really bad vibes from them"

Piccolo noticed what each member of them had under their arms "Wait a minute! Get a load of what those guys are holding! Those are dragon balls!...gigantic dragon balls"

Burter looked up at the cliff where they were but the three of them quickly his before he could see them

"Is something the matter burter?" frieza asked

"No there was just a small power reading on that cliff over there. It s gone now it must of just been some sort of animal"

"T-that w-was close" krillin stuttered as they shook

"Phew" gohan sighed

"Lord Frieza, we've only found five of them, the others appear to be out at the moment"

"Get out here NOW! Otherwise I'll start shooting"

Three older namekians and two child namekians stepped out of the house to stand in front of the soldiers

'They look just like me' piccolo thought

"Just what are they planning to do with the namekians?" krillin wondered

"Who are all of those guys?" chidori asked

"Well I remember hearing about something called the Planet Trade Organization where soldiers go around purging planets to sell so these must be the guys especially since frieza's here" krillin concluded

The oldest namekina noticed the dragon balls in the ginyu forces arms and growled at them

"My name is frieza, and as you can see I am search for you so-called dragon balls! Indecently, where are the others? According to our survey aren't they're supposed to be ten of you here" frieza asked

None of the namekians spoke "You intend to keep your silence do you? Then I will kill you"

One of the namekians finally spoke in the namekian language though

Piccolo immediately understood it and felt connected to them

"Not in namekian speak to us in a language we can all understand; we know that you're capable of doing it"

"The others are working in the fields those of us who remain here are the elderly and the children" he answered

"There, as long as you're honest with me like that no harm will come to you"

The group continued to watch quietly

"Now then I will continue to have you answer me please, where is the dragon ball? I believe there is one around here"

"I-I don't know we don't have anything like that around here"

Frieza smirked and turned to his henchmen "Ginyu as I recall the second namekian we killed said something rather interesting, yes?"

"Yes that they can only turn over the dragon balls to those they judge to be men of valor"

"Yes, he was a very stubborn man, too. I simply could not get him to cooperate with me… is until I killed one of them to serve as a lesson"

The namekians were shocked and took a step back

"W-what?!" krillin stuttered

"Once I did let's just say he was a lot more eager to talk…..he told us how the seven dragon balls were created by the grant elder of this world and that each dragon ball is given to the custody of an elder. Each one is to engage in a contest of wits, a contest of strength, and to ask the reason for the wish…..and once each elder judges you to be a man of valor you are at last able to obtain their dragon ball; or so he told me. Of course I intended to do as instructed, but he informed me that he was absolutely unwilling to hand over his to me…so he left me no choice but to kill him."

"How…How could you do such a thing" the namekian growled

"The next three were easy. Everyone seemed to be in a much more accommodating mood"

"Accommodating you say? Your lying?!" he growled

"That right there's no way other elders would be so obliging!"

"Oh, no they were much more eager to help us once we did this" frieza turned to jiece "Would you please show them"

"Yes sir" Jiece smirked and phased from his spot and reappeared above one namekian and cracked his neck by kicking it killing him

"Wha!" the other namekina yelled

"Why you!" a namekian tried to attack him from behind

"No don't!"

Jiece threw his dragon ball into the air and jumped out of the way of his ki blast then fired his own ki blast at the namekina instantly killing him and after landing he caught the dragon ball and returned to his place neck to frieza

Piccolo growled in anger as he watched his kind be killed by frieza's rule

"H-How could they do that!" gohan growled

"That was awful!" chidori glared

"How about it are you feeling a bit more accommodating now?" frieza asked

"What do you wish to accomplish with the dragon balls?"

"It's a trivial simple wish, I'd simply like to gain eternal life"

"So I was right" piccolo growled

"I will not turn over the dragon balls to the likes of you…even if it means my own death"

"Ohohoho you'd choose death over simply handing it over to me? I see. The people of this planet do seem to be rather stubborn…but will you remain that way after the death of those children?"

"What?! You would even kill children?!"

"He did kill the entire saiyan race I'm sure there were plenty of children and even babies on the planet" krillin thought

Gohan and chidori growled in anger

Recoome got a reading on his scouter and turned to the left to see three namekians heading their way "I'm picking up on a scouter power level! Over there!"

The groups was shocked to see the namekians flying toward them while the namekians seemed relieved to see them "You came for us!"

"More namekians came to help" krillin concluded

The three landed in unison and growled at the henchmen when they saw two fellow namekians had already been killed

"My sense of foreboding was justified after all"

Frieza smirked at them "This won't do at all. And to think, we were so close to an agreement about the dragon balls, too…..it's a shame that you've interrupted your work only to come here and die"

"I see now….the rumors about someone razing our villages and stealing our dragon balls were true….."

"You're going to pay for this! I won't let you trample on the peace of namek!"

"Be careful fighting them, these men are quite formidable" moori told them

"Good luck!"

"Oh you plan to fight do you?" frieza asked "I wonder what their power levels could be….jiece?"

