

Kakarot a first class sayain lands on earth after the genocide of the sayan race,SMARTES SAYAN Words: 258,195

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39 Chs

To the rescue

At the Ox kingdom the remaining androids landed. They began to scan the area for any signs of life. They only found animals. After an hour of looking around and finding none, they decided to head back to base.

Meanwhile back at the North Mountain Base the computer began to plan it next operation.

Bases have been complete. Resources gathered. Kakarrot at large. Other fighters need to be taken out before Kakarrot can be destroyed.

Operation elimination must commence.


Target 1: Vegeta

Targets 2: unknown

Target 3: unknown

Target 4: unknown

Target 5: Unknown

Target 6: Piccolo

Target 7: Gohan

Target 8: Chidori

Target 9: Krillin

Target 10: Yamcha

Target 11: Tien

Target 12: Chiotzu

Also eliminated any powerful fighters.

After the fighters were list the computer began to scan repair the damages to the 50 androids from the first raid and gathered data.

On Planet Vegeta several hundreds saiyans stood by the portals to the Capsule Corps and the Ox Kingdom. The saiyans were dived into squads of seven, six and five. At the front stood the current general Bardock and the father of the legendary Saiyan Kakarrot. Bardock with the former General Nappa, among the stood many other powerful saiyans, Bardock's old team mates each commanded a squad of their own. Tora and Fasha the parents of Toma. Borgos and Shugesh other members of his team. Others included Nappa's sons and daughters. Among them were Bardock's twin brother Shido and his wife Sarazade. As the saiyans lined up, Shugesh couldn't help but smile. "Just like old times hey Bardock. Do you remember all of the missions we did?" Bardock couldn't help but grin. While he and many other saiyans regretted their actions in killing billions of innocent lives while under the PTO they still loved to fight. While many of the criminals they had been rounding up were former goons of the PTO. There were still other thugs, robbers and hoodlums that they rounded up. They were no match for the Saiyans who even in death and condemned to hell trained. As such when they came back, and began the police duties, criminals were no match for them.

Fasha, the only member of Bardock's team stood next to her mate Tora. They had known each other for a long time. They soon had formed bond which had lead to their son Toma being born. Who had become Kakarrot's best friend. They owed him for bringing them back, now they were determined to help him. She had a soft sport of the little tyke. Tora stood ready himself; he and Bardock had been best friends for years. This friendship had transcended to their sons Kakarrot and Toma. Both were ready for match.

Borgos the last member of Bardock's team. He was soft spoken and hardly talked. He had a soft spot for Bardock's children. He had spared with them occasionally. He had remarked that Kakarrot had the potential to be terrific squad leader like Bardock.

Among the other saiyans were children about Gohan and Chidori's age. Most have them had been born on the saiyan colony now known as Tarbolia. Many of them knew how to fight. The way the colony had survived was performing mercenary jobs and bounty hunting criminals. They did this secretly so Frieza would not attack them again. While they could hold their own in a fight, their job would be to protect civilians and help with the evacuation of villages and towns.

Bardock and the leaders stood in front of them before, he gave out his orders.

"Alright people listen up!" he yelled. Bring the chatter to an end. "As you known several hours ago a deranged Doctor who was an old enemy of my son, tried to kill him with his tin toys. However three of them have gone rouge and are out hunting him. Then several hours later, a bunch of his drones went on a rampage in West City, killing and injuring over 2,000 people. Earth's military doesn't have the power to deal with these killer machines. So our job once we deploy is to help with the evacuation of any town and villages we come across and bring or direct them to shelters the saiyan army has built for cases such as these" Bardock brought up map of earth with red dots in several spots "These are the locations where the shelters are located. We are also to search and destroy any android drones we come across. What's more if we encounter the androids known as 16, 17 and 18 you are to not engage them. We also are helping the Earth's military forces as well. That will be all. Now prepare to fly out!" he ordered.

"SIR! YES SIR!" they all shouted as they headed for the gates.

At one of the Earth's defense force naval base island located in the Ocean. General William T. Walrus was busy ordering the evacuation of his troops. His fleet was heading to the mainland to guard the port cities. He was an anthropomorphic walrus, with massive mustache. Walrus dressed in a regular navel coat decorated with medals, from his various missions. Walrus was just about to leave his office with his various documents and orders, when a huge explosion shook the base. Dropping everything he rushed outside to see, a force of a hundred, androids attacks his base.


At this a wounded insignia ran forward. "SIR! It's those bloody androids! They came out of nowhere and were taking heavy losses!"

