

Kakarot a first class sayain lands on earth after the genocide of the sayan race,SMARTES SAYAN Words: 258,195

God_Shinobi · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
39 Chs


The Last Dragon Ball

/Red Ribbon Army HQ/

"Commander Red it appears the boy is heading west now"

"To colonel yellow's area, huh?" He turned to his lieutenant" Speaking of which yellow..is he still having trouble there even though he's already found the dragon ball"

"It seems he's been having a lot of trouble even before he found the dragon ball"

"They're all idiots' every one of them!"

/ Korin Tower/

The Yellow troop had a large man surrounded pointing their weapons at him and the only thing he had with him was a large spear

"Just hand over the ball already! You don't need it do you?!" Colonel yellow yelled

"The ball means nothing to me. However I am protecting this sacred land, I will not forgive people like you who bring turmoil to it" He answered "Leave this place!"

"Where sick of hearing that from you!"

"There are not many of you left, if you do not leave now you will all die!" bora yelled

Upa pointed behind his father and yelled "Father! Behind you!"

Bora turned and threw a spear straight threw the man approaching him from behind embedding him into a tree

"Shoot Him! Shoot him!" colonel yellow yelled but each of the bullets had no effect on boraa only bouncing off him while he braced himself for each impact

"I thought I already told you that guns are useless against me!" Bora then punched a soldier in the head, then lifted another by the collar and threw him through a tree, while he was fighting the soldiers colonel yellow fled by getting on a plane nearby

Bora turned to see the plane flying off just as he finished off all the men "He escaped huh?"

"Father you did it!" upa ran up to his dad

"Wait here while I go and bury these men" Bora then picked up all the men and carried them off


"T-this is colonel yellow, HQ please respond!"

"Lieutenant black we are receiving contact from colonel yellow" The lieutenant then took the phone and answered the call

"What? Everyone but you has been killed! Get your hands on it at all cost, after all if you fail you'll die too!"

"U-Understood! I-It's not like I'm completely out of options!"

Commander red then took the phone from his lieutenant "Listen up yellow!"

"Yes sir! C-commander red!"

"I'll give you one last chance: one hour! If you can't get the dragon ball in that time frame, I'm sending over mercenary tao!"

"T-tao! Mercenary Tao!"

His lieutenant was just as shocked at the news "The assassin Mercenary Tao?! I-Is that really necessary!"

"That way we'll be able to take out the kid when he gets there too, all at once!" The commander smirked at the lieutenant then went back to the phone "Of course if you fail you'll become mercenary tao's prey as well!"

"Y-Yes sir! That man has a child, I'll just take him hostage and steal the ball!" Colonel yellow then flew his plane lower into the tree and came back to the tower to see the boy was starting a fire, he extended his hand and grabbed him off the ground and flew back up in the air

"AHHHH! Daddy!" upa yelled

Bora looked up into the sky to see that colonel yellow had his son "AHH! O-oh no upa!"

"Where'd he go?!"

"What do you intend to do with my son!" bora yelled up to him

"So that where you were. Listen carefully! If you don't want your son to be killed hand over the ball! Just throw it up to this plane got it!"

"H….How cowardly!" bora growled


"It sound like things are going smoothly this time" the lieutenant told his commander

"Even if we get the ball, the problem is that kid named kakarrot!

"Commander Red! Kakarrot is closing in on Colonel yellow's area at a very fast speed!"

"O-Oh no! How fast is this kid?! He's already there!"


Bora got the dragon ball and showed it up to the colonel "I'll give it to you so come down!"

"Hardly! You're planning to kill me once I come down! Just throw it up here!"

"I'm not a coward like you!"

Kakarrot had finally made it the the next dragon ball's position to see the scene in front of him "What is going on?!"

"Help Me! Daddy!" upa yelled

"AWW great it's the red ribbon army again!" Kakarrot growled and flew forward at the plane then jumped onto the hood and punched the colonel straight out of the plane sending him flying

Kakarrot quickly flew down and grabbed Upa just before he could hit the ground "You ok?" he asked only getting an amazed look from him


"The communications died!"

"Call Tao!" the commander growled


"Thank you for helping my son" bora thanked kakarrot

"It was nothing you don't need to thank me" kakarrot then noticed the dragon ball in bora's hand and was surprised to see the numder of stars in it "hey that's it! It's my dragon ball!"

"So you want his ball as well?" bora handed him the dragon ball

"Wow finally my search is over I finally found my momentum!" kakarrot smilled up at it cheering

"What's the meaning of this? Just what is that ball?" bora asked, Kakarrot then explained the legend of the dragon balls to them

"I don't have anything to wish for though; as long as I have my momentum I'll be just fine" kakarrot then looked to the large tower next to them " by the way what is that tower for?"

"That? This is Korin tower, it is said that the person who build this tower now lives at the very top, if one is to drink the sacred water they possess legend has it that their strength will increase exponentially."

"Wow that's incredible! Seems like just an old legend but it could be true. Have you ever climbed it before sir?" kakarrot asked

"I tried once when I was younger, but couldn't do it no one has ever seen the top"

"It's that high huh?" kakarrot looked up at the tower to see it went past the clouds above them "Why don't I give it a try and see if I can go to the very top?"

"There have been many who tried but I could be just a superstition"

"Even if it is it will still be good training to test how far I can climb without using to much of my ki" Kakarrot then turned to them "Well I'm gonna give it a shoot, thanks for the information" Kakarrot then bent down and jumped as far as he could upward which was pretty far amazing bora and his son


/Red Ribbon Army HQ/

"Thanks for coming mercenary Tao" commander red greeted the assassin

"Allow me to say this once more, but the fees for my services are rather exorbitant"

"As long as you get the job done I will pay any amount of money"

"I'll require one hundred million zeni per kill"

"O-one hundred million!" the lieutenant asked

Tao turned to him smirking "But you my friend are very lucky for this year I am currently in the middle of a half off sale for my '20 years of assassination anniversary campaign' I will give you a discount of ten million zeni per kill"

"Th-thanks" the commander muttered

"You're really mercenary Tao aren't you?"

"Would you like to test me?"

"No not really!" the lieutenant backed away as the assassin turned back the commander red

"Now then would you mind telling me what my objective is?" they then gave him a picture of kakarrot from muscle tower

"What? This is just some kid"

"It's a big mistake to think of him as just a kid. He's abnormally powerful" the lieutenant explained to him

"Well as long as I receive the right payment I will exterminate any being on this planet"

"Where counting on you"

"Also that kakarrot kid should have 4 balls on him we'd like you to bring those back as well" the commander the motioned to his lieutenant and he got out a dragon ball "The balls look like this"

"If any people get in your way feel free to kill them I don't care"

"Understood he's in a place called korin right? 2300 km northeast from here"

"We'll prepare a jet for you, so please come this way"

"I won't need that, aircrafts take too much time" Tao then walked to the edge of the balcony and examined one of the pillars "Do you mind if I take this pillar"

"Eh? What do you want with that pillar?" the commander asked

Tao poked both ends of the pillar then pulled it shocking the commander and lieutenant to see it come out, Tao then aimed it to the sky "Northeast 2300 km huh? I'll be back in 30 minutes then" he then threw the pillar at a fast speed and the jumped to land on it as it took off

"H…He's crazy!"

"Gahaha! I can practically feel the dragon balls in my hand already!"


Kakarrot was going at his full speed to the very top of korin tower and in just a few minutes he saw that the tower was coming to an end "Wow that didn't take too long" he then climbed into one of the holes of the entrance

"What is this place?" kakarrot looked around then walked to some baskets on the side of a wall and opened one to see one of his memories from planet vegeta


"Hey kakarrot!" toma yelled

Kakarrot turned to see his best friend toma waving to him from their group of friends so he ran over to them "what's going on?"

"You want to go hang out with us, you got ditched again didn't you so why don't we go out and have some fun too"

"Sure my mom doesn't get home until later anyway" kakarrot shrugged "where are we going?"