"Yes sir, I'll check it out" jiece pressed a button on his scouter "Heheheh I'm afraid all three of them are only around 1000 each…I hope you aren't too discouraged, we won't even need to get involved"

Moori notice this 'I get it now…so that's how they're able to pinpoint that dot the vast land of namek. It's because of those devices….they can somehow search for us with them!'

"Hahahaha this is laughable, you want to tangle with us with a power level of only 1000!"

"They're obviously surpassing their power levels" piccolo concluded

"Don't they realize that?" krillin wondered

"They must not know that's possible" gohan answered

"Get them!" the henchmen rushed at the three namekians but they raised their power and one managed to kick a henchmen away into the side of a cliff shocking them

The three namekians lashed out at the henchmen easily overpowering them deafeating them each at a time

Ginyu saw this and turned to jiece "What's this?! You call that a power level of 1000?!"

"I don't understand! All of them spiked to 3000 each"

The namekian continued to defeat the henchmen as the group cheered them on

Piccolo smirked at the sight seeing his race overpower frieza's army

"Awesome!" krillin cheered

"Way to go!" gohan smiled

"Hang in there!" chidori cheered

Moori looked over to the main group of frieza's as they talked

"Oh my they fight well don't they?" frieza asked

"The namekinas must be capable of controlling their power levels, that's not something you see everyday" ginyu looked at the fight

Moori looked around 'alright including theirs, there are only seven of those devices left to destroy' "Children get behind me at once quickly!"

"This is pathetic now I have to get my hands dirty" recoome pouted as he put down his dragon balls "May I take care of these three"

"Feel free" frieza told him

Moori shoot out two blast from his finger destroying the scouters on ginyu and recoome's faces

"Bastard" recoome smiled at him "did you really think such a puny attack would do me in?"

Moori jumped into the air and fires two more rays at the scouters on burter's and jiece's face then another three more rays at the dead henchmen's scouters

"No dammit! He was targeting the scouters!" ginyu yelled

"The scouters?" krillin asked

"You mean those things from saiyan tech that daddy makes?" chidori asked

"That's it! They can't determine the exact location of the dragon balls! They use the scouters to track down namekians and threaten them into doing what they want! That's why the namekian destroyed them" piccolo concluded

"Why that little" recoome growled "I'll kill you all! I'll kill each and every one of you!" he flew up to moori intending to kill him

"Look out elder!"

"Recoome wait just a moment! Begin by killing the three younger ones!" Frieza ordered

Recoome obeyed and flipped down to the front of the three younger nameks "I'll dispose of you quickly"

"Don't be ridiculous you think you're a match for all three of us at once!"

"Do I think I'm a match for you? How funny" recoome phased behind one namek and punched straight through his back to his chest killing him, then released a ki blast killing another namek, the last namek fired two blast at him but it had no effect so recoome slammed him into the side of a cliff killing him too.

Moori was shocked at what he had just witnessed

Frieza looked up at him "Hohoho…I trust that you now understand why it's futile to try and defy us or run away. In any case, please come down here"

Moori didn't have much of a choice and did what he was told landing back on the ground a few feet away from frieza "So you've finally grown cooperative, I see. That will do…you've destroyed my precious scouters. May I have you produce your dragon ball as an apology; I believe our demonstration has proved more than convincing, yes? If you continue to resist, then the children will be the ones to pay the price"

"I have no choice. But promise me, no matter what, you won't lay a hand on the children"

Frieza grinned in response "Yes we ought to have done it this way since the beginning"

"What monsters!" chidori growled

"They're terrible!" gohan growled

Krillin turned to them "Hey guys! Don't get any funny ideas! There's simply no way we can stand up to these guys!"

Moori walked back to the group with the four-star dragon ball "Take this and leave here at once" a henchman came up and took it from him

"Well done, while we're at it you will tell me the location of the two remaining dragon balls"

"Don't be ridiculous! We namekians don't sell each other out, even if it means our own lives! We had an agreement! Honor your word and leave here at once!"

"Oh dear, not you too. There is absolutely no one on this planet willing to speak about their friends….i suppose you'll have to die alongside the children"

"Wh-what did you say?! Wh-why you!" moori yelled before he was elbowed in the face my recoome's elbow and skidded across the ground

"Ahh!" the twins yelled

"This isn't what we agreed to! You said you'd leave us alone in exchange for the dragon ball!"

"But unless I have all seven dragon balls, it is meaningless correct? You have destroyed our scouters so we will require you to tell us where the remaining two are"

"I already told you I'd die before I helped you terrorize my people"

"If you wish to martyr yourself so badly, I'll be happy to lend a hand"

"Will we be able to locate the remaining dragon balls without scouters?" guldo asked

"Only two of them remain; tracking down the remaining namekians won't be much of a challenge, you may kill all three of them"

"HaH" recoome smirked

"That dirty!" krillin growled

Piccolo gritted his teeth in frustration as his eyes widened when he saw recoome approach moori

"Listen children, run away!"