At this, the Adm. grabbed a blaster headed for the command center. All around him were various officers talking into radios and computers trying to direct their troops. "I've just got word the cruiser four and five have been sunk! Battleship 3 is sinking while 1 and 2 have been crippled!" informed the tech-stg.

"What of the carriers?" he asked they were vital, to the protection of cities.

"They left shortly before the attack began and are heading for the coast. They are requesting to send support to us."

William shook his head. "Negative, the cities are more important than us. Tell them to remain on course and head for the mainland. Also tell the sub fleet, to remain course with them. Is this understood?"

"Sir! Yes Sir!" said the tech. While, this went on, outside the battle raged on. Even with the blasters that Saiyan Tech. and Capsule corp. had provided them they were hopeless. For every android they smash. At least 1 ship was crippled or sunk. 4 fighters downed. 20 troopers fell.

In the sky one of the squad leaders, who call sigh was Raven leader. Chased one group with his guns blazing and was ready for a missile lock. "Raven 1! Fox 2 firing! With that a missile flew from his plane and straight towards them. The missile locked on to the drones. It then made in contact. "BOOM!" The explosion. "It's a hit bulls-eye!" he yelled as he watched two of the automatons spinning out of site. The suddenly one of his wing men was taken out. "We lost Raven 3!" yelled Raven 2. Just as they were about to be taken out by an almighty blast! Turning around Raven leader saw what looked like five humans speed past him. It was Shugesh and his team.

Speeding by they began to knock out the androids one after another. "Who are these people?" wondered Raven Leader.

Shugesh landed right in the middle of them on the island. "Come and gets some! Cause your all going to die!" he challenged them.

At this the computer told all forces to focus on them. The remaining 13 drones came at them. But they were no match for one of the strongest saiyans that could not go super Saiyan; Shugesh smashed one into the ground before he vaporized another. Then four more came at him but he took the them out with ease. "Yeah I'm a badass saiyan warrior!" he said taunting them. As another came at him he dogged and ripped his head off. "Yeah I'm like a fat ballerina who takes trophies and stilts the try-outs!" he said laughing as they fell. In just a short while all bots were on the ground smoking. "Well that takes care of the trash," said Shugesh as he dusted his hands off.

General William and the rest of the soldiers that survived the attack were all in shock, these 5 mysterious people had completely obliterated the androids without much effort when their weapons could not. They even displayed the power that the World Martial Arts Champion Kakarrot and his allies were known to use

Shugesh and the rest of his squad landed on the same ship that William was on, the soldiers around made sure to stay on guard in case these people decided to attack, and after a while of staring General William stepped up "I thank you for the assistance you gave my men and I but may I ask who you are?"

Shugesh stepped up "You can calm yourself because we are not the enemy here" he told to the soldiers that had their weapons up letting them relax a bit "My squad is one of many others that have been sent around the planet at the request of King Furry, we are merely here to aid earth in defeating these drones"

"I have not seen any transmissions from the King Furry's Kingdom about these squads of people coming to help"

"That is because we are a very secret task force that only King Furry and our people know about, he wants our people to be left out of earth's customs other than using us as protection from treats like this" Shugesh indicated to the battle ground of destroyed ships and smoke

"Do your people have a plan to defeat these drones?"

"We have the strength to defeat them as you have seen, the general of our own army has sent multiple squads around the planet to do the same to any drones they come across and to help evacuate any people we may come across"

"What is the earth's army to do in this situation?"

"You are to evacuate as well, from what I saw before we arrived you were not well equipped to deal with these drones so it would be best for you leave this to us"

"Well it seems you can handle this situation better than we can so we'll leave you to it"

"Thank you"

In Jingle village Suno was sitting in a bus with her parents, Hatchi, and many of her villagers. They were driving to an airport where they would be flown to North City. As the years passed Suno grew into a beautiful redhead. As they drove to the airport, her thoughts turned to Kakarrot and how handsome he had grown in years, She might have asked him out if not for the fact he had married the Princess of the Ox Kingdom. She brushed the thoughts aside, There might be someone out there for her but now was not the time, As she sat in bus, something dark and menacing headed towards the convoy. It was a force of 50 drones. As they flew over the convoy they scanned it and saw Hatchi. While not as strong as 16, 17 and 18 he was still labeled as a threat. They then dove on them. Before anyone knew what was going on several vehicles exploded at once. At once the convoy came to a halt. Civilians ran for cover while, the soldiers ran out and engaged them. While Suno hide behind a wrecked vehicle with her family. Hatchi ran out to engage to dreaded drones.

