

Kakarot a first class sayain lands on earth after the genocide of the sayan race,SMARTES SAYAN Words: 258,195

God_Shinobi · Komik
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39 Chs


Turtle vs Crane

After kakarrot's father returned to the afterlife Fortune teller baba agreed to show the location of the last dragon ball.

Baba looked into her crystal ball "Huh? It's moving"

"Moving?" yamcha asked

"It seems that an animal has managed to swallow that dragon ball" Baba told kakarrot and pointed to the picture "You see this dinosaur must of swallowed it"

Kakarrot looked into the crystal ball to see a T-rex raging around in the fields of a jungle "Yeah is see, bulma was right, so that's what was blocking the electromagnetic signal" he then turned to baba "Do you know where that dinosaur is"

"Not far" she then pointed to the right "it is that was about 400 km"

"It close!" kakarrot then turned to the group " I'm gonna go look for that dinosaur, I'll be right back!" He then took off into the sky


Kakarrot had been flying for a few minutes when he heard the roar of a dinosaur close by and searched for the source when he saw the T-Rex raging around scaring other animals in the process

"What the heck is it so mad about?" kakarrot asked himself

He then flew as close as he could to the front of its face "Hey what's the matter" he yelled as he tried to calm it down but the dinosaur just roared in his face

While the dinosaur was roaring he caught a glimpse of an orange ball stuck in one of it's teeth 'so that must be why it's in so much pain' he then got ready and flew into its mouth when it roared again

He then tried to grab the dragon ball out of the tooth but each time he tried to the teeth kept chomping onto each other making it impossible for him, he then flew a bit away from it "I hope this doesn't hurt to much" he muttered then prepared a ki blast in his hand and waiting for the dinosaur to roar

One it did he fried the blast at the tooth shooting right out of its mouth as he flew out as well to catch the tooth

The dinosaur finally stopped roaring as it felt to the new sensation of relief, kakarrot turned to it once he got the dragon ball "Sorry about that, you had something in your tooth that I needed but it must feel great to be relieved of that pain right"

The dinosaur then liked kakarrot covering him in slobber making him groan "You welcome" he wiped some off his face and waved goodbye then headed back to baba's palace


Once he had arrived he yelled from above "Hey!"

"It's kakarrot he's back" krillin pointed to the sky

"And it looks like he has the dragon ball" roshi commented

As kakarrot landed he was approached by yamcha "You found it right" kakarrot nodded then showed him the dragon ball "Yeah see"

"Why are you all wet?" hasky asked

"It's not water, it's slobber from the dinosaur apparently the ball was stuck in one of its teeth and this was its way of saying thanks" he gestured to the slobber before wiping the rest of it off

Hasky put her hands together "Aww how cute"

Kakarrot then turned to upa "This is the last ball upa! Let's go back to korin's" upa then jumped onto his back with the backpack on his back "Hold on tight"

"I'm gonna go resurrect upa's dad and then come right back! Thanks for all your help" he then took off

Roshi looked into the direction kakarrot took off " My, my…such an impetuous fellow"

Krillin put his hands behind his head pouting "Shoot…I wanted to see shenron"

"Collecting the dragon balls was a lot harder this time….he really is remarkable" yamcha put his hands on his hips as he was saying

"More remarkable than you know, for one day he will save this world" baba spoke from behind them

"Huh?! What do you mean by that?" krillin asked

"Kakarrot will save our world?!" roshi asked

"Or something like that….I have the power of prophecy you know" Baba answered



Hasky was looking down at the water sitting on the ledge of the pathway with paur waiting with the other for kakarrot to come back

Yamcha approached Roshi who was currently talking to krillin about a spitting contest

"Excuse me Master roshi"

"Hey yamcha why the long face?" roshi asked

"I've been thinking a lot, I was wondering if you could take me on as a student" Hasky had overheard and turned to look at them "I think living in the city is making me soft and I see what a good job you did with krillin so what do you say" hasky walked up to them from behind yamcha to hear his answer

Roshi shook his head "No way….i'm sorry son but one is enough for me"

"Come on I won't be any trouble I promise"

"It's too much work" roshi rubbed the back of his head making hasky growl in frustration and approach him

"I don't see why you can't just give him a chance you're just a lazy old man aren't you!" she yelled

"I'm not lazy I happen to have things to do"

Hasky then tried a different approach by playing with her hair " If you let yamcha come and train with you maybe I'll come visit too"

"Eh!" roshi gasped

"Your place is by the water and I've been dying to try out this new swim suit I had " she then looked back to see roshi approach yamcha

Roshi put a hand on his shoulder "Well" yamcha turned to him "When can you start" they all then fell over making him turn red


"Were here, look" kakarrot pointed to korin tower, they landed and he took his bag from upa

"Father's grave is over there" upa pointed to a pile of dirt on the ground by them

"Right" he opened his bag and got out all seven of the dragon balls " Alright! You ready to get your wish?!"

"Yes sir!" upa the hid behind a tree nearby

"Shenron come forth and grant our wish!" The sky began to darken as the dragon ball glowed then everything was consumed in light as they heard the roar of a large dragon

"Wow I didn't really get to see him last time!" Kakarrot looked up at the dragon in amazement

Reflect upon your desires, mortals fro I shall grant any wish…..but only ONE

Kakarrot turned to upa "Upa, the wish"

"Y-Yes!" upa stepped up to the dragon and put his hands together "P-p-please, sir…..my wish is to have my murdered father restored to life!"

"Can you do it?" kakarrot asked

Can I perform such a trifle? There is no wish that I cannot grant! His eyes then began to glow a brighter red

Seconds later the pile of dirt began moving from beside them "F-Father's grave's…." upa stuttered before Bora sat straight up in the dirt and stood up

Upa's eyes began to water "F-Fa…." He ran to his father in joy "Oh! Father!"

"Upa?!" he yelled as he picked him up "That's right….I-I was.."

"You where murdered father! But kakarrot gathered the dragon balls and resurrected you!" Upa informed his father

"He…..?! Astounding!" Bora looked up at shenron

Your wish is granted. Fare you well

Shenron was consumed in a bright light and the dragon ball lifted up into the air, kakarrot looked up at them "The four-star ball is….THAT one" he shoot up and grabbed it just as the other dragon ball flew off

Bora and Upa were shocked at the sight and when kakarrot landed upa ran up to him " kakarrot! Why did you leap up just now!"

"After shenron grants a wish,the dragon balls go flying to the far corners of the earth….but I was able to grab mine just before it took off" He showed up the dragon ball that was now a stone

"Huh? B-but.."

Kakarrot smiled " After the dragon disappears the dragon balls turn to stone for one whole year"

"Kakarrot! Thank you so much" bora thanked

"Aw heck! I'm just glad your together again"

Bora then bent down and shook his hand "Our gratitude is as infinite as the stars in the night sky"

Upa looked up at his father "Kakarrot was able to defeat the man who murdered you too" his father nodded "Kakarrot is a blessing to us all"

"Well then, I better get going!"

"What? Must you go so soon" upa asked

"Wont you stay just a little longe? Long enough for a feast of gratitude" bora asked

"I wish I could, but everyone's waiting for me, see ya later!" he flew up a few feet and waved goodbye before taking off

"Farewell until we meet again!"


"It's kakarrot, He's back!" krillin yelled

"Hey!" kakarrot waved before he landed

"Well?! How'd it go?! Were you able to revive his dad alright?!" krillin asked

Kakarrot nodded "yup! He's alive!"

"Alright!" he cheered

"Your friend must be overjoyed!" yamcha yelled

"Sure is!"

"You did a good deed" Roshi praised

"So now your quest for the dragon balls is over at last, yes" paur asked

"Yeah and I won't have to go searching next year because I was able to grab mine before it flew off with the rest of them"

"You mean you'll never have to go on another dragon ball quest huh?" krillin asked

"Yup! And now its time to start training for the next World Martial Arts Tournament!"

