

Kakarot a first class sayain lands on earth after the genocide of the sayan race,SMARTES SAYAN Words: 258,195

God_Shinobi · Komik
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39 Chs


The Red Ribbon Army

Kakarrot has set out on a search for the 4 star dragon balls that he kept as a momentum to gohan. Kakarrot was currently flying over a field of rivers, cliffs, and forests on his way to a dragon ball. Kakarrot landed to get a drink out of the river first

Kakarrot wiped his mouth" I should have traveled a long way by now so the dragon ball should be around here somewhere" he then took out the radar from his armor "A little further to the right then" he then flew off


A man was yawning after just walking out of his house when a man with red-orange hair, a blue trench coat, and a red scarf approached him

"What time do you think it is, it's already 8:00 am"

"Ah! Silver, good morning"

"If you have enough time to say hello to me then you should be getting to work"

"Yes Sir!" the man then rushed to his truck where another worker was waiting in the driver's seat and got in

"There was another warning to hurry up and find it from commander red this morning, the brown squad already got theirs yesterday, you need to put more effort into it commander red has a very short temper, if you waste to much time messing around we will all get the death penalty, just find it at all costs got it!" he ordered

"Yes Sir!" the two men then drove off in the truck


"There's no way we'd be able to find it that easily, a tiny ball in this huge place!" one man looked through some bushes

"We've already spent 20 days looking for it now our lives depend on it" another man looked behind some rocks until he heard something from above and looked up " Hm? What's that?"

They then felt a rush of wind and saw kakarrot land a few feet away from them, kakarrot then looked at his radar

"It should be around here,let me change it to a closer range" kakarrot pressed the button a few times then walked around "Yup it's close"

"Wh-who the heck are you!" one man held up his gun

"Hey you're in the way! Get out of here or we'll blow your brains out!" the other man yelled

Kakarrot ignored them as he got closer to the reading and came by a rock "Found it!" he then reached behind the rock to grab it getting questionable looks from the two men

When he pulled the dragon ball out he was disappointed to find that it was the 6 star dragon ball "awww it's not the 4 star ball"

Both of the men were shocked to see he had the dragon ball "C-could that be the d-dragon ball!"

Kakarrot then looked over to them "what? You know about the dragon balls?"

"Wh-who is this kid?!"

"H-he found it so easily!" the man then smirked and held up his gun "We're pretty lucky then, that this kid found it for us, hey hand over then ball"

Kakarrot narrowed his eyes at them getting a bad vibe out of them "And what are you gonna do if a I don't!"

"Don't make this any harder than it has to be. You don't want to die right? C'mon hand it over!"

"Not gonna happen old man!" kakarrot glared

"Gimme the ball!" then man then tried to take it from him causing kakarrot to jump into action by kicking him in the stomach sending him flying and shocking the other man

"You little brat!" the man then shot at him with his pistol but kakarrot dodged each of the bullets then rushed forward at him and punched him in the jaw sending him straight into the track

"I should keep the dragon ball to make sure people like that don't get!" kakarrot then put the dragon ball in a backpack he had with him and flew off

One of the men glared at the sky in the direction kakarrot went then stumbled to the truck and got the radio "S-silver! I've got bad news!"


"Wh-what did you say!" silver then rushed out of the command center with a bazooka and looked in the sky to see kakarrot flying over "So that's him?!" he then fired the bazooka at him

Kakarrot heard something coming toward him and looked to see a rocket coming at him so he quickly put up a shield around him as the rocket hit. Once the smoke cleared he looked around to see who fired and saw silver on the ground and landed in front of him

"Nice landing" silver tossed the bazooka aside

"What the heck was that about?!" kakarrot glared

"Answer my question….why are you collecting the dragon balls? Why was it so easy for you to find it? We of the red ribbon army are still unable to pinpoint the location of the dragon balls so exact with our radar….you must really have an advanced model"

"It's none of your business why I'm looking for the dragon balls"

"Kid don't underestimate colonel silver of the red ribbon army" silver then took off his trench coat"When I say you should answer before I, colonel silver get angry…it's for your own safety, Now out with it! Why are you searching for the dragon balls? What kind of radar do you have?"

"Hah is that supposed to intimidate me I'm not telling you anything" kakarrot then tried to walk away but silver rushed forward and grabbed the backpack away from him, which he hadn't been expecting

" It's in here isn't it? The radar you have?" silver then tried to open the bagbut kakarrot rushed forward and took the bag back "I guess I gotta keep my guard up around you?"