While a peaceful android by nature, he had used his strength on more than one occasion to help the people of his village. Grabbing one drone he smashed its head into the ground, before grabbing another one and ripping it in half. His help motivated the soldiers to fight back ferociously. As a result of this several more droids ended up in an ever-growing scrapheap. However they were still outmatched. Several dog pilled Hatchi to bring him down, when it seemed he was at about to be turned into scrap, there was an almighty bang. The droids were reduced to scrap as several landed on the ground. One of them lasted several droids while the others using martial arts move brutally tore through the remaining droids. "Is everyone okay?" asked one of the saviors.

Suno looked at him and blushed, in front of a crowd of other people dressed in armor that looked very familiar was a man about her age, he was dressed in dark blue and black armor with white gloves and boots. He was also very muscular, he had pure black eyes and all of his black hair was to the side from the right as if the wind had blown it that way and it stuck

"Yes were all fine thanks to you and your friends" Suno's dad thanks him

"It was no problem" Dakon smiled "But where are all of you coming from there isn't a city for miles from here" he looked around at the damaged vehicles and saw they were in the middle of nowhere

"Well we were on our way to an airport a couple of miles from here so that we could fly to North City"

"I really don't think being in the air is the best option right now sir" Dakon warned him, they had already gotten reports that some drones had taken out some planes in the sky though the saiyans were fast enough to rescue the people on board each time

"Then where do you suggest we go?" Suno asked getting up the courage to talk to him. Dakon looked over to her and noticed how beautiful she was, she was a little shorter than him but the right height

Getting back his composure he turned over to another saiyan nearby, the others with him had been helping the earthlings that had been injured or out of their damaged cars "Hey Kail!"

Kail looked over to him after giving a child back to her mother "Yeah?"

"Where's the nearest shelter, I think we should take these people to one so that something like this doesn't happen again"

"Let's see" Kail brought up a hologram of earth with the red dots on them and pointed in their coordinates "There's one about 50 miles in that direction" he pointed down the road left of him

"That's pretty far" Suno's mother commented

"It will take a very long time to get there on foot" Hatchi came up to join them

"What city are you coming from anyway?" Dakon asked Suno

She blushed again "There's aren't any city's this car north except North City, we're coming from Jingle Village"

That name struck a memory from Dakon, he remembered when Kakarrot had come back from Planet Yardrat he had told them many of his adventures on Earth and one included going to a small village in the north and meeting a young girl names Suno "By any chance is your name Suno?" it was a long shot but he had to ask

"Yes, but how did you know that?" She was a bit surprised that this handsome man knew her name and blushed when he said her name

"Well an old friend of mine mentioned you once, his name was Kakarrot"

"Kakarrot?!" Suno and Hatchi said

"I see you remember him too" he smiled

"Yes he saved our village from the Red Ribbon Army" Suno told him

"How's he doing by the way it's been years since we last saw him" Hatchi asked

"Well not so good right now he's getting over a disease last I heard but he is going to make a full recovery"

"Well that's good to know" Suno's dad sighed

"Now I don't think Kakarrot would like it if I left one of his old friends to fend for themselves while evil drones are running amok around the world, so how about we give you a personal escort to the shelter?"

"I'd like that very much" Suno smiled at the chance to spend more time with him

"We'll have to found everyone up, lucky we brought capsules for situations like this" Dakon reached into his armor and pulled out a capsule taking out a specific one then throwing it onto a clear spot on the road. Once the smoke dissipated it showed a very high tech two floor charter bus

"Wow" Suno's mother eyes widened

"We should round everyone up to start the 50 mile travel" Dakon ordered all the other saiyans to move the people into the bus and they would be escorting them to the closest shelter

"What is your name by the way?" Suno asked while the saiyans were following orders

"My name's Dakon"

"Dakon.." Suno tried out his name and felt her heart flutter "So are you sure this shelter is safe enough for us to stay"

"Yes, the saiyans have built multiple ones around the world for occasions such as these. They are fully equipped with everything you'll need and protected by more soldiers like us" Dakon assured her

"Saiyans?" Suno lifted an eyebrow

"I'm guessing Kakarrot never mentioned that to you" she shook her head "Well it's really complicated"

"You could explain it to me on the way to the shelter"

"Sure" He smiled

In Orange Star City, thinks were heating up. The people had been pereping to leave, when the Drones attacked again. The reason had ben because the local martialist had one Hercule Satan had a power level of 50. Needless to say, the police and the current troops stationed their were have hard time. Hercule while sometimes a coward was fighting. This was do to the fact that one of the droids had nearly vaporized his duaghter. Needless to say the drone that had done it was now a pile of scrap. Unforgetly Hercule's hands were now bruised. Despite the pain he continued to fight on."COME ON YOU LOUSY TRASHCANS!" "I'LL SEND YOU BACK TO THE SRACP YARD WHERE YOU BELONG!" He yelled as he kicked the head of one off. Before he smashed another one. Several soldiers, around taking shots at the drones. While tanks continued to fire. While this went on civilians and injured soldiers, headed for the main cities.

