

Kakarot a first class sayain lands on earth after the genocide of the sayan race,SMARTES SAYAN Words: 258,195

God_Shinobi · Komik
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39 Chs


A machine suddenly sprung out of nowhere landing in the ruckus of the RV opening a suit case to find dragon balls

The Ozaruu transformation

There was only one dragon ball left to find and according to bulma's dragon radar the one star dragon ball wasn't far away they were currently driving through the desert surrounded by giant mushrooms

"Wa-Ha it's in the bag!" bulma said happily looking at her radar

"What's wrong with you anyway? Every time you smell danger you go running away!" kakarrot said annoyed at oolong

"What's wrong with YOU! You smell danger and go after it!" he grumbled

"Hey bulma I've been meaning to ask you after you get all the dragon balls what are you gonna wish for?" paur asked

"Ho ho ho! Haven't I told you yet?! A boyfriend the world's greatest boyfriend!" bulma giggled holding her hands to her cheeks

"WAIT'A MINUTE! Y'mean Ive been risking my NECK to help a chick find a BOYFREND! Oolong yelled

"Not just a chick ME! You should be proud to contribute to such a worthy cause!" bulma said

Not far away a woman with dark black hair in a trench coat and black boots holding a radio in her hand was watching them from afar standing on one of the mushrooms

"Lord pilaf! I am in are H-15…and one vehicle has jus passed through" she said into the radio

"That's got to be the one! Commence the operation!" a voice through the radio said

"Yes m'lord" she said "soba! Can you see the vehicle?"

"So ba so good!"

"They've got them… The dragon balls!" she said


Bulma and oolong were still arguing about the use of the wish while kakarrot was trying to block them out and yamcha was talking to paur when suddenly a rocket fired into the side of the RV destroying it causing all of them to fly out

"owww!" bulma mumbled

"ughh wh-what in the!" oolong stuttered

"That was scary!" paur said

"Who did that" yamcha said looking around

"Eureka!" the fox inside said the turned to the group " Thanks for the dragon balls..chumps!" he said then flew off

Bulma then turned to kakarrot who was getting up rubbing his head having hit it against the ground after the crash

"What are you waiting for go after him! He just stole our dragon balls" bulma yelled

"Alright you don't have to yell!" he said before flying off after the fox "Where'd he go?" he looked around the desert he then saw the machine the fox had been in and knew he had no way to track him now so decided to go back

"I guess I shouldn't be surprised that other's know about the balls.. they were chronicled in ancient documents after all" bulma clenched her fists

"C'mon this time we're really in trouble!" oolong yelled

"Are you NUTS!" she put her hands on her hips

"Okay how about this? I'LL be your boyfriend" oolong offered

"YOU ARE NUTS!" bulma yelled

They all then heard kakarrot approaching them

"HEY! So what's the news?!" bulma asked

"The machine was abandoned and the fox inside was long gone" kakarrot said landing

"And the dragon balls?" yamcha asked

"Weren't there" kakarrot shrugged

"Then what are you doing HERE!" bulma yelled

"If I spend any more time with you I'm gonna go deaf!" kakarrot yelled rubbing his ears

"Wahhh! The've probably got the last dragon ball already! With the stolen ones they've got all seven!" bulma cried

Kakarrot rolled his eyes 'drama queen' then got his backpack from the ruckus of the RV and got the four star dragon ball out showing it to her " Did you forget that I still had mine" he said

"Huh!" bulma looked then got up and started laughing "Fool's You've missed one! Now we'll use the dragon radar to find the thieves lair…and it shall still be I who claim's the dragon's wish!

"Great.. except how do we get there without a car" oolong asked

"You underestimate me, bucko I bought capsules at the last town!" bulma said

"The one's in your suitcase that was just taken" paur said and bulma started crying again

"Well I've got a car capsule but I can only seat two" yamcha said getting a capsule out of his pocket

"OHHH!YAMCHA! you're my hero!" bulma said hugging him causing him to scream and back away

"Don't worry kakarrot and paur can fly and oolong can sit on the bumber" bulma said


The woman and the Fox were driving in a small jeep on their way back to their master

"Wa-ha they were COOKED!' the woman said

"Now lord pilaf will have the world on his plate!