Silver was surprised that he didn't even see kakarrot take the bag" I see just like my subordinate said you're not an ordinary kid, if you truly intend to fight back, I suppose I'll just have to make your body listen to me….I'll put you out in five second's" silver got into a fighting stance

"What's your deal anyway you can't possibly beat me" kakarrot then dodged a punch from silver and kicked him in the stomach

"You bastard!" silver fidgeted then tried to kick him but he quickly jumped up and hit silver in the face with his tail knocking him down

"Alright time to go" kakarrot then flew away in the direction he was heading before he was interrupted


"Our army's using all its power to find the dragon balls you say? Well the the heck will we be able to get them all then?! The radar's working properly right!" commander red glared at his lieutenant

"Please wait a bit longer sir. After all our radar only gives the general location of the dragon balls" they then heard a knocking at the door "What is it? Come in!"

"Please excuse my disturbance. There has been a problem with the search for the dragon ball led by colonel silver! I do apologize but could you come to the command room?" a soldier asked

They both then followed him to the command center to see the dragon ball moving on the radar surprising commander red

"It's moving so they found it!"

"That's the thing…it's a bit strange please look closely! For some reason the dragon ball colonel silver was sent to find is heading north to the dragon ball under general white's control"

"Wh-what does this mean?!Get colonel silver on the radio now!" commander red ordered


Colonel silver was still on the ground when he heard ringing coming form the command center so he got up and stumbled to the center holding his stomach


"He's on!" the soldier held out a phone

"I'll talk to him!" commander red took the phone "what the heck is going on silver! He then heard silver explain the situation over the phone "Wh-what's that? Someone has a more advanced radar then our army?!...they found the ball easily…what?!..they're that strong?!...just how many of them did you see?!"he was dumbfounded when silver told him it was a small boy "A…a single..boy?! You fool! It's the death penalty for you!" then hung up

"Just who is he?" the lieutenant asked

"Just some kid who's decided to make an enemy of our whole army! Don't make me laugh!" Red then turned to him "Contact general white at once, tell him to kill the kid and collect the dragon ball!"

"Yes sir!" he obeyed then the commander gave him an annoyed look and turned away

"I told you not to stand beside me remember?!It makes me look short!" he gritted

"Ah! So-sorry" the lieutenant moved away


kakarrot was now flying over some mountains covered in snow making him shiver from the cold causing him to lose concentration with his flying

"Sh-should h-have l-ookeed at a-a map t-to know wh-where i-I was going s-so I c-could have b-been pr-pr-prepared." Kakarrot was now struggling to keep flying going lower and higher in the air until he crashed into the snowmaking some tree's fall down at impact

"Wh-what was that!" a soldier looked in the direction of the crash

Kakarrot was now unconscious from the cold face down in the snow

"It looked like something crashed"

"let's go check it out" they then radioed general white about the crash

"What?! A crash! That's it just a bunch of fallen trees?! According to HQ a boy was heading this way you don't see a corpse anywhere?! He may have fled the scene! Find him! He has one of the dragon balls!"

"Yes sir!"

"I dunno who he is…but what a stupid kid.." general white laughed


Not too far from the crash site a young girl was stumbling through the snow trying to support kakarrot's weight as she headed to the village ahead

/Red ribbon army- white squad-muscle tower/

"What are you messing around for! You're telling me you can't even find one measly kid!" general white yelled over the radio" I don't care if you have to kill him just get the dragon ball and the radar he's carrying! Understood!"

/the woods/

"Darn it where the heck did he go off to" a soldier was looking around with his gun

"was the kid really there in the first place" another asked


The girl had finally made it to a house In the village with kakarrot and knocked on the door "Mom it's me open up!" the girl's mother then opened the door then turned to the boy "I found an unconscious kid!"


Kakarrot began to wake up wrapped in a blanket in a chair by a fireplace "H-Huh?" kakarrot opened his eyes a bit to look at his surroundings

"Ah! Mom he woke up!" the girl was sitting on the carpet playing with her toys when she heard kakarrot begin to mumble

Kakarrot turned to the girl "Where am I?"

"Jingle village. You were frozen solid"

"Now it's time to warm up, here drink some of this" the mother handed him a cup of hot chocolate

"Thanks" kakarrot blew on it to cool it down

"but my your really lucky that you were found, if she hadn't seen you, you would have died for sure" the mother looked to her daughter

"You carried me here?" kakarrot asked the girl

"Yeah. Hey what were you doing out there anyway" the girl asked

"I was looking for a ball called a dragonball until I crashed because of the extreme cold" kakarrot sipped some of the hot chocolate

"Dragon balls!" the girl said then ran over to her mom as they huddled together "are you part of the red ribbon army!"

"What? That guy I met earlier said something about an army


The soldiers were still looking for any sign of the boy when they came across a trail leading toward the village

"Hey come over here!" a soldier called over to another soldier

"It looks like something was carried this way" he pointed to the trail that looked like footprints

"Sure is suspicious let's follow it"


"huh? So their looking for the dragon balls to? What are they planning to do once they get all of them?" kakarrot was now standing up but had the blanket around him

"Who Knows?"

