

Kakarot a first class sayain lands on earth after the genocide of the sayan race,SMARTES SAYAN Words: 258,195

God_Shinobi · Komik
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39 Chs


While the events in city took place, a long convoy of refugees made their way to the main cities. Many of them, them had scene what the drones could. Injured civilians and soldiers waked among them. Many of them had feelings of despair and hopelessness. All of them, looked up at the sky, hopping that it would remain clear.

Among the refuges were survivors of Orange Star City. Among them was a girl named Erasa and her friend Sharpner both were friends with Videl. They had been waiting in line to leave when the drones had attacked. Their parents had grabbed them and rushed out. While Videl and many others were trapped inside, She was worried about her friend, she hoped that she would survive, she remembered what had happened they had been waiting at a bus terminal to leave they had been talking about the the rouge robots attacking the cities and towns; Videl's father's Hercule Satan was standing by trying to look brave he had won the 24th WMAT. The previous three time winner Kakarrot had not attended while many had been surprised his wife princess Chichi had said that he wanted to take time out to spend time with his kids. Hercule had claimed that he could have beaten him fair and square in a fight however said it would have been close, many fans claimed that he would have been beaten with a signal flick. King Furry had also said that, he believed Kakarrot would have soundly trounced him since he had taken on and destroyed the Red Ribbon army and the demon King Piccolo army with ease while some had doubted him reports by the people of Jingle Village had confirmed that he had destroyed the Muscle Base single handed so many doubt that Hercule would have won.

As they waited to board the bus drones filled the air, they were about to pass by when one of them noticed that one had a power level of 50 while not a threat it was bet to eliminate before they became a problem with that, 30 of the drones flew down. The refugees were about to board the bus when suddenly they were attacked! The drones attacked, opening fire on both soldiers and civilians

During the chaos, Erasa's mom grabbed her and ran for the exit with the others; When they had gotten a safe distance her mom had let her down. As the others tried to recover, Erasa looked for her friends. She found Sharpener with several others. Then an officer called everyone's attention.

"Alright everyone please come to order! My name is Charles Brenten of the New Port City Tank Police, I want everyone to get organized right here so we can find out who is still alive, missing or dead!" He barked out.

He then began to call names from a list, people who were not called were marked as missing, the police would ask if they had been seen some people told they had seen the missing person left behind or killed in the fight, some were soon confirmed killed while others remained unknown. This made many people depressed but brought them hope; Erasa's name was called and she answered After finishing the list Brenten looked them all over.

"Alright I known some of you people have family trapped in Orange Star city and are worried about them. Rest assured that we will look in on them, but right now were here to make sure you get to safety. So at this very moment were heading for a shelter that is about ten miles from here. That means we don't stop for anything until we get there. Is that understand?" he questioned.

Everyone nodded with that they headed to the shelter with the tank police and army watching all sides but the sky. That is when they payed a terrible price. Up in the sky a group of 30 drones were flying, they head received orders to know take care of the saiyans who were now intervening in every mission making it hard for them to complete their tasks as such when they spotted the convoy they received orders.

Attack refugee convoy. Will eliminate small force of the word's army and police. Also may draw out saiyans. With that the drones descended on them

Meanwhile a young band of saiyan children were flying to West City to deliver supplies to help the people pouring in seeking food, water, medical relief and shelter, the young saiyans were carrying tight loads of supplies on them to build up their strength and power. Among them was a young half breed named Cardin born on the refuge colony Tarbolia he was a young hybrid, while his father was a full-blooded saiyan, his mother was a blue haired humanoid as such while he was not a full saiyan,he was still quite skilled being ranked 5th strongest out of the 100's of children born in his generation. He had ascended through the ranks proving that even being half saiyan he had proven he could go far. However this did this not mean he was all muscle and no brain he could think of plans on the fight which made it easy for him to adapted to battle situations

As they neared their destination they hit the button on the creates to make them take their capsule form, they were about to fly faster when they heard something, looking down they saw the refugees being attacked, this caused them to freeze in mid flight.

"Look their in trouble!" said one Kid

"We got to do something!" said another.

At this they turned towards Cardin, who was the unofficial leader of the group. Cardin looked down and thought quickly, he knew unless they did something the people would be slaughtered, Thinking quickly he made his plan. "We going to help them come on lets show them what saiyans are made of!" With that they dove on them.

