

Kakarot a first class sayain lands on earth after the genocide of the sayan race,SMARTES SAYAN Words: 258,195

God_Shinobi · Komik
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39 Chs


The Tournament

Kakarrot and krillin quickly ran to the main martial arts hall where they quicly met all the other fighters who had made it to the finals

Yamcha turned to them putting his hands on his hip "So you got to meet up with everybody eh?"

"Yeah just like old times" kakarrot smiled before a big man came walking by them

"Wa-ha-ha-ha! Outta my way! Outta my way!"

Kakarrot quickly pinched his nose after smelling the disgusting odor coming from the man but it was worse for him thanks to his great sense of smell making him fell sick to his stomach

"UGH!Gag! Th-that stinks!" he yelled

"Wh-who in the world is that..that giant?" krillin asked

Yamcha pinched his nose while watching the man walk away "he's one of the toughest! His strength is legend among martial artists….but even more powerful is the stench he developed by never taking a bath in his whole life! Battered by the terrible stench, one instinctively pinches one's nostrils ….and in that manner he renders his opponent's hands uneless and attacks!"

"Stinkfu huh?" krillin mumbled

Kakarrot felt his eyes watering now and felt he was about to throw up at the stench "M-my nose is as sharp as a dog's…so this really hurts"

"Now hear this…All finalists please assemble" the announcer called everyone to the board on a wall behind him but everyone immediately covered their noses when the stink man joined them

"Y-you can st-stand a little further back, please" The announcer told him then began explaining the tournament rules " We will now draw lots to determine match-ups and fight schedules. When your name is called please come forward and draw a slip"

An old man approached him "Er ahem"


The old man then pulled the only female fighter toward him "I'd like to fight this young lady"

"I-I'm sorry, sir, but no! o-kay then…I'll start calling your names….uhh namu-san"

A African man wearing a white and orange turban stepped forward "Here" then got a number "Number 6"

The announcer then wrote his name under six on the board "That should be match three….uhh Giran"

A green dinosaur stepped forward and got his number letting the announcer write his name down on the board as well "Number 8 match 4….Bacterian"

The Stink man then stepped forward and got his number but this time the announcer held a rag to his nose as he wrote the name on the board "N-number two…match one…..Yamcha"

Yamcha stepped forward and got his number "Number 3 match 2…Krillin"

"Here sir!" krillin then walked up to get his number from the box "Number 1 match 1 versus bacterian" krillin was freaking out as everyone gave sympathetic looks


"Here" kakarrot then walked forward and got his number from the box "Number 7..match 4…..Ran fuan"

The female fighter then walked forward and got her number and after her "Jackie chun"

"And so, that is the schedule. Each match will be one round with no time limit! If you fall off the stage or cry 'mercy' you lose and also attacking the eyes or vulnerable is violation…The matches will begin shortly so please wait here until further notice"


"Ladies and Gentlemen thank you for your patience! We now commence the 21st World Martial Arts Tournament! All hail our 8 Martial arts challengers!"

Bacterine Vs Krillin

Jackie chun Vs Yamcha

Namu Vs ran fuan

Kakarrot vs Giran

"Ladies and Gentle men thank you for your patience! Match number 1 is about to begin, pitting contestants Krillin and Bacterian! Remember the champion of this tournament will be awarded 500,000 zeni in prize money! But before the match gets underway, Let's have a word from the presiding monk of this martial arts temple" The announcer then turned to an old doog dresses in a orange robe and blue hat then handed him the microphone

The Dog was silent for a while the barked into the microphone before turning around and leaving causing everyone to fall over "Thank you very much" the announcer took back the microphone"

"Now let the Games begin! Both contestants please step forward!"

"Good luck krillin" kakarrot mumbled out of his gas mask

"S-sure" krillin then walked out into the ring

"In the right corner, Krillin is the youngest contestant to ever enter this tournament at the tender age of 13! In the left this odorous contestant is bacterian who is reputed never once bathed in his life!"

"Krillin is the one Roshi trained !" oolong pinched his nose along with everyone else

Bulma looked around the crowd of people in the audience "It's his own student's match so where the heck did Roshi go?!"

"Thirteen?! Who let a squirt lie that into the finals"

"Where rooting for ya" yamcha and kakarrot looked over the wall behind the ring to watch the match

"Thanks" krillin then got into a fighting stance

"Remember combatants if you fall off this ring you lose! If you're knocked down for a ten-count, you lose! If you yell'mercy' you lose! But there's no match time limit! MATCH number one BEGIN!"

Bacterian tried to punch krillin but he quickly moved out of the way to the side of the ring

"Nicely dodged impudent brat! Heh heh heh in that case" bacterian then opened his mouth and breathed out "Try smelling my breath!"