"Um…yes about that…while you were gone kakarrot, we were talking and…I've alson been accepted to train under Master Roshi!" yamcha pointed to himself

Kakarrot raised his eyebrows "Huh?! Really?!"

"Yes, I'm planning to have him build me up from the basics again"

Hasky put her hands on her hips "Just don't let him build you into a pervert" He blushed down at her

Roshi narrowed his eyes at her "Is it a sin to have healthy appetites?!"

"I'm thinking about traveling around the world to learn techniques from as many places as I can"

"Well then, let's meet again at the next World Martial Arts Tournament! I will look forward to it!" roshi announced

"Huh?! You mean the next time we'll see kakarrot is in five years?!" krillin asked

"Actually, no… it'll be 3 years. Due to its popularity and number of participants, the tournament has been switched to a more frequent schedule"

"Alright! That's's when we'll meet again!"

"Three years huh? That's still a long time without seeing eachother"

"Don't worry the time will fly by in no time"

"I'll defiantly be a worthy opponent this time kakarrot" yamcha put his fist in the air

"Oh yeah?! It's gonna take a lot of power to impress me" kakarrot shrugged

"Good luck kakarrot!" paur said

Krillin then smirked "One promise! In three years, I will be tallar than you"

Kakarrot smirked too "I'm gonna grow too, you know!" he then turned to Roshi and Baba "Okay, I'm gonna get going! Take care okay?"


"I pray you have a fruitful pleasant journey!"

Kakarrot then got in the position to take off when roshi stopped him "What?"

"You must'nt rely on your ki for everything you know why don't you try using your own strength to travel around the world"

"Ohhh..tough" krillin mumbled

"Th-this is one stern master" yamcha stuttered

Kakarrot rubbed his chin in thought "Hmmm I guess you're right!" he took off running instead yelled "Well then, later!"

"Doesn't anything faze that kid?" Hasky asked

"I wonder if he even knows what anguish means" yamcha muttered

Baba whispered into roshi's ear "And of course, a great master always practices what he preaches…..Hmmm?"

Roshi then turned to the group "W-wel I suppose we can at least run back to the house!"

"What?!" they yelled and ran after roshi took off running

"Hey! How did I get caught in this!" Hasky yelled


Kakarrot had been running for a what seemed like a few hours across the desert and a few fields when he decided to take a break when he came across a valley with apple trees

"I am kind of hungry" he jumped into one of the trees and sat on one of the branches to eat some apples and before he knew it he fell asleep

A couple of minutes later Chi-chi who was now dressed comepletely different from last time came to the field to pick some flowers, she had on a blue shorts, a red shirt, some boots and she was also wearing a small tiara

While she was picking flowers an apple fell on kakarrot's face waking him up, he groaned and sat up on the branch and heard the humming of a small girl so he looked through the leaves to see chichi in the field

"Chichi? Hey Chichi!" he called to her, she stood up and looked around as kakarrot jumped out of the tree in front of her and she got a wide smile as he ran up to her

"Kar!" she hugged him once he was close enough

"Hey how have you been" Kakarrot asked

"I've been great My father and I were able to rebuild our kingdom and the town around it now it looks like it came out of a fairytale there oh it's amazing"

"So what are you doing way out here, It must be close to the kingdom right"

"Yes it's not far and I'm out here getting flowers for the festival where having right now"


"Yes we decided to have an international festival to celebrate all the different nations across the world so one side of the tow will be African, another British, another Mexican, and another Chinese and…."

"Ok I get that must be really fun though"

"It is you should come and join in the fun since we'll be getting married once the you properly propose right"

"Oh right but there is something you should know that I haven't gotten the chance to tell you"

"Hmm? What is it?"

"Well you see.." he rubbed the back of his head and told her the entire story from planet vegeta and the promise he made to his parents

"Wow that's a big commitment to make"

"That's it?"


"I mean you're not shocked to find out I'm an alien?"

"Oh I kinda knew that tail of yours wasn't right to be human and my father and I watched the World Martial Arts Tournament from our Castle and when krillin started to say 'ali' I knew he was going to say alien I was just waiting for you to tell me"

"Wow your pretty smart"

"Not as smart as you I can't believe you already have two degree's that's awesome your even more perfect for me than I already thought"

"Heheh thanks so why don't we go see the festival now"

"Sure you can meet all your future townspeople"She then grabbed him by the hand and dragged him through the forest until they heard music playing and they came to a cliff and kakarrot's eyes widened at the sight

The place did look like it came out of a fairytale with the giant marble castle at the edge, and the large town surrounding it that was currently filled with balloons, floats, streamers, and music. There was also the ocean the other side of the town to go with the Hawaiian theme

"Surprised huh" chichi asked and all he could do was nod, she then dragged him down the hill and they went through the crowd straight to her father

"Daddy! Look who came to visit!"

"Ah kakarrot ma boy come to join in the festival eh"

"I was actually on a training trip and happened to come across chichi in the fields and she brought me here to celebrate"

"Well how about we announce your arrival!" Oxford turned off the music for a bit to get the people's attention

"Everyone I would like you to meet Kakarrot, he is my daughter's fiancé and the one who saved the ruins of our kingdom from the blazing fires that once engulfed this land so let give him one big thanks"

The townspeople cheered in gratitude for him making him blush "You'll get used to it sooner or later" chichi patted him on the back before her dad turned the music back on

"Now why don't you give kakarrot a tour of the town so he can get to know the place " the king offered

"Ok come on kar!" chichi then dragged him again and for the whole day they toured the town visiting every nationed theme part of it and kakarrot got to try food's from all the different restaurant that were making themed foods

Once the celebration was over everyone lent a hand to for clean up then retreated to their homes and chichi took kakarrot back to the castle

"That was quite the eventful day" kakarrot commented as he sat on the couch of the large living room

"Yup and many more where that came from" chichi winked

"Yeah well I should be going I was on a training journey for the next World Martial Arts tournament and I need to be on my way"

"Oh can't you a least stay for the night it's already dark out and you can use a bath and one of the guest rooms we have" chichi offered

"Alright I guess that's fair"

"YAY! Thank you Kar!" chichi hugged him again

/the next morning/

"Thanks for everything I'll be sure to come and visit as soon as I can" kakarrot waved from the palace doors

"Ok don't forget!" Chichi and her father waved as he took off running at a high speed


/Three years later/

The group including Roshi, krillin, yamcha, Hasky, bulma, launch, oolong, paur, and turtle were now on a plane heading straight for papaya island

"We are beginning our final decent to durian airport on Papaya Island, site of this year's World Martial Arts Tournament! Please fasten your seatbelts!"

"At last the world martial arts tournament is here" yamcha smirked

"This time you'll win for sure" hasky ushered

"Don't forget I'll be there too" krillin smirked at them

"Yes…to admire the fruits of my last three years of training" yamcha told him

"Hohoho I hate to burst your respective bubbles, boys….but you haven't forgotten about kakarrot, have you?" bulma asked

"Yeah the best you could get is second place with him around" oolong told them

Roshi then yelled to a waitress "Stewardness! Quick! Where's the bathroom!"

"Huh?! I-I'm very sorry, sir, but we'll be landing momentarily so if you can just wait.."

"I'll try! But you better land QUICK!"

"M-Master roshi… please, don't embarrass us.." krillin muttered as the group blushed


The group was waiting outside the airport for master roshi to come from the bathroom

Oolong had his hands in his pockets "he's certainly taking his sweet time…what's he doing in there?

Krillin put his hands on his hips while frowning " The registration's going to close!"

"Heh sorry to keep you waiting! You know how it is when you're all blocked"

Bulma blushed "We don't need to HEAR about this!"