Once they arrived in a large castle the two handed the dragon balls to lord pilar who turned out to be a small blue man shorter than kakarrot but once they counted them all they realized they were missing one

"I wish you'd counted the balls before you took them." Pilaf said

"Y-yes lord pilaf we're very sorry" the woman said

"I guess I didn't use my noodle" the fox said

"well no matter" Pilaf said looking at the radar on a screen" The other one happens to be heading this way. HEh heh heh this simply must be my lucky day!" pilar laughed

"What a gift are these dragon balls! A no-fuss Recipe for world domination"

"Lord Pilaf they're here!" the woman said

"Already?! They must be those new instant enemies" he said


"Here! Here! Here!" yamcha was glad to finally be away from bulma

"l-lord yamcha are you alright!" paur asked

"Wow its huge!" bulma said looking at the giant castle

They decided to go in to search for the dragon balls being careful not to fall into any traps

"Watch yourself..I don't think we're dealing with ordinary bandits!" yamcha said

"y-yeah" bulma said looking around the dark hall

Kakarrot then noticed an arrow on the ground below him

"Huh? What's this?" he asked

"It's an arrow I wonder what's it for.." yamcha said looking down at it

"There must be something in this direction" bulma said

There's another one over here!" kakarrot said further down the hall

"Let's check it out " yamcha said with the others behind him

"You guys are crazy it could be a trap" kakarrot said

"Then you wait here" bulma said

" Fine" kakarrot said

While the rest of the group was walking forward they came to a dead end and a wall suddenly droppd down behind them

"Yaagh!" yamcha screamed

"We're trapped!" bulma yelled

Kakarrot had been sitting on the ground where he decided to wait when he heard a large bang in the direction the group went in making him jump

"Knew it!" kakarrot mumbled before heading in that direction


Well that was easy" mai said

"I never believed there were people that stupid" pilaf said

"the other one is heading their way too" soba said


There's no way out!" yamcha yelled

"I knew I should have stayed with kakarrot" oolong yelled


"heh heh heh soon, no leader on earth shall act without an order of pilaf!" pilaf smirked

"Lord Pilaf! We misguided the boy and searched the car the dragon balls aren't in there" mai said

"What that means one of them has it on him or her" Pilaf said

"Strange though there's no sign of a ball" soba said looking at two moniters one with the group still trapped and another with kakarrot running around


"Man where are they this hall can't be that long" kakarrot said rubbing down the hall when his stomach began growling making him slow down

"Aw man I didn't even bring snacks with me this time!' kakarrot said holding his stomach casuing him to start walking

"I'm not gonna be able to fight with this going on" kakarrot mumbled as he stumbled forward


"He knows we're scared but let's not run!" yamcha said

"Why hasn't kakarrot come and busted us out?" bulma said

"He's probably still waiting where we left him" oolong said

The screen behind them suddenly lite up and Pilaf was on the screen

"Hey!You! I am pilaf the great!" he said

"So you're the one who stole my dragon balls!" bulma yelled

"All except for one my dear! You have the ball with four stars in it give It to me now and you will remain on the side of pilaf" he said

"I'll take a side of upon as in U DON get nothing! Nyaaa!" she stuck out her tongue

"very well, then if you refuse to cooperate I'm going to do something nasty!" pilaf said

A large claw came out of the roof above them grabbing bulma and taking her to the room where pilaf was

"Whatdaa you think your gonna do! Let me go you muggers" she yelled trying to get free

Pilaf laughed "If you have any hope of avoiding the shame tell me where that ball is!" he said

"Feh! I got just one thing T'tel ya the dragon ball is with the most powerful person here and there's no way you can get it away from him" bulma smirked

"So one of the boys has it ok thank you" pilaf said then threw bulma back to the group

"I fear were up against something far more terrible than we've ever imagined" pilaf said

"lord pilaf how about we get them all In the same room then search them" soba offered

"Precisely what I was about to order! I'm glad you're learning from me, now get to it!" pilaf smiled

"Yes sir"


Kakarrot was still stumbling in the hallway holding his stomach while walking forward when a large claw came out of the wall and grabbed him

"Hey what in the!" kakarrot yelled as he was pulled into the wall

The claw took him through severel walls until it finally let him go in the room that the group was in drpping him to the floor

"ugghhh" kakarrot mumbled

"Kakarrot finally you show up you need to bust us out of here" oolong came up to him and started shaking him

"I can't i not powerful enough right now" he muttered holding his stomach

"Really you've shown enough power to destroy an entire mountain but you can't break out of a wall" bulma yelled

He was about to answer when yellow smoke started to fill the room

"OH! Now what!" bulma said they then all began coughing until they were all knocked out

Pilaf arrived minutes later laughing at the sight of them" sleeping like babies now let's go find … that dha dra..ghon… buh…buhhhh" he mumbled before being knocked out from the fumes

"OH lord pilaf" soba said with a gas mask on

"He forgot to put his gas mask on!" mai said also wearing a mask " stay with him.. I'll find the dragon ball"

"Oh dear oh dear" soba said dragging pilaf out

Mai then turned to the group "Hmm where to start" she the noticed kakarrot backpack opening it and dumping everything out along with the dragon ball, she picked it up " AHH-HA!"


