

Kakarot a first class sayain lands on earth after the genocide of the sayan race,SMARTES SAYAN Words: 258,195

God_Shinobi · Komik
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39 Chs


After a long journey to North City, the time traveler hybrids finally flew above the rubble that was once Dr. Gero's secret Laboratory, Rikun kicked a piece of metal across the ground as the wind continued to blow around them "Hey guys not to sound discouraging or anything but how are we going to find Gero's basement underneath all this rubble?"

"We don't have X-ray vision" Bulla shrugged turning to her twin brother

"I have one idea" Trunk rose his hand aiming it at a big pile of rubble and shot an energy blast at it then another in a different direction and another below him then just kept firing one after another in every direction to clear the rubble

"Good idea" Kairi smirked to the others then all of them charged up their energy blasts and began firing in random directions just like trunks until the entire area was engulfed in smoke making them wait until it cleared to look around, Trunks narrowed his eyes and walked towards a hole he had spotted


"Huh?" Kairi turned to him

"You find something?" Bulla asked as they headed toward him

"Yeah i think this is it" He turned to see them surrounding him "Here take a look" and sure enough there was a hole running deep into the ground with a metal latter attached to the side of it

"Well what do you know that's it" Rikun nodded to him

"Come on let's check it out"


With that the four of them slowly floated down into the hole "Sure is dark down here" Kairi muttered. Once they landed they saw they were in a hallway of sorts so they walked until they came upon a large metal door like the one that had been the entrance to the laboratory

"We're not gonna have to blast that one too right?" Bulla asked

The boys moved to push on the door and it easily slid open "Guess that answers your question" They heard what seemed like water moving in tanks and sensor grids from a computer but since they were underground they could see anything very well, Trunks turned to his right and felt along the wall for the light switch and turned it on for the room to brighten up

"This must be Dr. Gero's master computer" Kairi looked the cylinder shaped computer in the middle of the room that was over 10 feet tall

"So this is the machine that's behind the androids and cell?" Rikun glared at the machine "We need to destroy it it's responsible for this entire mess"

Trunks had been mesmerized by the large computer until something to his left caught his attention and he turned to see another large tube like machine filled with green liquid had a small creature inside of it that couldnt be any larger that someone's hand "Come look, there's something inside of this chamber" The three of them came to join him around the tube "This has to be Cell still in his larva form"

"Wow" Rikun crossed his arms and leaned forward to get a better look at it

"Man that thing is made up of all of the greatest fighters of the world" Bulla clenched her teeth at the sight of the monster

"Dad, Uncle Kakarrot, Vegeta, and even our cousins" Kairi couldnt even begin to imagine what kind of power all of them combined could have

"Make's me sick just thinking about it" Trunks muttered "And all because this computer is programmed to carry out Dr. Gero's master plan"

Rikun raised his hand to the tube "Come on why don't we just blast that thing and the lab too?"

"Hold it Rikun!" Bulla laid a hand on his arm to lower it down then walked to a table that had caught her eye behind the two machines

"What is it Bulla?" Kairi lifted an eyebrow

Her eyes scanned the papers littering the table "I can't believe it, everything is right here!"

"What? What's all there?"

"Well it looks like it's the designs for Android 17!"

"Android 17!" Trunks gasped recalling the black haired android

"Yes this could be our lucky break!" Rikun ran over to her and scanned over the blueprints with Bulla "By studying this we may be able to figure out 17's weak spots"

"Great idea!" Kairi cheered

"Hey are there any other plans around here? like maybe Cell's?" Trunks asked coming to join them

"Nah just some crazy plan for a gas powered toaster over"

"Well now that we have what we need why don't we blow this place to smithereens?" Bulla asked

"Now your talking" Rikun grinned

Within seconds the entire place was being blown to bits one machine after the other as the four hybrids fired their energy blasts, shockwaves cracked along the tube that contained larva Cell, then they all turned to the master computer "Payback time for the suffering you've caused!" the four of them each fired their own blast into the computer and continued until their saw the machine blow turning their attention on the last item in the room each of them aiming right for the monster firing letting the larva disintegrate

"This place is coming down, let's get out of here!" Trunks yelled

"Right!" flying off the ground the four of them flew right for the tunnel before the fire could catch up to them and floated above it in the air

"Aaahh yeah, Now for the grand finale!" Rikun fired up one last energy blast and fired it at the hole they had just come out of causing a wall of fire to shoot up and destroy the rest of the rubble

On a deserted road a few miles from the ruins of Ginger Town, Raditz, Turlus, Piccolo, and Tien were investigating a crash site of a bus with clothes scattered around the outside; Piccolo narrowed his eyes at the holes on the backs of some of the shirts "This was the work of Cell alright"

"Just as we feared" Turlus scanned the horizon for any sign of which way the creature could have gone

"He's feeding on people" Tien glared "Making himself stronger little by little"

"There's a chance that he's still somewhere nearby" Raditz advised them "Let's get a better view!"