They then got into taxi's and where driven to the World Martial Art's Arena

"Boy does this bring back memories" krillin looked up at the sign with yamcha


"Hey! Hurry up and register!" roshi called over to them

"Oh yeah! Right!" they walked over to the desk and registered with the man sitting there once they were done roshi approached him

"By the way, do you know if a Kakarrot had registered yet or not?"

"Ahh, yes…the child that won the championship last time…Hmmm, it doesn't look like he's arrived"

"Not yet eh?" roshi asked

"What's he doing? Registration's about to close!" krillin frowned

"He'd better not have forgotten he can be pretty irresponsible when he want to be" roshi said

The group waited a bit more and kakarrot had not arrived yet

Yamcha checked his watch "There's only five minutes left!"

Hasky looked up and down the road " He'll be here! He was really looking forward to this!"

"500,000 zeni prize eh? Maybe I should enter too" a blond launch thought out loud

" Unfortunatly the tournament doesn't allow weapons" turtle told her

Roshi sneaked away from the group to the registration desk " Could you please also enter the name Jackie chun?" he whispered

"Huh? Jackie Chun? You mean the vice championship winner of the last tournament? D-don't tell me YOU'RE?!"

Roshi quickly shushed him and took off his sunglasses " listen…this is our little secret ok?" the man nodded and entered the name as roshi walked back to the group

Bulma was now checking her watch "Hey! Only three minutes left!"

Oolong narrowed his eyes " he'll wait to show up at the last minute just watch"

Krillin turned to roshi "Master kakarrot is coming this year right"

"Just keep your eyes on that road he'll come"

"Well, well, well! If it isn't the turtle master!" a voice said from behind

Roshi turned to see an old man, a teenager with three eyes, and a pale faced child "oh-ho! The crane master, eh? I'm shocked to see that you're still alive"

"Heh still as foul-mouthed and foul-faced as ever I see. I heard a rumor that you disciple played quite a role in the last World Tournament, that just shows how low this tournament has fallen. So I thought I should remind everyone of what real martial arts look like …and enter MY disciples too. Heh heh heh so sorry, of course I'll understand if you all run home before you suffer too much embarrassment"

"Hahaha you still have your warped sense of humor" Roshi laughed

"Says you, baldy!" Crane yelled

"Yeah, says me, half-baldy!" Roshi yelled

They then turned to leave "Feh let's go. We don't have time to waste on fools! This tournament is going to be fun!"

"Who was that offensive old coot" yamcha asked

"A jerk! And a former rival of mine…The crane master!" Roshi growled

"Nevermind that! There's only one minute left!" Oolong yelled

"But no kakarrot" Turtle yelled

"Relax" yamcha turned to paur "Paur I want you to transform into kakarrot and register as him"

"Yes sir!" paur was about to transform when they all felt a large gust of wind go past them then the screeching of boots

They all then turned to see kakarrot wipe some sweat off his fore head and turn to the registration desk and talk for a bit then collapse against a wall, they all approached him extremely happy he made it "Kakarrot!"

He looked up "Hey guys!" he huffed as he stood up

"Long time no see!" yamcha yelled

"How you all been?!"

"Hey! You've grown quite a bit, haven't you?!" bulma observed as he looked down at himself

"I have?!"

"Hey I grew a lot too" krillin growled

"I see your tail grew back as well" hasky observed

"You had us all worried! What happened to your flying" Roshi asked

"I took your advice and traveled on foot"

"D-d-don't tell me you SWAM here..?!" oolong asked

"I did but the reason I was so late was because I stopped by chichi's to ask her to make me a gi for the tournament and I had to go as fast as I could to swim here"

"You swam here from the Ox-kingdom!" yamcha asked

"Th-that's almost on the other side of the earth!" bulma stuttered

"What a powerful….Idiot!" oolong muttered

"All contestants your attention please we will now commence the preliminary rounds. Please make your way into the gymnasium!"

"Ho things are getting underway" roshi said


the fighters had now changed into their gi's and kakarrot's new gi was black and dark blue boots, black pants, a drak blue sash belt, a deep V black shirt and on the back was a symbol that meant saiyan with three dark blue rings on each of his wrists "Wow this is a cool Gi"

"Say…do you think kakarrot's gotten stronger over the last three years" yamcha asked krillin

"Who knows what he learned traveling the world" krillin answered

"You guys better all get through the preliminary rounds!" bulma shouted from over the wall

"Good luck!" the group cheered


"Now listen you show them everything you've learned the last three years got it?!" Roshi told yamcha and krillin

"Got it!"

The three fighters then ran the preliminary round arena

Krillin looked around " Whoa…it looks like there're even more people than last time!"

Kakarrot looked around as well and found an old familiar face so decided to run up to him and tugged his sleave "Old timer!"

"Eh? Ho! So we meet again whipper snapper!" Jackie turned to him

"So how's your training been this year it must have been hard to find the time" Kakarrot smirked

"Eh? Oh I had plenty of time" he then turned away 'I've been training secretly! I can't stand the idea of losing to one of my disciples!'

"Ahem….Thank you all very much for gathering today from all corners of the world for this, the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament! As you all are aware, in recent years, the number of participants has increased so much that from this time on, we will be holding the tournament every three years. Even so, the number of contestants entered in the preliminary rounds is an astounding 182! From this number only eight will be selected to go on- this will be a truly grueling battle! Prepare to give everything you have!"

The fighter each stepped forward to take their number then walked to the board to see who they would be fighting against

Krillin looked to the chart "number 71….second half of block 2 eh?"

Kakarrot looked for his match on the chart "I'm block one the second half"

Yamcha wiped his forehead and sighed "phew! You had me worried there for a second! I'm in the first half of block 1"

Kakarrot turned to Jackie"what about you old timer?"

"Hmm, Number 178..so block 4"

"Alright! We're split up!" krillin cheered

"The preliminary bouts to determine the eight finalists of the World Martial Arts Tournament will now commence! Please confirm your assignment by comparing the number you drew against the chart and gather at the appropriate ring! The rules are as follows: you will fight one on one, and if you fall out of the ring or are knocked out or call 'mercy' you lose. The use of weapons is prohibited. There is no time limit from this point, so please fight on until a winner has been determined"

"Okay…let's start the block 1 preliminary- contestants 1 and 2 please enter the ring"

Yamcha stepped into the ring "I've just got to make sure I don't lose right off the bat"

"Good luck yamcha!" krillin yelled

"Contestants begin!"

Both fighters got into their fighting stances, the man tried to knee yamcha but he was able to block him and knock him unconscious

"Knockout! The winner is number 2!" most of the fighters were shocked

"Wow! You trained a lot huh?!" kakarrot asked

"A little yeah" he grinned then looked over to another ring "Look! It looks like it's krillins turn!"

"Looks like he's got a big opponent"


Krillin bowed to his opponent "Whenever you feel like it…make your move!"

"Well, you've got a smart mouth….you baby octopus head!" he grinned

"'octopus head'?!" krillin muttered

"Shall I slash you into sushi!" the man tried to grab him but krillin grabbed onto one of his fingers and flipped him over to the wall behind him

"Wow! Your way better than three years ago" kakarrot praised

"oh hoho that was nothing..just wait!" krillin crossed his arms

They where then approached from behind by tien and chiotzu

"Heheheh to strut over such a picayune display…what little fools" tien smirked

"What?!" yamcha growled as krillin huffed

"Who are you?!" kakarrot glared

"He's one of the disciples of the crane master…a really nasty old geezer who's a rival of master roshi" krillin explained to him

"You're just lucky that you don't have to face ME in the preliminaries. Of course that undeserved luck will run out eventually" he turned to yamcha "that is…IF you make it to the final eight with such childish tricks"

"Oh get lost- before we flatten you" yamcha growled

"Ho. If only you had the skill to back up your talk"

"Blcok 3 contestants 99 and 100 please!"