"gluh still feeling a little boiled" pilaf said waking up in the moniter room" but you did well my kernals I mean colonials all seven are ours!

"Yes sir!" soba said

"And now there shall be no power on earth over pilaf!" he yelled


The group was waking up but the first to wake was bulma

"ughh what happened" she said rubbing her eyes and looking over the room then noticed kakarrots stuff spilled everywhere and screamed waking everyone up

"What happened!" yamcha yelled

"The last dragon balls been stolen!" bulma yelled

"What!" everyone yelled

"What are we gonna do" oolong yelled

"I don't know let me think" bulma said biting her nails

"Maybe they haven't used them yet" yamcha said

"Why hasn't kakarrot woken up yet" paur said looking over to see he was still asleep

"Whoa who's the babe!" oolong said giggling at a drawing of gone looking out a window playing with her hair behind an ear

"Give me that!" bulma said snatching it away from him " And it's his mom!" bulma yelled

"Wow she's hot for a mom" oolong said blushing

"What is this thing" yamacha said holding a large tranquilizer gun with a big syringe on the end infused with a yellow liquid

"I don't know but you shouldn't be going through his stuff put it all back and wake him up so he can get us out of here!" bulma yelled

"Alright alright shesh!" oolong said putting everything in the bag

Yamcha then started shaking kakarrot violently yelling at him to wake up and after a few second he began groaning

"ughh what happened?" he asked rubbing his head

"No time you need to bust us out of here with one of those light tricks!" bulma said

"I don't think I can I'm to weak without food" kakarrot mumbled

"you can get food later at least try" paur yelled

"alright fine" he said getting up and putting two hands in front of him forming a ki blast with the only amount of strength he could muster which made a small hole in the wall that lead to the outside

"Well I tried" he said sitting back down yamcha went to look through it

"HEY! They're out there! And it looks like the dragon hasn't appeared yet!" yamcha yelled

"What!" bulma yelled

"Puar! Transform into a bat and fly through this wall steal back the dragon balls from them while there's time!" yamcha said

"Can do!" she said transforming then going through the hole

"What are you just standing there staring for?! Oolong go with her!" bulma yellewd

"Huh? Wh-who me?" oolong said

"Why don't you make yourself useful for once?! Or else piggy piggy piggy!" bulma yelled

"I'll go, I"ll go , I'll go" oolong said transforming and going out the hole

"We've got to hurry!" paur yelled as they flew forward

"Dragon come forth! Grant me this wish!' pilaf commanded and a bright light filled the air while the sky got completely dark and shenron came forth

"WHAA! LOOK!" oolong yelled

"We're too late!" It's the dragon!" paur yelled

"Gak! They already summoned it!" yamcha said looking through the hole

"Our last hope smashed!" bulma yelled

Kakarrot was trying to gather more strength to bust out but was really hard with an empty stomach he couldn't let this planet have a dictator as well causing him to become angry when reminded of frieza

"Eee-yaargh! I can't believe he's getting absolute power!1" yamcha growled

"After everything we've suffered!" bulma yelled

Kakarrot remember his mother never wanted to do as frieza ordered but they didn't have a choice unless they wanted to be killed and in the end he killed them anyway for no reason causing him to growl that he could muster up the strength to protect this planet either.

Reflect upon your desires mortals. For I shall grant you any wish ..but only..one " shenron said

"okay..right..the wish.."pilaf stuttered

"Something tells me now would be a good time to disappear!" oolong said

"It's telling me the same thing" paur said

'whoa! Hang on here! If..if I say something FIRST' oolong thought before running toward the dragon

"Huh" paur said

"o-kay I wish to rule…"pilaf began but didn't finish because oolong interrupted them

"THE PANTIES OF A HOT BABE!" oolong yelled and the three were shocked to see him behind them then turned to the dragon and soon a pair of panties fell out of the sky and landed on oolongs head

"Your wish is granted. Fare you well" shenron saidbefore disappearing into a bright light and the dragon balls flying off in every direction

"uh..uh" pilaf mutter looking as the dragon balls flew off and the three were left speechless while oolong was laughing holding the pair of panties

"That little pig did it!" yamcha yelled

"That'll teach you!