"Why don't we all go to the rief" folona offered

"The rief why?"

"To go swimming and explore"

"Sure let's go!"

/End flashback/

Kakarrot eyes softened at the memory of his friends but quickly pushed it aside and went to the next basket only to see another one of his memeories but this time it was of family


"Hey turles what are you doing here aren't you supposed to be sabotaging something else" radiz asked as his cousin came in the door of their house

"Aw lay off me will ya I just like to have fun!" turles shrugged

"Alright so what are you doing here then?" kakarrot asked

"What I can't come and visit my favorite cousins"

"Not without something in it for you"

"Oh I'm wounded" turles held his palms up to his chest then shrugged it off" I wanted to be my partners in a match I'm having with some friend a couple of miles from here?"

"Really you want us to be your partners?" radiz asked

"Well there is a prize that we all put together and I'm pretty desprete so I came to"

"Gee thanks"

"Alright then were in!"

"What!" kakrrot was shocked at his brother

"Come on you could get injured then get stronger so come on!" they both then grabbed him and rushed out the door

/End flashback/

Kakarrot smiled softly at that memory and shook his head ' yeah turles always was a bit of a rebel don't know why though'

"The sacred water obviously isn't going to be down here so where is it?" kakarrot looked around some more then heard a voice from above

"It's this way come up to the top"

"Right they said a person lived up here as well" kakarrot then walked up to the top using a staircase on the side to see a white cat with a brown cane looking at him

"Good job making it all the way up here, and you did it at an amazing speed despite being so small"

"Hey you're even smaller then me you know!" kakarrot glared at the cat " so you must me korin right?"

"That's right and I assume you're here for the sacred water" korin asked

Kakarrot nodded "So where is it?"

Korin then pointed with his cane "on top of that pedestal, the pot has the sacred water in it" korin then turned to him "But why do you seek even greater strength? You're strong enough already"

"Well my home planet…"

"Ahhh you don't have to speak, it seems like it's a long story anyway"

"Don't speak but then how?"

"Don't worry about it just stay quiet" korin and kakrrot just starred at each other for a while until korin finally spoke

"I see so you're training to be able to accomplish the legendary super saiyan power in order to defeat the space tyrant known as frieza who destroyed your home planet after 30 years of hard labor"

'What how do you know all that!"

"I can read people's minds very easily but that's not important right now, the point is you haven't come here for impure reasons, but I have to tell you that drinking that water wont do anything for you since it's just plain tap water"

"What then why is the legend…"

"The legend is for people of the earth who aren't as strong as aliens the test is for you to gain speed by taking the bottle from me but I know from your memories that you move faster then light so you could take it from me easily"

"Oh I see that is a good test for humans" kakarrot though it through before he heard a the scream of a little boy all the way at the bottom of the tower

"What was that!" kakarrot

"You have good ears and it seems that those people down there are in trouble" korin looked over the ledge of the tower

"What now" kakarrot the looked over the edge "I'm gonna go check it out!" kakarro thten jumped over the ledge and flew down as fast as he could


"I'm going to avenge my father's death!" upa growled up at Tao

"I will ask one more time boy, where is the one named kakarrot it is my job to exterminate him" Tao approached upa, Upa then threw his axe at him but Tao just moved his head to dodge it he then grabbed upa by the neck and lifted him up

"Seems like you didn't hear me! Now where is he!"

"L…Like..I'd tell you" upa gasped out

"If you don't tell me then I'll kill you too, then I will just wait around for the boy to come out" upa still didn't answer him "What a stubborn kid! Well then if you insist, I'll just kill you" Tao then threw up toward the tower at a fast speed making him scream

Kakarrot was able to grab upa at the last second just before he hit then put him safely on the ground "I made it in time"

"So you've finally come out of hiding" Tao said to himself

"You ok" kakarrot asked him

"I'm fine but he killed my daddy! " upa cried

"What!" kakarrot's eyes widened then looked over to see bora on the ground with a spear straight through his chest, ' I can't sense any energy from him' he then glared at the assassin and quickly told upa to hide

"You bastard!" kakarrot yelled over to him but Tao only smirked at him

"So you are the boy that I have been hired to kill, I am mercenary tao the red ribbon army has been wanting you out of the way for quite a while"

"I don't care your life end here" kakarrot glared

"Such confidence for such a little boy" Tao smirked "hand over the dragon balls, or do you want to die"

"I'm not handing over anything! There's no way you're strong enough to kill me"

"hahaha you truly are an imbecile who doesn't know his own strength, I'll take you're life in three second" Tao then rushed forward at kakarrot intending to punch him but he bent his back down to dodge then placed his hands on the ground and used his feet to kick Tao straight intot he air

Kakarrot then flew up after him and kicked him hard in the face straight into the tower

"A-amazing…" upa muttered from his hiding spot

"Look who's overestimating their own strength now" kakarrot smirked "And I'm pretty sure three second are up now"

"You dare mock me child! You are the one who was hiding" Tao growled up at him

"Like I'd hide from a weakling like you" kakarrot then blocked both a punch and a kick from Tao and punched in the jaw sending him flying back before he caught himself

"B-Bastard!" Tao then tried to knee him in the stomach but he jumped into the air so tao followed him then tried to punch him only for his fist to go straight through him realizing it was an afterimage, he was then kicked in the back by the real kakarrot sending him back to the ground making a crater

Tao then came out of the crater ripping off his ripped clothes leaving only his pants "Now I'm really getting serious! Die! Dodona ray!" Tao then fired a ki blast from his finger only for kakarrot to knock it away with one hand as it exploded into a tree behind him shocking Tao

"Th-this can't be…preposterous….M-my Dodon…ray was.." Tao muttered

"Are you ready to give up yet" kakarrot asked

"He did it!" Upa cheered

"Maggot!" tao then got out a capsule form his pocket and it turned into a sword, he then tred to slash kakarrot with it but kakarrot grabbed it with one hand and broke it in half

"You can't even fight using you're bare hands you really are pathetic!" kakarrot smirked

"How dare you look down on me! You'll regret that!" Tao then got in multiple hits on kakarrot's face, he then kicked him straight into the air as he jumped up and kicked him to the ground, and he then kneed him in the stomach before jumping away

" Hahaha! You're finally dead aren't you?! It's too late for you to realize to true horror of a true assassin!" Tao laughed before kakarrot got up shocking him

Kakarrot then turned to him wiping some blood of the corner of his mouth "I was just trying to show you how pointless this was even if you land a hit I won't be injured" kakarrot smirked shaking his head

"Wh-what are you a monster!" Tao yelled

"The only monster here is you!" kakarrot then went faster than he could see punching him straight in the stomach , then copping him on both sides of the neck and finally kicking him on the side of the head sending him to the ground

'Wh-what speed!...I..can't believe it! Is soemthiing that ridiculous even possible!' Tao though as he got back into another righting stance

"You're still not giving up are you!" kakarrot got into another fighting stance

'I…I'm going to be beaten!" tao though then got an idea and bent down on the ground in front of kakarrot "I..I apologize! I was wrong! Please forgive me I'll never to anything bad again!" he begged getting a weird look from kakarrot

"Please forgive me!" tao begged again as upa came out of hiding "Don't believe him kakarrot!"

Tao then grabbed a bomb from his pants and threw it at them then jumped up into the air

"A bomb!" upa yelled as tao yelled from above "Farewell fools!" kakarrot then kicked the bomb upward wear Tao was, it then exploded right in front of him making him scream

"We did it!" kakarrot yelled when he saw nothing was left after the smoke dissipated

"Banza!" upa cheered but then rememeber his dad "Yeah..i wish my father was still alive" upa looked down at the ground

Kakarrot got a determined look on his face then turned to upa " I'm going to collect all the dragon balls and wish your dad back to life!"

"Eh?! You can do that!"