Tien turned to leave smirking "it's my turn, well good luck to you all, I suppose"

"Don't get scared you might wet your pants" yamcha called after him

Krillin was steaming" Th-that creep! He's definitely the jerk-iest under the heavens" then smirked "I bet he'll lose right away! I'll enjoy laughing in his face! HA ha!"

"Nah he's gonna be real good" kakarrot told him



The sumo fighter ran at tien but he smirked and hit him at great speed then turned to leave and behind him the fighter collapsed

"Knockout! The winner is number 99! Hey we need a stretcher over here!"

"Wh-what's going on?"

"What just happened?"

"Four arm chops" yamcha answered

"And two kicks" krillin pointed out

"That was pretty good" kakarrot smirked

"Awww he wasn't that good" krillin told him


"it's finally kakarrot's turn, huh?" krillin watched

"I wonder if he'll give us a show right out of the gates" yamcha asked

"My, my what a cute opponent"

"H-hey! Isn't that king chappa?!"

"King chappa?" yamcha asked then turned to the ring "so that's king chappa, huh? He's said to be an incredible master..almost god-like…the legend is that when he last participated, he won the entire tournament without once being struck by an opponent!"

"Whoa" krillin muttered

"Contestants begin!"

"Do not fear! I will not kill you!" chappa got into a fighting stance

"Heh like that could happen anyway" kakarrot got into his fighting stance

"Open with whatever blow amuses you!"

"Okay…if you say so!"

'Now we'll see just how much he's developed over the last three years' Jackie thought

Kakarrot then punched chappa in the jaw at amazing speed that the crowd could barly see

"He's fast!"

"ugh! Hohoho so it seems you're not just some lad off the streets eh?"

Kakarrot shrugged while smirking at him making him growl

"Now he's mad" yamcha watched

"Here it comes…the hasshu-ken!" roshi informed

"The…..'blow of eight fists?' where he moves so fast it looks like he has eight arms?" yamcha asked

"do not begrudge me, lad! To know defeat is also part of one's training" he then began attacking kakarrot with his technique but each time he was able to dodge then he swept chappa off his feet

"left your feet wide open there" he grinned

"Y-you! Insolent little!" he tried to punch him but kakarrot suddenly disappeared "WHAT?!"

"Up here!" he called from above

"fwahahah! How like a child to take to the sky! You cannot move freely in the air! You are begging to be hit!"

Kakarrot then flew down at him as chappa got ready to hit him but when he tried his arm fazed through him shocking him and seconds later he was kicked in the jaw sending him out of the ring "Fell for it!"

"Out of b-bounds! The winner is number 28!"

"He didn't really show any new techniques there" Jackie commented

"Guess were gonna have to wait for the tournament for some real action" yamcha huffed

It was Jackie's turn next and he defeated his opponent easily with one hit to the jaw

"S-sorry….i put a little too much strength into that one"

"that old guy is still awesome" krillin cheered

"Leave it to him to have polished his moves even further since the last tournament…this is shaping up to be quite an astonishing tournament indeed" kakarrot thought to himself

And so the preliminary matches move along, and the 182 contestants are progressively whittling down, kakarrot, yamcha, and krillin all sailed through and qualified to be among the eight finalists of the World Martial Arts Tournament…..and

"The winner is number 178! He has earned advancement to the final rounds!" Jackie held up a peace sign

"He's…really good isn't he?" krillin asked

"don't want to give up against kakarrot or that old man too early, eh?" yamcha asked

"Let's go tell everybody!" krillin then ran off with yamcha and kakarrot right behind him


"Wow! Congradulations! All three of you qualified for the final rounds again!" bulma smiled

"Funny..i don't see master roshi anywhere" hasky looked around "He's been gone the whole time. Probably committing petty acts of lewdness in the crowd!"

"Who are you calling lewd" she turned to see roshi behind her " I disappear for a second and look what they start saying about me! I just snuck in the watch the preliminary matches!"

"You were watching?!" krillin asked

"Yup! The two of you displayed your progress magnificently! Who know who could win second place this time!"

"We'll do our best sir!"

"The World Martial Arts Tournament finals will begin momentarily! Will the eight chosen finalist please assemble in the main tournament hall?"

"Here we go! But isn't this a bad spot to watch us from?" krillin asked

"Don't worry that's what launch and hasky are for!" oolong pointed to them as they smirked and got out their guns

"Leave it to us….We'll get us the best seats in the house!" launch took off the safety on her gun and began shooting upward with hasky

"All right everybody! Anybody who doesn't want to die, get out of the way!" hasky yelled as the crowd ran around screaming


"I sure hope we don't get lumped together by the lottery" krillin looked to yamcha


"Amazing! Both of the sluggish turtles survived! The quality of competition really must be dropping here!" Tien smirked

Yamcha crossed his arms "feh! You must have had a lot of luck to have qualified with your kindergarden skills!"

"Hohoho I look forward to settling the dispute in front of the crowd"

Krillin then yelled at chiotzu "Hey! You've got to be kidding! YOU made it into the finals too?!"

Chiotzu pointed to him "octopus!"

"You're as bald as I am…OCTOPUS!"

"Nope" he then took off his cap to show he had one strand of hair

"What a weirdo! I'd rather have no hair than just one strand!"

"You're just jealous!"

Tien blushed and put the cap back on "That's enough chiotzu. Don't get involved in such petty quarrels" chiotzu stuck his tongue out

"Just you wait!" krillin growled

"Alright. All finalists please assemble!"

"Hey!" kakarrot greeted him

"Oh you're participating again? Please don't destroy anything this time" He then turned the the chart on the wall behind him "Where was i? oh yes…you'll be choosing your match opponent and order by lottery, so when we call your name, please come forward and draw a slip! All right let's start with Mr. Jackie chun"

"At your service! I'm number 4, it seems"

"That would be match 2. Next is yamcha"


Tien smirked and turned to chiotzu "I'm going to take him down all right set me up with him"

"ok" chiotzu lifted a finger as yamcha got his number

"Number 1, eh?"

"Match 1 it is,…..uh…pomput?"

"here, number 7"


"Yes" he then whispered to his friend "I'm counting on you"


"Number 2" yamcha glanced up

"Match 1…against yamcha!"

"I feel sorry for you….doomed to be finished so early" yamcha smirked

"I'd like to wrap that remark in a ribbon and hand it right back at you" tien smirked as he walked past him


"Yo! Number 6!"

"Match 3…..next is wolfman!"

"What did you call me?! I'm the manwolf!"


"Do you take me for some kind of monster?! A wolfman is a savage creature that turns into a wolf with the full moon! But I turn into a human with the full moon! Get it?!"

Krillin whispered to kakarrot "sounds like the same thing if you ask me"

"Pl-please just draw a slip"

"Number 3!"

"Y-you will fight in match 2..against Jackie chun!"


"No! it's chiotzu! Number 5!"

"Number 5, was that? Uh..that means..match 3 against krillin"

"Phew! Just that punk…I was afraid I'd get kakarrot" krillin wiped his forehead

"Which means kakarrot, the final contestant is number 8- he will face pompot in match 4" the announcer looked to the chart

"I'm last again" kakarrot groaned

"hey that way the audience can have the best for last again cheer up" yamcha patted him on the back

"These are the rules- thses are single round bouts with no time limit. If you fall out of bounds, are knocked out for a 10-count, or plead 'mercy', you lose. When you hear your name called over the loud speakers please approach the arena"

"This is awesome! Not one of us four will have to fight each other in the first round!" krillin cheered

"Indeed sometimes the most astonishing coincidences occur…" Jackie nodded


Oolong frowned "Where's that old coot wander off to this time?"