Krillin started wobbling around feeling dizzy because of the stench, Bacterian then put his hand in his clothes and stuck his fingers out at krillin causing him to fall

"Looks like contestant Krillin is already down! Bacterian's legendary breath crotch combo punch has proven too much! One, two"

"Geh heh heh heh now for the coup de grace!" bacterian then farted into krillins face

"Dive for cover! The king of stench has p-p-passed gas! It's terrible triple trump! Contestant krillin is paralyzed! He can't get up!"

Bacterian then began kicking krillin in his side "Now he's kicking him while he's down!What a blitzkrieg what an assault! Krillin is about to be defeated without having thrown a single blow!"

"Poor kid"

"Almost feel sorry for him"

"The count is at six…seven…"

"Get up krillin you cant lose to that big stinker!" yamcha yelled still pinching his nose

"Eight…" kakarrot then realized something about krillin

"Krillin ThINK about it! The smell's all in your head! There's no way you can actually smell any of it! You Don't have a NOSE!"


"Huh…Th-that's right!" krillin then jumped up

"Amazing krillin is still conscious! He's UP! He made it within the count! This is absolutely unbelievable!"

"Thanks Kakarrot! O-kay stinky! Here I come!" krillin then got into a fighting stance

"Arrrrr! N-no nose…It's not fair….Too bad for you I know more than stink fu! HAAAWKH!" Bacterian put his arms in the air

"Augh! This is disgusting! Now it's phlegm-fu! Will krillin be able to withstand the loogies that even elephants run from in disgust?!"

Bacterian then let out a big spit at krillin but he was able to dodge it then land a hard kick into bacterian's face knocking him down, krillin the ran to his face and let out a fart

"M-mercy" bacterian mumbled before losing consciousness

"What a comeback! What a magnificent victory for contestant Krillin! It seems bacterian could dish it out, but couldn't take it!" Krillin then ran and fist bumbed kakarrot

"Yay I Won!" krillin yelled happily

"Congratulation's" yamcha high fived him

"What a fight krillin has just won his first Match"

"Roshi should feel proud about you" kakarrot commented

"I hope so" krillin said looking at the board seeing he was going to the semi-finals then turned to bulma and the others "have you seen master roshi?"

"No he left before the match" bulma looked around some more to see if they could find master roshi

"Don't worry I can sense him he's still nearby" kakarrot put his hands on his hips as they walked back to the main hall

"And now we'll go to the second fight…Yamcha vs Jackie chun!"

"That was a good fight krillin" Jackie commented while walking to the ring

"Thank you sir" krillin smiled

"My turn to play" yamcha told kakarrot while walking to the ring

"Good luck you'll need it" kakarrot said sensing jackie's and yamcha's energy levels, kakarrot already recognized the energy signal coming from Jackie as Roshi's but decided to play along to see how it played out

"Go Yamcha!" paur yelled

Bulma put her hands on her cheeks "Jackie chun? That's a cool name"

"Aren't you going to cheer for your boyfriend" oolong turned to her

"Mind your own business"

"To my right is the might yamcha and on the left is Jackie Chun"

Jackie put two peace hands up as his name was called

"He's too old to fight"

Bulma raised a fist in the air "Smash him yamcha!"

'jackie chun? Never heard of him guess I'll have to improvise" yamcha thought

"Are you gentlemen ready? Let the combat begin!"

Yamcha got into a fighting stance but Jackie just stood there with his hands behind his back 'It looks like he doesn't want to fight, he's not getting ready….either he's crazy or pretty sure of himself'

Yamcha then sent a kick at Jackie but he just leaned back to dodge it, he then tried to punch his stomach but Jackie hopped up to avoid it, then yamcha tried to punch him in the face but he moved his head out of the way

"It seems you can't hit me. You seem to have experience with this but you move around to much"

"What did you say" yamcha growled

"That old guy is pretty strong isn't he" krillin said the kakarrot

"I already knew that there's no way yamcha can win unless he can tire Jackie out" kakarrot shrugged

"You're asking for it. I'm going to show you the power of my special attack" yamcha got into a fighting stance

"I thought yamcha was a good fighter" krillin asked

"He has potential to become an even better fighter but right now he's still a bit weak" Kakarrot commented

"It looks bad for yamcha" oolong said

"Wait until you see his special technique" paur yelled

"WOLF FANG FIST!" yamcha rushed forward but as he tried to hit Jackie he quickly jumped out of the way and landed behind him, yamcha turned around "What" he huffed out

"You seem a bit out of breath, a bit of air will do you good" Jackie sent a force of energy at yamcha pushing him straight out of the ring shocking him

'I though only kakarrot could do something like that' yamcha stared at Jackie completely shocked

"Feeling better now" Jackie asked

"Yamcha has fallen out of the ring. Jackie chun is the winner! What a sight! With his amazing speed, chun's next opponent will have a tough time!"