Down below the police and soldiers were putting up a fight but couldn't keep it up forever, inside a tank that had been crippled Brenten was not going give up. "The rusty cans might have taken out our tank but I'm not giving up! Reaching inside his holster, he pulled out his hand gun that he had named the castigator. "Lets see how they can handle my Castigator with the new shells! These babies can punch through solid titanium!" He was about to get out when his partners Charlie Nam and Jim E. Lovelock better known as Four-Eyes.




Suddenly the tank shook as the turret was ripped off! Three of the killer bots had grabbed the turret and then pulled it off and prepared to kill the tank crew, they were not prepared for Brenten to use his castigator. "EAT THIS YOU JUNK PILES!" BAM! BANG! BOOM!

The castigator went off and left the three robots headless, as they dropped back. He got to the top of the tank continued to fire at will knocking one after another yelling and shouting as he did "LETS SEE HOW YOU LIKE THIS! THIS ONE HAS YOUR NAME ON IT! HEY THERE HANDSOME! LETS SEE HOW YOU LIKE THIS! OH I GOT SOMETHING FOR YOU PAL!" He shot he fired made them drop like flies.

This made the rest of the still standing police and troops join in as well; as Brenten loaded another set into his gun there was an almighty bang! As the smoke cleared he was surprised to see several kids standing in the center of the battlefield. "What in the hell are those kids doing?!" asked the shocked captain. However his shock grew deeper at what came next.

"Let rumble," said one of the older ones with blue hair.

In a flash they broke out and attacked the drones unlike the elder members of their kind they could not easily blast or shred these creatures instead they have to have a long drawn out fight using the skills they had trained and refined since their birth the children of Tarbolia fought with the savage pride of their linage while the creations of Dr. Gero used the fighting styles of Z- Fighters, Saiyans and of course some of Frieza's men gained from Dr. Gero's spying. As a result bodies of flesh and metal hit the ground to rise again, one kid blew off one bot's head only for him to be kicked by another one into the ground. The metal monster was about to finish him off one girl sent him flying into the air.

"Keep your metal mites of my buddy you reject toaster!" she yelled. Cardin just groaned at that. His sister was certainly crazy, sometimes she would be sweet one moment, the next she acted like a wild beast.

"She is not going to get a boyfriend with that kind of attitude."

"What was that Cardin?!" yelled his sister.

"You heard me, Myron!" he called back not in the least bit scared by his sister. Myron was a year younger then him, her hair was a rare ruby red which she she kept in a ponytail. Myron tail matched her hair and eyes were as green as emeralds she wore a set of armor wings on the shoulders and hips it's color was brown and blue. Myron often tried to behave but when she lost her cool all hell broke lose as a result she was a terror of her generation.

"When I'm done with these cans I'm going to turn you black and blue!" she yelled with that she let lose a seismic punch that cause 10 of them to go flying into the air. "Come on lets turn them into scrap!"

Five saiyan kids jumped into the air and let with barrage of energy, when they stopped black bits of metal fell to the ground.

"Well that takes care of that rubbish," another girl as she dusted of her hands only blasted from behind

"Why you!" yelled another as he jumped on culprit and proceed to beat the living oil of it. Oil and coolant proceed to cover his hand. He ignored this and continued his assault. As he drew back, for another blow, someone stopped him.

"Ok easy their killer, that rust bucket is dead." The ruthless attacked, had reduced the top half of red ribbon robot to bits of crushed metal, oil and circuits.

"Sorry, Kayzon." said the embarrassed kid.

"Its alright Alzone just don't lose your temper." he warned before back handing a bot that was sneaking up behind him.

As the girl got up she looked murderous. She was a pure saiyan girl with rare blonde hair and violet eyes, her hair came down to her neck and quite pretty but right now she was mad. The blast had not done any damage to her, rather most of her hair was chard or missing. "WHERE IS THAT TIN TOY?! I'M GOING TO TURN IT INTO A HAIR DRYER WHEN I'M DONE WITH IT!"

"Relax Matrona, Alzone took care of the scrap heap." Kayzon said making her to relax and smile before pulling Alzone into a hug.

"Thank you Al!" she said before crushing him in a hug, Alzone turned bright red he had a crush on Matrona so being this close to her made heat up like a volcano.

"COULD YOU TWO GET LOVEY LATER! WE GOT WORK TO DO HERE!" Yelled Myron as she kicked the heads of two more.

While the fight ragged Erasa and refuges hid in a square of vehicles, around them soldiers and police men fired while her mother shield it her Then there was an explosion. She was flung from her mother and her friends. When her head stopped ringing she saw bodies everywhere with seven of the killer robots who seemed to be getting some sick delight from vaporizing helpless people. Seeing one that was about to kill her mother she let out a scream.