"Why are you looking for them" suno asked

"I'm looking for the 4 star dragon ball that I kept as a momentum to a man named gohan who took care of me" kakarrot then reached into his backpack "I'll show it to you" he then pulled out the dragon ball he had and held it up "This is a dragon ball"

"This is a dragon ball?" suno looked at it with her mother closely

"Yeah. But the one I'm looking for his 4 stars, there are seven dragon balls in all! When you gather them all a dragon comes out and grants you a wish"

"That's it! The red ribbon army must be planning something evil with those, that's why their searching so desperately for them" the mother realized

"There should be another dragon ball around here somewhere" kakarrot looked out the window

"We know, father and the other men are looking really hard for it…the red ribbon army soldiers can't find it on their own so they threatened the village men into helping them" suno looked down at the floor

Kakarrot's eyes widened at the situation "So the army threatened you into helping them what are they planning after they find the dragon ball"

"I don't know hopefully they'll leave in peace" suno they walked to the window and pointed to tower in the distance" look at that over there…they took the chief as a hostage into that tower and they said they'll kill him if we go against their orders"

Kakarrot glared at the tower with a frown on his face "I'll just take them out myself as a thanks for helping me" kakarrot punched a fist into his other hand

"EH!" they were both shocked "What are you talking about?! Their adults! This isn't some kid's fight your going into" suno yelled

They all then heard the door slammed open where some red ribbon soldiers with their guns rushed in "There he is!"

"I knew that was his trail!"

"Hey kid! We've heard you've got something we want on you" they pointed their guns at him

Kakarrot didn't even respond to them he just rushed forward in a flash and both of them were knocked out on the floor

"Wh…what? Wh-what just happened?!" suno and her mother's eyes widened

"About 6 punchs and 4 kicks for each of them it should have them down for a while, so now I just need to take out that tower but it's way too cold out there"

"Well it's obviously going ot be cold if you go out like that" the mother looked at the armor he had on only seeing the boots as protective against the cold weather

"You can borrow my clothes" suno then rushed off to get some clother for him

Kakarrot put the clothes over his armor, he was now wearing a black helmet, black gloves, a blue trench coat, and brown cargo pants

"Thanks suno this should keep me warm" kakarrot looked himself over

"I-I won't tell you to stop, but just don't overdo it" the mother asked

Kakarrot was kind of remined of his own mother from her behavior "I'll be fine, leave it to me" he then ran off at full speed

"He seem's way stronger than the soldiers..right mom?" suno asked

"Yes he's a nice boy I would hate for him to die" the mother watched the blur of snow where kakarrot had run off


Kakarrot was running to the tower at full speed with a determined look on his face

"wha-what's that"

"General white! There's a weird kid running toward us. He's the one right?" as soldier asked through the radio

"What?" general white looked out the window at the boy coming to the tower "what an idiot! Does he want to die on purpose or something?! Get him! Tear him to shreds!"

The soldiers then began to shoot at him but kakarrot moved faster and dodged each of the bullets and sent a force of energy out to knock each of the soldiers out then flew ut to the tower and landed on a walkway

"Heh. Not bad for a kid but can you really make it to the top floor" general white grinned

Kakarrot then looked at the door leading to the inside" just gotta find the chief and destroy this tower"

General white then called over the speaker "Can you hear me boy?! Welcome to muscle tower!" the general laughed and kakarrot narrowed his eyes at the speaker "By the way what did you come to the tower for?"

"To save the village chief and destroy the tower" kakarrot yelled

"Ok then head in that door and head up the stairs he's on the top floor! Now then! Do you really think you can make it all the way?!"

Kakarrot then walked in the door and on the other side a bunch of men were walking up to him trying to pick a fight

"Heh I can't believe you actually came in"

"general white is it ok to kill him?" a man looked to the speaker

"Do what you like" the general called over

"Hah this kid's even smaller then the guys I eat for breakfast, I guess we'll just try to have as much fun as we can"

The man then tried to kick him but kakarrot blocked it then sent his own kick sending the man flying into the wall on the other side of the room knocking him out shocking all the other men

"You little punk!"

"Were gonna murder ya!"

