

Kakarot a first class sayain lands on earth after the genocide of the sayan race,SMARTES SAYAN Words: 258,195

God_Shinobi · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
39 Chs

The wedding

"Wow kakarrot I never took you for the nervous type" Yamcha watched as kakarrot pulled on the collar of his tuxedo

Kakarrot and the guys from the group were currently in the groom's dressing room waiting for the wedding to start and right now the guys were watching kakarrot that was right now a nervous wreck

"I'm sorry it's just I never done something like this before it's completely different from anything I've ever done in my life"

"Didn't they have weddings on planet vegeta" krillin asked

"No, Frieza didn't allow stuff like that all couples did there was announce they were now a family and that's it there weren't any official document for marriage"

"Then this should be a good experience for you to learn how humans do their way of announcing their family" krillin smiled but that only made him feel even more nervous

"Stop fidgeting!" tien yelled making him jump; He was allowed to boss him around today since they had all flown being invited to the wedding

"Is it hot in here or is it just me"

"It's you" krillin frowned "You need to relax or you're going to wrinkle that suit up"

"Right, right!" he tried relaxing on his chair

Yamcha patted him on the shoulder "I'm pretty sure chichi isn't as nervous as you she's been waiting since you were 11 to marry you so calm down and focus alright!"

"She seemed pretty relaxed this morning when I saw her, she helped make some of the food for the party after the wedding and she was extremely excited for the event so I doubt she's no were near nervous"

"Then be like her and just think of the life after your married" chiotzu advised

Chichi had been extremely excited about the wedding as well as her dad and even most of the townspeople since they all pitched in to help with the wedding by decorating the garden for the outdoor wedding. The ox-king worked on his speech while chichi was trying to help him learn a few dancing steps with the instructor but eventually saw he couldn't do it.

They had decided to have the wedding about a month after the World Martial Arts Tournament so they could invite all of kakarrot's friends to the event and have enough time to prepare everything.

"Five minutes!"

"Ok we should go now so we can be ready in our positions" Tien advised

"Yeah come on let's go!" krillin and yamcha grabbed kakarrot and ushered him out the door

Kakarrot allowed himself to be pulled all the way to his position neck to the priest and looked around to see krillin in his spot as his best man with the wedding ring for the bride, then there was bulma,launch, and hasky as the bridesmaids. The seats were filled with some of their friends and the townspeople.

The music began playing as all the people stood from their seats and turned to see chichi come out in her wedding dress, the dress belonged to her mother, and it was very long reaching all the way to the ground and the straps held onto the sides of her shoulders. Her hair was curled up with a small cut on the side of her head so the bangs could have more hair on her left then the right and the rest of her hair was pinned into a bun on the back of her neck. The Vail kept her face hidden but the people could tell she was excited for the event as she moved up the ail and joined kakarrot

( I'm pretty sure you know what happens after this they say their wedding vows, kiss the bride, after party and honeymoon. I'm sorry but I'm not good at writing romantic stuff since I've never even been in a relationship let alone actually have a friend that's a boy)

Chichi's Pregnant

"Here chichi I got you that ginger ale for your stomach" a maid came into the living room where chichi was currently in with her father

Chichi was rubbing her stomach "Thank you" the maid then returned to work

"What's that for?" oxford asked

"Oh I've been having bad stomach aches for a while"

" Really?" He lifted his hand to touch her forehead and cheek "You don't have a fever, how long have you been sick?"

"Well, the past few morning I've just felt a little nauseous"

"It's probably just a stomach bug" he waved it off but then clapped his hands and pointed to her stomach " Or maybe you're pregnant huh?!" he laughed as he walked out

Chichi laughed as well as she watched him leave "Yeah right, heheh…he" chichi frowned then her eyes widened when she remembered her time with kakarrot a couple of nights ago

She decided to go to the infirmary of the palace to confirm or decline if she was indeed pregnant so the doctor took some blood from her and he said he would get back to her once he had the results

/The next day/

Kakarrot had returned for the small trip he had with the z-fighters to go and help some people who were having trouble with some raids and brought them all back to the palace to visit

"Hey chichi!" he called

Chichi jumped "Oh kar you're home early"

"I said I would be back today" he lifted an eyebrow

"Oh right so how was the mission?"