Bulma frowned as well and looked around "old people…what are you gonna do with them?"

"Launch and hasky got us such great seats" paur smiled

A blue-haired launch got confused "I d-did?! How did I do that?!"

Hasky smiled at her "Your other self did with me by using our guns"

"Oh I see"

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for your patience! We now present the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament! 182 skilled martial artists entered the preliminary rounds and from them have emerged only eight finalists! These eight will battle before you to determine WHO will claim the prize money for 500,000 zeni! WHO is truly 'The strongest under the heavens'?! Let's waste no time in starting…match 1! Contestant yamcha versus contestant tienshinhan! Please enter!"

The crowd cheered, Hasky leant forward " There he is, there he is!"

"It's yamcha!" paur cheered

Tien and yamcha glared at each other as they walked to the arena, yamcha smirked "Prety soon I won't ever have to listen to your rude remarks again!"

"Indeed! I never insult those I've beaten!"

"Astounding, Two of our finalists are disciples of the legendary Master Roshi! And one of them is yamcha!" the announced gestured to yamcha on his left "Even more astounding, another two of the remaining six are disciples of Master Roshi's arch-rival Master shin! And yamcha's foe tien is one of those!"

Jackie chun and master shin both said " How dare they lump me in with that idiot!"

"Good luck, Yamcha! The group cheered

"You'll be yelling for mercy in no time at all" yamcha grinned

"I look forward to you trying"

"You won't wait long"

"Presenting Match 1 Yamcha versus Tienshinhan! Gentlemen Begin!"

Yamcha got into his fighting stance "If you want to run..now's your last chance!"

"Hoho enjoy your jabber before I shut you up!"

"Heheheh this ought to be a snap for yamcha!" krillin looked with kakarrot on the wall

"I don't know..i'll tell you this guy is really good"

Hasky cheered "He is going to win, right?"

Paur put her paws on her hips "Over that fool? Of course!"

Yamcha sent a kick at tien but he blocked it, tien then tried to punch him multiple times but he was able to block them, tien sent his own kick causing yamcha to fall back but caught himself and back flipped

Tien ran at yamcha and tried to punch him but yamcha jumped into the air so he jumped up after him and they started their own fight in the air pefore yamcha punched him down to the ring

"Wh-whoa!" krillin stuttered

"That was neat" kakarrot commented

"WH-what happened?! All that action…and so fast!"

'I never imagined he's be so good…." Yamcha stared at tien

'interesting evidently he wasn't just full of hot air after all…..It's been some time since I encountered such formidable resistance' tien thought

Yamcha got into another stance "Here I come! Fist of the Wolf-fang gale..version 2!"

"Fascinating!" tien yelled as he got into a stance

They both ran at each other and began throwing punches and kicks after a while tien was able to get in a punch to yamcha's stomach and knock him down

Yamcha got up rubbing his stomach, the Crane master grinned at the sight

"All right then" yamcha smirked getting tiens attention "Time for the fabled trick up the sleeve"

"Wh-what's he gonna do?!" krillin asked

"So he finally learned to do ki blasts, it's the Kamehameha wave!" kakarrot smiled

Jackie's eyes widened 'yamcha knows the kamehameha!'


Krillin's eyes widened "It is! When the heck did he learn it?!"

"HA….ME….HA!" he fired the wave at tien but tien put his hands together and held two fingers up making it reverse its course back at yamcha

"What th-?!" krillin yelled

"He deflected it!" kakarrot yelled in surprise

"What?!" Jackie yelled

Yamcha jumped up to avoid being hit making tien smirk and jump up as well, yamcha looked around for him "Arrgh! What is this guy?! To deflect a ki blast!"

"Yamcha! Behind you!" kakarrot yelled

Yamcha looked to see a smirking tien and was kicked in the stomach then punched right down to the arena

Hasky screamed and put her hands over her eyes as the others looked on wided eyed

Tien then came down aiming his knee

"No! Stop it!" krillin yelled

Tien landed his knee right on yamcha's leg making it twist in an odd angle

"It snapped!" kakarrot's eyes widened

The announcer came onto the ring "His L-L-Leg doesn't L-Look right"

Krillin and kakarrot came running to yamcha's side, krillin yelled "Yamcha!"

The announcer lent down to his side "Um..sir?!..SIR!"

Tien smirked " Nevermind him! Don't you have a job to do!" tien looked to the announcer

"Oh..Y-yes…contestant yamcha is clearly in no shape to continue the M-match…Therefore…victory is awarded to contestant tienshinhan!" the announder then called over some workers "This man has a broken leg! Take him to a hospital immediately!"

"Y-Yes sir!"

"WAHH!" hasky yelled

"Yamcha!" paur flew into the ring "I'll take him to the hospital!" she transformed into a flying carpet "Kakarrot please lift him onto me!"

"Sure!" kakarrot did so "Ok you're all set" paur then took off with yamcha

"I'm going with him!" hasky turned to leave

"Let's all accompany him!" launch and bulma followed her

Kakarrot glared at tien "You went to far! Yamcha was already knocked out and you KNEW it!"

"Heheheheh just be grateful that I didn't kill him! I am quite a softie you see…"

"SHUT UP!" he yelled startling tien "I swear I'm gonna give you a taste of your own medicine just wait!" he then turned to leave

After Kakarrot left tien moved to join chiotzu

"M-match 2…is about to B-begin…Contestants Jackie chun versus Contestant Man-wolf please step out!"

"You won!" chiotzu cheered to tien

"Of course. But you know these turtle school fellows are much better than I expected. Don't be complacent." He then put his rubbed his chin "Oh course this kakarrot does seem like a worth foe"

"Contestant Jackie chun is the Vice Champion of the last tournament and contestant Man-wolf has the ability to transform from wolf into a human when he sees the full moon!:

"I'm gonna tear you to pieces!" Man wolf placed a fist in his hand

"Why are you so angry all the time?" Jackie asked

"WHY?! Because during the last full moon I wasn't able to catch a glimpse of it and I've been stuck in my wolf form too long! Thanks to that no girls will look at me!"

"Ahh yes now I understand…but why don't you just find a nice wolf girl?"

"I HATE furry people!"

"Well if you're going to be picky.."

" Um…I'd like to get started soon..so….well…um..BEGIN!"

Man-wolf tried to slash Jackie two times but both time Jackie was able to dodge, he then jumped over manwolf and kicked him in the head knocking him down


"Why don't you quit before you get hurt? I feel bad for you, but our skill levels are just too different"

"WH-what?! Don't patronize me!"

"Evidently that geezer will be the one I face in the semi-final round. He's quite a master" Tien spoke from his floating position with chiotzu

"You can tell from just that much?"

"I can tell from just watching how he moves…well, well I'm almost beginning to feel excited!"

Krillin looked over too then "K-kakarrot look! They can fly just like you!"

"Wow, their the first people I've seen who can do it on earth"

"I guess they're not gonna lose by out-of-bounds"

Man-wolf got back up "All right I'm just going to have to kill you!" he ran at Jackie who just flipped over him and kicked him behind the head again, man-wolf got back up and tried to grab him but Jackie sent a kick this time knocking him into the wall behind the arena

"One…Two…Three…Four…Five….Six" Man-wolf got back up and approached Jackie getting out a pocket knife

"Wait! That's a violation! W-weapons are forbidden in the matches Mr. Man-Wolf!"

"I don't mind ref he doesn't need a violation to lose" Jackie said as man-wolf tried to stab him but he grabbed the knife before it could hit "You should watch those animal emotions!" Manwolf growled before Jackie lifted the knife up with him then threw him into the wall not letting go of the knife

Man wolf landed in the same wall again, Jackie then sent the knife flying at him embedding it in the wall next to his head "But since you've made such a fuss…I'll turn you back into a human"

"D-don't you lie to me!" Man wolf growled as he approached Jackie again

"I'm not lying. But first we have to settle this match"

'S-settle the match?!"