"I'm sure it's possible shenron can grant any wish" kakarrot then got out the dragon radar from his bag and checked for the next dragon ball "There are two ball together some miles away from here, those must be the ones that the red ribbon army already has!" he then smirked "Perfect! I'll be able to finally finish them off for good!"

"But kakarrot that's too much even for you! Attacking the entire base!"

"Don't worry I'll be fine either way I have to go to get those dragon balls" kakarrot assured him

"Just be careful" upa asked as kakarrot nodded then took off straight to the base


/Red Ribbon Army Base/

"Commander lieutenant violet has returned with another dragon balls"

Violet saluted the commander "we have returned. I apologize for our searching taking so much time"

Commander red took the dragon ball from her and examined it "Then when Tao returns we'll have six dragon balls" he smirked then turned to his lieutenant "Ok next have general copper and have him hurry to find the last dragon ball"

"Yes sir!"

"Commander Red the four balls have begun moving" The commander turned to the dragon radar "Oh really, it's Tao"


Kakarrot was flying at a medium speed to get to the Red Ribbon Amry base bot noticing the small camera copter a few feet behind him

/master roshi's/

"Its kakarrot" bulma yelled to roshi and a blond launch

"What?!" they then gathered at the monitor she had built " Can't you get any closer to him"

"No he's going to fast; the copter is already at its maximum speed"

"So he's still alright" turtle asked

"I wonder if he's on his way here" roshi asked

"Well I can find out" she then switched the monitor to a different setting" no it looks like he's heading to those two dragon balls over there"

Launch rubbed her chin and examined the moniter "That place.." she muttered

"He really never does change" roshi then turned to bulma "you really are amazing, though, being able to make something like this with just some parts laying around here..I guess your big chest isn't the only good thing about you"

"You said one too many lines there!"

"Could he be?" launch asked herself making bulma and roshi turn to her "Heading toward the Red Ribbon Army HQ"

"No way pistol may not work against him but he can't be that stupid!" roshi yelled

"Even if he is heading there he can handle himself he's a saiyan warrior after all I doubt a human army can stop him" bulma assured them

"He could still be injured though right" launch asked

"It is good to have a ride to get to him if he is injured why don't you call yamcha and have him fly a plane out here that way you can have a way back home too" roshi offered

"Oh that jerk I only broke up with him a week ago and I have to come crawling to him for help no I'm not doing it I'd rather swim home" bulma pouted

"But isn't salt water bad for your skin" roshi touched her soft skin getting a slap in the face

"Don't touch me, fine I'll call him to see if he'll apologize for what he did" bulam then stalked off to the phone


/Red Ribbon Army Base/

"The four dragon balls are here!"

"It's finally time for Tao to bring back his souvenirs for us" the commander smirked


Kakarrot had finally reached the outskirts of the Red Ribbon Army base "There! That's it!"He then smirked " time for me to have some fun"

A copter then noticed him "Ok Tao is here" he then got a closer look and saw that it was kakarrot smirking at him he then yelled into the radio "W-wait a minute it isn't Tao! "


Bulam had finally decided to call yamcha after debating it for a while with roshi and launch and seeing that kakarrot had already made it to the base but her dad was the one who answered the phone

"Dad! It's me bulma! Is yamcha there"

"Ohh, bulma?! It's been a while! Good timing I just thought of a really funny joke, listen to it for me"

"That's not important right now! Just get yamcha on the line!" bulam yelled

"Alright alright hold you're horses" then went to get yamcha who was in the living room talking to his new girlfriend Hasky

"Yamcha,bulma is on the line asking for you"

"Bulma's calling me?"

"Maybe she's finally going to apologize for overreacting about that fanclub" hasky offered

"I doubt it but I'll see" yamcha then walked to the phone "Where have you been? You're parents have been worried about you, you said you were going with kakarrot and didn't come back" he then let bulma explain the situation involving kakarrot "He should be able to handle himself with all the training he's had" he then let bulma talk again "Alright but I doubt anything will happen, what happened to all you're capsules though" bulam then yelled through the line "Ok, Ok sorry I asked I'll be there as soon as I can" bulam the hung up

"What's going on?" hasky asked as she walked in with paur and oolong

"Kakarrot's going to the Red Ribbon Army Base to defeat them once and for all but the guys at roshi's are worried he could get injured so they want me to go over there in case they need a ride"

"Hey can we come too" paur asked

"Sure you coming hasky" yamcha asked as she nodded

Oolong then whispered into yamcha ear "You sure it's a good idea to have your ex-girlfriend and your new girlfriend in the same room"

"I'm sure it'll be fine hasky doesn't lose her temper too often"

"That's one of the thing you like about me isn't it" hasky smiled up at yamcha making him blush and nod "Well let's get going" she then pulled him to find a copter they could use


/Red Ribbon Army Base/

Kakarrot sent a ki blast at the copter in front of him destroying it but just flew straight past it

"Respond #84! I-it's been destroyed! What's going on here!"

"Switch on the laser moniter!"

"Right!" they then turned it on to see kakarrot flying toward the base getting a shocked look from the head soldier he then turned to the commander

"C-commander! The person transporting the four balls isn't Mercenary Tao! It's that kakarrot kid!"

"Wh-what!" they both yelled in shock

"I'm coming in!" kakarrot yelled as he dove through the building of the base

"Wh-why is that kid here!" the commander yelled

"Could this mean….that Tao was killed..by kakarrot" the lieutenant asked

Commander red then turned to his soldiers "Listen up! Don't' let him take a step further!"

"He's already gotten inside! He's on the terrace in sector 12!" commander red was socked by the news but then growled up at the moniter


Kakarrot delivered a kick to a soldiers jaw kocking him out then flew toward some other solier who had their guns pointed at him but he quickly knocked them both out with a kick to the neck at the same time

Kakarrot then looked around to see all the soldiers around him were completely knocked out then checked his radar "Over there huh?" he looked to his right then flew in the direction

"He's over there!" he heard someone yelled then multiple copter came out and began shooting at m, he groaned in frustration then decided to use a technique he hadn't used at all but had learned a long time ago

He prepared a ki blast in his hands then shot it up into the air as all the soldiers watched it ascend it exploded in mid air and like rain it turned into multiple ki blasted raining town on them destroying multiple buildings and all of the copters

Kakarrot put a shield around him to avoid being hit by one of the blast and decided to run to the dragon balls, once the blasts were over a soldier came out "Over here! He's come to the ground!"

"He's heading straight for building 8" a soldier told the commander

"So he is after the dragon balls"

"Commander! You should retreat underground just to be safe" his lieutenant told him

"Don't make me laugh! Why do I have to retreat just because of some stupid kid!"

"But he was capable of defeating Mercenary Tao!"

"The Red Ribbon Army is Invincible!"

Kakarrot then kicked another soldier out of his way being the last one that was currently aroufn him then headed for the dragon balls again, he got out his radar and looked to see it was in the building a few feet from him

A snipper then tried to shoot him but kakarrot heard it coming and caught it then looked up at the man "Idiot you think other soldier haven't tried that already!" then continued running

"WH….what…is he" the man shivered

"He's gone inside building 8!"

"He's already inside building 8! And we've already lost about half our troops!" a soldier told commander red

"Wh-what?! Hurry to building 8!" he ran with his lieutenant

"Yes sir!"


Bulma had been expecting yamcha to make an apology when he arrived on the island but instead saw a blond girl come out with him from the copter

"And who is this" bulma narrowed her eyes at her

"A pleasure to meet you my name is hasky" she offered her hand to bulma, bulma shook it after debating it with herself

Yamcha was hesitant to tell bulma but decided he shouldn't be ashamed of hasky "Bulma I'd like you to meet Hasky, I met her while I was out in west city and we grew a liking to each other and decided to start dating"

Bulma was shocked at the news "You jerk! We haven't even broken up for a month and you've already found yourself a new girlfriend what is she one of the girls from your little fanclub"

"What no I told you I wasn't interested in any of those girls already!"