While this happened, Cardin and his crew had been finishing of the remaining drones when he heard a scream. He spun around and saw 7 drones about to kill several civilians, realizing that he had to help them he used his speed to come racing toward them. As he looked at them he quickly realizing what he had to do.

He smashed the head of one, he then blasted another one before kicking the heads off two then vaporized two more before obliterating the last one off with a vicious assault of punches and kicks. To those that were watching who did not have the skill to see it were amazed; one minute they were about to be vaporized the next thing they knew it looked like they all just exploded at once they then turned to the boy who was standing next to the remains of the final one. He then went over to Erasa.

"You okay?" He asked as she began taking in his appearance, he was slightly taller then her he had very unique blue hair that spiked a bit up in the front. Dark eyes and despite his ages she could tell that he had muscles from training he was so cute. She felt her checks heat up.

"Yes. My name is Erasa who our you?" she asked

Cardain helped her up. "My name is Cardin," he said as he helped her up.

"Thank you, Cardin," said Erasa when suddenly a pair arms grabbed her and pulled her into a hug. Her mother sobbed out how happy she was that her daughter was alive she then turn to Cardin and with tears of gradated. Cardin bowed in thanks to her as did the rest of his team as the survivors thanked them for saving them. Then Brenten came over to give him his thanks.

"I got to admit you kids have guts to take on these bots, I haven't seen kids do this kind of damage since the World Martial Arts Tournament years ago.I think his name was Kakarrot, I mostly prefer shooting tournaments. It was cool seeing the kid send opponents a lot lager then him flying." He said laughing at the memory of when Giran was defeated by Kakarrot.

"I am glad to see that you think well of Lord Kakarrot," said Cardin. Their was respect in his eyes that showed he and the others greatly respected the savior of Earth and the Saiyan race.

"You known him?" said a surprised asked Brenten.

"Indeed he is one of our race's most respected lords and heroes." said Alzone.

"I though he was a prince?" said one person.

At this Kayzon turned to the person. "Among your people he is a prince. While among our people he's a lord for accomplishing many deeds that saved our race."

Before he could say more Matrona leapt on him and covered his mouth with her hand before he could say more; They had been given strict orders not to reveal who they were yet, not wanting to cause a panic.

This comment make some of the people curious, but before they could go into further details. Brenten call everyone to order. "Alright that enough talking we got to head to West City before more drones show up. Lets move out!" He ordered. With that the both Saiyans and humans head to their destination.

Over the next few hours Bardock received reports after reports from his soldiers that they had been successfully taking out any drone they came across and were transporting people into the shelters they had set up all across the earth to keep the people safe until this android situation was dealt with

"It looks like we have the Drone situation handled" Bardock spoke to the others in the room of the army's command center

King Furry sighed in relief "Thank goodness"

"We're not out of the woods" Rikun reminded everyone

Bulla nodded "He's right, the drones might be dealt with for now we still have to figure out how we're going to defeat the androids"

"I don't think they'll be causing any trouble for now" Raditz got frowns when he said that "When we fought them in that canyon they didn't kill us remember they were only interested in finding Kakarrot and until they find him they won't be interested in doing anything else"

"We can use that to our advantage, the androids won't find Kakarrot here and the longer" Trunks said

"How powerful we're these androids?" King Furry asked wanting to know all he could about the threat to his planet

"Powerful" Rikun stated "They were able to make mincemeat out of us"

"They're even more powerful then the androids they first warned us about" Krillin crossed his arms

Yamcha frowned looking to the time travelers "But i thought these were the androids from your time"

"No, they're different somehow" Kairi bit her thump nail

"So what are we gonna do now?" Yamcha asked

"Beats me, i'm all out of idea's" Krillin shrugged

"Well, maybe there's something we can do" Trunks announced getting everyone's attention "We could go tot he past and destroy the androids before Gero has a chance to activate them, now that we know where the lab is it should be relatively easy"

Yamcha smiled "Hey yeah that's a great idea!"

King Vegeta shook his head "No, i don't like the idea of you going after those monsters on your own" seeing two of the time travelers were his grandchildren

"And didn't you say that your time machine only had enough fuel for one more trip? How would you make it back home" Bardock asked as the other two were his grandchildren

This made Trunks reconsider that idea

Kairi frowned thinking of something else "Hey, what if we did go to the past and destroy the androids. What would happen to the androids that are already here in this time?" turning to her fellow time travelers "They wouldn't just vanish would they?"