"I went pretty well we managed to help the people and I brought everyone back with me so they could enjoy kingdom their all down in the living room right now I just came up here to get changed"

"Really so the girls are here too"

"Yeah you can spend some time with them and I'll spend time with the guys if you want"

"Sure great idea!" chichi smiled

Once they were all separated bulma noticed that chichi was a bit jumpy

"Does anyone want a drink" She smiled

Bulma approached her "Chichi is there something going on?"

"No why do you ask? Did you hear something? Who told you? Do the guys know? How did.."

"Whoa girl calm down what do you think we know?" Hasky set her down on the couch

"Well you see um I've been having stomach problems lately and my dad brought up this idea on what could be wrong so I went to the doctor and he got back to me this morning…..his news was kind of shocking and I don't know how to tell anyone"

"What's going on? Are you sick or something?" Launch asked

"No, he told me I was….I-I was 2 weeks along" chichi fidgeted

"Along? You mean pregnant?!" bulma eyes widened as chichi nodded

"PREGNANT!" hasky yelled

"Shhhhhh!" chichi shushed

"Chichi you're going to have a baby!" launch ran up and hugged her as they all cheered in delight

Chichi smiled but shushed them all pretty quickly "Quite, kar's still around and you all know his advanced hearing right?!"

"Well I'll just go and tell him the news" bulma walked to the door

"Wait a minute! Hold it!" chichi stopped her "Nobody is saying a word about me being pregnant"

Hasky tapped her on her shoulder to get her attention "You know eventually he will find out, I think he'll notice a giant stomach"

"I'm gonna tell him, tonight when were alone and there are no interruptions, so promise me you won't say anything"



"Promise but can we at least tell the guys and make them keep it a secret"

"Sure just make sure kar doesn't know"


"Now why don't we all go get the guys and have some lunch I'll join you in a bit"

The girls nodded and left but bulma stayed behind as chichi sat on the couch

"Something wrong?" bulma asked

"Oh, I'm just a little nervous on how Kar's going to take the news, I mean we've talked about it but we didn't think this would happen until a couple of more years"

"I'm sure he will be thrilled"

"I hope so"


When Chichi and bulma joined the group everyone had now heard chichi was pregnant except for kakarrot who was taking a call in his office but he came down a few minutes after they arrived

"Hey guys listen my company Saiyan Tech. is almost finished making the first line of rejuvenation tanks and they want me to go down there and check everything out for the release"

"That's great" they cheered

"Yeah so I'll see you guys later" kakarrot turned to leave

Yamcha walked up to him patting him on the shoulder with a grin on his face "Kakarrot! We all just want you to know" the group walked up as well smiling "Were really, really happy for you!" they all formed into a group hug

"What's going on?" kakarrot asked with a small smile until chichi walked up to him and grabbed his arm

"Well, kar you better get going you don't want to be late for that meeting do you" she pushed him to the door

"But don't you want to tell him?" krillin asked

"Good bye!" chichi smiled "Yes I do, bye kar!" she pushed him out the door

"Boy can we keep a secret or what?!" launch grinned making chichi sigh

/that night/

Chichi had sent everyone to other parts of the palace and was now setting the table for kakarrot and her to eat

"Hey chichi you'll never guess what happen…."

"Oh wait, wait I'm not ready yet"

Kakarrot looked down at the table "You did all this for me?"

"I have some really great news for you"

"I have some great news as well, get this, the company said the tanks were 100% ready and they will be releasing them with the next couple of weeks!" kakarrot cheered

"Oh that's great I want to hear all about it over dinner!" chichi led him to the table and sat him down

"What are we having?"

"I'm glad you asked" she lifted the top "Cause were having baby shrimp, baby corn, and baby back ribs! Unlimited!"

"Good cause I'm starved!" he picked up one of the shrimp and took a bite

"Kar, um do you see some sort of theme in this meal"

He looked up to her "Oh there's a theme? Oh" he looked down at the plate " ok let's see you got the baby shrimp, alright baby ribs, Baby co…" he looked up at her making her smile "Finger foods beautiful I love it"

Chichi inwardly sighed

"Very, very clever"

"Yeah, nothing get's by you"

"I am so excited our company I going to make a huge difference on earth with all the technology from vegeta it could really help a lot of people, the other official want me to go and produce the tech to other parts of the world and the first would be europe!"