"so who is she!" bulma pointed to hasky

"I met her while I was out in the city she was a thief just like me but I managed to convince her the error of her way and gave her a chance to change she's been doing good so far she has a good job a capsule corp and has an apartment in the city"

"Yes your father pays well I don't, I hope I doesn't make you uncomfortable when I'm there" Hasky told her

"What just because you're dating my ex-boyfriend" bulma narrowed her eyes at hasky

"Yes you EX- boyfriend, you have to have more faith in each other when you're in a relationship or it will never work out"

"Whatever let's just keep watching kakarrot to make sure he's not injured" bulma then turned around and stomped back into the house

"That went well" oolong commented

"I could've been worse" paur said they all then went into the house to watch kakarrot's fight


Commander red and Lieutenant black were able to make it to building 8 before kakarrot and the commander quickly rushed over to the dragon balls that were on a plate on a table

"I will never hand over the dragon balls!"

"We're really in a bad situation…that kakarrot kid possesses a strength beyond our imagination, not to mention all the main members of our army have already been done away with while they were out searching"

Kakarrot delivered an elbow to the last soldiers chest finishing him off then checked his radar again "Higher huh?" he just decided to burst through the ceiling to catch soldiers there by surprise

Commander red watcher through a moniter as kakarrot defeated the soldier there "H…How could the Red Ribbon Army be destroyed by a mere child!"

Kakarrot kicked a soldier on the side of the face, he kicked the gun out of another's hands and punched him in the jaw, then kicked another on the back of the head

He then heard a bazooka coming from behind just before it hit

The soldiers who fired it hid behind an overturned table as it exploded "We did it!"

"Take that bastard!" but when the smoke cleared they saw the kakarrot had put a shield around him leaving him completely unharmed

"Bastard am I!" they screamed as he rushed forward at pushing the table against them as they where pushed against the wall, he then turned to see two soldier with guns but they quickly ran away screaming

'Finally they're not even bothering anymore'

Commander red growled at the monitor when he saw his soldiers where starting to run away

"How pathetic! And you call yourselves red ribbon soldiers"

"The other soldiers have begun to flee as well" the lieutentant looked out the window to see soldiers running

"U…Unbelievable! He's just a single kid!" the commander growled

"it seems it was too late for us to realize that kakarrot's power far exceeds anything we could possibly imagine, we'll just have to leave the dragon balls behind and retreat…."

"I will do no such thing! You think I'm going to hand over the dragon balls just like that?!"

"Your life mat depend on it"

Commander red was now shaking in frustration "Darn it! I was so close just a little more and I could've gotten taller!" he gritted out

The lieutenant still heard the quite growl "Wh-what did you say?! C-commander red, do you mean that you were collecting the dragon balls in order to increase you height"

"YES! Got any complaints!"

"WH-what?! It wasn't to take over the world!"

"with a little time we will be able to do that! Before that though as the controller I have to look cool, gals don't like short men!"

"That was the reason you made us all suffer for!"

"How could a ridiculously tall person like you understand how a short person like me feels! Ever since I was a child, I was always made fun of"

"The reason I tracked down the information of the 7 dragon balls and the wish they could grant….was in order for the red ribbon army to conquer the world"

"SILENCE! I am the commander so I can do whatever I want!"

"D…do you understand just how many sacrifices you made out of your men in order for that!"

"Black! How dare you speak to your commander this way! The only reason we've lost so much is because you bastards didn't train enough! Now just shut up and listen to your commanders orders!" the lieutenant the got out a gun and shoot the commander right in the forehead killing him instantly

"You have no right to be my commander, I will become the new commander and rebuild the red ribbon army" he then heard the window break and kakarrot flew threw it

"This is where the dragon balls are"

Black took off his jacket "So you're finally here"

"Are you the boss?"

"That right since a little bit ago"

"I'll be taking the dragon balls then" kakarrot looked over to the table that had the dragon balls on it

"Say kakarrot how about we do this, we gather the dragon balls together and take over the entire world, just the two of us?"

"No way Life is nothing without freedom so the whole world shouldn't have to suffer because of one person's thirst for power" he glared at the man

"Then it looks like the only thing to do is fight"

"O come on I though you guys gave up already" he groaned but he dodged the punch that black sent at him and the kick then he punched black right in the stomach making him spit out some blood

'T…to think you were this strong' he wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth

"Just give up already!"

Black then got out a capsule from his pocket and it turned into a large Robotic suit that he jumped into. He then sent a punch at kakarrot but he grabbed onto the arm and spun him around in a circle then threw him into the wall straight outside


"You friend is really powerful" hasky commented

"Yeah he should be since he's from a warrior race" yamcha told her

"You haven't told her about any of us" bulma looked to him

"I have but I only said that you were fighter not any of your origins"

"he would've told me eventually anyway" hasky shrugged


Black then sent a blast out of the suit at kakarrot who was sitting on top of a building and when I cleared there was nothing but a crater

"HAHAHA! Blown to bits have you! I win!" black cheered

Kakarrot then appeared above the suit knocking on the windshield to get his attention "What! Y-You bastard!why!"

"I told you, you can't defeat me" kakarrot shrugged, black then tried to punch him but kakarrot moved out of the way causing him to punch himself "HAHA idiot!"

"You little!" he then launched himself upward in the suit causing kakarrot to fall off an land on the roof of a building

"What's he planning now?" kakarrot looked up at him

"Allllright!" black prepared the missile in the back of the suit "fine then I will just use the missile….and take out the entire base with you!" he then aimed the missile "Now is truly the end for you!" he then fired

"Another bomb" he lifted an eyebrow then used his mental powers to change its direction back at the new commander "WH-What in the the!" he yelled before it hit causing a giant explosion

Kakarrot then went back to building 8 and got the dragon balls" Now there's only one dragon ball left!" he smiled as he put the balls in his backpack then got out his radar but it didn't give a signal for another dragon ball "Oh no I must be broken again" he groaned then put the radar back in his bag and flew out of the base "Well this is just great, now I have to go back to roshi's and have bulma fix the radar again" he then stopped flying and looked around 'which way do I got though' he then decided to sense for bulma's energy and found it miles from him in the east and took off at a high speed


"He just defeated the Red Ribbon Army and he shrugs it off like nothing, he hasn't changed one bit" oolong huffed as he watched kakarrot take off

"Not even the police could do anything against them" bulma muttered

"Just one puny alien warrior" launch muttered

"I-I can't believe it" hasky muttered

"Well he's on his way here right so we can congradualte him when he gets here and you can meet him hasky" yamcha mentioned

Kakarrot then appeared a few minutes later at the door nto even bothering to knock just coming in

"That was fast" roshi commented

"Hey bulma I need you to fix the radar I think it broke again" he handed the radar to bulma

"You haven't found you'e momentum yet?" she asked as she inspected the radar with her tools

"I did, but I promised this boy named upa I met that I'd wish his father back to life because he was killed by a man who was sent to kill me"

"You're such a good person kakarrot" paur commented

"Hey kakarrot you may not have noticed but we just watched you defeat the entire red ribbon army base with a camera copter bulam built and It was awesome" krillin cheered

"Really" kaakrrot lifted an eyebrow

"It's amazing in human standard" hasky told him

"Oh and this is hasky she's my new girlfriend" yamcha introduced her

"Nice to meet you" he nodded at her as she smiled at him

"That rain like ki blast was the best out of the fight how come you've never used it before" oolong asked

"never really needed to its only for when I'm surrounded" kakarrot shrugged

"This is strange…" bulma said making everyone look over to her "Not one part of it is broken!"