"He did the same thing you did except you do it with your eyes, I'm gonna have to fight him next to" krillin said

"Well you had a good run buddy" kakarrot patted him on the back

Jackie and Yamcha were walking back to the main hall when Jackie began to talk to him

"You're still young you will get even stronger from here on out" Jackie gave him some confidence

"That was a complete loss on my part. I was helpless" yamcha gave a weak smile

"Now everyone It is time for match 3! Namu vs Ran fuan!"

Ran fuan was applying some lipstick while namu was meditating

Jakcie called over to him " Im really jealous of you getting to fight a cutie like her" Jackie could tell that namu was really serous about the competition so he decided to find out why by connecting his mind to his and seeing vision's of a village in a drought with it's people struggling to survive

'I see so he's here for the prize money to buy water for his village'

Now then Let us begin match 3"

"Be gentle ok" Ran faun then sent a kick at namu hitting him in the neck then a punch to the head but when she tried to kick him again he quickly moved out of the way and tried to punch her but she gasped making him stop

Ran faun dropped to her knees and began crying "y-you're so mean!" she sobbed

"I-I apologize! Are you alright!" Namu tried to comfort her but ran faun then punched him hard in the stomach then tried to punch him again but namu grabbed her hand before it could hit

"If that's how you're going to fight, then I just won't consider you a woman anymore" he gasped out then got into a fighting stance "I will simply fight you with all my might as I would a man or any enemy!"

"OHH, namu has gotten angry! His eyes look completely scary!"

"He got mad. Ohhh!" ran fuan wagged a finger at him

"That cute act of yours won't work on me anymore!" he yelled then tried to punch her but she quickly dodged

"I'll just have to use my womanly charms then" she then took off her clother leaving only her bra and underwear shocking namu making him blush and look away " Ha ha! Well? You can't even bear to look at me now!"

"Uhaahahaha! What a sight look at those curves!" Jackie yelled as yamcha looked at him suspiciously" hey if you're gonna go that far you might as well take it all off"

Ran fuan walked toward namu making him back away until he was on the edge of the ring

"Oh No! He's run out of space! It's the kind of attack anyone would be jealous of! But pure-hearted namu won't even lift a finger!"

Namu tried to remember why he was there in the first place, Ran faun the rushed forward at him "Ran faun has suddenly changed into attack mode!"

'That's it if I close my eyes I won't have to look at her body!" namu then jumped out of the way of her attack and hit her on the back of the neck knocking her out

"And that's a knock out! Namu won the battle with a single attack!"

"Is she alright?" namu asked as Jackie came and checked her body

"Umm can you not randomly touch her body like that sir!" the announcer said to Jackie


"Now let's being match 4! Kakarrot vs Giran! Both contestants please come to the stage!"

"Yeah it's finally Kakarrot's turn!" oolong cheered

"Giran what kind of fighter could he be?" bulma asked

"Give him one for yamcha!" paur yelled

Kakarrot and Giran walked out onto the ring" Now let match 4 begin!"

"You pipsqueak im gonna grind you up!1" Giran watched as Kakarrot stretched his limbs "Yeah can we get this going I wanna be done before nightfall"

"Kick his ass Kakarrot!' oolong yelled

"He seems about the same age as krillin…What's with these kids?"

Giran took kakarrot by surprise by swinging his tail at him knocking him into the wall of the arena crumbling the wall with him

"Ohhh man! A stunning attack from Girin! Kakarrot has been flung into the wall! That sure looked like it hurt, kakarrot must be completely knock out under there, the fight has been finished before it even begun"

"I won!"

Kakarrot then burst out of the rubble cracking his neck with an angered look on his face shocking everyone seeing he was unharmed

"I-I-I can't believe my eyes! The attack was strong enough to destroy the wall, yet kakarrot seems in perfect condition!"

'I can't let my guard down again my teachers would e so disappointed in me because of that' kakarrot thought

"Well of course you think that's be enough to take kakarrot down!" krillin cheered watching the match with yamcha on the wall

Kakarrot the rushed forward and punched giran in the stomach then flipped over him and grabbed his tail and threw him out of the ring

"W-what incredible power! Kakarrot with his tiny body has thrown giran completely out of the ring! He just scored himself a comeback win!"

Giran then used his wings to fly in the air back into the ring "Hahaha Ring out's are impossible for me!"

"Giran has risen from the ashes like a phoenix! He did get thrown out of the ring but since he didn't touch foot on the ground he has not technically lost yet!"