"I want that pig and that cat now!" pilaf yelled "off with their heads! OFF! OFF!

"Yes sir!" the other two said getting their weapons


The muggers had managed to capture the group and hold them in a new prison cell that was made of metel and had a glass roof

"You call that an ESCAPE attempt?' yamcha yelled

"We couldn't help it they had laser blasters" oolong muttered

"We won't be smashing through any walls this time..This room is constructed of pure steel." Yamcha banged on the walls

"I'm guessing that the roof in made of maxi glass because its suppose to be indestructible" kakarrot said looking at the roof

"Blast it..if we don't find a way out of here.. we'll be dead! And then we'll NEVER be able to get those dragon balls again" yamcha growled

"we can't gather 'em again for a while anyway" bulam said

"what?" kakarrot asked laying down

"Once a wish is granted it supposedly takes at least a year for those seven balls to become dragon balls again.. until that year passes they're just round rocks and there's no way to track them"bulma said

"A yuh-yuh-year" yamcha stuttered

"Now there's a problem" oolong said

Pilaf's voice suddenly came out of the speaker that was located on the right wall

"How dare you dampen my dreams of conquest just when they were about to boil?! You have all sealed your DOOM! But don't worry" pilaf laughed" Pilaf is a mild a tender master so I will let you die very slowly"

"You may have noticed that your ceiling is sheet of glass. The afternoon sun is brutal here and will soon turn the interior of the cell into a vertible rice cooker. Shrivel up and DIE! Gyahaaa! I look forward to tomorrow!"

"so THAT'S his fliendish plan! Yamcha growled clenching his fists

"what do we do! I didn't bring any sun block! Oh, my complexion!" bulma shrieked

" you're not gonna die quietly ARE ya." Oolong said as everyone began panicking and kakarrot just complained about how hungry he was


Pilaf was laughing as he watered the group panick and try their hardest to break out of the room

"Struggle all you want fools! Those walls are foot thick steel sheets! The ceiling is state-of-the-art glass! Not even a canon can pierce it!"

They then moved to eat their dinner

"For those who cannot shallow of pilaf the end is death!" pilaf said

" It's getting late I should get some sleep" he said

"Yes sir" mai said

"I want to be freash for tomorrow" pilaf grinned


yamcha was exhausted from trying his hardest to break out of the room but it was impossible for him

"Can't ..go..on..too hungry..no strength" kakarrot muttered his vison getting blurry as he stared at the ceiling

"So this is How it ends huh?" oolong said

"NO! I refuse! I do Not like dying!" bulma yelled

"So tell me who does!" oolong yelled then noticed paur up by the ceiling "paur what the heack are you doing"

"I'm looking at the moon." Paur said

"How can you care about the moon at a time like this?!" oolong yelled

"It's a full moon that how" she said " I want to see something pretty before I die"

"Don't say that!" oolong said

"Full moon?" kakarrot muttered looking in the direction oolong and paur were in

"We need to think of a way to get out of here we can't waste time with things like the moon" bulma yelled

Kakarrot looked through the glass to see a giant Full Moon just above the glass as he stared heavily at it not realizing what it was going to do because he was so hungry

"Kakarrot can't you just muster up enough power to break us out surely you don't wanna die so young with a bright future ahead of you" yamcha said looking over to kakarrot who was still laying down looking at the ceiling

Kakarrot was eyes were starting to become hazy looking at the moon when he suddenly let out a big gasp as his pupils turned red and his heart began beating heavily

"Kakarrot don't tell me your gonna die of starvation now" bulma said putting a hand on her head

Kakarrot was panting heavily as his heart began beating faster and faster while his arms started growing into as big as they could and then his chest as he continued to stare at the moon

"umm kakarrot want wrong with you" oolong asked seeing the muscles grow bigger than they did at fire mountain

Kakarrot then began sitting up but his head was handing back but they could see a full view of his mouth and saw fangs growing inside causing them to back away