Chichi gaped "You gonna go to Europe!"

"Well technically I would be going to Britain but that is still Europe even if it is an island"

"So you're going away?"

"Yeah but you can come with me I mean there's nothing really here for you to do other than meeting and you can take vacation time from that right? The timing is perfect!"

"What do you mean?!"

"I mean were both young there's nothing tying us down it's vacation time" he got up from the chair "I'm too excited I can't eat, I gotta tell everyone" he was about to leave but then turned back "Oh what was the good news you had?"

"Oh uh it can wait"

"Alright!" he left

"Were just having a baby" she muttered

/the next morning/

The rest of the group was playing a game called picture charades and the one currently up was blue-haired launch

She drew a circle with a smaller circle inside

"Ah a tire?" she shook her head

"Life saver?"


"a donut?"

"Yes it's a donut! Now the next clue" she drew a barn with an animal inside





"Yes cow? It's don't have a cow"

"Hey guys I've got the greatest new!" kakarrot came down into the room and they all turned to him smiling

"Oh we know!"

"Way to go!"

"But I haven't told you yet, I guess you can tell from the look on my face" kakarrot smiled

"We sure can congratulations on your miracle!" yamcha patted him on the back

"I wouldn't exactly call it a miracle I mean it took a lot of hard work" all they smiles turned to odd looks

"It a naturally talent to I mean most saiyans could accomplish this!" he shrugged

Most of the guys in the room frowned

"You know I've been doing this for years, back at the mountain, while I was traveling around the world too!"

The girls began blushing now and covering their ears

"And listen when the big day comes I want you all there to congratulate this new achievement in my life and the how big a difference it is going to make to the world"

"What are you talking about? Tien asked

"I'm talking about the company producing the regeneration tanks, what'd you…." He turned around to see chichi pointing to her stomach, she had been trying to gesture she hadn't told him about the pregancy

"Boy, oh, boy is my stomach grumbling" she grabbed his arm "Um kar, would you mind going to the kitchen and getting me a snack"

"Isn't that what the bot's are for?"

"Yes but it would mean so much to me if you went and got it" she ushered him to the door "Thank you so much I don't know what I'd do without you" she pushed him through the door

Kakarrot came back in behind her "Um, are you trying to get rid of me?" he frowned

"Oh no not at all, now beat it!" she closed the door in his face and turned to the group

"You didn't tell him about the baby yet?" bulma asked

"I started to but he was so excited about the company and not having any responsibilities that I chickhened out"

"You have to tell him" Krillin told her

"Your right krillin, I'll just look him straight in the eye and say kar…" kakarrot walked back in with a bag of jerky behind her as she turned around "You want to play picture charades"

Kakarrot scoffed "No" he handed her the bag and began to walk away before chichi grabbed his arm

"Uh sure you do, of course you do" she led him to the couch and sat him down "Just have a seat right here now listen everyone this game is just for kar!"

Ox king put a hand on his shoulder "Alright my boy you pay very close attention!"

"Ok" chichi drew a shape with circles in it, then a ½, and a box with black in it.

"Ok cheese is the first one!" kakarrot smiled

"Yeah but it's a movie title!"

"Oh well chichi you know I don't watch much tv"

"Well then the next clue" she pointed to the ½

"Half, ok cheese half"

"Ok great next clue!" she pointed to the box

"Bottle, beaker, vase…" he watched her write INK "Ink!"

"Gee your good kakarrot!" yamcha smiled

"Ok, cheese half ink, ches haf ing, she's having a.."

"Oh yes ,yess ok, ok!" chichi cheered and drew another figure

"She's having a, she's having a hotdog!"

Chichi lightly stomped "No!"

"Well clearly it's a bun with a hotdog sticking out"

"No kar it's not she's having a hotdog, it's she's having a baby, and that she is me! I'm having a baby!"

Kakarrot nodded "Oh your having ah" he turned to his friend "Did you hear that she's having a…WHAT!" he turned back to chichi shocked "Your having a baby?! Hwo did this happen?! Well I know how it happened!"

"Finally you get it!" yamcha cheered

"For a smart guy your pretty dumb!" blond launch crossed her arms

Kakarrot ignored her "Really, you know what this means, I'm gonna be a father" he picked chichi up "Were having a baby!"