"Seriously" kakarrot sighed hoping this could have been over quickly "Well then I'm just gonna have to make you give up!"

Giran then spit something out of his mouth at kakarrot wrapping It around him shocking everyone in the audience

"Wh-what in the heck is this!" kakarrot yelled seeing he was in a position like when he used his ki rings on his opponents

"gahhahah! Now you're trapped in the Guru gum! Struggle all you want but I wont break, now you're no different then a doll!" giran than approached and hit him on the head then picked him up

"What are you doing!" kakarrot yelled

"Im gonna throw you out of the ring obviously!" giran then threw him as hard as he could sending him flying miles away

"KAKARROT FLY!" yamcha yelled

"Come on use you're KI to free yourself!" krillin yelled

Kakarrot used his Ki to stop himself from going any further since he was now above a city ' I should just beat him up and get this over with' he then looked down at the gum around him ' these aren't as strong as ki rings' kakarrot then build up enough energy to free himself bursting out of the gum then flew back to the ring

The audience was shocked to see him flying to without any wings

"Wh-what in the?!" giran was shocked as well

"Yeah he did it" yamcha and krillin cheered

Kakarrot then landed on the ring "you're not the only one who can fly" Giran growled at him then tried to punch him but he disappeared from sight"Huh where'd he go?" giran then saw the audience pointing at him then looked at his arm and saw kakarrot hanging from it upside down smirking at him hanging on his arm with his tail

"A tail!"

"Hi there" kakarrot waved then sent a punch at giran sending him into the other wall making it crumble with him too, giran then put up a small white flag "I give up"

"K-Kakarrot has attained victory! And what a surprise that he had a tail!"

"H-hey w-when's the next full moon" bulma asked paur

"W-who know's" she got a little worried since she was terrified of the ozaruu form

"Kakarrot has won! He may be small but he possesses amazing strength! I'd like to take a moment to interview our youngest competitors. Krillin please come to the stage!"

"You used your tail in the match" krillin looked at kakarrot's tail that was now wrapped around his waist again

"I just wanted to freak him out a little" he shrugged

"My, my, you two really did well in your matches congratulations! You're so small and yet so strong! Krillin you're 13 aren't you? Hwo old are you kakarrot?" the announcer then put the microphone in from of him

"I'm 12 years old" kakarrot answered

"You're 12 that means you're younger than me" krillin was shocked

"Yeah maybe but I'm still older that you mentally"

"HOHOHO! The youngest fighter in this tournament is Kakarrot!...By the way is that a real tail you have their"

"Yeah it real he's an ali.."krillin said before kakarrot put his hand over his mouth "Yeah it's heredity" kakarrot said sheepishly

"I see so who were the people to train you two"

"I was trained in an academy and by my father sometimes" kakarrot shrugged

"I was trained by the turtle hermit Master Roshi" krillin answered

"Master Roshi!"

"The master roshi!"

"That's why he's so strong"

"The master roshi who is said to the the god of martial arts" the announcer was shocked at the news

"Yes he made an exception for me as long as kakarrot helped him train me" krillin answered

"Amazing, Unbelievable this boy was trained by master roshi himself! Now I know why he's so strong! Even more surprising to find out he's alive!"

Jackie chun then fell over surprising yamcha

"Kakarrot what is the name of the academy you attended and your father's name we'd really like to know so maybe some other martial artist will know to go there so they can get stronger"

"The academy doesn't exsist anymore and my father died a long time ago" kakarrot sighed

"Oh I see I'm very sorry to hear that…Now krillin match 5 is about to start, are you prepared? Jackie is super strong, but sicne you're a student of master roshi's it shouldn't be too hard right?"

"Y-yes! That's right! He's and elder man after all!" krillin was confident in his next match

Yamcha was trying to get Jackie chun to admit he was really master roshi until the announcer called him to the ring to begin the fifth match so yamcha decided he would know after the match

"Yo!" Jackie waved to the audience

"Jackie has arrived! Now then, let us begin the 5th round" kakarrot the got off the ring and flew up to the wall to sit there and watch the match

"Match 5 Begin!"

Krillin then rushed forward at Jackie trying to punch him but he flipped out of the way then krillin tried to kick him a few times but he dodged it each time and only managed to avoid a punch by a few seconds

Jackie blocked another punch with his hand "Not bad you actually made me use my hand" then jumped apart "Let's see here" he punched krillin in the face sending him into the wall with a bloody nose

Kakarrot's eyes narrowed when he saw the punch ' That has the kind of strength of a third class saiyan warrior'

"Th..that punch..I couldn't see it at all" krillin wipped the blood from his nose

"You need more concetration even a human could have seen that coming" kakarrot told him from above where he was sitting on the wall

"R-really?" krillin then got up and walked back to the center of the ring

"Krillin has stood up! Just what happened out there? It was too fast for me to see"

Krillin got back into a fighting stance 'I slammed into the wall back there so it was good that I didn't get knocked out but if that happens again though I'm in serious trouble'

Jackie chun got into a fighting stance as well "hoh! You aren't going to give up? The next punch won't be as soft as that one"

'C-can I really see it?' krillin thought as Jackie began to throw another punch and he concentrated hard to see the punch 'I can see it!' so krillin quickly blocked the punch then they jumped apart again

"So you managed to see it, eh?"