"But it's not giving a signal for the last dragon ball"

"Do you think it could've went flying into space" oolong asked

"There's no way it would've flown that far" bulma told him

"Until a while ago it showed all seven of them" kakarrot mentioned

"Which means…..that something might have swallowed the dragon ball"

"Swallowed? You mean eaten?" yamcha asked

"That's probably what this means, if a dragon ball's unique electromagnetic waves are surrounded by a living being, then the radar won't catch it"

"There is no one stupid enough to swallow something like that" oolong said

"If bulma's right then there are some animals that would eat almost anything like some dinosaurs" kakarrot told them

"Does that mean there is no way for us to search for it" krillin asked

"I suppose there is nothing we can do" bulma shrugged

"Well this stinks right when I had 6…"

"If you go to baba's palace, she'll surely tell you where the dragon ball is" roshi said

"Babaa's palace?" oolong asked

"What is that?" yamcha asked

"Whenever I can't find something, I always get baba to show me where it is, she's always on the mark" roshi told them

"Where is this palace then?" kakarrot asked

Roshi then got out a map of a desert "it should be around here" roshi pointed to a spot on the map

"Alright thanks roshi" kakarrot said and was about to leave when they stopped him

"Hey why don't we come with you this time" yamcha asked

"I don't have a choice do I" kakarrot slumped his shoulders

"Nope come on" krillin then dragged him to the copter outside, Yamcha, hasky and paur then joined them

"You guys coming too" yamcha asked the others

Bulma crossed her arms "No way I'm sick and tired of this, I'm going home now yamcha give me an aircraft capsule"

"There's no way I'm going either" oolong answered

"alright then we'll be off then"

"Be careful and do your best" they yelled as they took off

"At least with kakarrot's strength I'm sure they can get baba to give them a fortune telling" roshi said to himself getting a look from launch


The group decided to take a break from flying to baba's palace in a small town

"I'll go and bring upa here while you guys rest up, I almost got all the dragon balls after all, upa's going to be really happy"

"Ok don't take too long" yamcha said

"What should we do now, wait in a coffee shop until he gets back" hasky offered

"Sure let's go" krillin agreed


/Korin tower/

Kakarrot landed on the ground next to korin tower "UPA! You here? I'm back!"

Upa then peeked out from his tipi "Kakarrot?" he then saw he was really outside and rushed out to hug him "AH it is you kakarrot! I'm so glad you're alive!"

"You thought I would die?"

"I was praying the whole time!"

"I beat those red ribbon guys easily, and now I got 6 dragon balls! One more and we can bring your father back to life! So come with me!" kakarrot then put upa on his back and flew off

"Where is the seventh ball?" upa asked

"I don't know right now, but there's someone who can tell me"


"Alright I'm back with upa" kakarrot told the group

"Ok let's get going now" yamcha then got the copter back out and then all flew off in it


"How much longer paur" hasky asked

"It should be around here"

"If you say so all I see is desert around here" yamcha looked at their surroundings

Paur looked at the map in her hands " but according to the map we got from roshi's it should be…."

"There's a building over by that lake! That should be it right!" krillin pointed out the window

"I see that sure looks like the place" yamcha then landed the copter outside the building and they all got out

"It sure is hot here" upa commented

"Looks like we aren't the only ones who have come" krillin told them looking at the fighters near the entrance

"Yes, yes get in line please" a servent told them "Are all of you together?"

" Eh? W-well yeah but" yamcha stuttered

"Hehehe is that so?! I see well then when your turn comes you will be called" the ssrvent then left

"Don't you find it strange? There are mostly buffed up guys here" hasky asked

"Hey don't scare me like that! It must just be a group of friends from some dojo" krillin waved it off

An old rich looking couple then walked out of the building "Ahhh I see, I see, so it was stuck in there! My solid gold weight stone" the man smiled

"Isn't that wonderful dear?" the lady asked him as they got into a limo outside and drove off

"Look it's not all buff guys" krillin told hasky

The servent then came back out "Next please!" the buffed men cheered then rushed inside

"T-those guys seemed really pumped up" kakarrot said

"There really is something suspicious about this place" paur muttered

"I-I hear some weird voices" krillin then heard the groans of the men that had just rushed inside as they screamed a couple of times

"Wh-what's going on" yamcha yelled

A few minutes later the men came in completely injured in bandages, casts, and crutches being waved off by the servant "Too bad please come again"

Everyone in the group but kakarrot eye's bulged when they saw how injured the men were, the servant then turned to them "Next please"

"Wh-what was that" hasky muttered

Yamcha turned to the servant"Wh-what happened to those guys?"

"Hehehe!" the group then followed it anyway down the hall "That's it come" the servant led them to another building where a small woman sitting on a crystal ball was waiting

"I have brought them"

"Oh my another bunch of young'uns, I am fortune teller baba" she introduced herself

"Nice to meet you, there's something I want you to find for me" kakarrot asked

"Sure thing just pay up, ten million zeni"

"Ten million zeni!" the group yelled

"Y-you need money" krillin stuttered

"T-there's no way we'd have that much money" yamcha stuttered

"I figured as much" baba then turned " come thin way please"

"Wh-what are you going to do?" hasky asked

Baba then led them to a ring just behind the building they were just in "You'' be battling here with each of my fighter one at a time, if you win you'll go on to the next fighter but if you lose you'll change with one of your own, if you can beat all five of my men, you win and I'll give you a fortune for free"

"Huh? Ohh that's all" yamcha crossed his arms

"That's what those five guys lost at, Hey land two of us went pretty far in the world martial asrts tournament and one of us is the champion" krillin told her

"Hoh then color me excited"

"So if we fight your five fighters and win then you'll give us a fortune for free?!" kakarrot asked

"Yes but you all are just a bunch of children, there's no way you can win just give up here"

"No we'll do it right guys" yamcha turned to them

"Of course this sounds fun" krillin smirked

"Can I just watch" upa asked as did paur

"It'll be us three then" kakarrot told the woman

"Hoh? You three vs. my five you've got some confidence huh?"

Kakarrot smirked "You'll see"

"Poor lady you don't know what you're getting into" krillin smirked

"What are the rules" yamcha asked

"There are none, if you give up or fall into the lake you lose, now let's begin who's first"

Krillin stepped onto the ring fully confident" I will"

"Do your best krillin" hasky yelled

"you probably won't even need to come out kakarrot, I'll take all five on myself" krillin stretched his legs

"You shouldn't underestimate an opponent before seeing what they can do krillin" kakarrot scolded him

"Yeah, yeah this sure bring back memories" krillin mentioned

"Dracula man come out" baba called into the house behind her

"Dracula man, that's a weird name" krillin then saw a bat come out then turn into a vampire in boxer shorts and boxing gloves

"He looks pretty weak" krillin smirked then got into a fighting stance

"Ok begin the battle!"

"I'll just begin lightly to see what he's got" krillin sent a kick at Dracula but he jumped up and turned back into a bat then circled krillin at a fast speed

"Darn it! He's too fast!" krillin tried to catch a glimpse of him, he was then grabbed from behind and Dracula dug his teeth into his head sucking blood

"Woah he's sucking blood!" yamcha yelled

"Ehhh! You idiot stop!" krillin yelled

"Shake him off!" hasky yelled

"If you don't give up you'll die of blood loss" baba smirked

Krillin then jumped and tried to land on his head "How about this!" Dracula moved away before he could hit

"Are you alright krillin!" yamcha yelled as krillin got up

"Kid's blood really tastes good! That was quite a feast thanks!" krillin wobbled around feeling a bit dizzy

"Well give up? If you say uncle we'll give you a blood transfusion"

"You're gonna pay for tha…" blood then began leaking out of the holes in krillin's head

"Don't get angry calm yourself! You will just lose more blood that way!" kakarrot yelled

Krillin tried to calm himself but the blood just kept pouring out "It looks like you grew hair krillin " they laughed

"Shut up!" he yelled before he was kicked by Dracula into the pond

"That's far enough" baba smiled

"Blood transfusion, blood transfusion!" the servent muttered as the blood pumped into krillin's arm after they got him out of the water

"Hang in there" yamcha ushered him

"If you weren't so cocky you could've won" kakarrot narrowed his eyes at him

"It's because you kept bugging me!" krillin yelled

"Now who's next, who want to fight with Dracula man?"