"Well of course just ask for mercy"

"Never! I will never surrender!"

"Now listen I'm trying to e nice because I feel bad for you but if you're going to be thick headed about it…Shake hands!" he grabbed one of his paws

"I'm not a DOG!"

"Yes, of course…..Beg!" Man wolf did so the growled

"Are you trying to INSULT men! I am a man-WOLF! No begging, shaking dog!"

"I'm so very sorry" jackei then got out a bone and threw it "Go fetch, boy!" Man-wofl ran after it as it landed out of the ring and he jumped out as well

"Out of bounds! Victory to Jackie Chun!"

"Th-that was a cheap trick you dirty!" Man wolf ran at Jackie again

"You are a sore loser aren't you?" Jackie poked him in the forehead

"I-I can't move!"

"I touched a pressure point on your fore-head because you wouldn't listen to my offer to make you human again"

"How's the old man gonna make him human when there's no full moon?" krillin asked

"Krillin would you mind?" Jackie called him over

"What is it? Is there something you want me to do?"

"Come over here and turn around" Jackie grabbed him and turned his back to man-wolf "Yup just like that" he then turned to man-wolf "Now! Stare at his head!"

"Um…Don't tell me you're using my head for a full moon" krillin asked

"No one can call you stupid" Jackie answered

"You've got a weird sense of humor. If my head were like a full moon kakarrot would have transformed a long time ago"

"Ah, but with the aid of hypnosis" he held his hands out in front of man-wolf then too krillin's head "Hey look there! It's the moon! The full moon!" Jackire hypnotized man-wolf and a few seconds later he transformed into a fat, chubby lipped, fuzzy haired, middle-aged man

"Hey, I'm human again! YAY!" he cheered

"An you wont ever become a wolf again" Jackie told him, he then came up and shook jackie's hand

"I-I'm so sorry! You really are a good man! How can !?"

"As long as you understand that's it, it's all right"

"Well then, I'll see ya! I got skirts to chase! Whoo-hoo!" he ran off

"Something tells me he won't have much better luck now" Jackie watched

"He was better looking as a wolf" krillin commented

"Prepare for match 3! Contestant chiotzu versus contestant 'full moon' krillin! Please step out!"

Krillin growled at the 'full moon' comment as chiotzu joined him on the ring

"Match 2 pits contestant krillin against contestant chiotzu! Krillin is another disciple of master roshi and chiotzu is another disciple of master shin! Another Turtle-Crane battle is about to commence!"

"Good luck krillin!" kakarrot cheered from his spot on the ledge

"Yeah!" krillin then looked to see a blank-faced chiotzu "I can't tell what this guy's thinking…I should've paid attention to his fighting style during the prelims"

"Match 3…Begin!"

Krillin got into a fighting stance while chiotzu just stood still "Huh?! What?! Are you planning to right or what?!" Chiotzu moved to stand right in front of him not even having to move his legs shocking krillin before he was kicked into the air, chiotzu he moved to punch him but krillin flipped out of the war and tried to punch chiotzu but he dodged and landed back on the ring

Krillin landed on the ring and lunged at chiotzu again before disappearing

"Huh? H-he disappeared!" chiotzu's mouth dropped

"Chiotzu your left!" tien called

"Left?!" chiotzu held out his hand "Umm I told my chopsticks in my right hand and the rice ball in my left…" he then turned to his left"This way!" but he eas too late and was elbowed by krillin and kicked before he floated into the air

Krillin growled up at him "Floatin and flyin all over the place! I can't figure out where to attack!"

"Mmm the trademark levitation move of the crane school….not flying" Jackie commented

'shoot…if I jump at him and he dodges me, I"LL be the one flying out of bounds' krillin thought

Chiotzu smiled and held out his hands "Ready or not..here I come" he then held up one finger and formed a ki blast

"Hey! What?! Krillin yelled

"DODON RAY!" Chiotzu fired but krillin was able to dodge in time, he fired a couple more time but each time he was able to dodge it just barely thought

"What the heck?! What is that move!" krillin yelled

Kakarrot's eyes widened as he watched the ray "Did he say 'dodon' It's the same move that Mercenary Tao had!"

Tien looked over to him in shock

Chiotzu fired his ray again but krillin dodged it

"Hey, you! It's the same move as who?! Tien asked kakarrot

Kakarrot glared at him from his spot on the wall "What's it to you?"

"Just answer the question!"

"Just some assassin I finished off a few years ago why do you care" kakarrot shrugged

"Finished off?! Spare me your lies!"

"Why would I lie about killin such a weakling! Believe what you want!" kakarrot the turned back to the battle

"K-Killed?! Th-the Mercenary Tao?" Tien muttered then stomped off

"You didn't really kill Mercenary tao?" Jackie asked

"Huh? You too? I did! It was easy anyway thought" kakarrot shrugged

'Tao….the legendary world's number one assassin…..and this lad…he…he' Jackie was in shock "You know…Mercenary Two was Master shin's younger brother Tao!"

"What?!" kakarrot looked to him wide eyed

Krillin dodged another ray and glared up a chiotzu "Blast it! I can't get a move in edge wise!"

"I'm gonna win!" Chiotzu fired another ray

Tien was moving through the crowd toward Master Shin "Master Shin!" he called getting his attention "I have urgent information!"

"Well hurry up and say it! This is exciting!"

"If only I knew the kamehameha!" krillin growled after dodging again "Wait if yamcha could do it..maybe I can too!" he then ran to avoid another blast "I guess I've gotta take a chance and try!"

Krillin got into the stance "Lemme just practice a little…Umm..kamehameha!" he fired and a little light came out of his hands "It did it! I think I can pull this off!" krillin jumped to avoid another blast

"WHAT?! TAO…taken down by a child….and a child friend with ROSHI!"

"Of course it could have just been some sort of lucky accident or-"

"Of course it was an accident! How else could he have been defeated?! I wondered why he hadn't called in three years…now I know" he then turned to chiotzu "Chiotzu! No more foolong around! Kill Him!

"This isn't good. He's planning to kill Master Roshi's disciples during the match!" Jackie observed

"Why?! I'm the one who killed his brother" kakarrot asked

"Here I come with a super dodon blast!" chiotzu prepared his blast


"D-don't tell me….krillin's going to…" Roshi watched

"Is that the kamehameha?!" kakarrot asked

"It's suicide! He can't hope to beat a dodon blast with an improvised Kamehameha!" Jackie yelled



"I can't stand it! All those years of training wasted I a moment of juvenile impetuosity!" Jackie yelled

Chiotzu and krillin were about to fire

"You're going to die!" Jackie yelled

"RAY!" Shin and Tien smirked as the ray fired

"NOW!" krillin jumped up as the blast hit the ring

Kakarrot and Jackie shielded themselves from the blast, Krllin had jumpe dup to chiotzu's level

"Huh?!" chiotzu yelled

"HAAA!" krillin fire his wave shocking Jackie, kakarrot, tien, and shin

The balst hit and sent chiotzu flying to the crowd "Alright!" krillin cheered but before he could hit the ground chiotzu levitated above the crowed wobbling back to the ring

"Arrgh! I almost had him…But he floated himself again!"

'What brilliant progress, krillin! If that had been a properly trained kamehameha you would undoubly have decided the match with one blast' Jackie thought

Tien growled 'what a fighter…to dodge a dodon blast and then launch his own attack in that brief interval'

Krillin sent a kick at chiotzu but he dodged in time but not the kick to the jaw that came next krillin the ran at him again but he held his hands out and froze him at his spot

Gah?! Wha!" krillin muttered

"oho another unsuspected power" jackie's eyes widened

"That's it chiotzu! He's our now! But don't toss him out of bounds! Kill him…slowly and painfully!" Shin telepathically told him

"Yes sir!" chiotzu answered back

"Ughhh! Psychic powers…eh?!" krillin growled then was kicked into the wall whiel chiotzu was laughing

"Ughh! Th-th-that's dirty!"