"K-kakarrot what happening to you" bulma stuttered getting a little scared

He then sat straight up giving them a full view of his face to see his eyes were completely red, his hair was starting frizzle and was sweating hard causing them to scream loudly as his ki began building up around him destroying the floor below him while he was floating where he was laying and then the rest of the cell blowing the group away into the desert

Kakarrot stood right up as he began to growl into the sky and his chest was rapidly beating and electricity began forming in a circular motion around him

The group was hanging onto whatever they could from the strong winds coming from the remains of their cell

"What the heck is going on!" yamcha yelled

"That's what we would like to know!" oolong yelled and then a blue backpack slammed into his face knocking him away

Kakarrot was still growling into the sky when his nose and mouth started to pull forward turning into a snout, his ears got sharper, his nails grew longer, and fur began to grow all over his body and he was then consumed in a large light and a giant monster appeared in his place letting out a large growl

"The wind had finally stopped and the group heard a loud roar were they were blown away to see a giant monster incased in the armor that kakarrot had been wearing

"Don't tell me that thing is who I think it is" bulma eyes widened at the sight watching the monster bang it's fist against the castle destroying a section of it he then opened his mouth as a light formed inside then shoot it off in a random direction

"Why is this happening he could have told us if he was gonna do something like this!" yamcha yelled as the wind from the blast was pushed their way

"We need to get out of here" oolong yelled as he heard the monster roar again


The Pilaf ganag began to wake up from hearing all the ruckus that was going on outside

"Hnnnuhh?...Whazzat racket!" pilaf said rubbing his eyes

"Getting rowdy are they" mai said

"The nerve of them" soba said

The monster then crushed the roof of the bedroom that the pilaf gang where sleeping in giving them a full view of the it causing them to scream and run away as he made another ki blast and shoot it off

"Wh-what IS that?!" Mai screamed over another roar they then made it to a plane

"HURRY! Start the PLANE!" pilaf screamed making mai start the enginee

"Take off! OFF! OOOOFFFFFF!" soba yelled then the plane finally took off flying away

"We made it!" they yelled " We're safe" they laughed

The monster then noticed the plane in the distance and shot another ki blast from its mouth at it making it catch on fire and crash in the distance in an explosion he then picked up a piece of the castle and threw it in a random direction

The group realized that the piece of the castle was heading their way and quickly ran before it could crash land on them

"HEADS UPPP!" yamcha yelled as it finally hit the ground

"Th-that was too close!" yamcha was catching his breath

"That stupid kakarrot" oolong said

"Well, no point chewing him out now! We'd better get away from here!" yamcha said starting to walk away

"Hey-hey! I'm trapped" bulma said from her position under the piece of the castle as yamcha ran over to help her but couldn't life it up

"I-it's no use! It's not giving an inch!" yamcha grunted

"But" bulma said then the ground began to rumble and they all heard a roar coming closer

"AHHH! HERE HE COMES!" oolong yelled making them all scream as it roared again

"Neee-yaaa! We're going to be smashed!" paur yelled

"Kakarrot will you please quit it?! It's not funny anymore!" bulma yelled

"Yamcha the tranquilized gun its still in his backpack!" paur yelled

"Ohh right oolong give me the tranquilizer gun NOWW!" yamcha yelled as oolong threw him the gun then pointed it at the ozaruu and shot it

The large needle hit it straight in the arm causing it to roar again but this time in pain

The group watched as it roared hoping the sedative will work and their answers where answered as the ozaruu was starting to twitch and began shrinking once again turning into kakarrot who was now asleep

"H-he's back back" oolong mumbled staring at the now unconscious kakarrot

/The next morning/

"Phew..Finally sunlight" yamcha said while bulma was yawning

"Shessh what this dope put us through" oolong stared angrily down at a still sleeping kakarrot

"Oh, cut him some slack. He got us out of prison

"So what IS he some kinda space alien?" oolong looked down at him trying to find some sort of abnormal parts other than the tail giving bulma an idea

"Hey oolong can you hand me his backpack" bulma asked making oolong hand her the bag

"What is it?" yamcha asked

"None of us have ever looked at his stuff right maybe it'll give us some clues as to what happened last night" bulma said opening his bag to find a few capsules, two notebooks, and a cork screw, she first got out one of the notebooks and opened it to find a bunch of what she thought scribbles and drawing of some abnormal technology

"What the heck" yamcha said taking the notebook and flipping the pages to find something in English but all there was was scribbles and sketches