"Told you with better concentration you could see it" kakarrot yelled

"Yeah thanks" krillin smiled

"J-just what went on out there?...I couldn't catch a glimpse of it"

"It's been a while since it fought someone who could match my speed" Jackie got into another fighting stance 'other then kakarrot of course'

"I-its only natural! I am a student of the great master roshi after all!" Krillin got into a fighting stance as well

Jackie and krillin then rushed at each other again and as they hit each other krillin fell down

'Well this was gonna be the outcome anyway' kakarrot thought as he watched krillin

"D-down krillin is down! The count has begun..one…two…three…..four"

"Stand up krillin! You're gonna lose! c'mon fight!" yamcha yelled


Krillin then began struggling to sit up but was able to make it to his knees then to his feet but he rubbed his head as he stood up

"He's up! He has stood up!"

Kakarrot was surprised he was still conscious 'He's more stubborn than I thought'

"Yay! Good job!" yamcha cheered

'He stood up even after all that? Seems he did take his training seriously" Jackie thought then they were both approached by the announcer

"Ummm I apologize for interrupting your battle but…I'm not really sure what happened in that last instant…do you think you could tell us"

"I guess I've got no choice , I'll explain it to you so watch very closely" Jackie then got into the running stance " First I came at him like this, krillin was coming at me from the other way" krillin demonstrated with him then Jackie brought up his leg to make it look like he was gonna kick someone" The I kicked too" his leg went over krillin's head as he dodged it

"And I dodged it like this" krillin then brought up his fist " then I tried to punch his face" Jackie the stuck out his tongue "then he started spitting all over my fist and it was so gross I pulled back"

Jackie then brought out his left fist "And so I punched out with my left fist to try and take advantage of his opening"

Krillin then huffed out through his nose" But then I snorted out some boogers and he pulled back"

Jackie then put a hand on his chin" And so then I decided to change my strategy while krillin also thought of a plan and I figured out mine before his" they then played rock, paper, scissors so Jackie could distract krillin

"I instantly jumped" Jackie then turned to the announcer and asked him to carry him " and so I jumped like this" the announcer lifted Jackie over krillin " and kicked the back of his head" Jackie did as he said but only a little tap then got into another running stance " Now take me all the way over there like this, this is where I finished in a cool pose" the announcer agreed and took him to one side of the ring

"Can you help me too?" krillin asked in the position of being kicked" After taking the kick I went flying" the announcer lifted krillin " and I spun around in the air once" the announcer spun him "But somehow managed to get back into position before I landed" the announcer then det krillin down on the other side of the ring

Krillin then pointed to the ground "Since I took so much damage I fell over"

"Y-you…did all this…in th-that…one instant?!" Jackie and krillin both nodded

"A-amazing! Absolutely unbelievable! I am positive this kind of speed has been entirely unprecedented in this tournament! Feel free to continue the battle now!"

Jakcie and krillin both got into fighting stances

'Jackie chun I clearly the better fighter so I won't win fighting head on, I glad I came prepared for this kind of situation' Krillin dug into his shirt and then threw a pair of panties onto the ring in front of Jackie

Jackie immediately ran to them and krillin took the opportunity to attack him "I knew you'd fall for it!" krillin the kicked Jackie in the jaw sending him out of the ring

"ohhh oh no!" Jackie growled

'perverted idiot' kakarrot narrowed his eyes at Jackie

"No way if that guy is really master roshi there's no way he could lose like that" yamcha watched from the other side of the entrance of the ring

"I've won!" krillin yelled

"What a pathetic loss for Jackie chun! But there really isn't much he can do at this stage unless he can fly too"

Jackie chun then prepared a kamehameha and shot it in the direction he would have landed sending him flying back into the ring shocking everyone

Kakarrot although smirked' knew it wouldn't end like that'

"I'm back" Jackie bowed

Krillin was shocked to see him fire a ki blast "Wh-wh-wh-what the heck!"