Kakarrot then lunged at the men sending an elbow into a man's chest and a punch into another's jaw then turned to another who had a gun up

"L-little punk!" he shot at him but the bullet just went through him "Eh?! What didn't I hit him!" he then felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see kakarrot with a smirk on his face

"Nighty night" kakarrot then punch him sending him into a table breaking it as he landed on the floor, he then wiped some sweat off his face "it's hot in here" he then began to take off the clothes that suno gave him

"Watching those moves just now I can tell this is no ordinary kid" a ninja said looking at the security camera footage of the room

"Looks like things are gonna get interesting! You really think he'll make It all the way up here?" general white asked

"That is absolutely out of the question. There has been no one who has ever been abel to defeat sergeant metallic on 3F. If by chance, he does manage to do it then there is still me waiting on 4F for him"

"Well that's too bad.. I thought I could get some exercise for while" general white put a fist into his hand then called over the speaker to 3F

"Sergeant metallic the kid we told you about is heading over there right now. Go a little easy on him alright!"

Kakarrot then came up the stairs to meet metallic sitting in a chair "I'm guessing I'll have to get past you to go any further am I right" kakarrot tried to sense his energy level but could feel anything 'he must be an android then'

"That is correct" metallic stood up

'guess I'll just blow him up since he's a machine' kakarrot looked him over

"I wonder how long it will take metallic to make mincemeat out of him" general white asked the ninja

"Hmm I think one minute will be enough time"

"DiE!" metallic then tried to punch kakarrot but he fazed out of the way making metallic make a fist shape hole in the floor"Gone where did he go"

"KA…ME…..HA!" metallic heard from above and saw kakarrot floating above him as a small blue light formed in his hands "ME…HAAAAAA!" kakarrot fired at the android and the entire room was filled with blue light

"WHAT!" general blue yelled at the blinding light from the footage

When the light cleared metallic was completely destroyed only in pieced now

"Guess I put a lot of power into that wave" kakarrot looked down at the pieces of metal

"Wh-what was that move?!" the ninja stuttered

Kakarrot then ran up the stair to the next floor

"Hmm that kid sure is something"

"What are you doing?! Hurry up and get to 4F!"

Kakarrot then came to a floor that looked more like a forest with a small hut on the side

"What the heck!" kakarrot looked around until he heard something and saw 3 speards coming at him he then sent lasers out of his eyes and destroyed them "Come out coward!"

"Good job making it to you smooth infiltration ends here! Not only has there been no one to ever defeat me, there has been no one to ever see me face to face! You'll die right where you stand! HAHAHAHA!"

Four shurikens then came at kakarrot again but he just moved out of the way faster than you could see making the shurikens hit a rock behind him

" Hohohoh! Good job dodging those, I must compliment you!"

Kakarrot then searched for his energy signal and found it coming from the left "Over there" he then shot a ki blast in that direction hitting someone in the trees causing him to fall

"Found you!" he smirked

"Nice shot but that was just luck" he grinned

"Don't insult me I could sense you hiding in those trees" kakarrot rolled his eyes

"You liar no one has ever been able to pinpoint my location!"

"Until no! let's just get this over with alright" kakarrot then

"Stop wasting time sergeant murasaki! Just hurry up and destroy him!" general white yelled over the speaker

"Yes general white I shall at once!" he then took out a sword and aimed it at kakarrot "Time to die!"

"Heh like that can actually kill me" kakarrot crossed his arms

"you cocky little punk! Is that how you speak to your elders?! I'm gonna skewer you!" muraskai then jumped and tired to slash him but kakarrot sent a ki blast to destroy the sword in his hands and then punched him in the stomach senting him back a few feet

"Just give up you're just embarrassing yourself now!"

"Fool!Y-you think I'd give up to someone like you!" murasaki then got into a stance "Replication technique!" then 4 other murasaki's appeared

Kakarrot's eyes widened when he could sense energy from all the other ones ' wow that's impressive" kakarrot then sensed something wrong 'but his power was cut to'

"How about it kid you can't tell which one Is the real one!" they said

"No so how about I show you an improved version of that technique" kakarrot then got into a stance and 4 other kakarrot's appeared beside him as well shocking the murasaki's

All the kakarrot's jumped into action attacking the murasaki's and in just a few seconds all of them were knocked out and all the duplicates disappeared

"WH-what speed…power" murasaki muttered shocked at kakarrot's power

Kakarrot then turned to him "Just one more to go"

Murasaki then ran and went to a cage on the next floor with kakarrot running after him and murasaki yelled into the cage "Hey! Android 8! Come out and kill this kid!"

Android 8 then stepped out of the cage just as kakarrot reached them "He's strong, he's strong! This guy is really strong!" murasaki said

Kakarrot looked the android over and saw the chains around him

Murasaki turned to the android"Alright get him!smash him to pieces! Destroy him!"


"No way..you didn't just say no did you" murasaki asked

"Living things cannot be killed. I don't like doing bad things" kakarrot was shocked to see theat the android was friendly and didn't want to hurt him

"Wh-why are you saying stupid stuff like that! It is finally time for you to do some work!" murasaki yelled

"I know you guys are up to no good. You took the village chief as a hostage and caused problems for everyone"

"Stop acting like this! We of the red ribbon army are the ones who made you!are you saying you will not obey the ones who gave you life!"