"R-right!" they both ran away

"Allow me to show you the pride….of the namekian people!" moori yelled

Frieza smirked and shot out a ki ray from his finger and it moved past moori and hit one of the children killing him

"AH!" the group yelled

"C-cargo!" the other yelled

Gohan and chidori were now gritting their teeth and shaking in anger

Recoome grabbed moori by his collar then twisted his neck killing him "Heheheh so much for that pride of yours"

"Get it together guys! We don't stand a chance against these guys! We'll just get ourselves killed too!" krillin tried to calm them but it didn't work they just got angrier as they saw recoome approach the namek child

The child tried to run away but recoome laughed and jumped in front of him blocking his path

The twins grew so angry that their eyes flashed red and their fangs grew a bit

"Smashing a kid like you won't be much fun" recoome raised his and "Oh well, time to die!"

"STOP!" the twins yelled as they formed they were consumed in light and they lighted joined together and lashed out at recoome at a fast speed

This caught frieza's gang by surprise

Recoome didn't notice until it was too late and the attack made contact blowing him straight into one of the buildings in large explosion "Pick on someone your own size!"

Recoome came out laughing although his clothes were damaged and he was bleeding slightly "What was that?!"

Piccolo attack him as well with his own attack he powered up his special beam canon to it's full power while the twins were attaching a fired it, since recoome couldn't sense energy's he didn't notice it until it was too late and the beam shot straight through him killing him

" " chidori cheered

Krillin flew down and grabbed the namekian child "Let's get out of here!"

"Right!" the twin agreed and they all shot into the air flying away

The ginyu force was frozen in shock from seeing recoome be killed "What are you sitting around for!? After them!"

"Right burter go after them quickly!" ginyu ordered

"Yes sir!" burter agreed and flew off after them


"Fly as quickly as you can that attack took most of my power!" piccolo yelled


Burter was quickly catching up with them only being a few feet behind them, krillin turned to look "It's no good! He's faster than us! He's gonna catch up!"

"He's gaining on us!" chidori yelled

"Fly faster!" krillin yelled 'if this keeps up were done for, I have to do something and quick I could pass the kid to piccolo but then what?' after a bit more flying "That's it! Piccolo! I need you to take this kid from me now!"

"Very well!"

Krillin threw the kid to piccolo "Here goes nothing! Whatever you do don't look in my direction okay guys!"


Krillin turned to face burter "Take this! SOLAR FLARE!"

A large blinding light filled the sky temporarily blinding burter "AHHH! My eyes! My eyes!"

"I did it! It worked!" krillin cheered

"Good thinking!" gohan cheered

"Let's finish him!" chidori smirked

The twins shot out at burter landing a few powerful punched and kicks on him bruising him badly and making him spit out some blood. Burter tried to fight back but since he couldn't see he couldn't land any hits

Gohan flew back a bit then rushed a burter landing a very powerful kick at him sending him flying in a direction, chidori the appeared above him and elbowed him toward the ground making a large crater in the ground where he landed

They flew a few feet above him and shot out multiple ki blast at him killing him

"Whoa I wasn't even planning that part" krillin's eyes widened

"We did it!" the twins cheered

"Those two are defiantly kakarrot's children" piccolo smirked

"We should head back to the cave then" krillin turned to the namekian child "Are you able to fly?"

"Y-yes" piccolo let him go and he was able to float in the air with them "Thanks for helping me"

"You should be thanking them" krillin motioned to the twins and piccolo "I was too scared to jump in"

"But if it weren't for you krillin we'd be probably be dead" gohan told him

"Well in any case, you should probably stick with us for a while. We're not exactly the bad guys here" chidori encouraged him

Dende nodded

"So where did we leave yamch and tien anyway?" krillin asked

"We came from that direction" gohan pointed and they all went in that direction soon finding the cave they had chosen as their hideout

"Huh where are they?" gohan asked looking around the front

"Yamcha, Tien!" krillin called

"They must have moved further in the cave" piccolo told them

The group walked further in the cave calling their names as they went through until they came to the end and found a capsule house "They brought a capsule house?"

"The inside of this cave must be huge" chidori looked at it

The house's door opened and yamcha peeked out to see they had returned "Hey tien they're finally back" he called into the house

"What took you guys so long?" tien asked

"We ran into a few problems" krillin smiled

Yamcha notices dende "What's with the mini-piccolo over there? Is that a namekian?"

"What happened out there?" tien asked

"How about we go inside and we'll explain everything" krillin suggested

"Oh that's right! We got some awesome news from bulma" yamcha smiled

"Huh about what?" krillin asked

"Kakarrot and the rest of the saiyans took left earth earlier today and they're on their way here! And should be here in less than 4 ½ days!"

"Huh?!" everyone stood in shock

"You see apparently with the help of the other saiyans they were able to make an even faster engine for their spaceship and that's not all they installed a better GR in their ship and they'll be training while they get here" tien added

Krillin and the twins were now shaking with excitement "D-Dad's coming!"



"Saiyans trained as hard as ever so they'll be extremely powerful! This is great we can finally start hoping again!" krillin yelled

Out in space the saiyans were continuing their training each of them were sweating hard as they pushed themselves to their limits in order to prepare for the battle ahead

To be continued

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