The Twins

"Arent they the most adorable things in the world" chichi and kakarrot watched as the baby twins slept in their separate cribs

"Yeah they are cute" kakarrot smiled

Ox king walked up behind them "Um don't you think it's time that you give the kids their names"

"I thought of some they came to me last night" chich smiled

"Oh I didn't know you picked already" ox king looked down

"Yes Einstein and Eleanor"

"Einstein?! Eleanor?! You're kidding!" they both said

Kakarrot had read about Albert Einstein and Eleanor Roosevelt in his history books and he honestly didn't want his kids named after a man who developed the special and general theories of relativity and a woman who was involved in humanitarian causes

"Hardly our kids names are going to be Einstein and Eleanor" chichi smirked but the babies began crying so chichi picked up the girl and kakarrot picked up the boy to calm them down

"I don't think they like the names you picked out for them chichi" kakarrot suggested

"Nonsense kar look their fine about the names Einstein and Eleanor" the babies began crying again

"They hate the names honey!" ox king told her

"Well what do you think we should call them dad?"

"I don't know I did scribble a few names down" he got out a roll of paper and the couple was shocked to see it stretched across the nursery "Let's see here ox-king jr, ox-monkey, big-ox, oxfina, oh you'll like these ox-in the ob, jonnie-ox, jenny-ox

The babies in the arms of their parent frowned and began crying again, chichi smirked and turned to her dad "Well they hate those too"

"I'll be darned" ox king frowned

"How about you kar do you have any names?" chichi asked

"Not any right off the bat" he shook his head

"How about any saiyan names that sound nice"

Kakarrot thought for a moment "um what about…..Taresu and zuchin" the babies began crying again making him groan

"Not those either oh my babies are going to be nameless!" chichi cried

"Don't worry chichi I'm sure we'll think of something gohan always told me to always keep moving on anyway" once he finished the boy in his arms began giggling

"Kar I think you found our boy a name!"

"What gohan?" The baby began giggling again

"Oh dad we found our boy a name" chichi cheered

"So gohan is that what you want to be called" kakarrot held his son up in the air

"There's still the girl's name you have to find though" ox-king reminded him

"Oh right well how about you name her after someone you know too!"

"That's a great idea kar, we could name her after my mother chidori!" the girl began giggling "Yes we got the names!" ox- king cheered with the family

A forgiveness lesson

Gohan and chidori were now 2 years old and they had gotten mad at each other because one of them broke another's toy and they were currently visiting yamcha and hasky at their apartment in the city to try and get their mind off it

"They're still mad at each other kar!"

"Don't worry about it chichi I'll take care of it!" while kakarrot was walking he picked up a tart and took a bite out of it and frowned from the taste and tried not to be rude by spitting it out as he made some funny faces

Chichi frowned at the sight of his face

He lifted and finger and turned to yamcha "Yamcha two questions" yamcha looked up to him " can you help me, and what did I just put in my mouth!"

"Yes and Fish tart"

Chichi covered her mouth with her hand trying not to laugh at kakarrot's face as he ran to the trash can and spit out the tart

"Oh yeah we've been experimenting on foods today and that was one of our experiments take it wasn't any good" hasky asked

Kakarrot coughed "That's is an understatement"

"Hey yamcha can you help me out here" kakarrot asked

"Absolutely" yamcha walked over to him

"Ok now say, say I was to put um one of yamcha's fish tarts in his pocket here like so" kakarrot put the tart in yamcha's shirt pocket "And I give it a nice what's the word I'm looking for WACK!" he hit the pocket making the tart splatter all over his shirt

Hasky and chichi's mouths dropped open while the twins just watched with blank faces

"I know that my dear pal yamcha would forgive me, right?" kakarrot asked

"Yes I forgive you" yamcha smiled

"Thanks you see how that works kids I do a thing he forgives it now can you find it in your hearts to forgive each other"

"No" they answered

"no, well I see this concept may need another example.." kakarrot looked around for something else until yamcha placed a hand on his shoulder

"Oh well permit me daddy" he lightly laughed as kakarrot leaned against the counter with one hand "Now kids if I were to take some of this leftover fish goo" he picked up a bowl with white goo inside while kakarrot scratted his right ear with his left hand "and put some of it in my hand….and just kind of goop it on daddy'y face like soooo" he started getting handfuls of goo out and placing it all over his face