"I can't do it…sorry"

"What! You useless coward! Fine if you absolutely refuse to obey me then let me tell you this" murasaki then pulled out a remote" Answer me android 8! We attached a bob to you just in case something like this happened!" he then pointed to the button on the remote "If I press this button right here on this remote you'll blow to pieces"

Kakarrot was shocked at the news of the bomb "If you don't want that to happen you will to as your told!" kakarrot then glared at murasaki and looked to the remote

"I really can't do anything bad!"

"Wha?! Wh-wh-what!" murasaki yelled as kakarrot smiled at android 8

"Bastard…Traitor! You are a total failure!" general white then called over the speaker "Sergeant murasaki hurry up and destroy that idiot at once!"

"Y-yes general white!" then murasaki moved to the other side of the hall "Time for me to blow you up just like you asked! Ready? DIE!" Android 8 brased himself

"I won't let you do that!" kakarrot yelled as he flew at murasaki and knocked the remote out of his hands and crushed in under his feet then glared at murasaki

"Y-you dumb kid! That was my remote control!" Kakarrot then punched him in the face sending him flying into the wall with a bloody nose

"What was he thinking that idiot!" general white growled

Kakarrot then walked back over to android 8 "Thank you for helping me, I'm happy"

"You should have just done that yourself"

"It isn't good to fight"

"But its not bad to fight against evil people if their trying to kill you"

"I'm afraid of fighting" android 8 looked to the ground

Kakarrot lifted an eyebrow and looked him over "You look pretty strong thought I would be able to tell if I could sense you energy"

"What is your name?" android 8 smiled

"Me? I'm kakarrot but I'm guessing you don't have a name beside's 8"

"kakarrot are you going to save the village"

"Oh yeah this isn't the time to be standing around" kakarrot then turned to the other flight of stairs

"I think it's a bit difficult to get to the top floor, I will guide you there" they then headed up the stairs to a room that looked like a maze

"Wow someone could get lost in here" kakarrot looked around the room

"you'd be in trouble if you got lost in a maze this way" android 8 then lead him down one of the hallways

"Hachi is this 5F?" kakarrot asked

"This is between 4F and 5F" android 8 then turned to him "By the way what is hachi"

"Huh? O that's what I decided to call you it's the Japanese way to say eight and it sounds more like a name too"

"Hachi huh? That sounds nice" hachi then kept walking until they came to a flight of stairs "here are the stairs" they then went up to find a door "Here's the top floor 6F the command room. The village chief is trapped in here"

Kakarrot then pushed to the door open to find general white waiting for them "You must be the boss. Now hand over the village chief and I won't hurt you!"

"Good job getting this far kid, I have to hand it to you, you really did amazingly so far so much that I would like you to join our army!"

"What so you could just turn your back on me in the end no way!"

"General white please stop doing bad things and surrender!" hachi asked

"You couldn't even succed in betraying me and yet you have the nerve to talk to me like that huh? Aren't you two going to be the ones to surrender" general white then pushed a button that opened the floor below them making them fall through but kakarrot grabbed hachi and flew back up and placed him on the floor

"Coward won't even fight me head on!" kakarrot glared at the general who was shocked to see him fly "Now give us the village chief unless you wanna go flying!"

"Heh look at you acting so cocky you're just a kid" general white pulled off his sweatshirt "if you think you can send me flying the go ahead and give it a try"

"Fine. I won't hold back so brace yourself"

"Come on!" general white got into a fighring positon and tried to punch kakarrot in the face but he just tilted his head then 'lightly' kicked the genral in the knee making him scream and hop on one foot "Bastard!" he yelled at a grinning kakarrot

General white then tried to distract him as he punched him in the stomach but I didn't have any effect on him as kakarrot was still grinning up at him "I thought I felt a tickle put it was just your punch" kakarrot then hit the general with his own punch sending him flying "That's how you do it!"

'h-he -he's nutsm he's unbelievable powerful..a complete monster'

"You still want to try something or are you gonna give up" kakarrot yelled

General white looked behind him to see a pistol as he picked it up he got a grin on his face 'this'll do the trick! A powered gun!'