"Haven't I seen that somewhere before" bulma mumbled

"The kamehameha wave huh?!" kakarrot yelled to Jackie

"Well yes" Jackie answered

"Ka-kamehameha b..but..th-that's impossible" krillin mumbled

"A-a-amazing! The kamehameha! He just did the kamehameha! The only known person in the world to be able to do that is mater roshi but now we just saw someone else perform it with our very eyes! This is the first time I've ever see it! It truly is an amazing technique! What a surprise!"

'What are you saying?! That man is master roshi! I knew it!" yamcha thought happily

"Despite Jackie chun being a nameless fighter he refuses to cease in showing us unbelievable move after unbelievable move! What awesome power!"

"Now then if we drag this out any longer we won't have time for the final match so how about we end things here" Jackie got into a fighting stance

"K-kakarrot what should I do!" krillin yelled

Kakarrot lifted an eyebrow" Not much you can do your weaker than him so this was bound to happen anyway" he shrugged

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, darn it" krillin gritted as he got into a fighting stance and rushed forward at Jackie "I'll just break you apart with this then!"

"Fool getting out of control like that is exactly what your opponent wants" Jackie then jumped out of the way makig krillin run straight into the wall making it crumble on to him, krillin quickly got out and rushed forward at Jackie again but he disappated into thin air making him stop

"Krillin behind you!" yamcha yelled

"Ehh?"Jackie quickly chopped both sides of krillin's neck knocking him out instantly then he walked back to the main hall

"D-down! Krillin is down! O-one..two..three!"

"You don't even need to do the count, he won't be standing for a while" Jackie called back

"Seven…eight…nine….ten krillin has been knocked out! Jackie chun is the winner!"

"Wh-what speed he…he left an afterimage when he moved" yamcha said impressed at the other human's speed

Krillin was quickly put on a stretcher and moved to the medical ward

"Now that Jackie chun has won this battle, it mean he will be fighting the winner of match 6 in the finals"

"You alright?" kakarrot watched as krillin rubbed his neck in pain

"looks like you still need more training" Jackie told krillin from behind them

"Of course your strong it's because you're really master roshi!" yamcha put his hands on his hips and smiled at Jackie

Kakarrot was surprised yamcha found out as well but krillin was still oblivious " Mater roshi?"

Yamcha then tried to pull of jackie's wig but it wouldn't come off, kakarrot thought that he must have used some kind of glue to make sure the wig stayed on

"That's it! Kakarrot your senseing ability should do the trick sense him and see if he has the same energy of master roshi's" yamcha asked

Kakarrot thought hard to think of an excuse but couldn't " Actually I already sensed his energy and it is familiar to roshi's but he could have an explanation for that"

"AH hah!" yamcha pointed his finger at Jackie

"He said familiar so exact actually related to him thought" jackei then dug in his shirt and got out a scroll of a family tree " I'm actually his cousin"

"Wow" yamcha looked over the scroll

"Now it is time to begin match 6! Kakarrot and namu please come to the ring" kakarrot then headed over as he was called

"kakarrot you'll get my revenge on him in the final wont you! I know for sure you can do it!" krillin yelled

"Yeah ok I will" kakarrot called back

"Only two fights remain and we shall now begin match 6! The winner of this match will be going up against Jackie chun in the finals! Will namu win or will kakarrot win! There is only a little bit left until the deciding battle who will be the one to win the 500,000 zeni prize?!"

"500,000 zeni!" namu's eyes widened

"You'll win for sure kakarrot" oolong cheered

"We can go out and celebrate at a restaurant once were done" bulma cheered

"Now please begin match 6"

Namu rushed at kakarrot throwing punches and kicks violently but none of them landed because kakarrot was fast enough to dodge each of them or block them before they could hit so kakarrot sent a force of energy to throw him back

"Not bad" kakarrot smirked as he watched namu try to catch his breath while he hadn't even broke a sweat " But I want this over quickly" kakarrot then rushed forward punching namu right in the stomach then he sent a kick into his neck sending him flying into the air

Namu stopped himself from going to far and wipped some of the blood off the corner of his mouth 'this kid is good' he then stood back up ' but I have to win' namu then charged at him again attempting to punch him but his arm just went straight throught him and then realized it was an after image

The next thing he knew he felt a kick to his back sending him out of the ring, kakarrot had reappeared behind him and put enough force into the kick to send him out of the ring

"He-he-he won! Kakarrot has won the match! Namu was kicked straight out of the ring! It may have been a short fight but it was incredible! Kakarrot will be going to the finals!"

"HOORAY!" yamcha and krillin cheered

'So strong there's no way I can win a against a fully trained saiyan warrior!' Jackie thought 'well I can just think of our fight as a spar then'

"He has won! Kakarrot , despite being a little boy he was able to show us an unbelievable fight! Now all that remain is the showdown against Jackie chun!"