Hercule went forward and kicked the head off a droid. He went for another when, the droid countered with a kick of his own injuring him. "Youch!" he yelled. Before the afro martial artist could do anything, the drone took out his other leg. He was done on the ground now, completely at their mercy. He knew death was coming he closed his eyes and waited for it. Since his daughter was safe. "Well this has been one hell of ride, I did what I could and now it's the end. I just hope Videl grows up well and marries a nice man." He thought but before this could happen there was an almighty boom. Hercule and troops were stunned to see the drones vaporized. Suddenly several people walked forward.

"Are you alright sir?"

Hercule looked over to see a man that looked strangely familiar, the man had wild spiky black hair, tanned skin, an X shaped scar on his cheek, and was wearing black and green armor with a furry brown belt. There were several other people with the man dressed in similar armor as well

"Um yeah I think so" Hercule finally answered, he was still trying to figure out what he had just witnessed, he had never experienced anything like this before, crazy robots, people with powers, this all sounded like something you would see on a TV show than in real life. But as Hercule was trying to get up a sharp pain came up his legs causing him to fall back down

"What's wrong?" Bardock asked concerned for the injured human

"Those things got me in the legs" Hercule grunted

Bardock frowned and looked to two of his soldiers nearby "Escar, Maiz give me a hand over here!"

"Yes sir!" Two saiyan soldiers came straight to Bardock's side and they began helping Hercule to his feet

"Transport him to the nearest medical facility" Bardock ordered

But when the soldiers were about to reply Hercule spoke up "Wait I need to find my daughter first we got separated during the fight"

"You can't do much in the condition you're in sir" Escar spoke

"You aren't taking me anywhere until I find my daughter" Hercule grunted trying to get out of the grip of the saiyan soldiers

"We can search for your daughter for you, do you have a description or photo of her?" Bardock asked knowing the parental instincts taking over, he himself had been separated from his boys for more than 10 years

"Well she …." Hercule began explaining when they heard a small girl's shriek not too far away "VIDEL!" Hercule recognized his daughters voice right away

Bardock flew in the direction of the shriek had come from getting to the source in just a few seconds and saw a small black haired girl that looked the same age as his grandchildren Gohan and Chidori. Videl had screamed because an droid that had survived through the rubble of the saiyans attack had grabbed her by the ankle when she had been trying to find her dad, she grabbed the closest thing she could find and began hitting the metal hand with it making it let go so she could run with it following close behind

Bardock growled seeing they had missed one and immediately shot an energy blast in the droids direction, since the droid was distracted by trying to grab Videl it didn't notice the energy blast until its sensors picked it up at the last second obliterating it. Videl fell to the ground from the shockwave of the energy blast but she turned back to see only small specks of dust falling from the air where the robot should have been

"You ok?" Videl jumped from the sudden voice and turned around to see Bardock standing in front of her, he offered her a hand to get to her feet and she took it seeing he had just saved her from the evil robot

"Thank you sir" Hercule had always taught his daughter about being polite to people who help you

Bardock smiled at the young girl, he kind of did remind him of chidori "You wouldn't happen to be Videl would you?"

Videl lifted an eyebrow "Yes, how do you know my name mister?"

"A couple soldiers of mine are helping your father, I'll call them to bring him over here" Bardock pressed his scouter to contact Escar and Maiz to bring Videl's father to his current location

Scouters were no longer used to read power levels like they had during frieza's reign, the scientists of Planet Vegeta had modified them, they still worked as communicators but now they were also used to identify criminals, and as scanners for signs of poison



Bardock watched as Videl ran over to her father as Escar and Maiz set him down on the ground, they let them have their little reunion until he finally spoke up "We need to move you and your daughter to safe facility for the time being, there are many more of these drones on the loose that could come and attack again"

"Where will you be taking us?" Videl asked

Having memorized the map of shelters "We have built a shelter close by here to keep the citizens safe, it's not too far away and you could get proper medical treatment for your injuries there too"

"How long will we have to stay there?" Hercule asked

"As long as it takes to get this drone invasion under control" Maiz told them

"Then I guess we should go, I can't do much with these injuries" Hercule looked to his damaged legs

"Were already transporting the remaining citizens to safer locations, Can you two help them to the shelter, I need to gather the rest of the soldiers to keep hunting for these drones that are still on the loose" Bardock asked Escar and Maiz

"Yes sir!"

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

God_Shinobicreators' thoughts