General white then held him hands up in a surrender "I understand I've lost..i'll hand over the village chief"

"You really think I'm that stupid I know you have a gun with you now put it down and show me where the chief is" kakarrot glared shocking the general but the general then tried to shoot him but kakarrot caught the bullet this time and crushed it in his hands

"People like you will never change!" kakarrot then forms a ki blast and shot it at the general knocking him into the wall unconscious

"Wow your really strong kakarrot" hachi looked over to the unconscious general

"Thanks I can sense that a person is in this room so this must be where the chief is" kakarrot then opened the door to see an old man reading a book on a table "Hey come out were here to take you back to the village"

"You really the onces who come to save me" the chief said while putting on his jacket

"Don't be so ungrateful I could always leave you here you know" kakarrot said

"right thank you" they then all headed out of the tower or what was left after kakarrot destroyed it kakarrot began to get hungry and held his stomach in pain

"kakarrot are you alrihgt" hachi asked

"Yeah I'm just hungry" kakarrot tried to walk but he was only able stumble forward

"Don't worry I'll carry you" hachi then put kakarrot in his jacket to keep him warm as kakarrot went to sleep


Gine was feeding a baby kakarrot in her arms as baby music played in the backround as he sucked on the pacifier of the bottle to eat

"He has quite the appetite huh?" bardock looked over to the baby

"Yeah that's his 4th bottle so far" gine smiled to her husband

"Well a saiyans so have large appetite's compared to other races don't they!" radiz said

"of right of course I do remember you were quite the eater when you were a baby to" gine looked over to radiz

"And still is" bardock smirked

"Hey you said we have to eat to stay strong don't we" radiz complained

"Yes but not so much!" bardock said making them all laugh and the baby got a smile on his face

/end dream/

Kakarrot was shook awake by suno and was told that dinner was ready in the kitchen 'it was just a dream' kakarrot looked around to remember where he was then headed with suno to the kitchen table

Kakarrot began to eat but everyone wasn't surprised at his appetite "We still have more so do you want some"

"Yeah thanks" kakarrot got finished eating a few minutes later "that was delicious "

"Haha you're just full of surprises boy" the father laughed"Thanks you peace has been restored to our village. Thank you so much"

"Everyone is overjoyed how can we ever repay you" the chief asked

"Why is everyone making such a big fuss over one ball" the mother asked while doing the dishes

"Oh right that's right we didn't find the dragon ball in the end either..i wonder where it is" the father wondered

"I think I had it" hacki searched through his pocket and brought out a dragon ball then placed it on the table shocking everyone" This is it right?"

"This is it hachi" kakarrot told him as he looked over the dragon ball

"Wh-why do you have the dragon ball!" the father asked

"When I was outside one day I just happened to some across it….but general white was planning to kill everyone one In the village once he found it so I hid it" everyone was surprised at the news

"Excellent job! I've really grown to like you!" the chief then ran up to hachi "that's it I want you to come live with me"

"M-me?" hachi pointed to himself

"Yeah that right! I live alone with my wife so if we had someone young like you It'd really help us out"

"That great hachi you said you wanted to live in a village rught?" kakarrot patted him on the shoulder

"Alright it's decided" the chief exclaimed

"But I'm an android" hachi muttered

"So what? That doesn't mean anything! There are good and bad types of humans too!" the chief encouraged hachi

"Thank you I'm so happy" hachi wiped some tears off his face

"so you'll live with me?! This is great!" the chief yelled

"Kakarrot why don't you come to live with us to" hachi asked

"No, I can't this ball wasn't my 4 star ball so I have to keep searching for the dragon balls" kakarrot looked over the 2 star dragon ball in his hand

"oh I'll miss you"

"Don't worry I'll come to visit when I can"

"I'm sure you will defiantly find them" suno encourage him

"now then kakarrot you must be tired why don't you stay the night" the mother asked


"Hachi why don't you stay the night too and say goodbye to kakarrot tomorrow, then come over to my place" the chief got his hat and coast on

"Thank you" hachi said as the chief left saying good night


Everyone had gotten dressed into pajamas and kakarrot was with hachi in suno's room

"hmmm so this is a dragon ball..it's pretty" suno had the two dragon balls in her hands

"I'll give them to you if you want" kakarrot said putting on a t shirt

"No way! If I hold on to this the red ribbon army will come back and kill me" suno hand him the dragon balls and he put them back into his backpack

"I'll just hold onto them then"

"kakarrot is that the radar that general white wanted" hachi looked in the bag

"yeah I got it from a girl named bulma when you press this button it should get a reading on where the dragon ball are" kakarrot did so but the radar didn't turn on "huh?"