Krillin came running out and ran up to kakarrot giving him a tight hug

"Incredible he'll defiantly win at this rate!" oolong cheered

"That was cool" bulma said

"He's so strong and he hasn't used nearly his full power" paur cheered

"Namu after suffering a painful defeat must truly be feeling ashamed! But he still displayed some excellent moves in that battle!" namu came back onto the ring and walked up to kakarrot

"I completely lost..congratulations. I hope you are able to win!" namu shook kakarrot's hand

Kakarrot smiled "Thanks"

"And now just as scheduled, it is time for the final match to declare the world champion! After a 10 minute intermission, we'll set off the match! Will the world champion this time be kakarrot or Jackie chun?!"

During the 10 minute intermission Jackie chun approached namu who was packing up his stuff

"Going home? Aren't you going to watch the final match?" Jackie asked

"Ah yes..i don't have time to waste" namu answered ' I'm sorry villagers I couldn't meet your expectations I won' be able to bring back any water'

"Namu take this with you" Jackie then handed him a capsule

"This is a capsule correct? But why?" namu asked

"Yes but there's nothing inside…If you fill it up with water you'll be able to take home as much as you want"

"How…how did you know about that?!"

"I am master roshi looking into people's hearts is child's play"

Namu was shocked at the news "S-so you really are Mater Roshi!" he yelled but roshi quicly shushed him then looked around to see if anyone heard

"But why did you enter in costume?"

"You should know by now but my student krillin also entered during his training he increased his abilities far beyond my expectations, kakarrot helped me every now and then in the training and he is a force to be reckoned with so it was no shame to lose to him" namu nodded

"AS a way to test krillin's new strength I entered him in the world martial arts tournament, at any rate he has become stronger I feared his new power would get to his head but he's still just a kid you see if he gets overconfident he might stop training thinking he's the strongest but I want him to become stronger so I made a personal to make him think that there are more people out there that are stronger than him to give him the motivation to get stronger"

"So that means the hair is a wig?"

"I used a special adhesive to keep it from being pulled off it doesn't even itch"

"I'm honored to have been able to talk to you, unfortunately thought I must return this capsule to you as embarrassing as this is I do not possess the money to buy enough water to fill this"

"No money eh? Well around these parts water is so abundant that people are aloud to take it as they please completely free" roshi looked over to the well near by

"What it's free!" namu yelled

"Now! At last it is time for the final showdown Jackie chun and kakarrot please make your way to the ring"

"Alrighty guess I have to fight for one more round" Jackie then started walking back to the main hall

"Th-thank you so much master ros…jackie chun! I shall never forget your kindness"

"It was nothing, see ya" Jackie waved back

"To our honored audience the moment you've all been waiting for is finally here! The conclusion of the world martial arts tournament! Will the world champion be Kakarrot or will it be Jackie chun? Will a child win or will an elderly man? The climax is about to unfold before your eyes! Both contestants please come out!"

Kakarrot and Jackie chun came out onto the ring and each took their place facing each other on opposite sides of the ring

"It is now time for the final match of the World Martial Arts Tournament to begin!"

Both fighters got into a fighting stance "BEGIN!"

Jackie quickly rushed forward at kakarrot but he quicly dodged and flew into the air so Jackie decided to jump on the building and jump up to him sending a kick at him but kakarrot sensed him coming so he dodged the kick and grabbed his leg then began swinging him in circles until he threw him back into the ring making a small crater in the platform

"And Jackie chun is down being sent in great force by kakarrot straight into the 4 feet of cement of this platform!"

Jackie got straight back up as kakarrot landed back on the platform

"That must of hurt I could sense you coming from behind me"

"Let's start this match for real then" Jackie then prepared to make a kamehameha as kakarrot did the same both chanting at the same time


"Ladies and Gentlemen you are about to witness two waves of the legendary Kamehameha in one place!"

HA!" Jackie and kakarrot both unleased their waves, the two beams met in the middle of the ring as both fighters struggled to make theirs hit their opponent but they added too much energy causing it to exploded in the middle

Kakarrot quickly dudsted himself off and got back up just as Jackie was getting up himself "I'm gonna use a different ki blast this time and there no escape from this one" kakarrot then made a diamond shape with his hands and yelled "lock on!" and a red dot came from his hands and appeared on jackie's chest

"It seems that kakarrot has put some sort of target on Jackie!"