Trunks eyes widened "You're right, what was i thinking!" He looked around to see the others had confused faces "If we go back in time we can only change the future of that time but we won't be able to change anything that they've already done here!"

"Can you try that in english?" Krillin asked

Rikun "Um alright..." thinking of his uncle "Ok take Kakarrot for example, you know how he's alive now thanks to the medicine that we brought from the future? Well in our future that the medicine came from Uncle Kakarrot didn't make it, he survived here but that hasn't changed anything for our reality, he's still dead in our time"

"Let me try to understand this" Krillin stepped forward "You're saying that even if Kakarrot defeats the androids here they'll still be alive in your time?"

"That's right" Bulla nodded

Yamcha eyebrows furrowed "So why bother coming back in the first place, you just said you couldn't change anything"

The time travelers thought back to their surviving mother's words

"Our mother's" Trunks muttered "You see it was our mother's idea to send us all back to the past, they didn't think there was anything left we could do for the people of our world"

"Maybe we can't change anything that the androids have done here but there is a way to make a better world, a peaceful world" Bulma turned from working on the time machine to her children

"Don't you want to have some part in helping other people?"Leslie asked her two children

The four children looked to one another thinking about the proposition they were just offered, later they walked throughout the shelter that had been built around the capsule corp center, trunks lost in thought thinking about going to the past to save the people before any of this could happen. The sounds of crying knocked him out of his thoughts and they all turned to see a mother holding her child in her arms in a small blanket both of them seemed to be badly injured

They cringed a the sight then began running forward until they're memories changed into a vision of 17 and 18 knocking down the doors to the shelter and 17 holding up his gun and shooting

"Anyway we hoped that all this would go by smoothly but we didn't count on there being so many differences between our world and this world" Kairi looked to the hologram of earth in the front of the command center showing all the places there were shelters, drones, saiyans, and people needing help

"We thought Kakarrot's heart disease would come much sooner than it did, and we thought there would only be 2 androids but instead there's 3" Bulla thought back to the sight of 16

"That's not even counting the thousands of drones we have never even seen before" Rikun thought of the drones springing up sooner after their defeat by the androids

"And now everything's going so wrong" Trunk thinking back to the fight with the androids and how easily they were brought down

"How could you have miscalculated so much?" Vegeta asked his son

"I don't know i wish i did"

"I guess something changes when you travel back from the future" Rikun thought

Bardock tried to reassure them "Try not to worry so much, if you didn't come back when you did Kakarrot wouldn't be alive right now, we wouldn't have had any kind of warning of what was to come, and we wouldn't have been as prepared as we are now"

"Yeah that's all that should matter now" Krillin smiled

17, 18, and 16 were now traveling in a pink delivery van through some snowy mountains

18 had her feet up on the glove box with her hands behind her head looking out the window "I'm enjoying the scenery 17 but just one question, Where is Kakarrot?"

"Relax 18 we'll be there before you know it" 17 assured her

She glared at him "No you don't. admit it you have no idea where you're going"

16 opened his eyes and spoke up to them "Kakarrot resides in the mountain range of the Ox-Kingdom north of the Diablo desert"

17 turned back to him "Wow, i'm impressed did tell you that?"

"He did, we will get there faster if we fly"

18 smiled to him "You're right, it makes no sense for us to drive. What a complete waste of time"

"Chill out 18 it's not a waste of time if we're having fun"

Back on Planet Vegeta while the others were monitoring the situation on Earth from the army's command center everyone else was in Bardock and Gine's home, Kakarrot was still out for the count but was mostly sleeping for now, Chi-Chi had brought some of Gohan and Chidori's book with her to the saiyan home planet for them to catch up on their advance studies while they waited for some news on the situation

"They have the drone situation under control now" Turlus announced, he had been chosen to stay behind to protect the family if anything happened to everyone else

"Well thank kami for that" Hasky sighed in relief while she feed Linx with a bottle

"So when do you think we'll be able to go back to earth" Leslie asked having just put Rikun and Kairi to sleep in a capsule crib she had brought with her

"Not anytime soon, the androids are still at large and they'll do whatever it takes to get to Kakarrot"

"We should be thankful were safe for the time being, there are millions of saiyan warriors still here and out in space to protect everyone" Gine came into the bedroom with another bowl of water to help Kakarrot's fever