Chichi and hasky's mouth's dropped even wider at the sight and the twin frowned

"I know that he would forgive me" yamcha smiled as he put the bowl down

Kakarrot grabbed him with one hand by the collar of his shirt "I'm gonna…" yamcha turned to the twins who were watching making kakarrot turn as well so he smiled "Forgive you…I forgive you..i do forgive you" he let him go and patted him on the shoulder "But let's keep going with this little concept shall we, now kids pay attention if I were to say uh" he turned to the counter "Oh I don't know take this whole pitcher of flounder goo and I was to do this" he smirked and began pouring the goo out onto yamcha's head making it roll through his hair down his neck and into shirt and the fish skeleton inside went down into his shirt as well " I know yamcha would forgive me right?"

"Oh I forgive you Kar!" yamcha fake smiled and turned to the twins "But children just so there's not a shadow of a doubt on this whole forgiveness thing" he moved behind kakarrot and grabbed an appliance "Suppose I were to take this egg beater and crank it up to high power and I shove it straight into…." He yelled as he was about to shove it into kakarrot's backside before the girls came yelled

"OK, OK!" they yelled as they moved them apart and hasky grabbed the egg beater to turn it off

Chichi turned to the twins " before this fish fry goes any further would you please tell each other you forgive them"

"We can't" gohan shook his head

"Why not?"

"We don't know what forgiveness means" chidori answered

"How about you girls explain it to them then" yamcha suggested

"Kids forgiveness means you know a person is sorry for what they did and you'll give the person another chance cause you love each other

"Oh!" the both turned to each other "I forgive you!" and hugged

"Now you two should go and clean up it's starting to smell in here" hasky turned to the men


Frieza's hitmen

Kakarrot was currently in his lab making some notes on some genetics he had been studying when a servant came rushing in yelling "Kakarrot chichi's calling for you she says it's extremely urgent and to get up there right away!"

"Alright!" kakarrot placed two fingers on his forehead and teleported to chichi's side, she was watching the news and it had breaking news of an explosion in a city in the south "What's going on?"

"I don't know but the entire city is up in flames right now they don't know what happened" chichi cried, she had sent the kids to the play area so they wouldn't see

The phone began ringing making them jump but kakarrot answered it "Hello"

"Kakarrot it's Tien! Have you see the news of South city!"

"Yes I'm watching it right now!"

"Well I was near the city when it happened and I thought you might know who did it!"

"Why would I know that?"

"Because I was able to catch a glimpse of the person who did it with a powerful ki blast and he looked like some sort of alien"

"Was it piccolo?"

"No the reason I'm asking you is because the alien was wearing armor that was similar to the saiyan armor you wear!"

Kakarrot's eyes widened and he dropped the phone

"Kakarrot, kakarrot!" tien yelled getting his attention so he picked the phone back up

"Yeah I'm here tien are you sure the alien had armor like mine!"



"What what's wrong!"

"Gather the other z-fighter and tell them to go to south city and help with the situation I'm going to handle the person who did this!"

"Alright you're the boss!" tien hung up

"Kar, what's wrong?" chichi asked

"I need to go I am certain that one of frieza's henchmen has come to this planet!" kakarrot growled

"What's going to happen?"

"I'm going to kill him!" kakarrot got changed into his armor and flew off in search of the abnormal Ki close to south city


A blue skinned alien was currently flying through the air over a large field collecting data on the planet for frieza's database when he was hit by a powerful ki –blast from behind sending him straight into the ground

When he recovered he crawled out of the hole to see kakarrot standing right above the crater

"Who are you?" he asked

"I should be asking you the same thing!"

"I see you want introductions fine, I am kinqu of the Planet Trade Organization led by The space tyrant frieza, your turn!"

"Ok I am kakarrot from the planet vegeta, and I already know of your beloved frieza so what are you doing here!"

"A saiyan that's impossible!"

"Consider it possible now what are you doing here!"

Kinqu smirked "I am here to collect data for Frieza's database so soon some of our warriors can come and sell this planet as well"

"That's not going to happen!"

"Oh and who is going to stop me you!"

"Yes you should try checking your scouter to see that you stand no chance!"

"Why would I need to check a monkey's power but I'll amuse you" kinqu turned on his scouter and it read his power level until it exploded on his face "That's impossible a saiyan can't be this strong!"