The four of them took off into the sky floating just above the mountains

"Do any of you sense anything?" Piccolo asked

"No Nothing" Tien spoke for the rest of them

People were going about their daily business in the small city of Nikki Town, an older man was enjoying his usual breakfast at an outdoor diner taking a sip of his orange juice when he was struck by behind making him drop the cup onto the floor and scaring some birds that were nearby, people that had been eating at other tables and walking by glanced over to see what had happened and saw nothing but the suit the man had been wearing fall to the ground

A woman glanced behind the chair and screamed at the sight of the monster causing more people to scream at the sight of it

Piccolo's advanced Namekian ears were the first to become aware of the danger the people of Nikki town were in "It's Cell, He's attacking i know it!"

"What?!" Raditz turned to him

"I can hear people screaming!"

An alarm suddenly went off on the scouter Turlus was wearing "What is it?!"

"Turlus Sir, We're getting reports from some of the saiyan soldiers that had been in the area of a Town named Nikki that the creature you had sent a warning about is attacking, they're trying to hold it off to help the humans but it's not looking good"

"You guys hear that?" He asked the others

"We'll be there as soon as we can!" With that they took off in the direction of Nikki Town as their highest speed

Lantain, a saiyan that had been in second class during the days of the OTA had managed to fire an energy blast at the Android as he was trying to absorb a helpless man and knock him into the building on his side, Lantain caught the man as he was falling "Are you alright?!"

"Yes thank you!"

"Ok go!" She pointed in the direction her fellow teammates were leading the human refugee's

"Good job Lantain" Rubata landed next to her and she nodded to him, when they heard a burst of energy they turned to the rubble of the building she had blasted Cell into seeing the creature was seething

"You monkey's are becoming infuriating! you should have stayed in the afterlife, but at least this way you will help me gain more power" Cell grinned and held up his stinger causing the two saiyans to glare at him but their attention was all cut off when they felt four large ki signals approaching

"Another time then" Cell mumbled before speeding off

A few minutes later Raditz, Turlus, Piccolo, and Tien arrived to stand next to Rubata and Lantain

"What happened?" Piccolo asked

"We managed to keep most of the humans safe, we're in the process of taking them to the nearest center until we get this situation dealt with" Rubata reported

"That's some good news at least" Tien nodded to them

"But where's cell?" Turlus scanned around for the android

"He seems to have vanished right before our eyes"

"I just realized some...Do you think Cell has the ability to use Instant Transmission?" Radtiz asked

"He has Kakarrot's Cell's" Turlus though

"Yes but to use Instant Transmission he would have to lock on to someone's Ki to teleport and he doesn't actually know someone to be able to do that, we should be thankful he doesn't know Instantaneous Movement" Piccolo explained to them

"He still had incredible speed, combining Saiyan and Acrosian DNA must have done that" Tien thought

"He also knew you were coming he can sense energy just like the rest of us" Lantain spoke

"That's just perfect now we need to hide our energy but we can't" Turlus growled

"Not if we want to move fast enough to catch him" Raditz gritted his teeth in annoyance

Unaware to any of them was that Cell was actually still in the area, right above them actually hiding in an apartment looking over the balcony as they conversed with each other "Good, Good keep searching for me while i enjoy another meal"

Now that the Saiyan army had helped clear the Drones from West City Bulma and her Father had been able to return to the laboratory above the bunker, The four time travelers had arrived a few minutes ago with blue prints of Android 17 and had given them to Bulma for her to examine

"Yes, Yes everything we need to know is right here in black & white" Dr. Brief said as he looked over the papers

"You mean we just have to figure out the weak points of android 17 right, and then we have to stop with from uniting with Cell" Bulma asked

"Yup, you've got it now however there is one thing i don't get, it's sad really if only Dr. Gero had used his talents for good the world would be a much better place"

"Wow, it looks like these androids are made up of organic substances patterned after human cells so that's how it's possible for Cell to merge with them at a cellular level"

"Huh?" Rikun lifted an eyebrow but said nothing

Bulma picked up one of the papers "I may be able to find a few weak spots if i'm right i think they'll lie in the smaller control mechanisms"

"That's great!" Bulla cheered

"But we'll have to run a few tests"

"Well i think you better get started then, i don't know how much longer we'll be able to hold Cell off" Trunks said