"I'll kick you until you die!" he paralyzed him again

"Sh-shoot...M-my head is not a soccer ball!" he growled while chiotzu grinned 'th-that's it! His power..it's coming from his spread out hands! That's why he can only kick!' Wh-which means…if I can just…do something about those hands!'

"Here I come!" chiotzu called

"Hey! What's 3 + 4?" krillin yelled

"Huh? Ummm…3…4….5…6" he counted on his fingers

"Yes!" krillin punched him in the stomach shocking tien and shin, krllin ran at him again but chiotzu paralyzed him again

"Phew" tien sighed

"I can't believe you fell for that fool!" shin frowned

"How dare you! I'm going to give it right back to you!" Chiotzu gritted "What's 16 + 27?!"

"47!" krillin yelled shocking chiotzu "What's 9 – 1?!"

"Uhhhh" chiotzu counted but was punched out of bounded into the grass

"Out of bounds! Krillin wins!"

"By the way it's 8!" krillin yelled

"Who knew math could be used in a martial arts match!" shin growled

"With the competition of this match all eight finalists will have had their opportunity to advance! Presenting contestant pompot! Please step forward!"

A teenaged fighter flipped out into the ring and landed getting applause from the crowd

"Pompot already boasts championships in other two international recognized martial arts tournaments! A championship here would mean a world-wide triple crown!"

"Wow I didn't know he was so great!" krillin muttered

"indeed I thought I'd heard his name before so he is the rumored 'genuis of martial arts'…" Jackie commented

"As if it mattered this tournament is leagues beyond any other" tien grinned

"Now will his opponent Contestant Kakarrot please step forward!"

Kakarrot stepped out onto the ring and took his position

"Contestant kakarrot was the champion of our last tournament! What kind of show wil he give us three years later?!" this is destined to be a legendary clash of incomparable power houses! Fasten you seatbelts!"

Pompot sent a fake punch the try and scare kakarrot but he stood there narrowing his eyes at him, pompot smirked "I'm impressed that you didn't duck, or did you simply not have time to?"

Kakarrot raised an eyebrow but shrugged "Even if I wanted to I would have had enough time that was slow"

"What?! Obviously you know nothing about me. Very well, I feel bad about shocking you too much, so let me give you a small demonstration eh? Please give me a moment "

Kakarrot sighed in frustration as pompot warmed up by throwing a few punched then sent a kick and flipped a few time and elbowing the wall making it crumble shocking the crowd

"After we had just rebuilt it too" the announcer muttered

"Now do you understand a little what I'm about?" pompot asked

"Sure can we get on with this then?"


"Kind of a show off wouldn't you say" krillin asked

"But thanks to him, we can watch the match more easily now" Jackie told him

"At last, let us get on with match 4!"

Kakarrot bowed to his opponent like he remembered his father did

"Thirty seconds. Sorry but that's how long it will take me to win this" pompot smirked

"Will it be Pompot?! Will it be Kakarrot! This is the match to watch! Gentlemen…..please BEGIN!"

Pompot jumped at kakarrot intending to punch him but kakarrot grabbed his arm and elbowed him in the chest, pompot gasped and stumbled away before collapsing on the ring shocking the crowd

"H-He's unconscious! The winner is Kakarrot! Wh-what a shocker! Would anyone have predicted a finish like this?! One blow! He defeated the great pompot with one single blow!"

"That was amazing kakarrot!" oolong cheered

"Th-that was no single blow. Whiel parrying his opponent's jabs with his right hand, he elbow slammed him with his left arm..and three rapid succession, too….that brat is no ordinary fighter" tien growled

"Perhaps he truly did defeat my brother" shin said

"This tournament has finally begun to get interesting " tien grinned

Krillin cheered at kakarrot's victory "That was awesome" he high fived him

Kakarrot smiled"thanks"

"Now we begin the semi-final rounds with match 5! Match 1's victor tiensinhan and match 2's victor Jackie chun- please step forward!"

"My,My..My turn again already huh?" Jackie walked to the arena

"Good luck" krillin called

'this old geezer is a fox..i can't let my guard down' tien thought

"This has turned out to be a great match-up indeed! Contestant Jackie chun versus contestant tienshinhan! This is a spotlight match!"

Tien crossed his arms "I am looking forward to seeing your tricks"

"Well then….Begin the match!"

"heheheh! There's no way that chump can beat ol' Jackie! He'll avenge yamcha!" krillin cheered

"I don't know" Kakarrot narrowed his eyes

"Huh? Whadda you mean?" krillin asked

Kakarrot saw Tien and Jackie got into their fighting stance "that tien guy's pretty strong…..I bet either of them could win"

"R-really?" krillin asked

Tien sent a punch but Jackie blocked it then another with his leg, tien then tried to kick him but he grabbed his leg and threw him, tien flipped around and jumped back at him but Jackie dodged him by jumpin behind him.

Tien then turned around and sent multiple punches and kicks but Jackie blocked all of them and sent his own Punches and kicks. They jumped apart but Jackie ran at him and used an illusion technique to make multiple copies

"A super multiple illusion move, eh?!" tien concentratedthen turned to his left "you're over there!" he kicked the real Jackie sending him into the wall

"Heheh you can't trick my three eyes"

"Very impressive…looks like I have to get serious" Jackie took off his jacket and got into a fighting stance "Come on!"

"I won't hold back just because you're an old man!" he ran at Jackie moving his hands fast "You can't even see my hands can you?!"

Jackie focused and grabbed his wrists then kneed him in the stomach then kicked him away

Kakarrot frowned up at him as krillin cheered "Yeah!"

Tien landed "Wh-what?!" he then ran at Jackie again shocking him and kicking him in the chest then punched him in the face but he got right back up and punched him in the face

"Wh-whoa" the announcer mumbled

"This is an incredible match" kakarrot told himself

"yikes" krillin muttered

' I can't believe an old geezer can be so strong….I don't know who the heck he is …but he seems better than Master shin!' tien thought

'absolutely amazing….he took my blows head on…I never knew there was power like that on this planet…..hehheheh it is quite a generation coming up' Jackie thought

"A monumental battle is being waged between Jackie chun and tienshinhan! There's no telling who's going to win it yet!"

"If you're this great a fighter…. Why do you still hang around with Master shin?" Jackie asked

"That's none of your business! You can't bad mouth my mentor like that!"

"I see and what are you going to do about it, mm?" Jackie got into a stance

"heh. Maybe I'll let you see my full strength….for just a minute!"

"What?! You mean you haven't been going all-out til now?"

Tien smirked as he sput his hands on each side of his face "Solar Flare!" a bright light consumed the entire arena


"So bright!"

"M-my eyes! Where is he?!" Jackie yelled and was kicked in the back on the head by tien

"Wh-what?! What's going on?!" kakarrot yelled as he and krillin rubbed their eyes

"Don't worry, he;s not dead. If he dies, I wont get to advance in the tournament. However…he'll probably never regain consciousness" tien smirked

"What an incredible attack! First releasing a super intense ray of light to blind him, then kneeing him in the head from behind! Jackei chun is out! But I'll count off anyway, just to make it official! One…two…three…four…..five…"

Jackie then got up rubbing his head and faced tien "Stubborn fool"

"Th-that one really hurt! You ought to respect your elders a little more!"

"he's up! Contestant Jackie is up! This is no ordinary old man!"

"Y-you…what on earth are you?!" Tien asked

"Why don't you use your formidable power for good?! Why have you turned to evil? Your power cries out in shame! You should break your ties with the crane master! Escape from the seductive path of shadows! Run in a world warm with sunlight!"