Kakarrot smirked "you should have done better research on saiyans" and got into a fighting positon "You're not going to be leaving this planet alive"

"Hah that was obviously a malfunction! You should have never defied lord frieza and come to join him a long time ago

"Oh we'll see about that! You just don't get it with the right training anyone can become this powerful! And I wouldn't join frieza if it was for the sake of the universe, his days will be coming to their end soon!"

"You turn on frieza and you'll pay for it with your life"

"Maybe yes but not today!" kakarrot began raising his power level to power up his kaioken attack making a red aura around him

"What is this!" kinqu yelled

"I've been hiding my true power for a long time and you're going to be the first one to witness it! What the scouter read wasn't even close!"

"Impossible this has to be a trick! A saiyan's power shouldn't even come close to mine!"

"With the training I've had it wouldn't be too hard to realize why I'm so powerful one thing you henchmen never knew about saiyans is that every time we battle we get even stronger than we were before!"

"What! No!" he gapped

"It's true you can beat us to the point of death, break every single bone in our bodies, it'll only make us more powerful!" kakarrot finally powered up all the way clowing away everything around them and causing kinqu to fall to the ground

Kinqu stood up and backed away and tried to reason with the saiyan "Wait hold on kakarrot, I have a great Idea why don't I join forces with you, I don't even like frieza and with both of us working together we could take on his army no sweat"

Kakarrot growled and took a step forward making kinqu back away "we would make a fantastic team!"

"Stop being such a pathetic soldier! This begging makes me sick" kakarrot began walking toward him making him walk backwards

"I'm not lying! You've got to believe me!"

Kakarrot just glared at him not making any movements, kinqu looked saw this as an opportunity and built up a ki blast behind his back, he shot it at kakarrot making an explosion then flew into the air above him and sent more ki blasts into the spot where he was standing

Once the smoke cleared he saw there was nothing but a bunch of rubble in the spot and laughed "He should have given up when he could maybe that'd way I would have let him live"

"Is that so!" kinqu turned around to see kakarrot floating behind him crossing his arms and smirking "Apparently your idea of weak is far different from mine!"

"How's you escape that!"

"You villains never do learn do you once again you have underestimated an opponent before you even studied them! And because of that you should start saying your prayers!"


"What happened to all that confidence you had a moment ago" kinqu then tried to escape by flying away but while he was flying kakarrot appeared in front of him making him scream

Kakarrot punched him right in the stomach busting through his armor and sending him flying and once he was far enough kakarrot eyes lit up and kinqu's body exploded


"So you know who it was kakarrot?!" krillin asked once the z-fighters had helped with search and rescue in south city then came to look for kakarrot at the palace

"Yes it was one of frieza's henchmen coming to collect data for them to add earth to their list for conquers!"

"Man doesn't that guy ever know when enough is enough!" yamcha growled

"He sees himself as the most powerful being in the universe and he thinks because of that he has the right to have everyone under his rule!"

"So what do we do won't they come back when they start to wonder why the henchmen hasn't come back" tien asked

"No I doubt it his level of soldier doesn't qualify as one of the more important fighters so they'll just pass it off as well you can replace him and move on"

"But what about frieza are you still going to fight him once your strong enough?" chichi asked with worry in her eyes

"I don't know about that anymore I mean I do want to avenge the saiyan race but if I face him and I not strong enough I could be killed and I would be leaving my family and earth and everything else I've managed to make"

"Well maybe you should only face him if he becomes a threat to you again I mean you can try to ignore him and live life as you always do unless frieza comes to earth or something" yamcha suggested

"there is one thing I'm actually afraid of right now"

"What is it?" chichi asked

"The henchman had on a scouter I told you about those before how they also work as communicators and before it exploded I said I was from planet vegeta and it would have been heard over the scouter so I'm worried someone might have been listening that"

"Well if someone was listening maybe they won't see you as a threat because that henchmen didn't at first so why would stronger ones" tien asked

"That's true!"

"See you have to look on the bright side and don't always be so negative!" krillin cheered

"Thanks guys you should all head home it's getting late and we have to tuck in gohan and chidori!"

"Alright stay safe!"

"Will do!"

To be continued

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

God_Shinobicreators' thoughts