The group then conversed with one another coming up with a plan, yamcha then turned to baba "Excuse me do you mind if we get 5 people after all"

"Hah see that what you get for being overconfident" paur and upa then stepped into the ring

"Can these two fight together" kakarrot asked

Baba turned to Dracula "Well?"

"Of course I don't mind! I bet their blood tastes great"

"Ok no problem"


"Ok just follow the plan" yamcha told them both as upa chewed something in his mouth

"Now then, battle begin!"

"Good luck" hasky cheered

Dracula ran at them "Here he comes!" paur yelled as upa breathed out garlic breath

"Y-you just ate some garlic didn't you! Vampires hate garlic!" Dracula yelled as he covered his nose, he then turned into a bat again and turned to paur" fine I'll just suck your blood" he then flew at her but she turned into a an echidna putting splinters in his mouth when he bit her

HE screamed in pain then turned to see upa in the shape of a cross "WH-what are you doing?!"

"Vampires hate crosses more than anything else right?!" he answered

"GYAAA!" he then turned into a bat and tried to fly away but paur turned into a glove and smacked him down into the pond

The group cheered at their victory

"Hohoho good job finding his weak spots, the fighters only get stronger from here though!"

Yamcha stepped onto the ring "alright good job guys, you've done enough now it's my turn!"

"You sure, you only have two people left! you think you two can beat my four"

"Easily I'll beat all four myself!" yamcha smirked

"What did I just tell krillin" kakarrot muttered "Why don't I go instead yamcha!"

"You're the special weapon in case we run into trouble I'll go first!" yamcha then turned to baba " ok go and bring out your next fighter"

"Do your best yamcha!" hasky and paur cheered

"Hohoho he's already here"

"Eh?!" yamcha looked around the ring "where I don't see anyone!"

"He right in front of you yamcha can't you sense him" kakarrot yelled

"HEheh he's invisible! You can't see him because he's the Invisible man!" baba informed him

"Invicible I don't even know how to sense yet!" yamcha yelled

"Begin the battle!"

"Here I come" a voice said from his right, he was then punched in the face and kicked in the stomach sending him to the edge of the ring

"Yamcha!" hasky yelled

"Darn it this isn't fair!" he growled as he got up rubbing his stomach before he was hit in the back of the head, yamcha then tried to kick him but hit nothing "Damn it!"

"What happened to all that courage you had" baba asked

Krillin turned to kakarrot "Go and get master roshi!"

"Huh why?" he asked

"Just go! Now!"

"alright sheesh!" kakarrot then took off into the air

"he can fly who is that kid?" baba asked herself as she watched him take off

Yamcha got off the ground again "Th-this si bad at this rate I'll defiantly lose! I'll just have to listen for his footsteps!" he then heard a noise and kicked in that direction finally landing a hit

"Hah I nicked you! You may be invisible but you can't completely erase your presence when you move"

"heh heh heh you sure?" baba then began to play some music from the sidelines

"What would you like to hear classical or rock?"

Yamcha was then hit in the face "Yamcha hang in there!" paur yelled

"Darn it if she keeps playing that music there's no way I can't listen for his movements!"

"Had enough? Let me be honest: you have no chance of victory!"

"If only I could see him!" yamcha gritted

"Hey krillin! I brought him!" kakarrot yelled from above

"Yes he made it!" krillin smiled

"What's the big idea! What do you need me for?!" roshi asked

"I would like you to watch this battle" krillin said "Hey hasky come over here" he then positioned her to face the outside of the ring " You stay there master! Look up a bit more though!"

"Now I can't see what's going on" hasky glared at krillin

"this is a tiring way to watch" krilliin then got on the ring behind hasky

"Ready? Stay right there! Now!" krillin yelled then pulled hasky's shirt down roshi's eyes bulged at the sight and his nose bleed violently

The blood landed on The invisible man "What!"

"Ahh! Now I can see him!" yamcha then got into a fighting stance and punched him a few times then delivered a kick sending him to the edge of the ring

The invisible man held up a white flag "I-I give up"

"HE did it! Krillin cheered before he was smacked on the back of the head then grabbed by his collar to see an angry hasky

"You know I don't like violence as much as I did before but I'll make an exception for you!" she yelled as she shook him

"B-but it was to help your boyfriend!"

"Were you trying to make me die of blood loss" roshi yelled holding a hankie to his nose

"I'm very sorry, but I had no choice!" roshi then whispered into krillins ear "I'll thank you in secret later" making krillin grin

Hasky glared at the two from the side

"Not bad, these last three are true fighters though"

"Roshi you're here too?" yamcha asked when he turned back to the group

"Peace" roshi held up two fingers

"Are you just now noticing" hasky asked

"From what I can gather you're just as greedy as ever sis" roshi told baba

"What do you mean sis?" yamcha asked

"Fortune teller baba is my sister" roshi told them

"WH-what!" they yelled

"Hmph long time no see, and it looks like you're just as lazy as you've always been" baba looked down at her brother" still just as perverted too"

"Leave me alone"

"If that's the case master then can you ask her to give us a free fortune" krillin asked

"Don't even think about it money and fighting are my only form of entertainment these days"

"It's fine this'll be good training!" yamcha smiled

"Well said, for the next fighter however we need to change arenas" she then turned "Follow me"

"I might as well watch the rest of the battles then" roshi then followed the others as the followed baba into the next dome

"This way" she led them up a flight of stairs

"Where the heck is she taking us?" yamcha asked

"To the devil's toilet" roshi answered

"T-the devil's toilet?! What's that? Do you have any advice?" yamcha asked him

"Don't die, that's my advice" roshi answered

Yamcha glared at him" I'll take that to heart"

The then came to a door on the side of the stairwell "the combatants enter here" baba pointed to the door

"Yes" yamcha then entered the door and baba turned back to the stairs "everyone else come with me, you can watch the battle better from above"

Baba led the group to a balcony to watch the fight

Yamcha came to the top of his stairs to see the next battle ring was a small pathway that was the long tongues of two demon statures, and the bottom was a pit of green liquid

"Wh-what is this place!" he yelled

"You'll be fighting on those demon tongues, below is a pool of deadly poison if you fall you die" baba then extended her hand with some meat in it "I will drop some meat in so watch closely" the meat then fell into the poison disintegrating as it touched the deadly liquid

Everyone was shocked at the sight "As you can see if you fall in you'll melt away"

" I….see…..so this is the devil's toilet" yamcha stuttered

"Now's your last chance to give up, your still young you don't want to die do you?"

"T-this looks fun! There's no way I'm gonna give up here"

"The dried up gladiator mummy!" she introduced the next fight and a man wrapped completely in bandages walked out from the other side of the ring

"Geez first the invisible man now a Mummy!"

"Now let's begin!"

Yamcha got into a fighting stance 'he looks like the kind of guy that relies on brute force, ok then, I'll need to utilize this narrow ledge and take him down with speed'

"Yamcha please don't die" paur yelled

Yamcha then ran at the mummy but he jumped up above him surprising him, the mummy landed behind him and tried to kick him but yamcha was able to dodge it as well as the next punch

The mummy then hit yamcha multiple times in the face at a fast speed

"H-he's fast" roshi stuttered

"Really?" kakarrot asked

The mummy landed one more punch sending yamcha to the edge of the tongues only hanging on with his hands, the mummy then came to the ledge

"Get up its no fun If I win this quickly" yamcha was able to pull himself back up and face the mummy again "Is that the best you've got"

Yamcha got into another fighting stance 'I-I just can't believe how fast he is'

"Yamcha please be careful" hasky yelled

"Hang in there" paur yelled

Yamcha ran forward with his wolf fang fist and tried to punch and kcik the mummy but he dodged both times, the mummy then kicked yamcha away then knee him in the stomach making him scream


"There's no point in fighting you anymore just give up"

"NAtrually he's no match" baba commented

Yamcha then sweep the mummy off his feet causing him to fall off the ledge of the tongues

"That guy's falling he did it!" hasky cheered with paur

The mummy smirked then shot off one of his bandages and wrapped it around the tongues then swung himself back up onto the top shocking everyone in the process

"Heh you sure use some stupid tactics don't ya, ready for some payback" the mummy then grabbed yamcha by the shoulders and kneed him in the stomach, then punched him in the head and then grabbed him by the neck

"You give up? Or do you want me to drop you into the poison swamp"

"I…I give up" yamcha muttered

"You shoulda said that sooner"

"So it's already over boy what a one-sided match" baba looked as yamcha joined the group

"Yamcha!" paur yelled as she flew to him

"Are you alright yamcha" hasky asked as sahe helped him walk

"I-I'm sorry kakarrot I never thought a fighter of that caliber would be in a place like this" yamcha apologized

"So then who's the last of you 5? Let's get this match started, or will you give up and just ed it here?" baba asked

"My turn now" kakarrot smirked as he flew out of the balcony and onto the tongues, he then turned to the mummy " Alright whenever you're ready"

"You've got to be joking! Do you mean you're the last opponent"

"He's not much joy in beating a little runt like that" baba commented "Alright commence the battle!"