Cell was relentless in his attack on the human race for power, he had moved a few towns over from Nikki Town to put some distance between himself and the saiyans or Z fighters and was already managing to wipe out the citizens of this city his last stop at the local Basil Airport where people were screaming trying to run away before he sucked them of their life energy. A security officer had taken refuge in the security room with a shotgun firing in random directions when he saw Cell was coming after him shattering the windows and glass doors until he felt Cell had finally left him alone and waited for a sign the monster had left while the TV played behind him with the news

"At this point for anyone listening to this broadcast to do is to remain calm, now we're live with the latest update on the situation" The News host switched to a man standing on a street

"I'm standing here in Nikki Town, where normally the street you see behind me would be alive with the activities of everyday life but today is not like everyday, today this one busheling community that was once housed over 15,000 residents has now been reduced to a mere 3,000, survivors of the attack say that they had been attacked by a green colored creature with a stinger like tail but they had been rescued by men and women with extraordinary abilities dressed in military armor of some sort. Law Enforcement are at a loss to explain the creature or these people the citizens claim to have seen but it seems that Nikki Town has-"

Cell suddenly burst through the ceiling of the security center scaring the living daylights out of the man and he proceeded to begin shooting his shotgun at the creature the the bullets didn't even pierce his skin, Cell smirked at the man and began walking toward him enjoying this little game of cat and mouse with him

"All citizens should remain indoors, keep your television tuned to this stations for updates on the situation and do not go outdoors unless it's absolutely necessary"

The man's shotgun eventually ran out of bullets leaving him defenseless against the creature in front of him, he slowly tried backing away but slipped on some of the bullets on the ground and fell, Cell placed his foot on the mans chest to hold him in place then plunged his stinger into his heart

"Thanks that was Berry Walters reporting live that ends tonight's broadcast i'm John Johnson reminding you to stay safe and be prepared"

Cell crashed his foot into the screen of the television "Be prepared? What's the point i will absorb them all one by one" he chuckled

Hiding under a desk behind Cell was a sister trying to comfort her much younger brother and stay as quiet as possible until the creature left but thanks to the Namekian cells of Piccolo in his system Cell turned and grinned at the desk

Raditz and the others continued to try and locate cell but after his attack in Nikki town there weren't anymore reports of Cell attacking over the Saiyan scouters

"Anything on your end?" Raditz called over the scouter

"Nothing, Cell seems to be avoiding coming in contact with high powered saiyans"

"We have to find him before he finds those other androids" Piccolo growled

The woman let out a bloodcurdling scream, she was running as fast as she could with her younger brother right next to her as cell calmly walked following them from behind, the little boy ended up tripping over a loose cable and falling to the ground "Wait sis!"

The woman turned quickly glancing behind her to see Cell was coming closer to picked up her brother in her arms and began running once again, she made it out of the airport onto the airstrip where a small plane was parked, Cell crushed the doors to the side to make room for himself to get through as he continued to follow the siblings, the woman was glancing again behind her so she didn't notice the steel pillar in front of her and ended up tripping causing both of them to fall. she tried getting up but looked back to see Cell had took off into the air and was now coming towards them faster

They both screamed as Cell's stinger came toward them but both of them suddenly vanished making his stinger plunge into the concrete, Cell eyes widened until he looked up to see Krillin with the two siblings in his arms

"Ha, It's Krillin" Cell smirked "How did you know i was here?"

"Wouldn't you like to know" Krillin glared 'Just my luck the teleporter sends me to a town where Cell just happens to be when i'm trying to get to Kame House'

"Wow you're so brave thanks for rescuing us" The woman smiled at him

"Oh um, no problem, now get out of here"

"Right come on" She grabbed a hold of her brother and ran to the plane

'Hey she's kind of cute' Krillin blushed but turned his attention to Cell

Cell chuckled "This saves me a lot of time i'm going to very much enjoy draining you of your energy, there's no need to resist" Cell lunged at Krillin trying to grab him but Krillin managed to dodge it jumping behind him, he tried using his stinger but krillin managed to jump out of the way, and continued to try to sting him but krillin dodged each time he tried. Krillin could hear the plan starting up behind him so got ready to use the perfect escape move putting his hands to each side of his face shocking the android


The plane took off just the blinding light consumed the area, krillin managed to grab hold of one of the planes wings as it took off

"We're safe" Tommy cheered from inside the plane

Krillin let out a sigh of relief but it didn't last long because when the light cleared Cell was nowhere in sight "He's gone! Where is he?!" He looked in every direction but there was no trace of him

"Gosh sis that was a close one" Tommy said just before Cell's tail came through the ceiling causing them both to scream, Krillin look up to see Cell was on the roof of the plane

"Hang on!" He quickly flew around and headbutted Cell off the roof onto one of the wings

"It's time for you to die!" Cell growled and moved his stinger toward Krillin, when he moved out of the way he quickly punched him through the wall of the plane and making his head pop out of the other end where he was met with Cell again "A valiant effort Krillin but all in vain"

He chuckled but his sense of victory didn't last long he sense Raditz and the other approaching from above and narrowed his eyes "We have company, how rude of them to interrupt, this time your lucky what a shame we won't get to know each other today" He ran off the wing of the plane and took off into the air and a few minutes later the other four landed on the wing

Piccolo growled "Ah we just missed him!"