"Yeah, but i feel guilty knowing that we're safe while everyone else is still in danger back home" Leslie thought back to her home in the mountains

"I'm sure the other's are thinking of ways to destroy the androids, this'll will all be over soon" Hasky assured her

Suddenly a scream let out from Kakarrot getting everyone's attention

"Dad!" Gohan and Chidori ran up to him

"Out of the way!" Chi Chi rushed forward with the bottle of medicine in her hand and helped Kakarrot swallow some of it

Gine put another rag over his forehead "Oh, my baby boy" she moaned hating to see her younger son in so much pain but at least the worst part of it was over

After a few minutes Kakarrot fell back into his slumber

"He's back to resting" Leslie sighed seeing her brother-in-law was recovering again

"How intense even in his dreams he's still fighting" Hasky starred down at Kakarrot's sleeping form

"That's my cousin for ya" Turlus smirked

"Oh, Krillin don't you think we should tell Bulma where we are with the situation?" Yamcha asked

Bulma had decided to stay on Earth in a bunker with her parents under Capsule Corp so the others thought she should be safe there

"Good idea, wait are you saying that i should call her? No way!"

"Come on man the rest of us are busy"

"Oh alright" Krillin walked over to the universal phone looking over to Trunks and Bulla "No offence but your mom is so hard to deal with sometimes"

They smirked at him "Believe us she's not gonna mellow with age"

Krillin punched in the number to Capsule corp, it only rang a few times before the receptionist picked up

"Capsule Corp"

"Hello, This is Krillin i was wondering if i could speak with Bulma Briefs please"

"Bulma? Sure, please hold while i transfer your call. Thank you"

The hold music played for a couple of seconds before Bulma's scolding voice came over the speakers

"Krillin! What's wrong is everyone alright?! Talk to me!"

"Everyone is fine Bulma, don't worry"

"Just where are you calling from i've been trying to get in contact with you guys, i've tried calling Bardock's house, The palace, even Gine's restuarant but there's been no answer"

"Sorry about that Bulma, it's been a little chaotic around here, what with the drone problem and the line are backed up with calls"

"Oh, well that explains it. By the way are my kids there? um Trunks and Bulla? You know the one's from the future?"

Krillin lifted his eyebrows then turned his gaze to the twins "Yeah they're standing right behind me" they lifted their eyebrows at this

"They are! Well put them on the line!"

"You're on speaker phone so go ahead and say whatever it is you have to say"

"Well we received a call today from a guy who lives out in the middle of the country somewhere to the west of here, he found an old abandoned vehicle and he wants to keep it but he didn't know how to fly the thing so phoned us and asked us if we could help"

Everyone was now paying attention to the call wondering what this had to do with the current situation

"Go on" Krillin asked her now that everyone's attention was on the call

"He tried to explain what kind of vehicle it was but he didn't make any sense and we didn't know it was one of our products, but he swore to me that it had Capsule Corporation written right across it. So we asked him to send us a picture of it. i didn't believe my eyes when i saw it" There was a small pause "It was picture of the time machine Trunks and the others traveled back in; and i've got some bad news for you it was a wreck"

"What?!" Bulla eyes widened and she along with Rikun and Kairi turned to Trunks

He gasped "That can't be" he began fishing in his jacket pocket and grabbed a case of capsules opening it he sighed in relief "Here, look" he showed the others a yellow capsule "See i put it back into it's capsule form after we landed"

"They have the Time machine with them Bulma" Krillin told her over the phone

"Seriosuly? But then the time machine in the photo...I guess it does look like it's been sitting there for a while it's almost completely overgrown with moss and stuff. So exactly how many time machine's did we make int he future?"

"How many?" Kairi asked

"Well we barely able to make one" Rikun answered


"Are you sure it's a time machine in the photo, woman?" Vegeta asked wanting to clear this new situation up fast

"Why don't we make sure, can you send the photo over Bulma?" Raditz asked

"Sure i'll send it over right now"

After a few minutes on the screen of one of the computers the photo popped up showing a four passenger time machine, rusted over with moss growing over it and a glass ceiling that appeared to have been blasted through, Vegeta, Raditz, Yamcha, and Krillin remembered seeing the two passenger version of the time machine 3 years earlier and turned to the time travelers

They gasped at the sight

"That's our capsule" Bulla announced

"There's no mistaking it that's the machine we used to travel back here with" Trunks continued to stare at the image of the time machine on the computer screen

"What is going on here?" Rikun tried to find some kind of explanation for this new revelation

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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