The mummy got into a fighting stance "Well, whatever"

Kakarrot smirked at him " come at me or should I go first?"

'Tha…that's odd…despite that stance, he's got absolutely no opening' th mummy examined kakarrot's stance

"If your gonna attack then attack already"

"What are you doing?! Get thing moving will ya!" baba yelled

"Alright !" the mummy ran at kakarrot punching him in the stomach then in the jaw straight into the air, he jumped up and delievered a kick knocking him into the statue behind them face down on the tongue "Heh, its over he was nothing"

"Obviously you lose if you get knocked out, hey kiddon give me some reply if you're not unconscious, well? How about it eh?"

Kakarrot bounced back up shocking the mummy and baba he then smirked at the mummy as he faced him "Ya ready now it's my turn"

"I can't believe it he didn't take on a single scratch of damage" roshi commented

"Yo-you bastard! You really are eagar to die aren't you" the mummy tired to punch him but he dodged it and punched him in the stomach knocking him unconscious

Everyone was shocked at the scene as kakarrot patted him on the head "He's out so that means I win right" kakarrot asked baba

"Ye…yeah….that's right" baba muttered as kakarrot nodded and carried the mummy to the stairwell

"Ju….just one blow" krillin muttered

"Tha-that's impossible what's going on" yamcha stuttered

"I can't believe he's that good" hasky commented as kakarrot came back out from the stairs

"Ok where's my next victim" he asked

"Hmph don't get carried away, you won't be laughing for much longer" baba scolded him" alright here's my 4th contestant, Ackman! You're up!"

A man dressed in a blue unitard with wings and horns came out smirking and crossing his arms

"Man it's nothing but freaks" kakarrot muttered

"What? She's already bring ackman out?! He's supposed to have served as her 5th man up until now…..she must have someone even more amazing for the end" roshi said


Ackman then used his wings to fly above the tongues "Kiddo shall I take you to my homeland?! To hell! Die!" he flew straight down at him only to be kicked away easily

"What?!" baba yelled

"He- he's so fast!" yamcha yelled

Ackman wiped some blood off the side of his mouth as he got back up

"You don't seem very strong either"

"Wh-what was that?! Why you, how dare you speak such insolence to a devil!"

"What are you doing ackman take care of him this instant!" baba yelled

"Ri-right!" he then tried to punch kakarrot but he dodged it as well as the next kick, kakarrot kicked himself off the statue then flew at ackman punching him on the face sending him over the edge

Ackman quickly used his wings to fly back onto the tongues "Did you really think that the great ackman would be defeated so easily?!"

"Course not! I was going easy on you"


"Wow he doesn't look like anything special" krillin cheered

"Don't be absurd, he's such a master that he won the world tournament two times already, its just that kakarrot is too overwhelmingly strong" roshi informed them

"He won the world tournament?!" yamcha asked

"Ackman I expect better than this from someone of your caliber" baba yelled

"Whatever do you mean? Why I'm just about to show you my true power" ackman smirked as he put two finger to each side of his head

"No matter how much someone might try and pass themselves off as a do gooder , they'll always have a little bit of an evil heart, and if you make that tiny trace of an evil heart grow and grow it will eventually explode! You'll be blown to smithereens!"


"Watch out kakarrot! It's the devilmite ray! He seriously intends to kill you!" roshi yelled

Ackman then fired his ray but kaakrrot quickly dodged it and kicked ackman straight into the wall behind him knocking him unconscious as well


"He's saved!"

"Wheh I would think the intention to kill frieza would have been that one trace of evil ackman would need to kill him" roshi sighed

"I won again" kakarrot gave a peace sign at the group "only one left come one!"

"Hmph well done, you guys are the first to advance this far, but this will be as far as you go, my fifth man is a great champion, Your turn is finally up!" baba yelled

A man dressed in a black cloak the stepped out from the stairs of the other side of the arena, the clock was able to keep his entire face in the shadows and it was zipped up from the very bottom so you couldn't see his chest, legs, or arms

"Hello" he greeted kakarrot

"Huh? Oh hello" he greeted his opponent

"What the?! That's the ace up her sleeve" krillin asked

The man then turned to Baba " Baba I have a favor"

"Hm? Whatdaya want? Let's hear it"

"I was just thinking that we should have our fight outside so we can have more room and wont destroy this arena"

"Hoh…I see that'll be fine going all out"

They all then walked outside and headed for the arena, baba turned to the man "So show bout it? Can you win?"

"I'm wondering that myself" he answered

Krillin whispered to kakarrot "Boy you've lucked out kakarrot, he doesn't look all that great you've got this in the bag" he noticed that kakarrot wasn't even listening to him and staring st the man in the cloak

"Hey, what the matter?"

"It's noting it's just that guy seems familiar"

"Huh you know him?"

"I think I do I can't sense his energy though"

"You always say such odd things"

The man then pulled baba over and whispered something to her in the corner of the ring

"Master roshi what's the matter you've been quiet for a while" yamcha asked


"What's there to be worried about?! Nobody can match kakarrot now! There's no way he'll lose" hasky cheered

"No, that's not it, I've just got an odd feeling about this guy like he has a lot in commen with kakarrot then meets the eye"

"huh? He's that amazing?" paur asked

"Yes it's clear from all the confidence my big sister places in him that he's quite a master"

"Really he certainly doesn't look like one" yamcha looked over to the man

"Oh wow so that's it huh?" baba yelled "I see, I see that'll be real fun"

"Can we get this fight going now" kakarrot asked

"Alright let's start the final match, it ends when one of you cries uncle! And while I think he's got no chance, if that tyke manages to win then I'll divine the location of the dragon ball"

"Ok! I defiantly ain't gonna lose" kakarrot got into a fighting stance

"Hang in there!"

"Don't let your guard down!"

"Hey now aren't you going to do a pre-match bow?" the man asked

"Huh? Oh right?" kakarrot then bowed to his opponent

"You'd think with that get up he wouldn't be so formal" krillin commented

"Begin the match!"

Kakarrot and the man then got into their fighting stances as both of them waited for the right moment to attack

"Th-this is going to be an incredible match" roshi looked from the man to kakarrot

'This one's different he's got a whole different aura to him than the others' kakarrot thought

"Come at me!" the man yelled

"Alright!" kakarrot then flew at the man as he tried to punch him but the man was able to dodge the first one and catch the second one in his hand

They then jumped apart, the man then moved at a great speed and managed to punch kakarrot sending him to the ground but he was able to bounce back up kick the man in the neck as they jumped apart again

The group was completely shocked at what they had just witnessed in the ring, the man and kakarrot got back into their fighting positions

"What a match! Kakarrot's amazing but that other guy is amazing too" roshi commented

"Who is the guy?" yamcha asked

The man the advanced and sent multiple punches at kakarrot, kakarrot was only able to dodge some of them but managed to get a kick into the man's face. The man quickly recovered and grabbed his foot then slammed him into the ground , he then sent him flying into the air


"HE threw him overhead! What's he trying to do!" roshi yelled

The man then flew up after kakarrot and when he was above him he kicked him sending him right into the ring's concrete making a deep hole

"I bet he won't be able to just brush that off" the man floated in his spot in the sky

"He can fly too!" yamcha asked

Kakarrot then flew out of the hole at a fast speed straight up to the man and kicked him away heading for another building , the man kicked himself off the roof and flew back at kakarrot aiming a kick, kakarrot was able to brace himself enough to take the impact

His strength shocked everyone including the man, kakarrot smirked at him "Heh, ma you're strong….I'm getting all excited!"