"Krillin are you alright?" Tien asked

"What do you think" he answered with a wary smile on his face

Trunks and Bulla had both decided to go and search for their father Vegeta to join him in his training to reach the next level of the Super Saiyan while Rikun and Kairi had gone to find Raditz and join him in their search for Cell. The two of them were talking about why this timeline was so different from their own

"I just don't understand any of this" Trunks muttered he thought back to Cell saying Kakarrot was still alive

"Even Cell was surprised by it so i doubt he was the one that had intentionally caused this" Bulla thought "This timeline is playing out so much more differently then the one we knew in the future"

"Nothing is happening the way it should have and i can't figure out what it was that threw things so far off course, our battle with Frieza was 3 years ago now with the element of surprise on our side we defeated him and his father easily but we knew it wouldn't end there, we came to warn everyone of an even greater threat that was on it's way"

"Kakarrot wasn't aware that he had been infected with the heart virus when he was taking care of Gohan as a child, of course why would he think a saiyan would contract a human virus but we gave him the medicine so he could survive and be strong enough to defeat Dr. Gero's androids both in this world and in ours. but when we came back we saw that the timeline was slipping out of control" Bulla tried listing what they knew and trying to pinpoint where exactly everything could have gone wrong

"Something changed, Kakarrot got sick much later than he was supposed to the androids that terrorized our world were nowhere in sight instead it was the maniacal android 19 and the android version of Dr. Gero were in their place"

"But they did appear eventually"

"Yes but along with them another new android" Trunks thought to 16 "One that may be even more terrible then the rest why wasn't he activated in our time. And these drones that came out after we left the laboratory, according to the saiyan reports their all still up and running even though we destroyed Dr. Gero's computer, could they be activated in our time too"

"Maybe the androids in our time killed Gero before he could activate them. But we got distracted by discovering Gero's ultimate android Cell from what the time machine said he was here a year before we first arrived lying dormant until the time was right for him to unite with Gero's other creations, but i don't know how he could have gotten a hold of our time machine, it had four seats in it right so it must have been after it was modified to bring Rikun and Kairi with us"

"Have us traveling back and forth through time unknowingly had a negative effect on this world, are we responsible for everything that's happened up until this point"

"Either way there's no way to stop whats been set in motion, the future is now. Our father is right we have to follow his lead and find a way to push ourselves to the next level"

"That may be the only hope we have of stopping the androids and saving this world and ours"

Krillin watches as the siblings flew off in their plane to safety "Well Bon voyage"

"He's disappeared again, i'm getting tired of this little game" Raditz growled

"What are you doing here anyway Krillin i thought you were supposed to be helping Kakarrot's condition" Tien asked

"Well the doctor already came by and told us that he's all better now and all Kakarrot's doing now is sleeping to rest from the ordeal so i thought i'd come back to earth and head over to Roshi's and update them on the situation"

Piccolo scanned the area "We were so close this time so i don't think we should worry each time he shows himself we're getting closer and closer to catching him; he can't outrun us forever"

'Man but then we'd have to wait for that monster to attack again before we can find him" Krillin looked down to the piles of clothes that littered the ground "How many more innocent people have to die before we stop him' "We can't let this happen again guys we have to do better than this"

"We know Krillin everyone's doing the best they can" Raditz told him

Above them in the control town of the airport Cell hid behind a control panel as he waited for them to move on

In the mountain range of the 400-500 area the androids are driving their van through the forest causing the van to tumble back and forth as it drove over the rocks and hills of the area "Tell me again why traveling off the road?" 18 asked in annoyance

"Come on where's your sense of adventure 18?" 17 asked

18 turned to the androids in the back "16 are we getting close to Kakarrot's house?"

"Yes, not far now"

"Well you look like you're enjoying this too, really the two of you are hopeless" With that she got up to stand on the window and raised her hand to the forest firing a large energy blast to destroy a clear path through the forest "See that's more like it"

"Well done once again you've managed to destroy any chance of us having fun"

"Oh stop complaining 17, fun or no fun we'll get to Kakarrot's house much quicker this way