"What is that some sort of ancient language of something?" oolong asked

"I don't know but I think those are blue prints from the looks of it?" bulma said getting the other notebook finding it filled with drawings of people she didn't know but knew the first one was his family

"Well this one is just filled with drawings" bulma said flipping he pages seeing it all of people with tails and armor

"Hey is that babe in there" oolong asked

"I told you that's his mom that just gross!" Bulma said looking for the drawing of gine finally finding it

"Hey let me see that!" yamcha said looking at the first drawing of the family "Well I can see that they all have tails just like him and looks almost exactly like his dad" yamcha said

"Look out the window that his mom is looking o0ut of in that drawing" yamcha said looking at it and not recognizing it as anything on earth

"What?" bulma said looking to see the outside was covered in abnormal houses and had a strange sky

"Let me see" oolong said jumping on their shoulders looking to see outside the window

"I've never seen houses like that before and that sky is weird" yamcha said

"Ok I'm completely convinced he's an alien" oolong said

"Well he's a better person than most human I know" bulma said putting everything away

"Shouldn't we be calling someone" oolong said

"Why? What for?" yamcha said

"Because we have an alien on the surface of the earth who could be planning an invasion!" oolong yelled

"Oh would you calm down he's harmless and im sure he'll explain when he wakes up" bulma yelled

Yamcha went to wake up paur who had been asleep against a mushroom

"Hey wake up buddy" yamcha said poking paur on the head who immediately woke up after yawning

Kakarrot then began moaning and moving his eyes under his eyelids as he began sitting up and yawning

"Thank goodness" bulma said

"Hey! He's waking up!" oolong said

Kakarrot then began opening his eyes to see oolong standing in front of him

"Yo morning" oolong said

"Morning" he said giving a weak laugh

"You've got some explaining to do mister!" bulma said

"Huh bout what?" kakarrot said standing up

"Bout what he says" oolong narrowed his eyes

"Don't you remember what happened last night?" yamcha said as kakarrot began rubbing his head trying to remember the last he could of last night

"You turned into a giant monster and began smashing and blowing thing up!" paur yelled in frustration

"Huh!" his eyes widened finally remembering looking at the full moon before everything went blank

"You wanna explain how that happened or what?" bulma narrowed her eyes

"Well..umm" kakarrot was scratching the back of his head with a nervous expression on his face

"We already figured you're an alien or something so you don't have to tell us that but everything else yes" yamcha said

"He's an alien?" paur asked yamcha

"Yeah after last night and looking through his stuff we figured that was what it was cause I don't know much humans that turn into monsters" bulma said

" Alright you caught me what do you want to know" kakarrot put his hands in the air

"Well first where do you come from?" oolong asksed

"I'm from the planet vegeta home planet of a race called saiyan that I'm sure is pretty much extinct now" kakarrot said

"Extinct what do you mean?" yamcha said

"The planet was destroyed when I was four years old" kakarrot said

"So how did you survive shouldn't you have died in the explosion to?" oolong asked

" No I would have died to but my parents put me in a spaceship second before the planet was destroyed to save me and to avenge the saiyan race someday" kakarrot said

"Avenge you mean someone blew it up who could destroy an entire planet!" bulma said

"How about I start from the beginning?" kakarrot said giving them a choice

"Sure that would make thing a lot clearer" bulma said

"Alright well The saiyan race is a warrior race of people who enjoy the thrill of battle and are the most powerful race of beings in the galaxy about 30 or so years before I was even born Rumors spread throughout the galaxy of how strong our race was so a space tyrant by the name of frieza came knocking on our doorstep asking us to join his Planet Trade Organization where are jobs were to purge planet of all living creatures then sell it off to the highest bidder, he threatened to destroy our planet if we didn't join him"

"What that not even fair he was making you become murderers!" yamcha yelled

"Why didn't you just gang up on him you were supposed to be the stongest race in the galaxy" oolong said

"Well I wasn't even born yet and my parents were only Babies at the time so I wouldn't have had any say but our king was the one who really made the choice he agreed to fireza's terms thinking it would be a good way for the saiyans to get more battle experience by going out and fighting all across the galaxy" kakarrot said

"Your own king did he have a son?" bulma said happily

"This is not the time to be thinking of becoming royalty by marrying a dead prince" paur yelled

"He did have a son who would be about your age and I guessing he would be dead to we don't really know what goes on with the royal family but anyway the saiyans did everything frieza asked of us and more. By the time I was born we had already become accustomed to following frieza's orders saiyans were to join the PTO by the time they turned eight because for the first few years of their lives were to learn everything there was to know of the universe including science, history, government, mathematics and fighting"