"What kind of crap is that?! I'll make you eat those word" Tien sent a punch but jackei blocked it, tien kicked him in the chest next

"Ho! What's the matter? Not as perky as before. Losing your nerve?"

"Wh-what?! Are you for real?!"

"Is what I'm saying really threatening? I'm just pointing out that life would be more fun if you'd learn to laugh and love! Or do you prefer being hated by others….just like Master Shin?"

"That's it! I understand now!" shin yelled the communicated with tien telepathically "Tien! That old coot is Roshi! The Turtle master in disguise!"

Tien was shocked but then smirked at roshi "Oh ho so that's what it is!"

"I've been unmasked have i? I'd appreciate you keeping this our little secret, ok? And I want you to know I haven't been telling you all this just because I don't get along with Master shin, I really truly think you and your power are wasted on evil"

"In return for all this unlifting advice … let me show you something you'll find interesting "

"You've got nudie magizines?!"

"Why would I have such thing!" he then got into a familiar stance "Ka…Me….Ha!"

"N-No way!"

"Me…..HAAAA!" he fired

"It's huge! It'll kill some of the spectators!" Jackie held his hands in front of him and deflected the blast upward "Whew!"

"Unbelieveable! Who would guess that a fighter of the crane school would release a Kamehameha!"

"Wow!" kakarrot said

"Th-that was huge…th-this guy really is amazing" krillin stuttered

"Heheheh such an elementary move. If you see it once you can easily make your own, show me more moved why?! I'd like to learn!" tien smirked

"You're even better than I thought you were….i'm so happy I'm shivering! Walk the path of light and become a hero!"

"What?! You're still harping on that?!"

Jackie turned and walked to the edge of the ring "I've been waiting for fine young warriors like the ones I've seen to come along!" he jumped off the ring "Now I can go back to happy retirement again!" he landed on the grass

"Wha?!" Tien yelled

"Huh?!" krillin yelled in shock

"O-Out of bounds! Tienshinhan…has…won!"

Jackie climbed back onto the ring grabbed his jacket and stalked off, tien turned to him as he walked away "Why?! Why did you lose on purpose!"

"Feh! It's obvious—He was too ashamed to fight for real and lose! That coward!" shin grinned

'that's not it…he hadn't even unleashed his full power yet' tien thought

"Well then moving right along, let us begin match 6! These two contestant are both great fighters give it up for Krillin vs Kakarrot!"

"TH-that's right! My opponent is kakarrot!" krillin yelled

"hey what do you know this is the first time really going to be fighting each other! Do your best out there!"

"Will both contestants please step forward!"

"Kakarrot! I hope I put up a worthy fight for you!" krillin yelled

"I don't expect anything else" they fist bumbed each other then walked out on the ring

"good luck to both of you!" turtle yelled

"Now it's getting interesting!" oolong yelled


Roshi out on his hat "Now…"

"What's going on?" tien asked from behind roshi turned to see him " Huh?"

"Why does an august personage as Master Roshi go to the trouble of disguising himself to enter a tournament?"

"Oh, it's simple really, it's for the sake of my disciples, let's say one of them wins the tournament. He'll take on that ' I'm the best in the world' attitude and stop working to improve. It's a dangerous trap for youngsters"

"Of course…now I understand, once you learned how powerful I am, you realized your disciples couldn't win against me…and secure in that knowledge you deliberately lost to me. However even if you had continued to fight I still would have won"

"You've got it wrong"


" I forfeited when I realized that the new generation is turning out fine. I knew none of my disciples would turn into slackers just because they won this tournament. So now I'm confident that I'm not needed anymore" tien didn't say anything so he continued "And you're no slacker either you're just not cut out to be evil"


"Otherwise you wouldn't have gone out of your way to ask me these questions"

"Bah! Let me tell you something! My goal is to become the world's greates assassin just like Mercenary Tao!"

"Oh well, well…This much of what you said might be true…if we had continued to fight, I probably would have lost. I'll be watch from the audience" he walked away waving with his back turned "Good luck to you. I'm expecting a good match"

"D-does he have no pride at all? T-to have acknowledged his own probable defeat"


Kakarrot blocked the oncoming attacks from krillin that were two kicks and a punch before krillin jumped away, kakarrot flew at him and arm chopped him in the face sending him back.

Krillin back flipped but when he looked back kakarrot was goen he was then kicked from behind and sent to the ring floor "You're a fast as ever!"

Krillin then elbowed him in the head and kicked him away "I did it!" he then jumped at him to punch but he flew into the air so he followed by jumping up, he blinded him with the sunlight reflecting from his head and kicked him down to the arena "I did it again!"

Kakarrot landed easily on the ring and looked back up at krillin

"Whoa! Contestant Krillin seems to have miscalculated! He tried to slam contestan kakarrot to the ground but somehow kakarrot has managed land of his own violation! Making the descending krillin is an easy target! Will his doom be sealed by a formidable super attack?!"

Kakarrot then prepared a ki blast in his hand and fired it at krillin but he breath in the making himself like a balloon to dodge it but kakarrot redirected the blast to turn around and hit him from behind exploding on his back sending him face down on the ring

"hehe surprised?" kakarrot asked

"wow since when have you been able to do that" krillin groan as he got back up

"a long time actually but I hadn't thought to do it"

They got back into their fighting stances and kakarrot flew at krillin while preparing a kamehameha at the last second a jumped up in the air and fired the blast to the air to gain more speed to punch krillin sending him the the ledge of the ring he then kneed him in the stomach

"Th-that is a warrior!" tien thought

"Contestant krillin is down….one ….two…three" Krillin jumped up "Astounding! Contestant krillin has gotten up!"

Krillin ran at kakarrot but before he could attack he chopped him on the back of the neck, after recovering he ran to the other side of the ring 'h-he's not just strong! If I fight him fair and square, I don't have a chance! All right! There's only one path to victory!"

"Kakarrot! This time It's for real! KA….Me….Ha….Me"

"Wait krillin! Your ki blast are way weaker! You'll just waste your energy!"

"HAAA!" krillin fired

Kakarrot held out his hand and blocked it "See?! I told you so!...huh?!" he saw krillin had disappeared he then sensed him from behind

Krillin quickly grabbed kakarrot's tail from around his waist "Yes! Sorry, kakarrot! You let me grab your weak spot- your tail! It's over!"

"Weakspot?!" tien asked

"Ho! Good thinking krillin!" roshi said

Kakarrot smirked causing krillin to frown before he moved his tail and threw krillin straight out of bounds "Thanks for the opportunity to finish the match"

"What?!" roshi yelled

"Out of bounds! Kakarrot wins!"

"N-No way! I …I tought if your tail got squeezed you lost all your strength!" krillin yelled

"I've been spending the last three years trailing my tail too! Remember my dad told me I needed to? So now I can even handle my tail squeezed!"

'what an unbelieveable lad..i see now how he could have been strong enough to defeat Tao' shin frowned

'every time I see him he's matured significantly' roshi thought

Kakarrot helped krillin back onto the ring "Sorry I had to beat you"

"Sheesh…I know you're stronger than me!" krillin shugged

"Uh, the next match is the championship round. Would you like to take a break, first?" the announcer asked

"Oh I don't care" kakarrot shrugged

"Really? W-well then, please just stay out here!" the announcer then got his microphone " Everyone! Now, at last we are about to decide who is the World Champion! We now present the Championship round! Who will earn the title of 'strongest under the heavens' and the prize money of 500,000 zeni?! Tienshinhan?! Or will it be or last champion kakarrot?! This is indeed the greatest match of this century!"

"Kakarrot! Don't you dare lose to that jerk!" krillin said


"heheheh against him I might possible be able to have an enjoyable fight" tien smirked

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