"what's wrong" suno asked

"It must be broken I guess it's because I kept it in my armor"

"do you think you can fix it" hachi asked

"I don't know let me see" kakarrot hen placed it on a table and opened the back " everything looks fine to me but I didn't make this so I would know how it works I would have to have the blue prints" kakarrot shrugged"I guess I'll just have to go find her and get her to fix it, she said she lived in west city do you know which way that is" kakarrot asked suno

"West city…I think it's that way" suno pointed in a random direction

"that's really far how are you going to get there?" hacki asked

"I'll fly that how I've been traveling so far"

"You can fly that's amazing" suno then thought of how far away west city was" I'll make you some lunch to eat on the way then"

"really thanks"

/the next morning/

"well I'll be off take care everyone" kakarrot waved as he floated off the ground dressed in winter clothes again

"Thanks for everything kakarrot, you're my best friend" hachi said

"be careful and make that red ribbon army pay" suno said

"I will good-bye" kakarrot then flew off the west


Kakarrot had taken off his winter clothes and was eating the food that suno had made for him on his way to west city and after about an hour or two of flying at full speed he came across a city

"It looks pretty busy down there" kakarrot then landed on a sidewalk below him 'wow tis is the first time I've been in such a crowded place since planet vegeta exploded, I guess I'll just walk from here' he then began to walk down the sidewalk

"I wonder who would know I remember she said her dad made the capsules so I could go to capsule corporation in this city but I would need a ride like a taxi or something" kakarrot then got the money from the tournament out of his backpack and looked around for a ride

The money in his hands caught some unwanted attention from two men in an ally

"Hey look at what the kid has in his hands"

"That's a ton of cash" they then called him over to where they were "hey little buddy come over here for a minute!" they asked

Kakarrot turned to the two men "no thanks I'm busy right now" he then walked off 'do they really think I'm that stupid to walk into an ally even if they were strong I wouldn't'

The two men got a good look at his face and they were shocked to see it was the world martial arts champion so they didn't pursue him

Kakarrot came across a policeman and asked him if he knew where the capsule corporation was so he could find his friend bulma

"You're friends with the daughter of " the policemen was shocked

"yeah so do you know where it is?" kakarrot asked

"it's a bit far so why don't I take you" the policemen pulled up his hovercycle "Hop on"

"Alright thanks" kakarrot then got on behind the policemen and he drove him to capsule corporation which was about 15 minutes away

"Ok here we are" the policemen stopped the vehicle in front of the gates

"Thank you" kakarrot said then walked up to the intercom by the gate "excuse me but I'm here to see bulma briefs"

"Bulma is currently at school"

"Oh yeah now that I think about it, it's still school time…what will you do wait?" the policemen asked

"Yeah you can go now though" kakarrot told him

"Nah I can't do that I'm not really sure who you are, after it turns out I led a bad person here. There will be big trouble. Capsule corp. is a top class company known around the world after all, and for some reason I dins it hard to believe that you and bulma know each other" the policeman looked over kakarrot

"Hm? I can sense bulma coming this way!"

"Eh? Sense?"

"There she is" kakarrot pinted to another hover cycle coming toward and stopping in front of them "Bulma!"

Bulma took off her glasses and looked to see kakarrot waving to her "kakarrot hwo did you find my house?"

"The policemen showed me the way" kakarrot nodded over to the man

"A-are you the daughter of the president of capsule corp?"

"Yeah hi there" bulma then turned to kakarrot" do you need something?"

"The dragon radar broke and I need you to fix it so I can get going" kakarrot explained

"Oh so that's all? Sure come on, in" bulma then began to walk with kakarrot to the door when the policemen called over to them

"U-um would you mind fixing my scooter too it's been acting up lately" he pointed to the scooter

"Sure, come inside" bulma said

"By the way is school really over already?" he asked as he caught up with them

"It was boring so I decided to leave"

"You really expect to get a diploma with that attitude" kakarrot looked over to her

"It's not good to ditch school" the policemen told her

Bulma ignored them and greeted a cleaning bot in the doorway" I'm home, where is my dad?"

"Dr. Brief is currently in the garden"

Bulma then led the two boys to a door as she typed in a code and the door opened to revile a huge garden that looked more like a forest shocking them both

"hey go find my dad" bulma asked one of the bots"yes ma'am" it then flew off

"you have a lot of cats and dogs" the policemen mentioned

"those are all the stray cats, dogs, and dinosaurs that dad picked up" bulma explained "hey there he is" then came up on a scooter

"what is it bulma?" he asked

"I told you about him before this is kakarrot" bulma introduced him, dr. briefs then took the policemen's hands

"Is that so well I heard you were pretty tiny but you look big enough to me! Me older than 12"


"No daddy this is kakarrot" bulma pointed to the boy

"Ohh so you're the boy, I see you really are tiny" dr. brief came over to him looking him over

"Why does everyone have to mention my height" kakarrot muttered

"is that man really " the policemen asked

"you sure look strong!"

"Thanks" bulma then motion for kakarrot to follow her

"We'll be upstrairs so can you look over the policemen's scooter for me?" bulma asked her dad

"So you two kissed yet?" asked making them both blush

"NO WAY!" bulma yelled

"You sure take your time" briefs said

"Oh my god!" bulma complained

"Let's just fix the radar bulma" kakarrot told her as they headed off


/Red ribbon army HQ/

"Why did he go to west city? There aren't any dragon balls around there" commander red asked

"That's true"

"Commander red we received a photo of the enemy from the footage of muscle tower before it was destroyed"

"What?!" commander ed then took the picture and saw kakarrot in his armor smirking while in a fighting stance "Th-this is the boy who took out colonel silver and general white, then made off with the D..dragon balls?!"