"So your life was pretty much decided for you that's just wrong" yamcha said

"I'm sure glad I wasn't born a saiyan" oolong said

"Not all saiyans were fighters you were tested when you were a baby on how strong your power level was to see if you had the potential to become a fighter if you were born with a weak power level you would have to work to become a doctor or work at the meat industry to help the saiyans who were fighters my mom was one who worked at the meat industry"

"Well I guess that a little better than being a murderer" bulma said

"Yeah my mom became a good cook by working there I had been used to having my moon as a cook and my dad as a warrior my brother was a little embarrassed because of our mom but he I don't think he actually minded"

"So what happened that made planet vegeta explode did a race you had attacked come for revenge or what?" yamcha asked

"I can still remember that day like it was yesterday I woke up like any other day in my room, took a shower got dressed and had breakfast with my mom and brother before we went to the academy for the day and my mom went to work, my dad had been on a mission for frieza at the time it was the first one he had that was a direct order so he felt pretty honered to go"

"Feeling honered to murder a planet full of people that is something" oolong narrowed his eyes

"A direct order from frieza gives you a good reputation on vegeta because that make everyone know that frieza thinks your strong enough to do his business that he would normally send his henchmen on that had only ever happened to just a few saiyans"

"I guess it would be good to have people think your pretty strong in a wrrior race" yamcha said

"Yeah so after we ate breakfast my brother and I went to the academy for the day but during class my brother was called off to go somewhere I don't know where but the whole day there I didn't see him again so I though he ditched me to go hang out with friends."

"Older siblings might not want to hang out with you in their earlier years to gain a good reputation among friends" bulma said

"Anyway when I got home my mom was already home having got off work early for some reason I thought it was strange at first since she never got home before me. She told me that all the saiyans were to be let off work for the day ordered by frieza and I was shocked because never in history of our race did frieza let us off work and my mom was suspisous to because she never liked frieza and knew something was up"

"Shouldn't you have tried to enjoy a day off maybe he was appreciating your work for the last 30 years and decided you deserved a break" oolong said

"He doesn't sound like the type to appreciate others for doing something for him so I would be suspicious about his actions to" paur said to oolong

"Yeah but a few hours went by and nothing happened so we kind of waited for everything to go back to normal the next day, my brother still hadn't returned yet so my mom was getting a little worried about him but I told her he was probably with some friends."

"How long is a day on planet vegeta?" bulma aksed

"We have two sun's on our planet so I take twice as long for night to come which mean 48 hours"

"Two suns man no wonder you're so tan" oolong said

"Yeach so anyway my mom had been making some dinner for us to eat since my dad was coming home from his mission that day and wanted to make a good dinner while I was working on making a scouter for one of my classes at the kitchen table"

"what's a scouter?" paur asked

"It's a device that attaches to your ear and works as a communicater and power level scanner for saiyans when their on missions"

"Cool so these thing can tell you how strong you are how come you don't have one" yamcha said

"I don't need one when I came to earth gohan taught me how to sense someone power level instead of relying on technology the rest of my life"

"So would you be able to make them with the technology on earth" bulma asked

"I guess so why?"

"I'm pretty sure other martial artist around the world would like to have one of those and the company my dad works in would love to mass produce it along with anything else you can make that was on planet vegeta" bulma said

"Sure but it would take time"

"can we get back to the story I want to know what happened" oolong said

"alright well while my mom was cooking she suddenly turned around and asked me if I saw that I gave her a weird look then looked around and asked saw what she told me that the stuff on the selves shook and I thought she was hallucinating and was about to tell her when we heard a giant explosion outside making us jump and look out the window to see some of frieza's henchmen invading and destroying everything"

"So frieza's henchmen destroyed the planet he should have kept the more in check" yamcha said

"That's what I thought at the time but anyway the saiyans began fighting back my mom wasn't a fighter so I had to protect her as best I could but I was beat up really badly and I was about to be killed when a large ki blast killed all the henchmen around us and my mom and I were grabbed I was about to fight back when I saw it was my dad"

"I guess it was a good thing your dad got there in time to save you" bulma said

"Yeah he took us to a place nearby that was all rock and I saw a spacepod there my mom asked him what was going on and he told us frieza had betrayed us because he was scared of the saiyans power levels he realized that everytime a saiyan fights they get stronger and thought that one day we would rebel against him and kill him so he was going to destroy the saiyan race first"