"What did you do!" Jackie yelled trying to pull it off but his hands just fazed through it

"Don't worry I won't put too much energy into this" kakarrot then prepared another ki blast in his hands "Buster canon!" kakarrot yelled as he fired

Jackie tried to dodge it at first but as he dodged the beam turned around and went at him again but this time he didn't expect that to happen so it hit him head on making him fall to the ground

"Jackie is down again! One…two ..three…four"

Jackie began getting up struggling to but he pulled the strength to in the end

"That is quite the technique" Jackie said

"It is isn't it no matter how many time you try to dodge my next attack after a lock on it will still hit, I actually learned it during this year of training" kakarrot shrugged while smirking

Jackie chun then rushed forward at kakarrot throwing an assortment of punches and kicks but each time kakarrot was able to dodge them all but Jackie was able to land a punch on kakarrot's face sending him back

"Not bad" Jackie watched as kakarrot got back up 'but I guess that was luck'

"I'm surprised you were able to land a hit I gotta power up some more" kakarrot wiped some blood off the corner of his mouth

Kakarrot then sent a powerful kick into jackie's face sending him straight into the wall of the main hall making it crumble down, when roshi got back out he lunged at kakarrot with a punch but his fist just fazed through him

Kakarrot saw roshi punch through his after image from above the prepared a punch and flew at him from behind, roshi looked behind him too late as kakarrot's fist collided with his stomach sending him straight out of the ring onto the grass

"Jackie chun has been knocked out of the ring which makes kakarrot the new World Martial Arts Champion!" The announcer shouted into the microphone

"YAY kakarrot I knew you could do it!" Krillin came out and hugged him

"Wow that was awesome kakarrot do you think maybe you could teach me that lock on move" yamcha asked

"Maybe" kakarrot shrugged

"Phew glad that's over with, well thank you for a great match kakarrot" Jackie shook kakarrot's hand while he nodded

"Let us all give our winner kakarrot another round of applause" the announcer held up kakarrot's hand "Now then here is the prize money of 500,000 zeni" he handed kakarrot an envelope

"Thanks" kakarrot took the envelope

"Do you think master roshi watched our fights" krillin asked kakarrot

"Let's go and get everyone together to find him" kakarrot said running off with krillin to find their friends


Jackie chun was in the bushes looking around to see if anyone was nearby then started yanking on his wig until it finally came off "owwww!" roshi then rubbed his head because it was now sore.

"I really busted by butt for krillin" roshi put his suit back on then his sunglasses " that last match was pretty dangerous though, kakarrot really does have amazing power"


"where did he go off to?" krillin looked around with the group for master roshi

"He didn't watch at all" bulma crossed her arms

Yamcha had his hands on his hips " That's weird there's no way he would've missed all the fights"

They then heard roshi call from the side and turned to see him walking toward them

"Where have you been?!" bulma asked

"I was watching from the back and after it finished I went to the bathroom" roshi explained

"So you watched our fights then!" krillin asked

"Of course! Both of you fought greatly and congratulations kakarrot for winning all that zeni, so now as a celebration how about we all go out to eat at a restaurant" roshi said

"I'm sorry but im gonna go back to the hotel to sleep" kakarrot pointed in the direction of the hotel

"What why you should be there to celebrate your victory" yamcha asked

"Tonight's the night of a full moon and I gotta be sure I don't transform again so I'll probably just order room survice of something" kakarrot shrugged

"Oh right we can't have that happen in such a populated place" bulma looked around at all the people

"Yeah so you guys can go and we can meet up at the hotel" kakarrot said flying off

/The next morning/

"When you guys get back to the island are you gonna keep training" yamcha asked krillin

"Of course"

"No, no I've taught you all I can!" roshi shook his head " you need to take your own path training on your own is best now"

"Well im going to go and look for the 4 star dragon ball" kakarrot suddenly said

"You're seriously going to go look for the dragon balls" bulma was shocked

"Yeah it was a momentum to gohan for taking care of me so I want to honor him by finding it" kakarrot explained "And I could get some good training while traveling the world again"

"We're sick of that stuff you're going by yourself" oolong crossed his arms

"Hey can I go with you kakarrot" krillin asked

"No you would just slow me down since you cant even fly" kakarrot shook his head as krillin moaned

"Krillin what do you intend to do then" roshi asked

"How about I come back to the island with you master I'd like to stay with you a bit longer" krillin asked

"I…I..s-see" roshi answered 'Darn it just when I thought I'd be able to get some alone time with launch'

"Alright then see ya everyone I'll be on my way" kakarrot had changed back into his saiyan armor and was about to fly off

"You're leaving already?!" krillin asked

"It's best if I leave as soon as possible" kakarrot shrugged

"What an impatient lad" roshi said as kakarrot began to float off the ground "Do your best and come back ok!"

"Yeah alright"

"You know how to use the radar right?!" bulma yelled as kakarrot got higher

"Of course I do I'm not an idiot" karrot glared then turned around " alright see ya" kakarrot saluted then flew off

"Take care!" they yelled

To be continued

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

God_Shinobicreators' thoughts