"Wow" the lieutenant look at the picture as well

"Bastard! This kid is after one of the four dragon balls our army has yet to recover, send his picture to all of the squads and order them to kill on sight! Got it!" commander red ordered

"Yes sir!"

"Sure he has a radar far more advanced than ours but still, how was that kid able to find them so easily!"

"Well probably because he has the better radar"


Bulam and kakarrot had just gotten to bulma's room and bulam though of the hard homework she had gotten before she left school

"Hey kakarrot let's make a deal" bulma turned to him

"A deal?"

"Yeah I'll fix the radar if you do my homework for me since you're so smart it should be a synch right" bulma handed him her backpack

"What?! But you'll never learn anything if you have other people do you work" kakarrot tried to get out of the deal

"Oh don't try that with me it's too hard and you need the radar to continue your search so get to it" bulma smirked as kakarrot whimpered and handed her the radar

Kakarrot got out an agenda book from her school and looked for the date and saw she had to do a few questions in trigonometry and some stuff for her chemistry class so he got out the textbooks and turned to the pages of the questions and got out some paper and pens todo the work

Bulma smiled over to the scene happy she wouldn't have to do that work and got to work on fixing the radar

Kakarrot just breezed through doing everything since it wasn't as easy as counting to him and was done in about 30 minutes just as bulma was done with the radar

"Alright your homework's done" kakarrot place everything back in her backpack and walked to the desk where bulma was done with the radar

"Ok, it's fixed make sure you take better care of it this time!" she then turned on the radar to see only two dragon balls with them "Huh? You've only managed to find two you're taking your sweet time huh?"

"No I've just ran into a few problems on the way"

"Tomorrow is Saturday right?Alright it's boring around here anyway I might as well go help you search just like old times!"

"EH?! No I'm fine besides you'd only slow me down and get in the way"

"What do you mean get in the way? If I had been helping you since the start you probably would have found your momentum by now!"

Kakarrot frowned "But you can't even fly, I would have to carry you to keep going at the same speed"

"Hohoho! Take a look at this!" she showed him a bracelet she had on

"What's that?"

"It a mircoband I made" she then pushed a button on it"if you wear it and press the the button the wearer shrinks" kakarrot was shocked to see her shrink to the height of his knee

"Th-that's pretty neat!"

"Well?! Surprised aren't you, now it'll be easy to carry me around" she was then stepped on by a high heel and kakarrot looked up to see a blond in a blue dress

"Oh my! So you're kakarrot! Nice to meet you I'm bulma's mother"

"Um?!" he muttered

Bulam then increased her size back to normal shocking her mother "what were you doing under my foot?"

"You're the one who stepped on me!" bulma yelled

"It's because you shrunk in a place like this"

"It's your fault for barging in all of a sudden!"

Kakarrot looked back and forth between them then turned to him "Sorry my daughter's so noisy, here kakarrot have some sake" she handed him a tray with cups of sake

"You're giving a kid sake!" bulma yelled

"Oh come now do you always have to be so rebellious" her mother said making her crip her hair

"Hey where are yamcha, oolong, and paur?" kakarrot asked

"Yamcha, paur, and oolong are all at school right now. But this girl got into a fight with yamcha! See yamcha has a handsome face, right?! But she doesn't like the fact that he's so popular with the girls"

"Don't say unnecessary stuff! I'm going off with kakarrot to look for the dragon balls again! And this time I'm going to find a much much better boy than yamcha!"

"Oh can mom come with you to find a good man too, then?"

"Heck no you're married remember!" bulma then put on her jacket and turned to kakarrot "come on we're going aren't we!"

"You were serious?" kakarrot asked but followed her

They then waled down to the lab where was fixing the policeman's scooter

"Dad where are my capsules"

"On top of the desk are you going somewhere" he asked

"I'm gonna help kakarrot look for the dragon balls" she walked over to the desk and got her case of capsules then put them in her backpack

"Hoh! Going again, huh? This time when you get all seven, bring me back a fantastic gal alright!"

"Why are both you and mom saying those things you're married!"

Kakarrot and bulma then walked out to the front gate and bulma pulled out the radar

"Ok first head over southeast about 8000km" kakarrot looked to the east to see the direction they were gonna go "Ok I'm going to shrink now" once she shrunk kakarrot put her in his armor

"ready?!" he asked

"Yeah let's go!" kakarrot then flew off to the east

To be continued

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God_Shinobicreators' thoughts