"WHAT!" yamcha yelled "You had been working for him for the past 30 years doing everything he asked you to do being as loyal as you could and he just got this one doubt and decided to kill everyone"

"He's the one who asked you to work for him he's the one who's was making you stronger by letting you all go and fight different races so he should have just let you go!" bulma yelled

"Man I never thought I could hate someone without ever meeting them" oolong growled

"My dad told us that the mission he had been sent on was a trap frieza had sent him there knowing they couldn't win against henchmen who were already there but he managed to escape hoping to warn us but got back too late. My mom and dad thought that I should a least be saved so they put me in the spacepod and set coordinates for here and told me that if they didn't make it I should one day avenge the saiyan race by killing frieza! As I was leaving the atmosphere I saw frieza coming out of his spaceship forming his most deadly attack that could destroy a planet in seconds and saw him fire it at vegeta and seconds later a heard a gigantic explosion and knew that vegeta had been destroyed along with the saiyans"

"That is just wrong it makes me want to go out there and find frieza and kill him myself he should have died that day not the saiyans!" yamcha growled in frustration

"Yamcha calm down you can't fight a space tyrant" paur said

"And after all these years he's probably still out there killing more innocent lives the saiyans might not have been liked by most races but you all were victims too" bulma said

"Yeah well I promised that if I ever came across frieza again that I would do my best to kill him there was one thing he feared the most about saiyan which was just an old myth but everyone though was real about a saiyan who had unimaginable power that could be the strongest being in the universe called a super saiyan tha would easily overpower frieza"

"A super saiyan but if he was real wouldn't he have died a long time before the saiyans even met frieza" oolong asked

"No I don't think so it's supposed to be a type of transformation saiyans can achieve if they are strong enough to think the gods would find them worthy enough for that type of power"

"Transformation like the one that happened last night" bulma asked

"No that was an ozaruu transformation that only happens because of a full moon blutz waves from the moon produce a chemical in our tails that transforms us into ozaruu's"

"Ozaruu I guess planet vegeta would have had to be big to handle all those saiyans transforming" yamcha said

"No planet vegeta only ever got a full moon every 8 years and during the time of a full moon saiyans would have to activate the sleeping chamber on their bed that makes a lid over our beds and makes us fall asleep"

"That would be a good solution" paur said

"Yeah so now that I've explained everything what are we going to do now?" kakarrot asked

"Yeah what are we gonna do should we just go our separate ways" oolong aksed

"I guess so" bulma sighed " Another year without the perfect boyfriend"

Yamcha sighed "Another year of girl phobia at this rate I'll never get married" then bulma and yamcha looked at each other and began laughing

"oh great tweedle dee and tweedle dumb break it up" oolong yelled

"Ok we've decided to go to the city! Wanna come with us kakarrot? A strong cute monkey like you will be real popular with girls!" bulma said

"Don't forget bulma he's already engaged to a princess" yamcha said

"Yeah I'm gonna have to tell her I'm a saiyan first to see if she still wants to go through with it and im just gonna go back to the mountain so I can keep training and work on saiyan technology" kakarrot said

"Too bad for you. Oolong?" bulma asked

"Are there really a lot of girls there?" oolong asked

"TONS! Too bad none of em'll like a snotty little perv like you though." Bulma said

"You coulda stopped at 'tons'!" oolong yelled "well snot like I'm rich with option I'll tag along"

"Maybe next year we can go on another dragon ball hunt" kakarrot said

"Who need dragon balls anymore?" bulma said looking to yamcha

"So how am I gonna look for my four star dragon ball it flew off after the wish" kakarrot said

"No prob..i'll give you the radar! One year from now, press this and you should get a signal" bulam said giving him the radar

"Thanks" kakarrot said holding the radar

"Shall we go, sweetest?!" yamcha said getting out a capsule and throwing it turning into a jetcopter

"Kakarrot I hope to become a worthy fighter capable of the strength of a saiyan" yamcha said shaking kakarrot's hand

"That would be a sight but nice motivation to have" kakarrot said

"In the meantime we'll all come visit you!" bulma said

Kakarrot nodded then began floating off the air

"Take it easy kakarrot!" oolong said

"You too oolong" kakarrot said then flew off waving good bye on his way back to mount pou's

A True Hero 

By: ChrissyxAnime31