'It-it's unbelievable the way he's gotten so strong, he was able to take my kick head on' the man thought 'alright then how about we kick it up a notch'

The man then positioned his hands in the form of a club in front of his face


"It- it can't be!" yamcha yelled

Kakarrot was just as shocked as the other were, the man then began to power up his ki blast as it began to take form in front of his hands

"There's no way! It's a trick!" krillin stuttered

"Buster!" the man growled

"This can't be real!" kakarrot muttered

"CANON!" the man then fired his blast at kakarrot engulfing the ring in light but when the light cleared they all saw the kakarrot it was fired at dissipate realizing it was an afterimage

"He vanished!" baba yelled

"The afterimage huh" the man said to himself then looked to see kakarrot was flosting above the ring "I'm up here!"

"What a feat, he managed to dodge my blast and fly up in the air"

"Now it's my turn!" he then flew straight down at the man

"Gives me a perfect opportunity to send another blast at him, he won't be able to dodge as well as last time" the man then began to put him hands in front of him again when he heard kakarrot begin to yell


"What was that?"


"Can it be?! Has he finally perfected the technique!"

"NON!" kakarrot fired his blast at the man making him fall to the ground face-up, kakarrot then knee the man in the stomach while he was still down making him groan

"O-Oh no!" baba yelled

"Hey ya give up" kakarrot smirked down at him "If you don't then I'll just have to finish you off myself"

"He did it!"

"He won!"

The man then began chuckling under the hood getting a frown from kakarrot, the man's hand then shot out and grabbed kakarrot tail from his waist "EHH!" kakarrot yelled before he collapsed onto the ring

"What happened!" yamcha yelled

"Oh yes kakarrot did mention that he loses his power when someone grabs his tail" roshi informed them

"What!" they all yelled

"I guess that guy must have figured it out on his own! I thought we would be the only ones who would ever know something like that" krillin muttered

"He must really be a master to figure that out" yamcha said

"Still have a weakness huh" the man said to him as he hung kakarrot upside down

"I-I let my guard down" kakarrot muttered

"Hyah Hyah Hyah the shoes on the other foot now! Hey kiddo looks like you neglected to toughen up your tail!" baba yelled

The man then smacked kakarrot down on the ring floor multiple times before he stopped for minute "You're as stubborn as always don't you give up yet" the man asked

"N..Never" kakarrot growled

"Have it your way" the man then continued to smack him down on the ring

"it's no use he's gonna get done in" paur yelled

"Hey how did this guy know kakarrot's weakness in the first place" hasky asked

Just as the man was about to smack kakarrot down on the ring once again his tail completely ripped of his body "WHa?!" the man muttered

Kakarrot then began to yell in pain rubbing the spot where his tail used to be as he rana round the ring

"Wow his tail came clean off that's a first" the man muttered

"Oh hey! That mean kakarrot weak spot is gone!" roshi yelled

Kakarrot then glared at the man gritting his teeth "H-how dare you tear off my tail!" he then got into a fighting stance "Now I'm mad!"

The man then straightened into a good posture " I give up" he claimed shocking everyone

"Eh?" kakarrot asked

"So kakarrot wins" yamcha asked

"O well, whatever" baba muttered

"You've gotten very powerful kakarrot, I can tell you've done some incredible training" the man told him

"How do you know my name?" kakarrot asked

The man then held up kakarrot's old tail "But it looks like you've negelected to train your tail, even though it's you're weakness. I thought I told you that should be taken care off so opponent can't use it against you" the man said

Kakarrot then got a shocked look on his face as he began shaking and pointed at the man "It…..it can't be….it can't be!" he muttered

The man then unzipped the cloack to revile he had on black and green saiyan armor, he then pulled off the hood to show he had the same hair style as kakarrot but an X shaped scar on his cheek "Geez how sad…you only just caught on now" he smile to his shocked son "That right it me!"

Kakarrot eyes began to water at the sight of his father "Daa….Daddy?...Daddy!" kakarrot rushed up to him and hugged him as bardock welcomed his son in his arms

"Hey silly, don't cry" bardock patted him on the back

"O wow kakarrot's crying" yamcha commented

"Of course no matter how strong he may be he's still just a child" roshi said

"Sorry about your tail, it looked like you hadn't overcome that weakness so I figured I'd do something about it" bardock bend down to his level

"But it's really rough and it ripped off"

"It should grow back in a few month's time anyway, you really have gotten strong I can't believe it, you really have been training hard"

Kakarrot wiped the tears from his face "Yeah, how is mom, and radiz and turles and everyone else they must be with you in the afterlife aren't they"

"Slow down there kiddo yes your mom is there with me and she misses you very much, but strangely enough we haven't found radiz or turles there are a couple of saiyan families who haven't found their loved one yet so it isn't to strange"

"Well I hope their alright" kakarrot said as bardock turned to the group

"Hello you must be my son's friends it's nice to meet you all" he greeted to them as he was greeted back even though they were all still shocked to see him

"So dad how are you here on earth anyway" kakarrot asked

"Roshi's honorable sister baba is capable of moving freely between this world and the afterlife, she scouts deceased martial artists from the afterlife paying them a handsome salary to come fight matches for her here"

"SO you're only here for the day" kakarrot asked

"Yes I'm only able to return for the day then I have to go back to the afterlife"

"So was it just a coincidence that you two met here today?" hasky asked

"Nope big sis can tell the future through divination, you knew that we'd be coming here today didn't you" roshi asked his sister

"Naturally" she answered

"Bardock asked me if any boy with a tail ever happened to stop by but I didn't know you were his son" baba told kakarrot

"O yeah dad I wanna show you something" kakarrot then ran off into the entrance dome then came running back with his bag and got out some of the dragon balls "Look these are called dragon balls" he handed one to him as he examined it in his hand

"Wow this is really neat"

"Kakarrot life has totally changed thanks to those dragon balls" yamcha said

"Really well I'd love to hear it" bardock then listen to the story of kakarrot first meeting bulma all the way to the red ribbon army

"So that's the whole story"

"Is that right?! I never had any idea!" bardock examined all the dragon ball that kakarrot had

"Thank goodness now your father will defiantly be coming back to life" krillin told upa

"Bu…But….Kakarrot entire family is also dead so what if he want to bring them back to life instead" upa asked

"Oh don't worry kid the saiyan's can't be revived yet because there's no way we'd be safe with frieza still out there"

"Well then, you guys have won so I'll keep my promise and divine for you" baba jumped off her crystal ball

"In that case I'll be heading back to the afterlife" bardock stood straight up

"You're leaving" kakarrot asked

"I'm glad I was able to come and see how strong you've become I'll be sure to tell your mther as well" he then turned to everyone else "Be sure to keep an eye on him for me will ya"

"Thanks for everything baba" bardock turned back to kakarrot and bent down to hung him one more time "I'm looking forward to seeing you even more grownup"

"Yeah I promise I'll defeat frieza and bring you all back someday, but in the meantime I'll miss you " They parted

"Ok then Bon voyage!" he said as he disappeared into thin air

"Farewell" the group waved

"Hey now! I'm going to perform the divination! You wanted to know the location of the last dragon ball" she then waved her hands in front of the crystal ball as it began to glow "Let's see here"

To be continued

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